Ravenclaw Common Room



  • brittlynn8907
    brittlynn8907 Posts: 92 Member
    Hey everyone! So I'm a little confused about the spreadsheet. Do we enter our owls and house points for this coming week by our weight for September 3rd?

    I ate horribly over the weekend and I have got to get back in the habit of going to the gym! I feel like I gained 5 pounds over the weekend but the scale proved me wrong on that which I am definitely happy about!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey all, well, I got through the second day as well! Hard wok but I'll get there. Brittlynn- enter your weight for this weekend, and house points if you know them. I don't think there were any OWLS. then, next week, you can log all three.

    Azsuzi, I am the same! Will have to try harder this month and I agree, a lot of the time it's not willpower you need, it's a padlock on the fridge!!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Had a lot of fun this weekend, and the scale showed a bit but I don't care. Got 3 new pairs of running shoes (2 neutral, 1 trail) since my last pair bit the dust, and boy it makes a difference!

    I've been aiming of doing 10k steps a day as a minimum, but am having difficulty switching over. Today I'm already there, but I also hiked some trails for an hour & a half. Can't do that everyday... gotta work at some point.

    Oh! Found an old health assessment from October 2011 and it was amazing how different I was at the start of my journey to now. I think I'll do another assessment in October to compare properly. :smile: The differences are outstanding.

    Everyone have a good one! Good to see some people back! (Got tired of talking to myself.)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey everyone! So I'm a little confused about the spreadsheet. Do we enter our owls and house points for this coming week by our weight for September 3rd?

    I ate horribly over the weekend and I have got to get back in the habit of going to the gym! I feel like I gained 5 pounds over the weekend but the scale proved me wrong on that which I am definitely happy about!
    Brittlynn - you enter the house points and owls that you earned last week by your Sept 3 weight. The points you earn in this coming week will go next to your Sept 10 weight.

    I'm doing pretty good today - had to do a bit of attitude adjustment, but so far, no unauthorized snacking! :happy:

    Have a happy day everyone!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hey everyone!!!! I just sat through my second day of 6 hour long meetings- I swear to all high heaven I'm going INSANE!!!!!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Haha MomofJandA, I feel the same! God the start of the year as a teacher is boring! All i want to do is sort my classroom out and get on with things, and instead i'm in meeting after meeting about nonsensical systems!

    Apart from that though a good week, have managed to exercise every day anyhow! Eating is ok but sporadic, and there's lots of snack food around all the time. MUST RESIST!!!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Ooh, house stuff! Well done to matchamatcha and momofJandA for losing this week!

    Our prefects, (for the most amount of house points this week only) are.... MomofJandA, and Korkster! Well done you guys! I think we'll go back to the old system of prefects setting challenges, as the houses aren't doing it anymore. So, Korkster, can you come up with an exercise challenge for us, and momofJandA, a food one? Thanks guys, and well done!!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    I realized something this morning while I was running at 5am . . . . I'm NOT young anymore- I can't stay up until 12:30 drinking beer and watching football (GO COWBOYS!!!) and expect to not feel it when I have to wake up at 4:30 for a 6 mile run . . . .

    Food Challenge: get you PROTEIN!!!! 1 point for every day you reach or exceed your protein goal . . . . protein helps repair muscle!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Good challenge, I need my protein!!
  • thewinged
    Oops. I totally lost track of time...and forgot to enter everything in! Ah well, I suppose I can weigh myself tomorrow morning before food. This week blazed by...I've been cleaning and re-hauling my room, since a realtor is coming to appraise my parent's house. I still need to finish writing my raptor field report too! Ahhh, so much to do.
    My eating has gotten a bit healthier last week, with home-made food mostly occupying the dinner slot. I still munch a lot of candy though, since I am bad at bringing enough food to work (walking for seven hours straight makes me HUNGRY)...so I chow on the candy that is offered for free. Oh sugar, how hard you are to avoid.
    I really need to just beef up the snacks I bring to munch on during breaks. Something with protein in it will probably last longer than a candy bar...perhaps beef jerky?

