Stage 1



  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Woohoo! I just started Stage 1 (Today is workout B1.) not used to eating so much. I ate half a roast beef sandwich and mushroom cream soup for lunch and I feel REALLY guilty. I have myself set on 1500/day, but on workout days I usually eat a bit more than that.

    I did A1 the other day. Step ups are brutal, I feel so week. I also can only do about 5 prone jackknives...embarrassing. I can't wait to see how I progress as the weeks go on.

    Step ups really got my heart rate going too! I'd like to tell you that the prone jackknives get easier, but they don't once you increase to three sets. :ohwell:
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    It took me a little while to get my head around eating more. I do actually find it really bad how 'scared' we get to eat. It's bad and it seems like you get brainwashed for years and are trying to eat less and less. So I suppose it is only normal that it takes a little to get your head around it. I was reading a lot about the whole "eat more to weigh less" thing on here and it really helped me to change my mind about low cal.

    I am using the calories suggested in the book. I found the calculator on here really helpful as it saves you doing all the maths.

    Here is a link to the "eat more to weigh less" group. Check it out to find some encouragement and great knowledge in regards to calories.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    It took me a little while to get my head around eating more. I do actually find it really bad how 'scared' we get to eat. It's bad and it seems like you get brainwashed for years and are trying to eat less and less. So I suppose it is only normal that it takes a little to get your head around it. I was reading a lot about the whole "eat more to weigh less" thing on here and it really helped me to change my mind about low cal.

    I am using the calories suggested in the book. I found the calculator on here really helpful as it saves you doing all the maths.

    Here is a link to the "eat more to weigh less" group. Check it out to find some encouragement and great knowledge in regards to calories.
    :heart: THIS!!!! :heart: Seriously.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    It took me a little while to get my head around eating more. I do actually find it really bad how 'scared' we get to eat. It's bad and it seems like you get brainwashed for years and are trying to eat less and less. So I suppose it is only normal that it takes a little to get your head around it. I was reading a lot about the whole "eat more to weigh less" thing on here and it really helped me to change my mind about low cal.

    I am using the calories suggested in the book. I found the calculator on here really helpful as it saves you doing all the maths.

    Here is a link to the "eat more to weigh less" group. Check it out to find some encouragement and great knowledge in regards to calories.
    :heart: THIS!!!! :heart: Seriously.

    :smile: :heart:
  • Elissalove
    Elissalove Posts: 22 Member
    It took me a little while to get my head around eating more. I do actually find it really bad how 'scared' we get to eat. It's bad and it seems like you get brainwashed for years and are trying to eat less and less. So I suppose it is only normal that it takes a little to get your head around it. I was reading a lot about the whole "eat more to weigh less" thing on here and it really helped me to change my mind about low cal.

    I am using the calories suggested in the book. I found the calculator on here really helpful as it saves you doing all the maths.

    Here is a link to the "eat more to weigh less" group. Check it out to find some encouragement and great knowledge in regards to calories.

    Joining that group!

    Wow, apparently I should be eating 1724 on non-workout days and 1994 on workout days...I think lol.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    It took me a little while to get my head around eating more. I do actually find it really bad how 'scared' we get to eat. It's bad and it seems like you get brainwashed for years and are trying to eat less and less. So I suppose it is only normal that it takes a little to get your head around it. I was reading a lot about the whole "eat more to weigh less" thing on here and it really helped me to change my mind about low cal.

    I am using the calories suggested in the book. I found the calculator on here really helpful as it saves you doing all the maths.

    Here is a link to the "eat more to weigh less" group. Check it out to find some encouragement and great knowledge in regards to calories.

    Joining that group!

    Wow, apparently I should be eating 1724 on non-workout days and 1994 on workout days...I think lol.

    Great! In the beginning I was struggling to reach my calories but it gets easier pretty quickly. I love it now that I don't have to worry about food all day long!
  • Elissalove
    Elissalove Posts: 22 Member
    It took me a little while to get my head around eating more. I do actually find it really bad how 'scared' we get to eat. It's bad and it seems like you get brainwashed for years and are trying to eat less and less. So I suppose it is only normal that it takes a little to get your head around it. I was reading a lot about the whole "eat more to weigh less" thing on here and it really helped me to change my mind about low cal.

    I am using the calories suggested in the book. I found the calculator on here really helpful as it saves you doing all the maths.

    Here is a link to the "eat more to weigh less" group. Check it out to find some encouragement and great knowledge in regards to calories.

    Joining that group!

    Wow, apparently I should be eating 1724 on non-workout days and 1994 on workout days...I think lol.

    Great! In the beginning I was struggling to reach my calories but it gets easier pretty quickly. I love it now that I don't have to worry about food all day long!

    I have a really hard time getting my calories. I barely ate 1500 yesterday. Any tips to HEALTHILY up my calories? (Does that make sense?) I could eat the extra 200/400 in carbs lol...but I'd rather not. This nutrition, proper eating stuff is hard work lol. I also have a hard time hitting my protein.
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    So I finished my last A workout today and here are my final results...

