Today im a nerd because...



  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    Does anyone have a knit/crochett pattern for a cloak? I'd really like to do one.

    I will ask my friend if she does and let you know :)
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    Id love to Crochet a yoda hat and CP 30 one ..they are geektastically great
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I spent the day playing pen and paper roleplaying...Pathfinder, not D&D, but it was really fun. I love the human interaction and being in a group of creative geeks!

    And I did this while being a 46 year old MOM!
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    I spent the day playing pen and paper roleplaying...Pathfinder, not D&D, but it was really fun. I love the human interaction and being in a group of creative geeks!

    And I did this while being a 46 year old MOM!

    Friend request sent!!!
    47 year old mum of 4, I played Cyberpunk yesterday (the 80's version) and run a shop which organises TTRPG.
    Hate D&D 4th ed, loved 3.5, Pathfinder is excellent. Favourite games Deadlands, Legend of the Five Rings, We use Savage Worlds rules a lot and write our own games, the best is a 1930's pulp game!
    Must stop talking in bullet point. Just so excited!!!!
  • Lisha_R
    Lisha_R Posts: 92 Member
    I am going to spend the morning looking for a case for the new Iphone 5. In the lead is a Tardis runner up something FIrefly. I liked that one that said Shiny. I would love one that said Blue Sun. What cool cover do you have?
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    My husband is currently teaching our 11-yr-old son how to use a slide rule.
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    ..the WiiU confrence today gave me a massive chubby.

    Was it a full on robot chubby

    even to this day.
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    I called in to the Buzz's Fresh out of bed, head to head challenge and completely smoked my opponent. Can't wait for tomorrow's game!
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    ..........because the whole of my day is spent looking forward to this evening when I get to go out and role play with my other nerdy friends!
  • I can't stay away from borderlands 2
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    I'm wearing my Wonderwoman caped socks and my Caddyshack gopher shirt and it makes me feel cool and awesome
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    I spemt the last 2 days marathoning Game of Thrones with my roommste and squeeling like a small child
  • Today I am a GEEK because... Well lets see.. I run a small business making comic covered goodies that I sell at comic conventions. I am about to get back to work sifting through hundreds of comics and creating wearable art using the pages! That is pretty geeky right? Haha...
  • aften_g
    aften_g Posts: 63 Member
    Today I'm a nerd because my daughter thinks she ate lunch with Dr. Who! Some reporters from 20/20 are doing a story on school lunches at our tiny town in Kansas and they ate lunch with her class. She swears that the guy is the guy who played Dr. Who. I guess we will see on Friday haha! I love my nerdy offspring :)
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Today I'm a nerd because my daughter thinks she ate lunch with Dr. Who! Some reporters from 20/20 are doing a story on school lunches at our tiny town in Kansas and they ate lunch with her class. She swears that the guy is the guy who played Dr. Who. I guess we will see on Friday haha! I love my nerdy offspring :)

    It's a small virtual world! I have a friend on another forum from the same town :smile:

    Which Doctor was it, according to your daughter? Who knows, maybe he's concerned about how our kids are eating too :wink:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Its a "this week" not a "today" but I'm on a SCHEDULE for WoW right now because we need to be raid geared by Tuesday.
  • I finally understand why everyone hates Raiden so much (just started playing MGS for the first time ever 2 weeks ago).

    Man I want to bash his head in.
  • aften_g
    aften_g Posts: 63 Member

    It's a small virtual world! I have a friend on another forum from the same town :smile:

    Which Doctor was it, according to your daughter? Who knows, maybe he's concerned about how our kids are eating too :wink:

    It is a small world! Give them my name if they want to friend me :)

    It's got to be David Tennant that's the one she talks about most. I'm thinking the reporter just looked like him... if it really was Mr. Tennant I will kick myself for not stalking him thoroughly :)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I have made this into my new ring tone for my cel phone:
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    I'm a nerd because the guild that I lead is sixth on our server in terms of gear crafting. Super proud of them? HELL YES I AM. :D