


  • Hi all. My name is Ashleigh and I am a Navy Wife. Been married for almost 8 years all of which were Navy years. Currently I live in Quantico, VA but I will be transferring back to Norfolk in the next 6-9 months. I have never been skinny, always been a fluffy girl, and I am looking to make a change knowing that deployments are in my near future and this time around I will be a mommy and I am going to need the energy to be a mommy/daddy for 8 months at a time. My goal is to be able to buy a bra at Victoria Secret. Never had one because I have never been small enough to fit into their bras.
  • Hello! My name is Amanda. I am married to a Marine and we are stationed at Camp Lejeune, NC. We live off base about five minutes from Mainside. I am also a SATM of a very busy toddler. When I am not busy I like to go play paintball, go to the firing range, and/or work on our vehicles with my husband.I don't have many friends yet.. so we'll see how this goes.
  • Hello! My name is Amanda. I am married to a Marine and we are stationed at Camp Lejeune, NC. We live off base about five minutes from Mainside. I am also a SATM of a very busy toddler. When I am not busy I like to go play paintball, go to the firing range, and/or work on our vehicles with my husband.I recently got serious about losing weight. All through high school and some of college I was about 135-145 pounds. After the year at college I gained way too much weight. By the time I had my son in 2010, I was about 180. I slowly got back down to 170.. but then stayed at that weight. My motivation was gone. So when we got orders to Lejeune, I was excited for a new place and change. I think I was mostly sick of others of asking if I was pregnant again (which I wasn't). I am now at 161, but still have some more too lose.I am hoping to lose some more before the birthday ball in November.
  • Hi, ladies. My name is Sara and I'm married to a Marine. In the last 4 years, we've been through 3 (short) deployments and have had 2 kids. Unfortunately, I'm not one of the ones who loses weight when her husband is in Afghanistan. Still working on losing baby weight + stress weight. We're stationed near Baltimore and plan on staying in the area, even though we're getting ready to EAS!
  • lovelyladyv1
    lovelyladyv1 Posts: 4 Member
    I know exactly how you feel.Man I just wish I could actually get a good workout in without having to worry about taking a 2 yr old with me or stop to help a 10 yr old with homework or change a diaper or feed the dog or make dinner. Argue with the hubby! I use to be a soldier and I was a runner. I was an athelete all through school most I ever wayed back then was 140 lbs when I was in the Army but even then I made tape. Now 3 years later I look in the mirror and wonder where and when did I allow myself to get so out of control. 5'2 180 lbs. But I'm done making excuses and I am making a way everyday to do some form of exercise it's been two weeks and I actually doing good and sticking to making healthy choices. Today wasn't such a great day but I'm not going to let one bad day hold me down like the past I'm going to go home and work out, eat a sensible dinner and tommorrow is a new day.
  • Hello
    My name is Christa. I am an Army wife and mom of a wonderful daughter. We are stationed at Fort Bragg, NC. I am also an ER nurse. I recently found this site and decided to give it a try. My goal is to lose weight and be healthier. I am a great fun personality that sometimes gets hidden due to my outer shell. I am comfortable in my own skin to a point but I want to be able to not worry about being judged and to be able to shop with it being fun again.
  • hi all, i just joined - my hubby is in the UK Air Force and we're in Cyprus at the min. Anyone else in here from UK or based in Cyprus?
  • Hi my name is Connie. My husband is in the army and stationed at Fort Benning, Ga but we live 30 mins away in Fort Mitchell, Al. With my 4th daughter I gained a lot of weight due to emotional eating . Looking to lose 81 pounds and get down to 150 :)
  • New to my fitness pal and the groups here, but husband has been AD Army for the past 8 years here at Bragg. I'm starting to get back into running after having my son last August. Looking forward to getting to know others in the group.
  • ellabelle0310
    ellabelle0310 Posts: 92 Member
    Hey! I'm Beth, married for 11 years to this great guy that happens to be in the Army. Right now we live outside Fort Campbell, KY in Clarksville, TN. We have three kids, ages 10, 8, and 3, and two dogs, a boxer and a mastiff/dane mix. I lost 100lbs back in 05, then after 2 pregnancies, one with a set of twins that I carried to 17 weeks that I gained 34lbs during, and the one that gave me my beautiful lil girl, I gained a total of 80 of it back. So here I am..Looking forward to getting to interact with you all!
  • Hi all! I'm Ashley, my husband is currently serving in the USAF, and we're based out in lovely Las Vegas for the time being. Just wanted to join a group to get ideas, tips, tricks, fun workouts, support, etc. :)
  • chopzgurl05
    chopzgurl05 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey there, I am Tabitha! Navy wife. Been with my guy for 10 years now. Currently stationed in Hawaii. I gained a ton of weight during our most recent PCS and finally getting off my butt and doing something about it :) My current goal is to get 58 lbs off. Doing what worked for me in the past after having my second child: Primal diet, heavy lifting, and moderate cardio. Feel free to add me!
  • Army wife, of 10 years. Married to the most amazing well put together SSG. He has served 3 tours in Iraq and looking at another deployment early summer. I love being an army wife, but its not easy. Each deployment is like child birth, the first one you dont quite know what to expect then after first, you remember oh so well. How long a year is.. ect. well you know.. I have 20 reasons why I am fat. .. I want to have 100 reasons why I am thin in future. :) I am so proud of all the military wives, our military men and all those that serve in all ways. Oh yeah.. I live in Hawaii.
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi Ya'll

    I'm Carrieann I've been married to my husband for 3 years, we are currently stationed at Rose Barracks Germany.
    I have 2 children (Boys 2 and 7)

    I gained about 50 lbs when I got pregnant with my youngest and have had a hard time getting rid of it! To be honest with you I haven't really had the drive to loose it, but hopefully now things will be different! =)

    It'll be nice meeting other military wives who are trying to loose weight while taking care of their families, pcs'ing, and deployments. It's not easy but we can do ti!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi I'm Paula and currently living in Vilseck Germany I've tried losing weight before but wasn't really motivated. This time it's on and with the support of MFP members I'm sure I can do it!! Good luck everyone in their weight loss journeys!!!

    Hi Paula,
    I live in Vilseck as well! =)
    It's nice to know there is someone close by!
  • Hello All-
    My Name is Shannon and I am a Marine wife. We are currently stationed in Yuma, Arizona but should be PCS'ing sometime early next year due to my husband going recruiting.
    We dont have any kids at this point, just some cats & turtles =)
    Good luck to everyone in their weight loss
  • kissmisskate
    kissmisskate Posts: 92 Member
    Hello! I'm wife to a Army Reservist at the moment, who is working on his packet to go Active Officer. We currently live in the hills of North GA, but he drills in Decatur. I'm excited for him to go active, us to PCS, and the ability (and stability) to start a family. Glad to find this group!
  • Hello :) My name is Holly Dobbins, my husband and I are stationed at Ft Stewart, Ga. My husband is currently depolyed and I'm on the ever famous Deployment Diet lol... So far I've lost 21 lbs and I'm kinda stuck around 223-225 and I'm trying to get down to at LEAST 170. Anyway- here I am lol :)
  • lishaalexis
    lishaalexis Posts: 195 Member
    Hi everyone!!! I am a Navy wife, but here is the thing I am ALSO in the Navy. I am a LS3, 24, just had a baby almost 8 months ago. Husband is going out for work ups all of the time. I am trying to lose the baby weight AND some. Please feel free to add me, I am on here everyday, and my diary is open.
  • mommyjeni
    mommyjeni Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! My name is Jeni. I've been married to my subby for the last 5+ years. We have 4 year old twin girls. We just moved and are getting settled on the island Guam. Attempting to get back in a routine of working out and eating right.