Stage 1



  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Yes, I struggle with the other leg exercises, too. I HATE step ups and lunges. I did 30lbs on my step ups today and thought I was going to die. I guess I just have wimpy legs. I will pay attention to form and try to creep the weights up. I have 1.25 and 2.5 weights as well. Oh, and shoulder presses are just hard to up weights on. Period.Thank you both for the responses!

    Eh, everyone has their weak spots! Mine's my mid-back, so I can deadlift and squat 110lbs, but can't do a normal push-up. My push-ups are ok at 30 degrees, but still not great. Your legs will catch up! Just keep up the workouts!
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    2nd go at 1A last night. It went better this time:wink:

    A couple of questions though....

    SQUATS: all the other people in my gym do big boy squats in some machine or barbie girl squats up against the wall - both these keep their back dead vertical. When I do my squats I end up leaning well forwards when I reach parallel! Am I doing them right? Why does my gym try to make everyone do them with a straight back?

    STEP UPS: on my first workout, I did 15 step up on my right leg, then 15 on my left. This time I did 1 on my right, then 1 on my left and alternated until I had done 30 alltogether. Which is correct?

  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    I don't know about the squats, but on the step ups I'm pretty sure it's all one leg then the other. Oddly enough I do the lunges alternating every other rep, though.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    2nd go at 1A last night. It went better this time:wink:

    A couple of questions though....

    SQUATS: all the other people in my gym do big boy squats in some machine or barbie girl squats up against the wall - both these keep their back dead vertical. When I do my squats I end up leaning well forwards when I reach parallel! Am I doing them right? Why does my gym try to make everyone do them with a straight back?

    STEP UPS: on my first workout, I did 15 step up on my right leg, then 15 on my left. This time I did 1 on my right, then 1 on my left and alternated until I had done 30 alltogether. Which is correct?


    Squats: Your back should never be completely straight. That's super wrong! Your gym is nutso if they are advocating that! You need to keep the natural curve in your spine as you descend. When your hips begin to rotate forward and your low back loses the natural curve, stop! That's as far as you need to squat. This is different for everyone. For me that means that my hips and knees are above 90 degrees with my legs. But that's the right form for me. That being said, make sure your back is descending and ascending in the same line. And stay AWAY from the Smith machine!

    Step ups: I believe the book says do all one leg and then the other.

    I did the first exercises twice too because I was just guessing at weights the first time! Welcome to Stage 1!:flowerforyou:
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    The "Starting Strength" book by Mark Rippetoe has an entire chapter devoted to the proper form of back squats. You can also find some of his videos on You Tube.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    2nd go at 1A last night. It went better this time:wink:

    A couple of questions though....

    SQUATS: all the other people in my gym do big boy squats in some machine or barbie girl squats up against the wall - both these keep their back dead vertical. When I do my squats I end up leaning well forwards when I reach parallel! Am I doing them right? Why does my gym try to make everyone do them with a straight back?

    STEP UPS: on my first workout, I did 15 step up on my right leg, then 15 on my left. This time I did 1 on my right, then 1 on my left and alternated until I had done 30 alltogether. Which is correct?


    There's a video too. He's pretty awesome.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm done!! I just finished measuring. Surprised at where I am down and where I'm not. My NSV is that I can wear size 12 pants, generally which is down a full pant size from when I started this stage

    Here are my measurements

    MEASUREMENTS 11-Jun 9-Sep

    Calves L/R 15/16 15.5/15.25
    Thighs L/R 26/26.5 26/26.25
    Hips 42 42
    Waist at bellybutton 35.5 35
    Natural Waist 32 31
    Under Breast 31 30.5
    Breast 37.5 36.5
    Upper Arms 10.25 12/11
    (my husband measured not sure he was in exactly the same place as the first measurement)
    Weight 160 161

    Squats - start BW now 85
    Push-Ups - start 36" now floor
    Barbell rows - start 40 now 65
    Step ups - start BW now 21dbs
    Prone jackknifes
    Deadlifts - start 50 now 110
    DB Shoulder press - start 5 now 21
    Wide-grip lat pulldowns - start 25 now 65
    Lunge - start BW now 21
    Swissball crunch - Start 15 now 30 w/ 10lbs

    I guess I expected more inches change especially in my hips, since I'm down a pants size. But all in all I'm pretty pleased with my results.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Well done for finishing Stage 1! It's funny that you're measurements have not changed much but you went down a size. I wonder if it has to do with fat going and muscle being formed so it might stay the same but I think the shape will change and therefore the pants probably fit better. I noticed on almost all progress pics of ladies how the bum changed. It just go lifted..