    Edit: Man, I feel like I'm cheating at house points (exercise minutes). My job has me walking for up to 7 hours a day (not including my breaks and lunch periods). Maybe I should only enter exercise minutes that I do in addition to my job?
  • brittlynn8907
    brittlynn8907 Posts: 92 Member
    I keep getting on here and reading what everyone has posted and forget to post myself! haha I've had a sinus headache the past two days so I haven't been able to work out as much as I wanted to this week. Hopefully it won't be as bad today and I'll be able to go to the gym.
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Oops. I totally lost track of time...and forgot to enter everything in! Ah well, I suppose I can weigh myself tomorrow morning before food. This week blazed by...I've been cleaning and re-hauling my room, since a realtor is coming to appraise my parent's house. I still need to finish writing my raptor field report too! Ahhh, so much to do.
    My eating has gotten a bit healthier last week, with home-made food mostly occupying the dinner slot. I still munch a lot of candy though, since I am bad at bringing enough food to work (walking for seven hours straight makes me HUNGRY)...so I chow on the candy that is offered for free. Oh sugar, how hard you are to avoid.
    I really need to just beef up the snacks I bring to munch on during breaks. Something with protein in it will probably last longer than a candy bar...perhaps beef jerky?

    Edit: Man, I feel like I'm cheating at house points (exercise minutes). My job has me walking for up to 7 hours a day (not including my breaks and lunch periods). Maybe I should only enter exercise minutes that I do in addition to my job?

    I also work a 8-9 hour job that I walk around the whole time. I do not count those as exercise minutes, I only count the minutes that are actually exercise.
    As for snacks to bring, I bring veggies with dip, and cliff bars really help. I just break them off into pieces so I don't eat the whole thing right away. Also pistachios are great too.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Busy day yesterday and I totally forgot to even drop in and check on everyone! Sorry guys!

    Congratulations to our Prefects - way to go!! :drinker: I really like the in-house challenges better than inter-house. Its so much more personal and rewarding.

    This week has been all about avoiding the candy bowls and processed foods. I do believe that simple carbs cause me to retain water and the scale is supporting that suspicion - I'm down 2 to 3 pounds this week which has to be all water! I finally convinced my hubby (who does most of the dinner cooking now) that I don't need gravies, sauces, white rice and pasta. Just protein and veggies thank you. Now that he gets it, I should see some improvement in my waistline. :happy:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I did really good all week staying out of the candy bowls and away from snacks. Then in one fell swoop, I blew though my calories today with a Wendy's lunch - so going into dinner, I'm already 300 calories over! :noway:
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Happy weekend Ravenclaws!!

    Doing ok on food this week but not too much exercise, that's my target for next week! Fab weekend of food and wine though so hopefully the scales won't be too harsh tomorrow... Hard to avoid tasty food here in Spain!!!

    Thewinged...it's up to you on the exercise minutes- I don't include the walking I do day to day, and changed my lifestyle setting to 'lightly active' to account for it. Maybe you could do that?

    Challenges for this week:

    Food, as posted by MomofJandA before, is to meet your protein goal.

    Exercise: Do at least 20 minutes EVERY day! (sorry, as Korkster hasn't posted one I'm putting my personal one in! Korkie- if you see this before Monday feel free to change it).

    Spirit: POST!

    Enjoy your Sunday Ravenclaws xx
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hey Ravenclaws!
    This week begins the festivities of actually having students to teach instead of ridiculous, nonsensical, waste of my time conferences :drinker: I hate sitting in conferences- give me kids and let me teach DARN IT!!!

    On another note . . . I took first place in my race yesterday- 5K race, time 24.21, pace 7:51.
    good way to go into my 'recovery week" before the half marathon on Sunday
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I am SO totally confused!! You'd think I would know better after being HOH for so long - but what week are we working on??? We're going into the second week of Sept but already filling in week 2 OWLS?? What gives? Sorry Lottee - I think I really screwed up when I updated the spreadsheet. :( Can we shift all the dates to the left one week? I think that would fix it.

    AND - I can't get the smileys to work! :(


    @momofJandA - congrats on your 1st place win!!
  • thewinged
    Thewinged...it's up to you on the exercise minutes- I don't include the walking I do day to day, and changed my lifestyle setting to 'lightly active' to account for it. Maybe you could do that?

    Oooh, I didn't realize I could do that. I changed my settings to "Active" and now I will post my stuff that I do only in addition to my job. Cool beans.
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Heh. Just my luck- the week I make Prefect is the week I fall off the planet. :grumble:

    20 minutes of exercise is good. Getting that exercise in everyday can be difficult, but even if you're walking around your living room, at least your moving. I did that last night, actually.

    September is never a good month for me. And it's been showing on the scale. I'm still past 80, but 90 is slipping away. Really trying to focus on staying within my calories.

    Is it October yet?
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Woooo, well done on first place! Amazing pace as well!

    And well done on nearly finishing stats azsuzi!

    I don't have internet at home yet, (wow things move slowly in spain!) So I'll have a look at the spreadsheet tomorrow, sounds like a simple fix though.

    Am also pleased to be teaching again, my new school has high expectations but the kids are lovely, so I think this year should be amazing! Enjoy your week guys! X