    Squats: 20 pounds--->95 pounds (did get to 145 pounds on the smith machine but could not do that on the squat rack - had to move down to 95 pounds)
    Seated Row: 40 pounds --->90 pounds (can do 110 pounds but only one set of 8 then have to move it down to 90 - no incriments between those two numbers)
    Push ups: Can do them on my hands and toes!!! (normal ones)
    Step ups: 20 pounds each hand ---> 40 pounds
    Prone jackknife: Can do them but still find them really tough to get to 15 - abs are always stiff/sore after these.

    Will do my last B exercise on Monday. I'm starting to see lots of muscle in my arms and back, my legs are still pretty big but since the scale hasn't changed, I believe I am losing body fat and replacing it with muscle (that makes me very happy). Can't wait to start the next level and try different workouts. As for calories, I have been eating around 2000 - 2200 a day with a protein shake after my workout. I have been doing C25K on my non-weight lifting days and that has been helpful with my recovery. Have a great weekend ladies and thanks for all the replies to my previous posts.

  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    Finished Stage 1 last week on 9/13!

    I really should start taking pictures and measurements! I've gained some strength and I can see more definition in my arms and in my waist. I'm wearing a pair of pants that I haven't been able to wear unless I weigh at least 5 pounds less than I do, so that's good. =)
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    It took me a little while to get my head around eating more. I do actually find it really bad how 'scared' we get to eat. It's bad and it seems like you get brainwashed for years and are trying to eat less and less. So I suppose it is only normal that it takes a little to get your head around it. I was reading a lot about the whole "eat more to weigh less" thing on here and it really helped me to change my mind about low cal.

    I am using the calories suggested in the book. I found the calculator on here really helpful as it saves you doing all the maths.

    Here is a link to the "eat more to weigh less" group. Check it out to find some encouragement and great knowledge in regards to calories.

    Joining that group!

    Wow, apparently I should be eating 1724 on non-workout days and 1994 on workout days...I think lol.

    Great! In the beginning I was struggling to reach my calories but it gets easier pretty quickly. I love it now that I don't have to worry about food all day long!

    I have a really hard time getting my calories. I barely ate 1500 yesterday. Any tips to HEALTHILY up my calories? (Does that make sense?) I could eat the extra 200/400 in carbs lol...but I'd rather not. This nutrition, proper eating stuff is hard work lol. I also have a hard time hitting my protein.

    I switched from skimmed milk to semi skimmed milk for example. I generally found switching from low fat/cal products to regular once really helps. Might seem obvious but as I found myself so programmed to always go low cal/low fat just going for the regular products was a new thing. You could also add avocado to a salad, tinned fish such as sardines has calories and also healthy fats, I love a teaspoon of natural peanut butter now and then too. Also adding little snacks can up your calories too. Hope that helps a bit.
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    I've added things like full fat greek yogurt, protein shake (with soymilk if I need even more cals), cottage cheese with fruit, peanut butter (with an apple). And I try to eat more meat. This way I can up my calories and also try to hit my protein macro since I've generally struggled with eating enough protein.
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    Did workout A3 today and I just want to say that I finally stepped it up and used the squat rack today! I'm not sure why I was so nervous about it. Started off squatting just the olympic bar but excited to up the weight in the future.

    Also how is everyone doing their lunges? Are you doing walking lunges? I've just been stepping forward into a lunge, performing the movement, and then step the back leg back up to meet the other one, then lunging back again. They're more like reverse lunges, I'm starting to think I should be doing walking ones though.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    Workout A1 done. Really need to work on press ups... I suck with those :(
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I have to say I am quite proud of myself. I got up an hour early this morning to go to the gym before work. In the past I planned it so many time but never actually got up but with NROLFW I am actually looking forward to the workouts. It was hard as I am not a morning person but I felt great afterwards and I felt really energetic all day at work. When I came in my colleague said to me that I looked really well and if I did something different. That was nice...I am sure it got something to do with my workout.

    I did B5 today. I upped my weights for deadlifts by 10 today. It was great!

    I have a question for you all. Did anyone notice to be hungry on the day AFTER lifting day? I know we're supposed to eat more cals on the day we lift but I always find myself to just have a normal appetite but the next day I am ravenous. Does anyone else feel like that?
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Did workout A3 today and I just want to say that I finally stepped it up and used the squat rack today! I'm not sure why I was so nervous about it. Started off squatting just the olympic bar but excited to up the weight in the future.

    Also how is everyone doing their lunges? Are you doing walking lunges? I've just been stepping forward into a lunge, performing the movement, and then step the back leg back up to meet the other one, then lunging back again. They're more like reverse lunges, I'm starting to think I should be doing walking ones though.

    The way I do it (and I am pretty sure that is what it says in the book) is to step forward and do the lunge/downward move and then with the front leg push back to the starting position and then step forward with the other leg. I think that pushing yourself back into the staring position is part of the move.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Workout A1 done. Really need to work on press ups... I suck with those :(

    They are hard aren't they. Do you do them on an incline?
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I have to say I am quite proud of myself. I got up an hour early this morning to go to the gym before work. In the past I planned it so many time but never actually got up but with NROLFW I am actually looking forward to the workouts. It was hard as I am not a morning person but I felt great afterwards and I felt really energetic all day at work. When I came in my colleague said to me that I looked really well and if I did something different. That was nice...I am sure it got something to do with my workout.

    I did B5 today. I upped my weights for deadlifts by 10 today. It was great!

    I have a question for you all. Did anyone notice to be hungry on the day AFTER lifting day? I know we're supposed to eat more cals on the day we lift but I always find myself to just have a normal appetite but the next day I am ravenous. Does anyone else feel like that?

    YES!!! That's why I eat more the day after too.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I have to say I am quite proud of myself. I got up an hour early this morning to go to the gym before work. In the past I planned it so many time but never actually got up but with NROLFW I am actually looking forward to the workouts. It was hard as I am not a morning person but I felt great afterwards and I felt really energetic all day at work. When I came in my colleague said to me that I looked really well and if I did something different. That was nice...I am sure it got something to do with my workout.

    I did B5 today. I upped my weights for deadlifts by 10 today. It was great!

    I have a question for you all. Did anyone notice to be hungry on the day AFTER lifting day? I know we're supposed to eat more cals on the day we lift but I always find myself to just have a normal appetite but the next day I am ravenous. Does anyone else feel like that?

    YES!!! That's why I eat more the day after too.

    That is good to know! I add 300 cals on the lifting day and for the next day I try to stick to my normal cals but if I am hungry I keep eating :smile:
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    They are hard aren't they. Do you do them on an incline?

    Nope, just as is. Wall/counter ones are too easy, and my form is bad when I'm on my knees, so I just do them slowly normally. I don't know if it's my form in general, but the pressure on my arms is worse than my abs - although I can feel it pulling there too.
  • jamkat
    jamkat Posts: 77 Member
    Well I FINALLY completed Stage 1 today! :happy: I started with the best intentions of working out 3x per week. It didn't quite happen that way. It seemed like it was always one thing or another keeping me from getting to the gym. Some weeks I only got 1 workout in, most weeks were 2. I had a moment or two of greatness when I did get 3 in.

    Anyway Stage 1 A1 was on 7/1, B8 was today. 2 months and 3 wks - UGH!

    Here are my stats:
    44yo, 5'1", SW 157.2lbs, CW 159.4lbs, I just took some quick measurements - haven't lost any inches yet but it's late in the day so hopefully they aren't accurate :tongue:

    Workout A
    Squat - 45lb Olympic bar ---> 115 lbs
    Push ups - a trainer had suggested I do hand release push ups to eventually get to a perfect push up. So I started with those. So so form. ---> Regular floor pushups are better but I'm still working on getting closer to the floor.
    Seated Row - 48lbs ---> 64lbs (I was able to do one set at 72 lbs, but had to drop down to 64lbs for the final 2 sets)
    Step Up - 25lbs ---> 35lbs (workout 1 to workout 8 was on a 12" box)
    Prone Jackknife - 8 sloppy ---> 8-15 with good form (some sets I could do 15, other sets, my body laughed at me and I was lucky to get to 8 or 10)

    Workout B
    Deadlift - 50lbs ---> 110lbs
    DB Shoulder Press - 30lbs ---> 40lbs (couldn't believe how hard this was to progress on!)
    Lat Pull down - 60lbs ---> 70lbs (was able to do 2 reps at 80lbs, this was another that was very hard to progress on)
    Lunge - 30lbs bad form ---> BW with very good form - knee just about to floor
    Swiss Ball Crunch - no matter how I tried to make these feel like I was actually accomplishing something they still felt like a waste of time and effort. After 4 workouts, I would do medicine ball crunches or used the Roman Chair instead.

    If you've never heard of a hand release push up, it's like a regular push up on the floor but you go all the way down to touch the floor, lift your hands up a bit, then push yourself back up. Don't know why I can do that but just can't go down just close enough to the floor and then back up on a regular one. I guess once I get close enough to the floor on a hand release PU I just let gravity do the rest of the work. lol

    I have problems with my knees so on B4 when I felt an odd twinge in my left knee on a lunge with 20 lbs in each hand, I decided to drop the weights altogether and just focus on doing perfect BW lunges. Now, instead of my knees hurting the day after, I actually feel it in my quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

    Despite the gain on the scale, I feel great and I think I look better. I'm anxious to start Stage 2 and hit it 3x per wk. I LOVE how heavy lifting makes me feel!!! :laugh: