Accountability - work out log



  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Glad to see peeps keeping with it!

    Day 5 legs & back + ab ripper is a distant memory :)

    Foot was a bit more challenging. Salad at lunch wasn't quite big enough calorie wise so I got really hungry before I got a chance to eat dinner. Man the cravings for chocolate and sugary goodies really hits hard when I let myself get to hungry lol. I persevered though.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Did Leg back and Abs last night - Didn't get a chance to post.

    Tried it barefoot and the lunges hurt my feet too much. Wouldn't recommend it.

    I hate the one legged wall squats most of all!
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Just finished Kenpo to end week 3.

    Have too many school / work events coming up this week, so I think I'm going to start week 4 on Sunday and skip my rest/stretch day. I might have a chance to complete week 4 on time if I start a day early.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Just finished my chicken breast and broccoli dinner. I got up at 6:45am this morning and did my Kenpo X. Feels REALLY good to have finished week 1 of required workouts. I do want to do stretch X tomorrow if I can find my DVD. 6 days down only 84 to go :)

    Good job to everyone who has been able to bring it this week!

    I'll try and post a summary of our accountability check in's tomorrow to see how week 1 ended up :)
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Did Day 1 week 4 - Yoga today.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Man either folks have fallen off the wagon or they just don't waste their weekend time posting on myfitnesspal :)

    Today trully was a rest day for me. I've been trying to get 10K steps a day for 3+ months now and succeed about 2/3's of the time. Well today my pedometer barely got to 2k lol.

    I did fit in stretch X. Last time I only did Stretch X once or twice. This time I will be trying to get it in each week. Especially, since you can cut out half the video by fast forwarding through Tony's nonstop talking and explaining moves that I am already familiar with.

    Nutrition today as far as macro levels was the best it was all week, though the calories were lower.

    Breakfast was P90X protein shake
    snack -protein bar
    Lunch 8.4 oz chicken breast and 2.25 cups of broccoli
    snack - 2 oz of turkey jerky
    Dinner 9.1 oz of chicken breast and 2.25 cups of broccoli + beach body meal replacement shake

    This got my macros to 55% protein, 29% carb and 16% fat but total calories were WAY below 2400. I figure that since I didn't do a P90X workout or my usual walking or really any forms of excercise (Stretch X doesn't really get my heart rate up outside of 5-10 mins of it) that it is ok to be below the 2400 goal.

    1 week down 11 to go

    My wife and I both did all 6 workouts this week + stretch x and didn't stray from our nutrition goals even a single time (though I did learn a bit about some of the food I originally planned to use and replaced my lunch meals).

    Hope everyone is as happy with their week as I am feeling right now :)
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Sis and I started 3rd week of P90 X today. Weekend was really bad for me as far as food goes but I will definetely make up for it during the week.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Ok week two for some of us and week 1 or 3 or more for others. How is everyone doing? You guys finding this group useful?

    Lets recap last week:

    Insanity2bSane - checked in for 4 workouts last week! Haven't heard from ya since Friday. How'd the weekend go?

    tawnierose - First the BBQ and now sick? You can't catch a break :( Well rest up and maybe you can start week 1 next week and get the stoke burning again!

    mfp1 - Checked in with us once on your modified workout. If you are still around feel free to post and help with the motivation.

    Tricia82 - Got two posts on Tuesday and Wednesday. Haven't heard from ya since Thursday. I hope its just inactivity here but you are bringing it on the workouts which is where it counts!

    mzedavis - You are a machine! I see all your status updates and am impressed and motivated. Haven't hard from you on the board since Friday but I saw you working out :)

    mets86champs - Way to keep pushing play and power through yesterday in light of your hectic schedule!

    blueeyeddragon2115 - ok you got the cd's now. You guys still planning on starting this Thursday?

    Marquettedominos - saw your separate post. You burn some serious calories!

    Well I started of week 2 bright and early at 5:40am. Wife and I busted out chest & back + ab ripper (in 19 mins). Food is still on track. Had a tasty mushroom omelet this morning with a cup of milk and a cup of strawberries.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Im finding the group useful although would love to see more post from others (myself included). I find it a little harder to post on weekends since I'm not sitting in front of the computer but will defenitely try to post more often. So far my eating in on track with greek yogurt for breakfast and berries and granola. No idea what im having for lunch but will definitely be healthy.:flowerforyou:
  • tcemt
    tcemt Posts: 15 Member
    Hello all,
    New to the group and starting over with P90X today. Glad to see you're all here for motivation and support. Planning on working out after work so I'll be a day behind in logging my workouts. I'll be honest, I can be a slacker at times and I started 4 Sept working out with P90X and Turbo Jam, but then I fell off the workout wagon the following week, and now I'm jumping back on. More about me later as I need to take my photos and measurements.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Finished week 4 day 2 core synergistics
  • I will also try harder at posting on the weekends, they just get so hectic sometimes. This weekend I was away from my computer or any source of internet :( Did core synergistics today feels fantastic. Hope everyone has a great week!
  • javalicious
    javalicious Posts: 4 Member
    Yesterday Chest & Back - stopped half way through - wasn't warmed up enough and didnt have free weights in the gym I went to (choosing another one going forward). Ate pretty well all day - i'm aiming for 50/30/20. Didn't quite manage that but was well within calorie intake - until at like 11pm I had these 2 pastry things! ahhh. No ab ripper.
    Today Plyo - I managed 40 mins of it. My lower back is hurting me a bit, i think i need to stretch off, its really affecting my ability to move quicker. 50/30/20 aim today & within 1800 calories. Also walking 1.5 each day (to work and back)
    I know this is not perfect but I am not going to lie about what I've achieved. My #1 aim to is to keep pressing play. Tomo I want to get through the whole programme! I'll let you know :)
    p.s if anyone of any relatively cheap high protein foods can you please let me know! Thanks xx
  • javalicious
    javalicious Posts: 4 Member
    How many calories was that? I'm trying to do a 50/30/20 at around 1800 calories and so it would be good to know what you are reaching so I can copy this diet (part in terms of weight etc). Pls let me know. Thanks xx
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    Hello all, I'm new to the group. Just started P90X "legitimately" last night. Did Chest and Back and Ab Ripper. I can only do 2 pullups in a row right now, so the chair is my friend right now! Also, I suck at diamond pushups lol!! Oh well, I still worked hard and I feel it this morning! I haven't taken any starting photos yet but I will before the week is over. Keep kicking butt, everyone!
  • Dude if you are planning that recap every week it'll help me so much for accountability! Thank you for the extra time you're spending on the group!! The birthday bbq happened, then I started to get this cold.. went up north to see my hubby for 1.5 days - drinks and restaurant meals thrown in of course because he is living out of a motel - which included 2 6hour car rides.. then full on death bed type cold symptoms yesterday.. it's not been the greatest start so I'm definitely going to squeeze out day 1 again.

    I'm feeling a bit better today.. I can at least BREATHE and I'm already at the stage of coughing stuff up lol possibly due to the cold fx I'm taking.. not sure but it's defnitely clearing up so I want to get going!

    I'm going to start a new thread for myself so I can easily see my days added up together.

    Everyone is doing amazing and I wish I had been on track with you all! Keep on doing what you guys are doing!! It's great to see!

    ETA I'm going to skip the rest day at the end of this week so that I can have the first day of the week back on Mondays again..
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Good morning everyone. I didn't do P90X workout today, but I did my own cardio which was walking and jogging for almost 5 miles. What is everyone using for pull up's. I have a big pull up stand in my living room but my hubby hates it sitting in there. Dont have anywhere else to put it so I want semething more convenient but at the same time sturdy. Any suggestions? Mine was that we move the pull up bar outside along with the TV but I don't think he's going for that, LOL!
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Hello all,
    New to the group and starting over with P90X today. Glad to see you're all here for motivation and support. Planning on working out after work so I'll be a day behind in logging my workouts. I'll be honest, I can be a slacker at times and I started 4 Sept working out with P90X and Turbo Jam, but then I fell off the workout wagon the following week, and now I'm jumping back on. More about me later as I need to take my photos and measurements.

    Welcome to the group! This time is the one!
    I will also try harder at posting on the weekends, they just get so hectic sometimes. This weekend I was away from my computer or any source of internet :( Did core synergistics today feels fantastic. Hope everyone has a great week!

    You don't have to post on the weekends, just make sure you keep pushing play even if you don't post. For me, posting every day adds focus and accountability and the longer the chain the more motivational it becomes :)
    Yesterday Chest & Back - stopped half way through - wasn't warmed up enough and didnt have free weights in the gym I went to (choosing another one going forward). Ate pretty well all day - i'm aiming for 50/30/20. Didn't quite manage that but was well within calorie intake - until at like 11pm I had these 2 pastry things! ahhh. No ab ripper.
    Today Plyo - I managed 40 mins of it. My lower back is hurting me a bit, i think i need to stretch off, its really affecting my ability to move quicker. 50/30/20 aim today & within 1800 calories. Also walking 1.5 each day (to work and back)
    I know this is not perfect but I am not going to lie about what I've achieved. My #1 aim to is to keep pressing play. Tomo I want to get through the whole programme! I'll let you know :)
    p.s if anyone of any relatively cheap high protein foods can you please let me know! Thanks xx

    I stretch my hamstrings and back a lot (I love downward dog lol) but no amount of stretching helps the lower back pain on Plyo for me. Its just a matter of increasing the core strength. This week's plyo was already better. I only had one attempted muscle spasm :) And yeah I do have to go slow and exaggerate the soft landing on some of the more vigorous moves like the air guitar one.
    Hello all, I'm new to the group. Just started P90X "legitimately" last night. Did Chest and Back and Ab Ripper. I can only do 2 pullups in a row right now, so the chair is my friend right now! Also, I suck at diamond pushups lol!! Oh well, I still worked hard and I feel it this morning! I haven't taken any starting photos yet but I will before the week is over. Keep kicking butt, everyone!

    Welcome to the group! Hey if you are just starting P90X and can already 2 do pullups that is pretty good in my book! :) For me an extra inch gap between my hands on the diamond pushups makes a world of difference. That way I can do a whole 5 of them before modifying to my knees, ha!
    Dude if you are planning that recap every week it'll help me so much for accountability! Thank you for the extra time you're spending on the group!! The birthday bbq happened, then I started to get this cold.. went up north to see my hubby for 1.5 days - drinks and restaurant meals thrown in of course because he is living out of a motel - which included 2 6hour car rides.. then full on death bed type cold symptoms yesterday.. it's not been the greatest start so I'm definitely going to squeeze out day 1 again.

    I'm feeling a bit better today.. I can at least BREATHE and I'm already at the stage of coughing stuff up lol possibly due to the cold fx I'm taking.. not sure but it's defnitely clearing up so I want to get going!

    I'm going to start a new thread for myself so I can easily see my days added up together.

    Everyone is doing amazing and I wish I had been on track with you all! Keep on doing what you guys are doing!! It's great to see!

    ETA I'm going to skip the rest day at the end of this week so that I can have the first day of the week back on Mondays again..

    We'll see if I can keep the recap going. I will try to if the group stays smaller. Glad to hear you are feeling better and seeing more activity in my MFP status updates from you.
    Good morning everyone. I didn't do P90X workout today, but I did my own cardio which was walking and jogging for almost 5 miles. What is everyone using for pull up's. I have a big pull up stand in my living room but my hubby hates it sitting in there. Dont have anywhere else to put it so I want semething more convenient but at the same time sturdy. Any suggestions? Mine was that we move the pull up bar outside along with the TV but I don't think he's going for that, LOL!

    I don't think it is as good of a workout but you can try using the bands with a door. This is what I did when I travel on P90X and what I did on Monday to avoid restraining my lats which I did the prior Friday on the pullup bar.
  • tcemt
    tcemt Posts: 15 Member
    Well, I crashed and burned lastnight :sad: . By the time I got home, I skipped working out. Now, I know I don't necessarily need to start on a Monday and Tuesday is a really good day as well, so the plan is to not get derailed tonight and start fresh. I think I may start out doing lean and change it up from there after a week or two.
  • Today was Cardio X plus one hour on the elliptical. I'm starting to not like yoga of any kind because it strains my knees. Im having trouble with my right knee again (thanks to Insanity :angry:). I AM looking forward to the Abs Ripper set and working the arms again this week.

    I STILL have not managed to get one good pull up on the bar yet. I'm not ready to modify just yet. I want to be able to get at least one good one in. Two is my goal, though.
