How many calories do you girls eat??



  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    My cal goal is 1320
  • just for the record, starvation mode is mostly a myth perpetuated by the fear mongers on the boards. You have to eat like half your BMR for months to go into true starvation mode.

    Also, MFP reccomends noone eat below 1200 cals, but most of us thinner (in healthy range) shorter females need to have a goal (as in, NET, after exercise) under 1200 or very close to it to lose weight at a moderate pace. MFP is not designed for vanity weight loss, and more for very overweight people looking to lose weight. Those with less weight to lose have less wiggle room with calorie intake. most people on here get really confused about the difference between netting and goaling your calories (intake 1250 calories, burning 200 in exercise, your NET is 1050).


    I'm 5"6-5"7 and 135 lb.
    When I started I was 150 and I ate 1'200 to 1'350 for approximately 3 months and that resulted in loosing 15 lb.
    I went back to eating "normally" for the past 8 months and my body is fine :) No metabolism shutting down. I don't have to eat like a tiny delicate rainforest creature.
    Of course, when I counted calories I also started eating a lot healthier, so that could have had an impact too.

    Atm I'm eating 1'400-1'800 but I want to be eating 1'200- 1'350 :'(

    Got to get my stomach to adjust to the lesser amounts of food.
  • wonderstruck91
    wonderstruck91 Posts: 107 Member
    when i was still actively trying to lose weight i was eating 1200 calories. this amount does not work for everyone, but it worked for me. i have a terribly sedentary desk job monday through friday, but i try to work out in the evenings. i would generally eat back my exercise calories and would also generally allow myself one "splurge" day every week or two. i lost my last 12 pounds this way (my first 20 i lost on weight watchers).

    i am currently 5'6" & 124 pounds. i am easing my way into maintenance. MFP says my maintenance number is around 1650-1700 but i am gradually working my way up to that each week. i want to take it step by step so i can monitor what is actually the "magic number" for me to maintain.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I'm 47 and 5'3". Christmas 2010 I weighed 150 lbs. Started getting a little exercise and traded my 3 daily Cokes for Coke Zero. Lost 16 lbs. in a year. February 2012, started increasing my exercise (mostly on the weekends) and counting calories. Ate about 1650 calories per day. In March 2012, joined a gym and started going 3 days a week plus walking my dog at least 2 miles on Saturdays and Sundays in addition to short walks during the week. Also started walking about a mile before work in the mornings after I got to work. June 2012, upped my gym workouts to 6 days a week and that meant my calories were more like 1750 avg. per day. Reached my goal of 115 lbs. on July 25. Since then I have kept up the workouts, 5 or 6 per week, but only 45 minutes 4 of those days, 2 hours each on Saturday and Sunday because I have extra time. Upped my calories to 2000ish. I'm still losing fat even tho I'm not trying. Seriously considering upping my intake because I am about to start training to walk a marathon in February (for my 48th birthday).

    Always looking for friends if anyone is interested. This is not the first time I have lost weight and I've always gained it back (plus more), so I'm here for the long haul.
  • reallifealien
    reallifealien Posts: 128 Member
    i usually net just under 1200, and i eat anywhere between 1200 and 1500 on a normal day. i do tend to have 'binge' days once or twice when my net can go well above that but i try to still keep it under 1800
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    This is really interesting. I'm 5ft7 and weigh 150lbs. MFP gives me 1440 as sedentary and most days I get an extra 250 for exercise which I eat. Wonder if I'm eating too high after reading this. I'm not losing but thought that might have been due to water retention in muscles due to exercise- I've only been doing this a few weeks. Shoukd I cut down? Maybe I should get a fitbit too?
  • lacaro1
    lacaro1 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for all the info guys!! Yeah at 147 lbs I am a little bit bigger than you guys seem to be, but I gained weight through diets (atkins esp) . I have set my calories to 1500 but exercise daily and don't re-eat those calories. I think I will just save them for my 'cheat' day. I have been reading up on how it is good for your body to have a large amount of calories in one go once a week/fornight/month, whatever you prefer, to not only let you get those cravings out of the way, but to trick your metabolism so it stays burning lots of calories, and doesn't slow down with the constant calorie deficit. Anyone do this?

    According to my med professor it is advisable to eat 300 to 400 cals more than usual every forth day to challenge your metabolism. It also has the same effect if you eat a different amount of calories every day, f.i. if you want to have an overall intake of 1500, you could eat 1200 one day and 1800 on the day after that (just calculate your weekly intake to keep track)
    I did a mixture between the two methods, some weeks I ate 300 calories more every forth day and sometimes I had one day a week when I consumed over 2100 to challenge my metabolism and it worked very well! I even lost more than mfp had anticipated although I overall ate about 300 calories more per day than suggested by mfp:)
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    If you eat back your exercise cals, and have different intensity days, that helps at altering your cal intake, too. For instance.....MFP has me set at 1650, but there's rarely a day I don't exercise. Yesterday I ate 2600 bc I was ripping it. :) Friday was 2500 and Thursday was 2100. Well, that kind of makes it sound like I was shredding it all those days. LOL. Anyways, I eat high and work hard.

    When I first lost weight about 10 years ago (i got down to my lowest, 140) I was working for a landscaping company that worked 10 hour days. It was almost like being in the military. I mean you were running all day long. And we were always hungry. We ate about 3000 cals a day. I realize this might not work for everyone, but it has for me in the past. Plus I don't really have any cravings! lol
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi. I'm 28 and 5'4". I currently weigh 128 and am trying to lose 10-12 more pounds. Mfp wanted me to eat 1200 but I'm doing 1300 calories as my daily goal. I do light exercise probably 4 times a week and try not to eat back my calories unless I'm feeling extra hungry.
  • If you are eating a balanced diet of carbs, protein and fats - you're body is more likely to go into ketosis safely which is different to starvation mode. Ketosis happens when your body has received all necessary nutrients (regardless of calorie intake) and start to burn stored fat. Google ketosis and check it out. I am currently on the OPTIFAST program (transition phase) as I have an event that I want to go to and cannot fit into my fave dress at the moment (naughty naughty). But I will revert back to the CSIRO WellBeing diet once my weight has stabilised which is calculated to 1200-1500 calories a day.
  • SarahJane139
    SarahJane139 Posts: 16 Member
    I am 121 pounds and 5'3''. I like to have my calories set at 1450. I like this for a few reasons
    #1 - It is super realistic
    #2 - It feels great to come in under the calorie goal
    #3 - When you eat such a reasonable amount of calories the weight loss may be slow but it's going to be permanent

    My philosophy is that diets cannot last forever but lifestyle changes can. Eating around 1200 calories a day on a diet is just fine but for those who want a maintainable lifestyle change (instead of a diet) I think a higher caloric intake between 1400-1600 is perfect. If you are an active female with a normal BMI who wants to lose a few vanity pounds (like me) this advice is for you!
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    I am 5'5" and 145 pounds. I realistically will probably only lose maybe another 10-15 pounds before I reach my ultimate healthy goal weight and am focusing on weight training since that is what is changing my shape. So, in that regard I eat my TDEE minus 20% or so. I typically eat between 1600-1800 calories a day, more on the days I lift. I tried eating less, it didn't work long term. I got sick a lot (i get sick easily under good circumstances, and my body did not like being undernourished) and didn't lose weight.

    What works for one may not work for another. It's taken me a long time to figure out what works for me, and so far eating following the TDEE-20%ish is working for me. I'm not even so focused on what the scale says, but how my clothes fit. I've lost 4" off my body since modifying my calorie intake in September, but only 3 pounds. I'm good with that, and I like where things are going.
  • MamaMaryC
    MamaMaryC Posts: 142 Member
    I am almost 5'4". I weight 127.

    I workout 5 days a week for about 55 minutes. I am a SAHM working on my master's online. So other than my 55 minute workout each day... I don't get a whole lot of movement otherwise.

    The 5 days I workout I eat 1400 calories. I am full and happy with this #. The 2 days I do not workout I eat 1100 (dr recommended not going below 1000). I sleep in till 10 am and don't get a whole lot of movement these days and the 1100 does me just fine. :)
  • I have an open food diary so feel free to look :)
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    I am 106 pounds and 5'1 and eat 1750. I am maintaining.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I'm 5'"2' and 120lbs. I eat depending apon what my fitbit tells me I burned yesterday minus 10% so it ends up anywhere from 1450 to 1950 approx. Can't wait till I can eat that 10% more at maintenance which is close.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I'm not logging my food anymore but I eat roughly 2000-2300/day. I'm 34 years old, 5'5" and about 125lbs. I lift weights 3x a week, run 2-3x a week and do yoga 1-2x a week.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I'm not logging my food anymore but I eat roughly 2000-2300/day. I'm 34 years old, 5'5" and about 125lbs. I lift weights 3x a week, run 2-3x a week and do yoga 1-2x a week.

    Oh I forgot about weights! I'm starting them soon so will be eating more then.