3rd Trimester



  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    Well my whole birth plan just went out the window...Doctor checked at 36 weeks and "thought" she felt a head and that lil' boy had finally flipped and said that I'd get a US at 37, at 37 they didn't think they needed to. No check of the cervix AT ALL at 37 or 38 weeks...GUESS WHAT?? Today at 39 weeks (a different) Doctor checks and says...I can't feel a head or...anything. So we head over to the ultrasound machine. Kid is sitting transverse kickin' it old school...*sigh*.

    Doctor gives three options:

    1. we wait and see if he'll turn (only a 5% likelihood he will and we'll end up with a C-section);
    2. we turn him externally (50% likelihood in the BEST situations) - means filling him and me with medication to relax the uterus, then manhandling him around which could lead to increased heart rate, separation of the placenta, and other bad crap that may end up equaling a C-section. Great part of this is the Doctor says "if it was earlier..." and I was like "you mean if you had actually checked at 37 and 38 weeks like the previous doctor said ya'll would?"; and
    3. just scheduling a C-section

    so yeah...waiting to hear back from the doctor's office on when they can get me in for the C-section. I'm 39 weeks so now I'm nervous I'll go into labor before I can get him out! I'm ok with a scheduled one but I'm scared of having to get stuck with an emergency C-Section.

    Good news is that we'll be meeting him pretty soon?


    Good news is that you will go home with a baby either way! Best laid plans and all of that......

    This is more or less the reason I'm thinking I probably won't draft a birth plan.

    Oh! But I forgot to say how exciting it is that the baby is almost here. Yay!!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I'm happy :happy: that we'll be seeing him on Monday and happy :happy: that he will be healthy, just a little perturbed... :grumble:
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm happy :happy: that we'll be seeing him on Monday and happy :happy: that he will be healthy, just a little perturbed... :grumble:

    Woo! Excited for you that you'll have a baby on Monday, but bummed for you that your doc didn't figure this out sooner! For what it's worth, I know two people who tried the external flipping, didn't work for either. One also said she'd never do it again, it was that unpleasant. Although not ideal, C-section is probably your best bet for both of you to be safe and healthy. Good luck!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I had my first weekly appointment today, and alll was good. She said I was maybe 25% effaced and not dilated at all, so he is probably not coming for a while...I'm glad especially since I'm 35w6d. I'm glad they do not force induction until 41 weeks, but they will strip membranes if I choose at 37, which I won't have done that early...maybe around 40 if there isn't much progression. It just kind of sucks that my EDD is the Saturday before Thanksgiving. I would almost rather have him late, becuase I will be uncomfortable with a brand new baby around a bunch of people so early. Especially 4 of my hubby's cousins that aren't vaccinated...am I being a paranoid new mom? If I have him right around Thanksgiving or later, I will be incredibly miserable I'm sure but wont' have to worry about everybody handling the baby. Rant over :)

    I would not be going to family homes for the holiday. I am due about a 1 1/2 weeks before xmas and I told hubby he could go to his mothers if he wants to but me and baby are staying home. I just know I would not feel up to it. Family should understand you will be sore and sleep deprived plus you are a new mom so you need the time to get used to it. This is my second one and I am not going to attempt it.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Well my whole birth plan just went out the window...Doctor checked at 36 weeks and "thought" she felt a head and that lil' boy had finally flipped and said that I'd get a US at 37, at 37 they didn't think they needed to. No check of the cervix AT ALL at 37 or 38 weeks...GUESS WHAT?? Today at 39 weeks (a different) Doctor checks and says...I can't feel a head or...anything. So we head over to the ultrasound machine. Kid is sitting transverse kickin' it old school...*sigh*.

    Doctor gives three options:

    1. we wait and see if he'll turn (only a 5% likelihood he will and we'll end up with a C-section);
    2. we turn him externally (50% likelihood in the BEST situations) - means filling him and me with medication to relax the uterus, then manhandling him around which could lead to increased heart rate, separation of the placenta, and other bad crap that may end up equaling a C-section. Great part of this is the Doctor says "if it was earlier..." and I was like "you mean if you had actually checked at 37 and 38 weeks like the previous doctor said ya'll would?"; and
    3. just scheduling a C-section

    so yeah...waiting to hear back from the doctor's office on when they can get me in for the C-section. I'm 39 weeks so now I'm nervous I'll go into labor before I can get him out! I'm ok with a scheduled one but I'm scared of having to get stuck with an emergency C-Section.

    Good news is that we'll be meeting him pretty soon?


    So exciting can't wait for pictures!!!!!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Faughorn - I'm sorry things aren't going as planned, but I can't wait to see pictures of your little one :) Not much longer at all!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Well my whole birth plan just went out the window...Doctor checked at 36 weeks and "thought" she felt a head and that lil' boy had finally flipped and said that I'd get a US at 37, at 37 they didn't think they needed to. No check of the cervix AT ALL at 37 or 38 weeks...GUESS WHAT?? Today at 39 weeks (a different) Doctor checks and says...I can't feel a head or...anything. So we head over to the ultrasound machine. Kid is sitting transverse kickin' it old school...*sigh*.

    Doctor gives three options:

    1. we wait and see if he'll turn (only a 5% likelihood he will and we'll end up with a C-section);
    2. we turn him externally (50% likelihood in the BEST situations) - means filling him and me with medication to relax the uterus, then manhandling him around which could lead to increased heart rate, separation of the placenta, and other bad crap that may end up equaling a C-section. Great part of this is the Doctor says "if it was earlier..." and I was like "you mean if you had actually checked at 37 and 38 weeks like the previous doctor said ya'll would?"; and
    3. just scheduling a C-section

    so yeah...waiting to hear back from the doctor's office on when they can get me in for the C-section. I'm 39 weeks so now I'm nervous I'll go into labor before I can get him out! I'm ok with a scheduled one but I'm scared of having to get stuck with an emergency C-Section.

    Good news is that we'll be meeting him pretty soon?


    I'd be pissed at your doc for sure.

    Don't worry too much though. My aunt had the manual turning procedure, and it worked for her. She delivered my little girl cousin vaginally after. There's still hope for a safe vaginal delivery! Don't give up yet! *hugs*
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I'm signed up for a C-Section on Monday morning!

    There seemed to be way too many risks trying to turn a 39 +5 baby and I'd rather have him in the more controlled environment without the additional drugs.

    So much to do now that I know when he'll be here!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I'm signed up for a C-Section on Monday morning!

    There seemed to be way too many risks trying to turn a 39 +5 baby and I'd rather have him in the more controlled environment without the additional drugs.

    So much to do now that I know when he'll be here!

    Cool! At least you have that stress off your shoulders! Congrats!! :smile:
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm signed up for a C-Section on Monday morning!

    There seemed to be way too many risks trying to turn a 39 +5 baby and I'd rather have him in the more controlled environment without the additional drugs.

    So much to do now that I know when he'll be here!

    That's exciting, glad you get to meet your boy soon, and you have the weekend to finish up anything you need to do. That makes me think to ask for them to check his posiition next time...I'm pretty sure he is heads down, but they haven't checked.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I'm signed up for a C-Section on Monday morning!

    There seemed to be way too many risks trying to turn a 39 +5 baby and I'd rather have him in the more controlled environment without the additional drugs.

    So much to do now that I know when he'll be here!

    So exciting!!! Can't wait to see some pictures!
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!!! Sorry I've been MIA...was very active doing the first trimester, somewhat during the first half of the second trimester and since than haven't been here. To catch all of you up I made 32 weeks yesterday!!! My last u/s was at 30w 5d and baby girl was doing great weighing in 3lbs 11oz and in a head down position. As for me I have managed to keep my weight gain under a minimum, started the pregnancy at 180lbs and was recommended to gain anywhere btw 11-20lbs, thus far I have only gained 10lbs!!!!! How have all you guys been?
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I'm signed up for a C-Section on Monday morning!

    There seemed to be way too many risks trying to turn a 39 +5 baby and I'd rather have him in the more controlled environment without the additional drugs.

    So much to do now that I know when he'll be here!

    Lots of positive thoughts and prayers coming your way, Mama! I know it's not your ideal situation but either way that beautiful baby boy will be here Monday! Have a great weekend and enjoy your last one on one time with DH!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I see how everyone has already picked names out and I am starting to worry. This poor child still has no name my husband and I cannot agree still. This poor baby will be called she permanently I am afraid.

    It will come to you! My hubby and I couldn't agree on any names either, and then suddenly, "Chloe" popped into my head, and we both ended up loving it!

    For ideas, I would browse the editorial pages of magazines & opening/closing credits of movies/tv shows. I never did get any good ideas from baby name books or websites.

    Blink - You're not alone! At 38.5 weeks we've chosen a boy name, but still cannot agree on a girl name.

    I agree with ajsdream about the websites and books. I find the sites all tend to be the same top 10 lists, and we're trying to avoid anything too popular/common, and the books are tedious and some times just ridiculous! I've also been keeping an eye out for names in articles and tv/movie credits, too.

    No names for us either... I'm due in 9 days! (Yay single digits!) We have a short list but nothing decided on. My husband has a first name that he's liked for months but I keep changing my mind. We have the middle name narrowed down to two. I'm hoping that whole "you'll know when you see her" rings true because I don't see a decision being made any time soon.

    I'm annoyed with myself for not making a decision but you can't force it. :)

    My update- blood pressure fluctuating high at the beginning of my appointments and after laying on my left side for 5-10 minutes, back to normal. Dr. just wants to keep checking me. I was dilated 1 cm on Monday and Dr was delayed so I didn't get checked this morning. I have to go back Monday for a blood pressure and internal check.

    I am completely in limbo right now. I keep varying from anxious to get this baby here, to nervous for labor, back to excited. Oh crazy emotions!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I see how everyone has already picked names out and I am starting to worry. This poor child still has no name my husband and I cannot agree still. This poor baby will be called she permanently I am afraid.

    It will come to you! My hubby and I couldn't agree on any names either, and then suddenly, "Chloe" popped into my head, and we both ended up loving it!

    For ideas, I would browse the editorial pages of magazines & opening/closing credits of movies/tv shows. I never did get any good ideas from baby name books or websites.

    Blink - You're not alone! At 38.5 weeks we've chosen a boy name, but still cannot agree on a girl name.

    I agree with ajsdream about the websites and books. I find the sites all tend to be the same top 10 lists, and we're trying to avoid anything too popular/common, and the books are tedious and some times just ridiculous! I've also been keeping an eye out for names in articles and tv/movie credits, too.

    No names for us either... I'm due in 9 days! (Yay single digits!) We have a short list but nothing decided on. My husband has a first name that he's liked for months but I keep changing my mind. We have the middle name narrowed down to two. I'm hoping that whole "you'll know when you see her" rings true because I don't see a decision being made any time soon.

    I'm annoyed with myself for not making a decision but you can't force it. :)

    My update- blood pressure fluctuating high at the beginning of my appointments and after laying on my left side for 5-10 minutes, back to normal. Dr. just wants to keep checking me. I was dilated 1 cm on Monday and Dr was delayed so I didn't get checked this morning. I have to go back Monday for a blood pressure and internal check.

    I am completely in limbo right now. I keep varying from anxious to get this baby here, to nervous for labor, back to excited. Oh crazy emotions!

    So exciting its been awhile since we have had a birth story. My first was born towards the end of October and I had so much fun that Halloween dressing him up ( didn't take him trick or treating) but I did play barbie doll with him. I dressed him up like a biker and a chili pepper and took tons of pictures. Now that he will be turning 9 I threaten to show all his friends.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    NO BABY TODAY...*sigh* and :laugh:

    Remember that 5% chance that the kid would turn on his own? ...

    Wish we coulda figured it out before I'd been admitted and had an IV put in. Looks like he wants to arrive the old fashioned way! :smile:

    39 +5
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    NO BABY TODAY...*sigh* and :laugh:

    Remember that 5% chance that the kid would turn on his own? ...

    Wish we coulda figured it out before I'd been admitted and had an IV put in. Looks like he wants to arrive the old fashioned way! :smile:

    39 +5

    That's good news about the baby turning! :smile:
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    NO BABY TODAY...*sigh* and :laugh:

    Remember that 5% chance that the kid would turn on his own? ...

    Wish we coulda figured it out before I'd been admitted and had an IV put in. Looks like he wants to arrive the old fashioned way! :smile:

    39 +5

  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    NO BABY TODAY...*sigh* and :laugh:

    Remember that 5% chance that the kid would turn on his own? ...

    Wish we coulda figured it out before I'd been admitted and had an IV put in. Looks like he wants to arrive the old fashioned way! :smile:

    39 +5

    That's so awesome!! What an emotional roller coaster for you though- holy cow!!!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Congrats Faughorn! That's awesome:)

    I'm 39 weeks 1 day today and have had contractions allllll day as well as my "bloody show" this morning. Hoping this is the start of labor...but no idea since I was induced last time. HERE WE (hopefully) GO:)