Accountability - work out log

The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
So continuing the theme of "Don't break the chain" I thought we could all post in this thread each day as we complete our workout and/or nutrition goals for the day.

I need to catch up for yesterday.

Started P90X 9/10/12.

Day 1 Chest & Back + Ab ripper Done. Followed the P90X nutrition guide with a slight variation on my salad since I purchase it from the work cafe.

Day 2 Plyometrics done. On track with the same diet as yesterday but today instead of the mushroom omelet recipe from the nutrition guide I ate the protein shake.

Two days down only 88 to go!!


  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Yesterday was my second week - chest and back
    Today - Some serious hiking
  • tawnierose
    To catch up - yesterday I did Ab Ripper X first.. no shoes, paused when needed to get each single rep in. Did Chest & Back later in the day.. I printed the worksheets for the last time for this year and plan on filling in every single line this time around!

    Today - Plyometrics done! Was DEFINITELY feeling the soreness in the abs today. But in a good way. ;)
  • mpf1
    mpf1 Posts: 1,437 Member
    I started officially this week, but have tried most of the workouts while doing ChaLean Extreme over the past 3 mo. This week I have done Chest and Back, Plyo, and Kempo. I plan to stick with 3 strength training workouts per week. I am not planning on doing yoga or taking rest days but plan on my own cardio those days. I am not sure if that is enough to join a group for accountability, but I am in if my modified version "counts!"
  • Tricia82
    To Catch up- yesterday I did Core syn. and today I did Cardio X not following the nutrition guide but eating generally healthy is my goal.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    I started officially this week, but have tried most of the workouts while doing ChaLean Extreme over the past 3 mo. This week I have done Chest and Back, Plyo, and Kempo. I plan to stick with 3 strength training workouts per week. I am not planning on doing yoga or taking rest days but plan on my own cardio those days. I am not sure if that is enough to join a group for accountability, but I am in if my modified version "counts!"
    I am also doing the tree strent training workouts a week but doing my own cardio. I get bored easily so have to go outside plus I like to mix it up, ie; power walk, hike and jog.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    P90 X arm and back Done. Will be getting to Ab Ripper this evening.:smokin:
  • fitQueenbeast
    Today was day three of the Lean phase: Shoulders and Arms & Ab Ripper. I also put in 30 minutes on my elliptical right afterwards.

    I find this phase to be a much-needed break from ALL plyo moves. Coming directly from Insanity, my knees needed a nice long break. :-)

  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Just finished week 3 Shoulders Arms and Ab Ripper.

    Tried Plyo barefoot yesterday for the first time after seeing some posts on MFP recommending it. My legs felt "fresher" after I was done, then they did when I wore sneakers. I usually do all the workouts barefoot except for Plyo, Legs and Kenpo. I'll try the other 2 barefoot later in the week. Has anyone else done these workouts barefoot?
  • Tricia82
    Finished shoulders and arms for today of the lean version. Had some serious problems completing Ab ripper my abs are still so sore from mondays core syn:ohwell:
  • fitQueenbeast
    Finished shoulders and arms for today of the lean version. Had some serious problems completing Ab ripper my abs are still so sore from mondays core syn:ohwell:

    I had issues with Ab Ripper too. Wow....didn't know I couldn't do floor sit ups STILL, after all these years. I have work to do so you're not alone. :-)

  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Way to go everyone who posted today.

    I completed shoulders & arms + Ab ripper bright and early this morning. My body is starting to feel pretty damn sore but I knew that would happen the first week or two.

    Pretty much ate the same as yesterday so nutrition is on track!

    Day 3 done. 87 to go :)
  • blueeyeddragon2115
    Just got my disc's in the mail yesterday. My fiancee and i won't be starting till next thursday unfortunately but i'm pumped about starting i've started the diet already. Going good so far.
  • Marquettedominos
    Marquettedominos Posts: 107 Member
    The_Dude. Not really doing doubles. I am more or less doing a Hybrid version with traditional lifting on M,T,TH,Fri. Saturdays is X-Cardio and Wed will switch between Kenpo-X and Plyo every other week. I will do X-stretch quite often. I dont feel that is an actual workout more like maintenance.

    I use JEFIT PRO to log my lifting workouts and Endomondo with a Zephyr HXM for MR and Kcal burn.

    Today I did Upper2. Here is the logs

    regular pushups 10
    BB squat 98x5 98x5 98x5 (these are just for warmup. I use whatever my warmup weight was on my lower days)
    BB Bench Press 98x10 128x5 128x6
    BB Bent over row 128x6 128x5 128x8
    BB OHP 68x5 78x5 78x5
    BB Curl 80x8 80x8
    Bench Dip 25x12 25x15
    DB lat raise 25x8 25x10
    DB fly 50x8 50x10 40x10
    Pushup on exersice ball 10

    All in all a good workout for me. My shoulder is not hurting as bad as I thought. Burned 634 Kcals in 63 minutes

    I will probably do X-Stretch tonight again.... Tomorow is Lower2 and Deads( I love doing deads)
  • fitQueenbeast
    Sept 13: Yoga X (90 minutes) and Elliptical (65 minutes)

    Wow. I didn't even know it would be like that. Crazzzzyyyyyyyy! The first 30 minutes was tough because of the stress on my right knee from the floor moves. I had to back off on a lot of that until we moved on. Then, I was good to go.

    It DOES take some getting used to, especially if you're not that flexible.

  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    I did cardio today, brisk walk for almost 5 miles but tomorrow is legs and back.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Finished Yoga today

    The more you do it the easier it gets.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Did Yoga X bright and early this morning. It was brutal on my already sore legs. Tomorrow being leg day is gonna be tough!

    But hey 4 days down!! Only 84 more to go :)

    Nutrition was on track until I did some research tonight. Turns out the salad I've been using is way not inline with my nutrition goals. I'm going to have to figure out something else. But my breakfast, snacks, and dinner were right inline with the nutrition plan.
  • Marquettedominos
    Marquettedominos Posts: 107 Member
    Today was Lower2 for me. I did 5 min of stretching and yoga for a warmup. My hrm said I did 83 minutes and burned 920 kcal avg. hr was 120bpm. Not too bad. I think the kcals are a bit on the high side. Probably more like 4-500 or so. I may do x-stretch tonight if I have time.

    close grip pushup 10(these are getting better. I am almost able to go all the way down. Right now I am at 6-7 in from floor)
    Barbell Incline Bench Press 78.0x10,103.0x6,103.0x6 (ZERO pain in right shoulder today)
    Wide-Grip Rear Pull-Up(assisted) 135.0x8,135.0x8 (70lb assisted)
    Barbell Squat 103.0x5,148.0x5,148.0x5,148.0x6(ATG *kitten* to grass baby)
    Dumbbell Lunges 70.0x5,70.0x5,70.0x5
    Standing Barbell Calf Raise 48.0x20,138.0x15,138.0x15
    Seated Leg Curl 115.0x10,115.0x10,115.0x10
    Barbell Deadlift 138.0x10,188.0x5,188.0x5,188.0x6(Cant waite to get back to heavy on these)
    Crunches 20, 20
    Leg Pull-In 15, 15
    torso cable 35.0x15,35.0x15

    All right peeps remember to BREATH....hahahahhaha
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Today was legs and back for me. Man I hate those sneaky lunges:grumble: Week 2 completed and on to week 3 on sunday.:drinker:
  • fitQueenbeast
    Today was Legs and Back, Abs Ripper, and my elliptical. I actually hit the floor sit ups today so that means I'm improving. Still working on those chin ups with the bar though. Gonna take a minute to get two good ones in.
