TODAY'S the day



  • First of all you do not have to feel embarrassed...otherwise, we all will be blushing at some time. And you do not have to apologize. You owned up to your "indiscretion" and now are back on track.

    My only advice would be to stick to your guns when you go out with your pals...make something on that menu work for YOU and do not cave to the situation...cuz there are going to be so many more.

    I will have to use this advice later in the month...the party people are coming back to the Arizona (in Canada now) and we go out all the time...I plan on being really strong and taking you all along with me.

    Strength in numbers!
  • 4given4life
    4given4life Posts: 81 Member
    Yes, apology needed. I have my first test Saturday as I am going to a bday party and there will be NOTHING there I can eat so I will either have to eat before or take something with me or both. Lol, I guess I need to have something for a backup just in case I get antsy while everyone is enjoying cake and ice cream and pizza.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I did well today .......

    But there was sad stuff tonight at the animal hospital, plus a scary drive home in a thunderstorm ........

    And all I thought about was candy bars :laugh:

    (Didn't act on it, though)
  • Sorry bout the sad day at work, kiddo. Glad u did not stop for a butterfinger or snickers...

    I did great today, cept for no H20* and no exercise...but NO that is a good, I just have to get all the elements working in sync...

    Off to three in the books...feel four, here I come. :love:

    *had two 32 ouncer's of tea. at least that is something.
  • margieyoumans
    margieyoumans Posts: 181 Member
    Day 3 starting today. So far, I've done well. Managed to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise both days and planning to do the same today. A little fatigued last night but feeling ready to go this morning.

    Praying for a good day for everyone.
  • eddysuchydvm
    eddysuchydvm Posts: 110 Member
    Hi, everyone! Positive Polly here :) I took the day off to really meditate yesterday....shut the phone off, went to the lake. We're starting fertility acupuncture and realized I am hypothyroid (actually have been, for a while). Tuesday was just really emotional - this whole baby making journey is not easy when you're not that person who decides to get pregnant and has a baby 9 months later, as planned. Bi was mad at myself for not seeking treatment for the hypothyroid, as it seems that it is quite a common cause of infertility. Could I already have had a baby by now? I'll never know.

    Most importantly, I was told I need to meditate, maybe take yoga, anything to get my mind off of trying to conceive and to relieve the stress. The acupuncturist basically told me I have a severe anxiety disorder and I need to realize life isn't in my control...I have panic attacks weekly. I pretty much live in a state of fear that people I love will die, we'll be broke, I'll never have kids, etc. It's a panicked feeling I experience constantly, and since the whole "relax, it'll happen" thing does have some truth to it (stress = cortisol = no ovulation...which is one of my problems), she thinks it's playing a role in my difficulty in getting pregnant.

    Sorry, that was probable more info than anyone needs!!!

    Anyway, plan for the day:
    B: 2 eggs, 4 strips Morningstar bacon, coffee - DONE!
    L: Panera bread soup and salad (work lunch, not sure what will be available to eat) - had black bean soup and a veggie salad
    D: tri tip with veggies!

    Saying no to the: peach cobbler, coffee cake, ice cream, brownies and cookies sitting 5 feet away....
  • 4given4life
    4given4life Posts: 81 Member
    Hey girls! Glad everyone is doing well so far. Eddymeese- So sorry, hun, that you are having to go through all this. Good for you, though, for not turning to food for comfort.

    I've done well for 5 days. I had a NSV tonight as I was invited to go out to eat with a group of people from my TOPS meeting. Someone suggested Arby's and I knew there would be nothing there I could eat so I suggested a steak house (Western Sizzlin) so I could choose a lean steak and veggie side. We ended up going to the steak house and I did get a steak with steamed broccoli on the side and a side salad. They brought the rolls to the table and although I kinda wanted one, the desire was not enough to cave. Also I chose sugar free jello from the dessert bar. Yay Victory!! But I am getting a little discouraged because I did cave and weighed this morning and I'm not down much at all. At my TOPS (taking off pounds sensibly) meeting, I only lost 3/4 lb from 2 weeks ago! Ugg. I'm gonna keep trucking though.
  • determinedhealthy
    determinedhealthy Posts: 199 Member
    Ugh my laptop got a virus so I am using my iPhone to check the group. Sorry Ihavn't been responding as much as I'd like.
    Hope everyone is having a great week, tomorrow is Friday!!!

    Everyone's diary looks wonderful and we are all so proud of those who have resisted the tempation of junk food around us. CONGRATS

    Great job in all the choices we have made and especially when eating out.

    Day 5-6 tomorrow ( depending when you started) ALMOST ONE WEEK DOWN :)
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, y'all !

    Would like to contribute more here, but can't keep my eyes open :yawn:

    I will say ...... it's been a circus at work this week ...... several times I found myself thinking about chocolate candy bars ...... but sanity prevailed & I settled for some plain yogurt with sugar-free orange marmalade & a sprinkle of almonds .......... so far, so good ........

    Hope everyone has a great weekend :drinker:

    Mary Ann
  • I am off to dreamland gang...working tomorrow...everyone, just a reminder...EAT YOUR Mary Ann (aka VerpTwerp) says...they are our friends!

    This is a make friends with Mr. Green Grocer...cuz they will be with us for the duration.

    Ok, night all u sweet peeps. C U 2morrow. :heart: :yawn:
  • I am up (working today) and going to have my juice and head to the TM. But I have been looking over some of the diaries...PEEPS: Make sure you log your veggies...really important...actually really, really important.

    The difference this time (for me) doing P1 and the first time (June 08) I did P1, I did not log anything. I knew the requirements and just followed em. (Later on...about a year into it, I did plan each day and tried to edit during the day...not alway successful)

    I measured things that needed to be measured...EVOO, nuts, smart balance, mayo...stuff like that. Otherwise, nope.

    MFP is such a great tool to keep track of what works and what doesn' LOG IT ALL!

    Now I am logging everything mainly cuz when this works...(and it will) I want to see how it worked...what did I do right.

    If for some reason it does not work...I want to be able to go back and see wehre I screwed 63, there are no more do overs. I want this weight off ... I want to get to my ultimate goal.

    It's up to me to make that happen. Ok..just wanted to touch eat your veggies...and have a great day! :bigsmile: :drinker:

    PS My diary is only open to my friends in this group (a couple of exceptions) if you are interested in viewing it, you must friend me. :love:
  • What's everyone up to today?

    I'm working but always thinking about MFP and getting through the day, feeling great.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, there !

    Once again, getting in late and can barely keep my eyes open ...... did well with my food choices, but not much exercise ...... the 60 minutes walking was not all at once ...... it was over several hours ...... my girlfriend & I went to a local horseshow/flea market/charity event ..... it was fun, especially when the "Pet Parade" came by ...... maybe 4 dozen dogs (and their owners) ...... very cute !

    Will go to the gym tomorrow morning ..... then foodshopping ..... then football :drinker:

    Have a great evening !
  • chancegardner
    chancegardner Posts: 12 Member
    Coffee with peanut butter. - is that good?
    Natural creamy PB?
    The pb doesn't sit in a lump at the bottom of the cup?
    Just wondering... Might have to try it