Stage 3



  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    ebaymommy, workout B bored me too! I just wasn't feeling it. The end was especially drug out.

    Was supposed to do my second B workout today but I bailed on it. My daughter had me up 6 times last night and I thought 'This doesn't change a thing, I'm going to workout!' Then when I walked down the hall so we could start our day I stepped in cat throw up. I still thought 'I'm in a bad mood, but I'm going to workout!' Cue me noticing my daughter having a bad diaper rash, realising I feel like I'm getting a sinus infection and I'm still thinking I'm going to trudge on (all before 7 am).

    Then while I'm in the kitchen something pinched in my neck and shoulders and now I'm in a ton of pain and finally said 'I give up on today'

    We'll see how tomorrow goes.

    Wow! Really not your day yesterday. Hope it got better!
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    ebaymommy, workout B bored me too! I just wasn't feeling it. The end was especially drug out.

    Was supposed to do my second B workout today but I bailed on it. My daughter had me up 6 times last night and I thought 'This doesn't change a thing, I'm going to workout!' Then when I walked down the hall so we could start our day I stepped in cat throw up. I still thought 'I'm in a bad mood, but I'm going to workout!' Cue me noticing my daughter having a bad diaper rash, realising I feel like I'm getting a sinus infection and I'm still thinking I'm going to trudge on (all before 7 am).

    Then while I'm in the kitchen something pinched in my neck and shoulders and now I'm in a ton of pain and finally said 'I give up on today'

    We'll see how tomorrow goes.

    Wow! Really not your day yesterday. Hope it got better!

    You can say that again! Yeesh! I hope today has been much kinder to you.

    Hurricane Sandy is threatening to derail me ending stage 3 tomorrow. The forecast for tomorrow has us dealing with squall lines all day/night long as well as 35-45mph sustained wind with gusts up to 50mph. Im not sure I even want to think about all the standing water we will be dealing with, although at least this time we will be on the "easy" side of the storm. Ugh. I so wanna finish this stage and take next week off.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Today was a lot better! My daughter slept, didn't get me up until almost 7 am too! Except I'm still a litlte sick and my back still hurts. I'm going to aim for a workout tomorrow. I don't want to push it if my back is feeling this way. If it's still sore, I might do some light cardio during naptime.
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    Crazy hurricane weather or not, stage 3 is in the books! Im feeling pretty darn beat up. I skipped my rest week last go, this go Ill be taking it.

    Stage 3 Weight Results - (e) = each hand so 25(e)lbs would be a total of 50lbs.

    Workout A
    One Arm DB Snatch 20lbs--->35lbs +15lbs
    DB Single Leg Romanian Deadlift10(e)lbs--->25(e)lbs +15lbs
    BB Bent Over Row 45lbs--->75lbs +30lbs
    DB Single Arm Overhead Squat 5/10lbs--->20/40lbs +15/30lbs
    DB Incline Bench Press15(e)lbs--->25(e)lbs +10lbs
    Plank new best is 72 seconds
    Reverse Wood Chop 35lbs--->55lbs +20lbs
    BWM best time (2 sets of lunges instead of lunge jumps thanks to a tweaked knee) 3:24

    Workout B
    BB Romanian Deadlift/Bent Over Row 45lbs--->80lbs +30lbs
    Partial Single Leg Squat BW--->25(e)lbs +25lbs
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 55lbs--->70lbs +15lbs
    Back Extensions BW--->30lbs +30lbs
    Ab Circuit all done at BW with no rest.
    Prone Cobra best time 95 seconds.
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    Did the B workout on Thursday and my second A workout on Saturday.

    I was planning on going to the gym today, but I don't think I'll be going out in Sandy's hurricane winds! Might do a yoga DVD later.

    Stay safe everyone!!
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Hello to all fellow NROL4W............ I just completed Stage 2 today and will be entering into the world of Stage 3 Any suggestions?? I'm reading that it's a bit tougher?
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    OK, I'm revising my initial hatred for the "B" workout.

    I did it for the 2nd time on Monday and I'm going for my 3rd time tomorrow. I went in Monday with the attitude that just because it's a different workout than the ones with deadlifts/squats/step-ups that leave me sweating and dying - it doesn't mean it's an ineffective workout. I really concentrated on the moves and my form and challenged myself as much as possible with the weights. The only area I cannot stand to do the 105 second rest is between all the ab moves so I super-set them and did the swiss ball crunch, prone jackknife and lateral flexion all in a row with no break, then took a 1.5-2 minute break between the super-sets. Worked much better for me and got me out of the gym several minutes faster as well!
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Just did Stage 3 Work out A... OMG Kicked my Bottom!!!! Burnt 566 cal in 90 min... Tough!! Tough!! But ... I DID IT!! ;-))) Don't know if I'm looking forward to Work out B.. But I've never bench pressed 25 lb's in each hand before!!!.... :glasses: :smokin:
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    Just did Stage 3 Work out A... OMG Kicked my Bottom!!!! Burnt 566 cal in 90 min... Tough!! Tough!! But ... I DID IT!! ;-))) Don't know if I'm looking forward to Work out B.. But I've never bench pressed 25 lb's in each hand before!!!.... :glasses: :smokin:

    Wow! That's a lot of calories! Good for you starting at 25 lbs in each hand, that's a very impressive start. Workout B is a little easier but if you add weights where you can it will make it a little more difficult.
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    So I finished 3A today and here are my results.

    Squat thingy where you throw up the weight (don't have my book and can't remember the name of it!): 10 pd --> 25 pds
    Straight one legged deadlift: 5 pd (per hand) ---> 25 pd (per hand)
    Bent over row: 40 pd ---> 80 pd
    Weird squat holding two dumbells: 5 + 10pd ---> 7.5 + 15pd
    Incline chest press: 40 pd ---> 60 pd
    Plank: 90 seconds on bench ---> no change
    Wood chop: 40 pd ---> 50 pd

    Body Weight matrix: Didn't time myself on these but added a 12 pound ball to static squats and lunges.

    Enjoyed this stage and not looking forward to going back to step ups (I loathe those!)

    Happy Wednesday everyone!
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    I'm officially halfway through stage 3 and the part I look forward to the most is interval training. I'm not feeling stage 3. Other women said they feel bored, yeah me too, but it also feels... I don't know, I'm increasing my weights and pushing myself but I don't feel challenged like I did in stage 1 or 2 and the moves in stage 3 are kinda awkward to do in the gym. And the rest time seems super long. ***sigh*** Rant finished.
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm officially halfway through stage 3 and the part I look forward to the most is interval training. I'm not feeling stage 3. Other women said they feel bored, yeah me too, but it also feels... I don't know, I'm increasing my weights and pushing myself but I don't feel challenged like I did in stage 1 or 2 and the moves in stage 3 are kinda awkward to do in the gym. And the rest time seems super long. ***sigh*** Rant finished.

    I understand how you feel but in someways I like this stage better than 2. I know it is bad but I don't take the whole break because I don't feel like I am getting a good workout, I find the shorter rests get my heart rate up and I work up a sweat. I do like the stiff one legged deadlift - I am really feeling it today. I have to do the last B exercise tomorrow and then I'm off to Stage 4! Woohoo!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I am DONE with Stage 3. Hooray! Here's my progressions for the two workouts:

    Workout A

    * One-Armed Dumbbell Snatch - 25lb
    >28.75lb (+3.75lb)
    * Dumbbell Singe Leg Romanian Deadlift - 60lbs
    >90lb (+30lb) - used barbell for these because my grip strength gave out with dumbbells
    * Barbell Bent Over Row - 65lb
    >75lb (+10lb)
    * Dumbbell Single Arm Overhead Squat - 5 & 10lb
    > 10 & 20lb (dang this is the most awkward move ever)
    * Dumbbell Incline Bench Press - 20lb dumbbells each hand
    > 25lb dumbbells each hand (+5lbs)
    * Plank - 90 seconds 3pt plank from bench - did these the entire stage
    * Reverse Wood Chop - 45lb ---->60lb (+15lb)

    Body Weight Matrix -
    first round (worst time) - 3:01
    best time - 2:08
    average time - 2:22

    Workout B

    * Barbell Romanian Deadlift / Bent Over Row - 65lb ---->85lb (+20lb)
    * Partial Single Leg Squat - 20lb dumbbells each hand
    >27.5lb dumbbells each hand
    * Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - 75lb
    >80lb (+5lb)
    * Back Extension - body weight
    > 15lb medicine ball (+15lb)
    * YTWL - 3lb
    >6.25lb (+3.25lb)
    * Swiss Ball Crunch - 12lb ball overhead
    > 15lb ball overhead (+3lb)
    * Hip Flexion - did prone jackknife for all workouts
    * Lateral Flexion - did lateral flexion 3 for all workouts
    * Prone Cobra - held for 90 seconds all workouts
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Hi all! I started Stage 3 today. It was quite a workout, but I felt like I was doing the exercises awkwardly. So my questions:

    DB Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift -- um... is this just bending forward and lifting your leg up (reminiscent of Stage 2 where you do this, but then row with the DBs?). I felt like I all I was doing was balancing and not "lifting."

    Jump Lunges - I can't do them!! I seriously could not get a rhythm and it hurt my knees, so I did them very awkwardly. It took me 3 1/2 minutes for BWM. book says to rest for twice as long...but I did not for this exercise. For everything else, I TRIED to rest for at least 90 seconds. It was tough though.

    I will say, I was sweating profusely and it took me 75 minutes. I also started off with heavy weights (at least for me). I haven't even looked at the B workout. I better start studying...
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Completed Stage 3 Work out A 2 out of four It took 79min I completed it all and burnt 423 cal I was sweaty and shaky by the time I was done. I think one of the men in the gym was afraid they'd have to call the ambulance LOL but I did it!!!!
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    So I finished 3A today and here are my results.

    Squat thingy where you throw up the weight (don't have my book and can't remember the name of it!): 10 pd --> 25 pds
    Straight one legged deadlift: 5 pd (per hand) ---> 25 pd (per hand)
    Bent over row: 40 pd ---> 80 pd
    Weird squat holding two dumbells: 5 + 10pd ---> 7.5 + 15pd
    Incline chest press: 40 pd ---> 60 pd
    Plank: 90 seconds on bench ---> no change
    Wood chop: 40 pd ---> 50 pd

    Body Weight matrix: Didn't time myself on these but added a 12 pound ball to static squats and lunges.

    Enjoyed this stage and not looking forward to going back to step ups (I loathe those!)

    Happy Wednesday everyone!

    I love the discriptions of the excercises because 'that's exactly' how I feld about it Expecially the Weird squat holding two dombells. It 'is' an awkward excercise and much tougher than it sounds. Great Job on the increase in weights!! I hopw I can show as good of an improvement at the end of this.
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Hi all! I started Stage 3 today. It was quite a workout, but I felt like I was doing the exercises awkwardly. So my questions:

    DB Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift -- um... is this just bending forward and lifting your leg up (reminiscent of Stage 2 where you do this, but then row with the DBs?). I felt like I all I was doing was balancing and not "lifting."

    Jump Lunges - I can't do them!! I seriously could not get a rhythm and it hurt my knees, so I did them very awkwardly. It took me 3 1/2 minutes for BWM. book says to rest for twice as long...but I did not for this exercise. For everything else, I TRIED to rest for at least 90 seconds. It was tough though.

    I will say, I was sweating profusely and it took me 75 minutes. I also started off with heavy weights (at least for me). I haven't even looked at the B workout. I better start studying...

    I'd have to say you are probably doing quite well!!! I felt the same way about the Single Leg Romanian Deadlift and it gets easier with better form the stronger you get... Jump Lunges I can't do them either so I step back with a little hop Yep Sweating profusely (you are right on with me; that's what happened to me) and concerned about workout B... You'll get through it like I did.. The second time around it 'will be' easier... Take one rep at a time!!! That's all you have to worry about. (need to take my own advice ;-))
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    Finished Stage 3

    One armed dumbbell snatch - 15 lb dumbbell

    Dumbbell single leg Romanian dead lift - 35 lb dumbbells

    Barbell bent-over row 80lbs

    Dumbbells single arm overhead squat 10, 20 lb dumbbells

    Dumbbell incline bench press - 20 lb dumbbells

    Planking is still difficult, did it for 35 seconds once!

    Reverse wood chop - 50 lbs

    BWM - best time was 4 min

    Barbell Romanian Deadlift - 80 lbs

    Wide grip lat pull down - 90 lbs!

    Back extension 70 lbs

    YTWL - 10 lb dumbbells
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    OMG I so hate the BWM. Our gym only has open floor space on the second floor and by the time I get down with BWM my legs are rubber and I have to hold on to the rail for dear life going back down! Not to mention the people running around the track stare at me like I'm a crazy kangaroo as I hop and swear lol.
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    Okay so I'm just back to b*tch and complain again. I don't know if its stage 3 or just a mental block I'm going through but I'm so ready to move on. I went to the gym on Wednesday, got dressed and then went home!! That's how much I didn't want to do the workout. I went home and did my Insanity DVD instead. Today I should be lifting as well but I've already decided I'm going to do my Insanity DVD again instead. I have one more workout of A and B to do and then I'm done with stage 3 but I seriously don't want to... yes, that's me whining like a big *kitten* kid.

    I'm seriously debating if I should just move on to stage 4 and forget about the last workout. I don't want to lose my motivation/love for lifting. Or maybe I just need to suck it up and go in there and knock out these last two workouts of stage 3. :grumble: