Running in Cold Weather



  • I don't have this problem yet (I'm in Australia and it's summer) but I'm wondering too how well I'll go with c25k and running once the days are shorter? I guess the only solution will be to do it in the morning before work but I'm really not a morning person!
  • chaniray
    chaniray Posts: 83 Member
    i wear gloves, a long sleeve shirt, a hoodie and a neckie. i find that my nasal passages start to burn from breathing in the cold air so i just pull the neckie up and breathe my own warm air and then bring it down.
  • mom2tek
    mom2tek Posts: 75 Member
    I always seem to get head congestion or colds after running outside when it's cold. I wear a hat and neck gator also. I've been trying to run more outside but feel rotten starting about a hour later when my head begins to fill up.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Leggings, and I still wear a T shirt usually

    It's 96 degrees right now and I am DYING for 40 degree weather again!! :)
  • GypsyWillow22
    GypsyWillow22 Posts: 31 Member
    A gym membership. lol
  • When you run in the cold weather, you want to layer at first, the more you warm up and start sweating is when you want to lose a little layer at a time! Sweating with lots of layers on can give you a cold!! Thats what we did in soccer practice!
  • I had the same concern about cold weather running today here in New Hampshire. Just joined this group tonight. The shared info is a great resource for me. Thanks everyone! :smile:

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  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    I will try to not complain about winters in NC anymore. lol
  • Thanks for the Yaktrax tip everyone! I thought I was ging to have to give up running out side when winter starts :) Ordering me a pair now.
    CATHYGAYM Posts: 31 Member
    Do any of you who run outdoors in winter buy / wear a special shoe for ice and better traction, if so what have you bought? I know we need to be careful in winter as sometimes ice is hiding under a skiff of snow etc. I may look for something that is a cross between a running shoe and a hiker for this reason.
    CATHYGAYM Posts: 31 Member
    Hi there, I am recently new to this group and a couple of months on MFP. Am learning to run, using the Chi method, am up to 4 k right now with a few breaks yet, planning to get to 5 k with no breaks by end of month.

    We live in Ontario, Canada, the winter weather gets very cold, below -15 at times. This will be my first winter running, I am hoping to do some outside on decent days, can go to a gym and do treadmill otherwise, but don't prefer it.

    Question, how cold of weather would you and have you run in and found it ok? And what kind of footwear / shoes do you use for winter outside running?

  • Linzisueboo
    Linzisueboo Posts: 5 Member
    I like in the UK so it's already pretty cold (and at times, wet!) but because I work up quite a sweat when I run it get warmed up anyway. I wear capri length jogging bottoms, a t-shirt and a 3/4 length sleeve jumper and running shoes (got some proper ones to prevent injury). I haven't felt too cold in this ensemble yet but as the winter draws in I may have to layer up a bit more.
  • @CATHYLEA: I use yaktrax pro when it's really icey or on packed snow. I can run just fine on them.
    CATHYGAYM Posts: 31 Member
    I will look into the Yaktrack Pro treads too but am thinking but we will be joining a gym for the winter months to keep up our running program etc. My partner has asthma and he finds the cold weather makes his breathing very difficult when running, so outside isn't ideal for him.
  • petercalexander
    petercalexander Posts: 5 Member
    I'm glad you guys have been posting this - I've been trying to figure out what I will need going forward. Right now I'm still in shorts and a t-shirt, but I run at night (tripping over things occasionally cause I have no light) and it's getting chilly. I know it's time for new equipment, but cash is tight so I want to buy only what I absolutely need.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    These mornings in New England have been about 45-50 degrees on average. It's perfect!!! I learned to wear a light jacket over a t-shirt, so I can take it off when I've warmed up and tie it around my waist, then put it back on when I'm doing a cooldown walk.
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    i really like wool socks to work out in, year round. they don't ever feel 'wet' so there is no rubbing or your feet getting cold.
    What kind of socks do you recommend? I have a feeling those cotton socks are not a great idea in chilly temps.
  • I ran yesterday and my eyes were tearing up like crazy...does anyone use any sort of goggles? It was such a distraction to keep wiping my eyes!
  • I'm finding that I love running in the colder weather. High 30's in the mornings and a long pair of running pants, double layer of running top and a zip up sweatshirt is great. I can undo the sweatshirt as needed. I also wear gloves which come off 1/2 way through. I did find that my ears got cold, and didn't really warm up, so I wear warm 'headband' around my cap that covers my ears. That mix is sheer perfection for me.
    Actually looking forward to colder weather!
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    This morning 35 deg. (F) I wore shorts, cold gear long sleeve shirt,and t-shirt. Next time I will bring along some gloves and a hat just until I finish my warm up. Everyone's different.