    Great progress!! :flowerforyou:
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I did WA3 today. I upped my weights on most exercises. I tried for the step ups but I am pushing myself up too much so went back to BW. Also I upped my weights for the squat and noticed that I will need the squat rack pretty soon. I could just about get the weight up and over my head. I think I can't do any more increases without the rack. I will pop into the new gym tomorrow to chat about joining.

    This time and for the last B workout I have done the interval training that is on page 145. I am doing it on the bike. It's pretty easy but I think a bit of extra work won't harm. I also did HIIT15 yesterday that is included in Turbo Fire.

    I am still enjoying the program. I am now going earlier to avoid the muscle guys and it works. I have to see how it is at the new gym.
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Congrats on finishing Stage 1 Sue! And thanks for the squat video link.
    My legs have finally recovered from a serious dose of DOMS from my 1st week. Went for a cross country hike yesterday and today did A2 workout which went very well. I've not upped the weight, will use this week to concentrate on getting my form right.
  • jljewell
    jljewell Posts: 28 Member
    I did it!!!

    Sorry, I am just sort of excited that I did my first training session. Stage 1, workout A1. My tiny community gym has a squat rack, and a guy there was kind enough to take the enormous weights off the bar so I could do squats. Just with the 45 lb bar today, but Friday I think I can put weight on it as it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. The man who runs the gym showed me how to do a dead lift for Wednesday, and offered to spot me whenever I need some help. He said, and I quote, "there's no difference between lifting for men and women", and congratulated me on doing it.

    I've read a lot of great advice here, and I expect I'll have questions as I go along. I just wanted to share my small victory.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I did it!!!

    Sorry, I am just sort of excited that I did my first training session. Stage 1, workout A1. My tiny community gym has a squat rack, and a guy there was kind enough to take the enormous weights off the bar so I could do squats. Just with the 45 lb bar today, but Friday I think I can put weight on it as it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. The man who runs the gym showed me how to do a dead lift for Wednesday, and offered to spot me whenever I need some help. He said, and I quote, "there's no difference between lifting for men and women", and congratulated me on doing it.

    I've read a lot of great advice here, and I expect I'll have questions as I go along. I just wanted to share my small victory.

    Great job! I'm so glad your gym is supportive! My two gyms don't really advocate heavy lifting for women. :ohwell:
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    I did it!!!

    Sorry, I am just sort of excited that I did my first training session. Stage 1, workout A1. My tiny community gym has a squat rack, and a guy there was kind enough to take the enormous weights off the bar so I could do squats. Just with the 45 lb bar today, but Friday I think I can put weight on it as it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. The man who runs the gym showed me how to do a dead lift for Wednesday, and offered to spot me whenever I need some help. He said, and I quote, "there's no difference between lifting for men and women", and congratulated me on doing it.

    I've read a lot of great advice here, and I expect I'll have questions as I go along. I just wanted to share my small victory.

    No apology needed, welcome aboard!
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Morning ladies!

    I am done with stage 1. Decided not to do AMRAP cuz I dont see the point.

    Im not a weigher as I was never concerned about the #on the scale. Only how I appear. The only measurement I take is my waist which remains unchanged. Although my stomach feels a lot tighter as if the fat is hardening. lol
    anywho here are my stats.

    Squats - start 35 now 100
    Push-Ups - start floor now 2 sets of T pushups 8lb weight. last set regular
    Barbell rows - start 30 now 80 -> felt like i could have gone heavier..oh well
    Step ups - start 20db ea hand now 30 dbs
    Prone jackknifes -> now half pike, half prones
    Deadlifts - start 30 now 100
    DB Shoulder press - start 15 now 22.5 hard to move up on those. final set I tried the extra 2,5 lb and could lift it. woo-hoo!!
    Pullover - start 30lb db now 30db
    Lunge - start 20 now a strong 50lb barbell or a shaky 80lb barbell working out at home and I can either do 50 or 80 on the barbell
    Swissball crunch - now w/ 15lbs overhead

    Everything feels tighter arms abs although nothing about my clothing has changed. I took before pics but will reserve posting until I can SEE some results. Overall I feel like Zena the princess warrior! lol
    Have a great day ladies!
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 282 Member
    I did it!!!

    Sorry, I am just sort of excited that I did my first training session. Stage 1, workout A1. My tiny community gym has a squat rack, and a guy there was kind enough to take the enormous weights off the bar so I could do squats. Just with the 45 lb bar today, but Friday I think I can put weight on it as it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. The man who runs the gym showed me how to do a dead lift for Wednesday, and offered to spot me whenever I need some help. He said, and I quote, "there's no difference between lifting for men and women", and congratulated me on doing it.

    I've read a lot of great advice here, and I expect I'll have questions as I go along. I just wanted to share my small victory.

    Congrats!!!! I'm right there with you. I just did my first workout today too. I workout at home and it was awesome. Yay for us!!!!
  • MelodyAnn323
    MelodyAnn323 Posts: 38 Member
    So yesterday was workout A5, moving from two sets of everything to three and WHOA! That was intense. Usually I don't have a problem finishing my prone jackknife reps but I almost didn't make it through that last set! Did anyone else experience a huge increase in effort moving from A4 and B4 to A5 and B5? I am guessing this is how it is supposed to feel, but I was just a bit surprised in the jump in intensity.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    So yesterday was workout A5, moving from two sets of everything to three and WHOA! That was intense. Usually I don't have a problem finishing my prone jackknife reps but I almost didn't make it through that last set! Did anyone else experience a huge increase in effort moving from A4 and B4 to A5 and B5? I am guessing this is how it is supposed to feel, but I was just a bit surprised in the jump in intensity.

    I HAD THE SAME PROBLEM. Prone jackknives were easy for me until I had to do three sets of everything. :ohwell:
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    So yesterday was workout A5, moving from two sets of everything to three and WHOA! That was intense. Usually I don't have a problem finishing my prone jackknife reps but I almost didn't make it through that last set! Did anyone else experience a huge increase in effort moving from A4 and B4 to A5 and B5? I am guessing this is how it is supposed to feel, but I was just a bit surprised in the jump in intensity.

    Melody adding the 3rd set definitely causes you to fatigue faster. for me it was the step-ups that did me in! lol
  • MelodyAnn323
    MelodyAnn323 Posts: 38 Member
    Okay, thanks ladies. Good to know I'm not alone! I definately am sore today from Mondays work but going to give it my all today. Workout B5, watch out!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Morning ladies!

    I am done with stage 1. Decided not to do AMRAP cuz I dont see the point.

    Im not a weigher as I was never concerned about the #on the scale. Only how I appear. The only measurement I take is my waist which remains unchanged. Although my stomach feels a lot tighter as if the fat is hardening. lol
    anywho here are my stats.

    Squats - start 35 now 100
    Push-Ups - start floor now 2 sets of T pushups 8lb weight. last set regular
    Barbell rows - start 30 now 80 -> felt like i could have gone heavier..oh well
    Step ups - start 20db ea hand now 30 dbs
    Prone jackknifes -> now half pike, half prones
    Deadlifts - start 30 now 100
    DB Shoulder press - start 15 now 22.5 hard to move up on those. final set I tried the extra 2,5 lb and could lift it. woo-hoo!!
    Pullover - start 30lb db now 30db
    Lunge - start 20 now a strong 50lb barbell or a shaky 80lb barbell working out at home and I can either do 50 or 80 on the barbell
    Swissball crunch - now w/ 15lbs overhead

    Everything feels tighter arms abs although nothing about my clothing has changed. I took before pics but will reserve posting until I can SEE some results. Overall I feel like Zena the princess warrior! lol
    Have a great day ladies!

    Yea Melissa, those are impressive numbers sweetie!! I was like you, I didn't post my before/after because the only place I saw any changes was my arms/shoulders and you can see those in my profile pic!!

    I did decide to do AMRAPS mainly because I'm off on a 2 week vacation as of Saturday and I really don't want to go 3 weeks before I lift again! As it is, I'm trying to decide how to get in some workouts while I'm out in the middle of NOWHERE (Ozarks). I bet my grandkids help me with that, what do you think!

    All of you starting out and in various levels, you're all awesome!! The toughest thing for me to remember is that I am not anyone else and my progress is mine. I just have to keep pushing a little bit past what I think my limit is! (I always tell myself "you can do 1 more" and do it!). Good luck and feel free to add me or message me.