goal weight?



  • marylenw
    marylenw Posts: 21 Member
    I just decided friday that i needed to get my butt moving but here goes

  • 125 :))
  • 145 which would give me a bodyfat of 20% if I maintain current muscle mass. Lets see!!!
  • kortni0915
    kortni0915 Posts: 6 Member
    GW: 135

    I was 115 in high school and in the 120s in college, but that was just too skinny.
  • Nickiii_123
    Nickiii_123 Posts: 134 Member
    My goal weight is 170. It's what I weighed in high school and I played tons of sports and was really active. It seems like the best and healthiest weight for me. I looked good! lol. I have a ways to go at 230 though.
    Good Luck Everyone! :)
  • 145
  • Going for 160 on here, but headed for 180 and look at how I'm doing.

    I'm pretty large framed and my family does large breasts and big *kitten*, even when the rest of the body is toned, and my men appreciate the curves. So I'm not going to be anal about exact poundage on the low end unless I need to to get abdominoplasty done.
  • Butler018
    Butler018 Posts: 26 Member
    Can I join you all?

    All through my 20's I was 120-130 (except for a few months when I was broke and lived on popcorn - went down to a scary 102!) The year I turned 30 was tumultuous and I gained 50 pounds and stopped stepping on the scale when it hit 180. I lost about half but for a decade now, I've been swinging from 150-175 depending on my mindset. I'm either right into fitness and health or right out of it.

    My goal this year before I turn 40 (next month0 was to get below 150 since I never saw a number that low at all in my 30's. I started off great losing 20 pounds so far this year but all summer I stayed around the 160-165 mark and here I am at a current weight of 163.

    I am an apple shape with my lower belly, muffin top and back fat being the bane of my existence! I have muscular arms and shoulders and am quite strong, but I call them my "french fry arms" because they're strong, but there's too many servings of french fries on top of the muscle to see... so they just look fat.

    I have a 32" inseam and wear size medium top now (yay!) and pants vary between size 8 and 10 depending on where I buy them. I'm thrilled with that, but still remember the days when I was wearing anywhere from size 3 to 6 (depending). I have small hips, no butt (gotta work on that), and toned legs. Like I said - it's my gut, back and arms that make me frown.

    So anyway, point is... I'm unsure if my goal weight of 145 is actually enough or if I should strive to be in the 130s? I guess I will get to 145 and see what I see in the mirror at that time. If my abs are still unsatisfactory, I may reevaluate and go for more, but as it stands...

    SW: 182
    CW: 163
    GW: 145
  • momma712
    momma712 Posts: 79 Member
    160 i have a large frame
  • 135 yep can't wait that's awhile to go lol About 50 pounds (hint hint)
  • TheKatatron
    TheKatatron Posts: 43 Member
    I'd like to get to around 120-125lbs. I have a small frame!
  • Right now I'm 116. Ideally, I would like to be 110, but I'll be happy to maintain here as well.
  • Smelerz
    Smelerz Posts: 115 Member
  • Smelerz
    Smelerz Posts: 115 Member
    we must be the same size now- opps meant to quote not reply
  • oakfruit
    oakfruit Posts: 20 Member
    ~115. I guess I must have a small frame, because when I see photos of other girls that are 120 (my weight) at this height, they look borderline starved, whereas I've got chafing thighs and even a bit of a belly, and no muscle tone whatsoever in spite of regular strength training.
  • lafilleavectoi
    lafilleavectoi Posts: 125 Member
    GW: 145.
    CW: 171.

    I have always been overweight. I don't remember being under 160, but it was probably when I was 10 years old. I'm about a medium frame. Should I aim for a lower weight like 135?
  • Back2MeDiva
    Back2MeDiva Posts: 24 Member
    My goal weight is 165 lbs ( I generally say 150-165); CW: 235. I think I would look "ill" should I go under 150 lbs.
  • Im 5'7" and lowest weight 114lb but looked ill by all accounts GW now is 123lb not to skinny and felt much healthier!!
  • SW: 205
    CW: 149.7
    GW: 145

    I think anything under 145 would be too thin...we will see when I get there!!
  • jacque1129
    jacque1129 Posts: 113 Member
    my goal weight currently is 145, i've been there before but i always "give up" and gain 10lbs back. my ultimate gw is 135 though, let's see if i'll make it there in 2013 (: