Starting today - October 22, 2012



  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Howdy all. I'm partway through my second week, first ever attempt at Insanity, started on 24th October. Loving it so far. It hurts. First fit test results were:

    Switch Kicks 86
    Power Jacks 54
    Power Knees 81
    Power Jumps 30
    Globe Jumps 7
    Suicide Jumps 17
    Push-up Jacks 22
    Low Plank Oblique 49

    Next one's on the 7th so I shall report back then.
  • lincmii
    lincmii Posts: 12 Member
    Just started week 3! Completed the fit test and literally felt like crap afterwards ... But, I did better than the last fit test so there is improvement :)

    I'll post results later! Good night all
  • Chamhinkle
    Chamhinkle Posts: 4 Member
    Hey fit people!

    Congrats on making it to week 2 everybody. I know I am a bit late but I started October 23 and this is my second round of INSANITY. This time I am only doing the second months exercises for the whole program. Good luck everyone and dig deeper!
  • Hey friends new and old! How is everyone doing?
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    Hey friends new and old! How is everyone doing?

    Looking forward to the fit test tonight.
  • lincmii
    lincmii Posts: 12 Member
    Still going! Cardio Recovery today which, after another round of Pure Cardio + Cardio abs, I'm kiiind of looking forward to. Ran out of my recovery drink so I'll either need to pick up more or maybe go for the chocolate milk alternative, although I've heard chocolate milk is much more difficult to digest than recovery formulas.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Right, did second week fit test yesterday:

    Switch Kicks 109 (+23 compared to first test)
    Power Jacks 52 (-2)
    Power Knees 92 (+11)
    Power Jumps 30 (0)
    Globe Jumps 9 (+2)
    Suicide Jumps 15 (-2)
    Push-up Jacks 23 (+1)
    Low Plank Oblique 50 (+1)

    So a hefty improvement on switch kicks, power knees and globe jumps, everything else fairly static.
  • I did the second fit test and it went "ok". I kind of muddled my way though it. But one thing I will do next time is not to look at my previous results.Hitting my previous mark psyched me out and I gave in once I hit it. If that makes any sense... I have been doing the program on and off. Like I said, I am big quitter when it comes to fitness. Did the first week with flying colors and then I've been up and down ever since.

    I don't think that I am getting the full benefit of the program, so I am going to start from the beginning this time. Sorry to be such a let down, I was really hoping to say that I finished in 63 days. :-( Well, in two days and I am doing Day 1 again. I really want to get past 147 and drop these inches.

    Keep going everyone! I'm sad that I have failed, but I am going to get back up and do it again. "No excuses November", right?
  • You Can do it!! I am about to start week 4 with my besties... it is hard and at times I want to quit, however, I imagine the end result.
    It always helps if you have someone encouraging you on.

    You can do this SocWkrBee :smile:
  • lincmii
    lincmii Posts: 12 Member
    Half way through week 4. Cardio Recovery today! So last Thursday (my day off for insanity) a friend called me up to go for a run, and I said what the heck? Prior to insanity I hadn't run in three weeks, so I was a bit afraid on what my level of fitness would be, after all, running is not the same as doing insanity.

    I ran longer, harder, and faster than I had run in a really really long time. I outpaced my friend a bit (we're all pretty competitive), but I was shocked. I hadn't stepped foot on pavement with those shoes in three weeks but I saw a significant increase in performance. I guess seeing it on paper is one thing, but feeling it and actually experiencing it out in another environment is another. The run really opened my eyes to what this program is doing to my body.

    Only three weeks of insanity, and four miles of running a 9 minute/mile was easy. Cooling down was also pretty quick! I can't wait to see what'll happen once this program is complete! Dig deeper!
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    Finally into recovery week and it couldn't come at a better time for me. I'm nursing a cold and felt pretty sluggish on the last two workouts last week. Looking forward to kicking this in tonight and seeing what core cardio and balance is all about.
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    Wow, the first Max workout last night was pretty rough. I was expecting it to be more of the same type of moves, just an extra circuit, but it turns out that the moves are a little tougher and there's an extra circuit. I burned 857 calories last night. I'm not really looking forward to the Max Cardio and Insane Abs double up session next week.
  • I am starting the program today. I have owned the dvds for about a year now.... and just never messed with them, well NOW ITS TIME! So, fit test should have been yesterday- starting with Plyometrics Cardio Circuit today. Whoo Im excited. I have done partials of the P90x before.... but never finished. I love to run, but hate the cold weather so I am not running in the cold. Hope this support group will help as well.
  • Whew! I just did the plyo cardio circuit and wow.... the first half i was like "i got this, no problem" then after the yoga/scretch part, the 2nd part of the dvd i was like HOLW COW!! Kicked my *kitten* but I LOVED it!! Looking forward to tomorow. :D
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    I started last week. And even though I am in pain!!! I feel like I hve more energy!
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    I am starting the program today. I have owned the dvds for about a year now.... and just never messed with them, well NOW ITS TIME! So, fit test should have been yesterday- starting with Plyometrics Cardio Circuit today. Whoo Im excited. I have done partials of the P90x before.... but never finished. I love to run, but hate the cold weather so I am not running in the cold. Hope this support group will help as well.

    LOL I did the same thing. Bought them and stored them away.
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    Congrats everyone for making it through a week!! Does anyone drink chocolate milk after the workout? I do. I heard it is a great recovery drink.

    hmmm how awesome! I must try this!
  • Completed the Power something workout yesterday and man..... I was surprised I could even do one pushup. I keep trying to slack off on certain exercises, and quit that particular one early, or be like "im just giving what i can" BULL!!! Then i make myself do it, and say to myself, "really? you are going to be completely wasting all of this time and effort if you don't work through it! "

    "The amount of effort you put in is the amount of results you end up with."- Catherine Pulsifer

    This is what I think of everytime I start slacking, and it pushes me through it. If I don't give 100% Im damn sure not going to get 100%. And I WANT 100%.
  • lincmii
    lincmii Posts: 12 Member
    Seems like this thread is dead/dying, so here's an update! I made it through to week 7 and I must say ... Month 2 is LITERALLY insane. It's so insane that I've been having some problems actually doing them. However, this is the month that I've actually been seeing some results, losing about 3% body fat (from 18.5% to 15%), and 3 inches around my waist (from 38 to 35). My birthday came up in Nov and my friends got me a heart rate monitor, which has helped me to see how many calories I've burned. In month 2 I've been losing 1k per workout. But again, all this has been taxing me and I've definitely been feeling it. I really hope I can finish this program ...
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    Seems like this thread is dead/dying, so here's an update! I made it through to week 7 and I must say ... Month 2 is LITERALLY insane. It's so insane that I've been having some problems actually doing them. However, this is the month that I've actually been seeing some results, losing about 3% body fat (from 18.5% to 15%), and 3 inches around my waist (from 38 to 35). My birthday came up in Nov and my friends got me a heart rate monitor, which has helped me to see how many calories I've burned. In month 2 I've been losing 1k per workout. But again, all this has been taxing me and I've definitely been feeling it. I really hope I can finish this program ...
    If you've made it through 7 weeks so far, you can make it to the end. At this point you've done every workout right? You've already done it once, might as well finish it up.

    I'm not sure what kind of body fat loss I've had, and I haven't lost any weight, but I'm down 2 pants sizes (36 - 32), and I feel and look a lot more fit than when I started too.

    You're so close to the end it seems silly to not push through and finish it up.