Stage 2



  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    so far so good. looking fwd to the Front Squat Push Press tomorrow. that challenges me like nothing else so far. I love it!
    sick I know, lol

    Not sick at all. At least not to me. My shoulders are already crying for mercy and I cant wait for another go at it! I dont think Ive ever had so much fun "exercising".
  • RUNN3Rmom
    I did 85lbs BB on the static lunge today!! Can I just say I thought I was going to die...LOL! I let out a big grunt towards the end and DID NOT care who in the whole gym could hear me...I consider it roaring ;-) And I bumped up all my weights (at least for a few reps of each set). Yay!

    Anyway, today was my official last Stage 2 A Workout...on to B on Friday and then resting the weekend for Stage 3 on Monday.

    I hope you all are having a happy Hump Day.
  • Pomidorka
    On 1B - can I split the workout in two? I won't have time to do the interval part today. What do you ladies think?
  • RUNN3Rmom
    On 1B - can I split the workout in two? I won't have time to do the interval part today. What do you ladies think?

    The HIIT training? I think the book recommends doing it right after because you are using the last bit of fat something chemical (don't know the name)...but others do wait. Can you do it after A instead? That is when I do it (though I sneak after B too)...
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    2B1 is in the books and I feel like a limp noodle!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    I have my last Stage 2 workout tomorrow and then I am moving to Stage 3 on Monday!!

    Limp noodle = progress ;)
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    I did 85lbs BB on the static lunge today!! Can I just say I thought I was going to die...LOL! I let out a big grunt towards the end and DID NOT care who in the whole gym could hear me...I consider it roaring ;-) And I bumped up all my weights (at least for a few reps of each set). Yay!

    Woo-hoo to the 85 lb Static lunge! Go girl! I hope the whole gym recognized just how awesom you are with that roar? lol
    Ill miss you in stage 2 Amanda but look fwd to your review of stage 3 :-)

    Moonsh Limp noodle = badass workout!! yay
    the B workout is indeed a killer! and so much longer than the A workout. I was wiped out myself after that one
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    I started Stage 2 yesterday and it kicked my *kitten*. It was pretty awesome. I was totally destroyed at the end and it felt great. Before NRL4W, I never got the rush from weight training that I did from cardio.

    Going to get on the scale today before some light cardio, and see if I have gained or lost weight. and I really, really have to track more.

    I tried the front squat/push press with the Smith Machine, because I wasn't sure about my form. I had to do the sets with just the bar, because I couldn't do it with *any* weight, even thought I had been up to 60 lbs for regular squats. I want to "graduate" to the squat rack, and my gym has some really light bars (the plastic/rubber ones) so maybe I can see if I can handle the 12 lb one.

    For step ups, I'm doing the step + 3 levels and I could do it with 40 lb dumbbells yesterday. Am I going too heavy? Should I use lighter weights and a higher step instead? Either way, this is progress, I don't think I could even pick up a 40 lb dumbbell when I started, much less two of them!!

    One-point row was a challenge, and I expect I will get better at it, I was more focused on keeping my balance and used 15 lb dumbbells, they felt light.

    Static lunge was fun, but I am feeling it today, my quads are yelling at me when I walk up or down stairs.

    I can't do full push-ups yet. I'm doing them from a bar set low on the squat rack (about mid-thigh).

    I used to be able to plank for more than a minute, it was part of my warm-up. I stopped doing it when I started NRL4W. On the second "set" I could do 41 seconds, so I think I will get back soon.

    Excited for my first B workout tomorrow or Sunday!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    Grrr, the computer ate my post!!

    I finished (officially) Stage 2 today! I am still trying to up my weights each time but man, it's getting hard!!

    Workout A:
    Front Squat/Push Press: 45 - 60
    Step-ups: 50 - 60 (can't hold any heavier in my hands...I am going to try a barbell but I am scared of falling over)
    Dumbbell 1-point Row: 15 - 25
    Static Lunge (rear foot elevated): 55 - 85
    Push-ups: T10 - T10
    Plank: 60 - 60 (on bench and ball)
    Wood Chop: 20 - 30 (I feel like I can do more but I can't keep my feet from sliding)

    Workout B:
    Deadlift (from box): 115 - 145
    Split Squat: 40 - 50 ( would have tried heavier today but the 30DB's were all taken)
    Undergrip Lat Pull-down: 75 - 90
    Reverse Lunge/Forward Reach: 10 - 15 (but I am not doing as stated in the book, I am making my arms paralell with my eyes looking straight on in the mirror, not at my feet like in the book)
    Prone Cuban Snatch: 10 - 10 (woo, this is hard...especially for my left arm)
    Swiss Ball & Reverse Crunch: 10 - 10
    Prone Cobra: 60 - 60

    Ok, so I don't do the lateral flexion...I just don't get the "work" of it...maybe I am doing it wrong...IDK.

    I am excited to start Stage 3...
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Grrr, the computer ate my post!!

    I finished (officially) Stage 2 today! I am still trying to up my weights each time but man, it's getting hard!!

    Workout A:
    Front Squat/Push Press: 45 - 60
    Step-ups: 50 - 60 (can't hold any heavier in my hands...I am going to try a barbell but I am scared of falling over)
    Dumbbell 1-point Row: 15 - 25
    Static Lunge (rear foot elevated): 55 - 85
    Push-ups: T10 - T10
    Plank: 60 - 60 (on bench and ball)
    Wood Chop: 20 - 30 (I feel like I can do more but I can't keep my feet from sliding)

    Workout B:
    Deadlift (from box): 115 - 145
    Split Squat: 40 - 50 ( would have tried heavier today but the 30DB's were all taken)
    Undergrip Lat Pull-down: 75 - 90
    Reverse Lunge/Forward Reach: 10 - 15 (but I am not doing as stated in the book, I am making my arms paralell with my eyes looking straight on in the mirror, not at my feet like in the book)
    Prone Cuban Snatch: 10 - 10 (woo, this is hard...especially for my left arm)
    Swiss Ball & Reverse Crunch: 10 - 10
    Prone Cobra: 60 - 60

    Ok, so I don't do the lateral flexion...I just don't get the "work" of it...maybe I am doing it wrong...IDK.

    I am excited to start Stage 3...

    Awesome gains Amanda!
  • jamkat
    jamkat Posts: 77 Member
    Hello Stage 2 ladies! I'll be starting stage 2 tomorrow. Can you please tell me how long workouts A and B average you? A seems to be much shorter than B. During the week I go to the gym after dinner and I want to make sure I leave myself enough time before they close.

    Also I can't imagine doing the intervals after the B workouts! During Stage 1, especially towards the end, I was D O N E by the end of each workout. Now Lou and Alwyn want me to do cardio after??? YIKES!
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Starting Stage 2 today, excited! :)
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    Did anyone take the 1 week break between the end of stage one and beginning of stage 2? I finished stage 1 on Monday and I want to start stage 2 on Wednesday. Is this too fast?
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Hello Stage 2 ladies! I'll be starting stage 2 tomorrow. Can you please tell me how long workouts A and B average you? A seems to be much shorter than B. During the week I go to the gym after dinner and I want to make sure I leave myself enough time before they close.

    Also I can't imagine doing the intervals after the B workouts! During Stage 1, especially towards the end, I was D O N E by the end of each workout. Now Lou and Alwyn want me to do cardio after??? YIKES!

    Hey Jam. My workouts are averaging about an hour. I dont do the interval training after workout B. Instead I do it the next day. Hope this helps

    Susan I didnt take the break. Just jumped right in cuz I was so excited, lol. Good luck
    Welcome to stage 2 SteAnn!
  • jamkat
    jamkat Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks Melissa! I like to do my intervals in the morning before work so I think I'll stick with that. If the heavy bags are up at the gym, maybe I'll do a little kickboxing after the B workout. I may be able to manage that. I just can't see myself sprinting on the treadmill no matter how short it is. lol

    Susan, I'm not taking a week break. I'm jumping right in tonight. My plan was to start last night but I rolled my ankle on Sunday and it was still a little tender yesterday so i didn't want to push it. Hate when that happens!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • SariC3
    SariC3 Posts: 69 Member
    Started stage 2 last week. Workbook kicked my butt, but it was great!
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks guys! I know what I will be doing tomorrow....stage 2! Yay, i'm so excited!
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    susanmc31, I didn't take a break because I missed a few workouts during stage 1 (as in I had two weeks where I only worked out once or twice). I figure that was enough of a break.

    Thanks melissaw1232! It was a really good work out.

    I really liked workout A1 of this stage. I had trouble with my balance doing the dumbbell one-point row, but balancing myself will help with strength and eventually it will get easier.

    I did have trouble with the lunge with the rear foot elevated. I just couldn't do it. I kept trying to lunge and almost falling. I ended up giving up and just doing regular lunges. I'll have to practice the move because I found it awkward.
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    Grrr, the computer ate my post!!

    I finished (officially) Stage 2 today! I am still trying to up my weights each time but man, it's getting hard!!

    Workout A:
    Front Squat/Push Press: 45 - 60
    Step-ups: 50 - 60 (can't hold any heavier in my hands...I am going to try a barbell but I am scared of falling over)
    Dumbbell 1-point Row: 15 - 25
    Static Lunge (rear foot elevated): 55 - 85
    Push-ups: T10 - T10
    Plank: 60 - 60 (on bench and ball)
    Wood Chop: 20 - 30 (I feel like I can do more but I can't keep my feet from sliding)

    Workout B:
    Deadlift (from box): 115 - 145
    Split Squat: 40 - 50 ( would have tried heavier today but the 30DB's were all taken)
    Undergrip Lat Pull-down: 75 - 90
    Reverse Lunge/Forward Reach: 10 - 15 (but I am not doing as stated in the book, I am making my arms paralell with my eyes looking straight on in the mirror, not at my feet like in the book)
    Prone Cuban Snatch: 10 - 10 (woo, this is hard...especially for my left arm)
    Swiss Ball & Reverse Crunch: 10 - 10
    Prone Cobra: 60 - 60

    Ok, so I don't do the lateral flexion...I just don't get the "work" of it...maybe I am doing it wrong...IDK.

    I am excited to start Stage 3...

    Great gains! Im especially jealous of the step ups. They are my nemesis. That Prone Cuban Snatch is a toughie for sure as well. I also agree with you on the lateral flexion work. Im going to do the very last option using the ball and see if that makes any more sense. The other three options just remind me of one of my kids having a fit on the floor. LOL! Best wishes with Stage 3!
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    Finished 2A2 yesterday. It was much smoother than the first go. I moved the first super set with the step ups down to be the very last super set. Made it a much better workout for me. I was able to use good form through all my sets and not have all my energy sapped right out of the gate. I also used my Gymboss for the first time. That thing is pretty handy! Sure was nice not to have to keep checking my watch and hoping I added right/remembered the right numbers. Just wait for my handy, dandy Gymboss to vibrate and get back to it.