Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • 5'5"

    I love working out, but I also love eating...
    Looking for someone to be motivated with and share goals/accomplishments!
    Denver, CO
  • I always wished I was a twin...haha
    Age: 20
    Height: 5'9
    Heaviest: 160 lbs
    Current: 159 lbs
    Lowest: 130 lbs (high school and has been a slow rise since)
    Goal Weight: 130 lbs

    I'm not bad at eating healthy, but it is a fairly new development for me so I need the most motivation to keep up the good eating and to exercise. Exercising is where I lack the most.

    Any similars out there?
  • sammiedizzle
    sammiedizzle Posts: 5 Member
    I looked through these a little bit, but then just decided to post for fun!

    Age: 22
    Height: 5'7
    HW: 170 ish...(In high school)
    CW: 160
    LW: 129 (again in high school- but for my body that was very unhealthy) and in college has been about 149
    GW: 140-145

    we are pretty close! finally someone else 5'7" haha I am also 22
    HW: 168?ish
    LW: 133
    CW: 154
    GW: 130
  • Would love to find a twin. If anyone is similar feel free to add me!

    Age 22
    HW ~170
    CW 158
    GW 135
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Age: 61
    Height: 5' 4"
    HW: 194 lbs (This was after my last baby. Around 1996)
    CW: 150 lbs
    GW: 135 lbs

    Not sure that I have a twin here. Especially for my age.
  • akd06004
    akd06004 Posts: 13 Member
    Looking for my twin :):)
    Age 23 (24 in a few weeks)
    HW: 160 (I can thank college boozing for that)
    CW: 135
    GW: 125-128

    More focused on how I looked than the number on the scale, I am an apple shape, so legs and arms are already pretty toned. Mostly looking to work on defining a waistline, toning up my upper and lower back, and getting rid of my muffin top!
  • schmittie01
    schmittie01 Posts: 30 Member

    I love working out, but I also love eating...
    Looking for someone to be motivated with and share goals/accomplishments!
    Denver, CO

    Your the closest i have found to my twin!

    Cw- 158

    Add me if you want to share stories and motivation! i sure need it
  • dd4238
    dd4238 Posts: 25 Member
    Hopefully, I can find some people to motivate me!

    HW 164
    CW 162
    LW in the passed year 154
    GW 135
  • dd4238
    dd4238 Posts: 25 Member
    I am 23 and probably as close as I can get to making a triplet group

    HW 164
    CW 162
    LW in the past year 154
    GW 135
  • I am 26 and looking for my twin :). My weight is not bad for my height but I'd like to be where I used to be and looking to be toned and have more strenght.

    Highest weight : 142-3 lbs
    Current weight : 138 lbs
    Lowest weight : 108 lbs (When I came back from a 3wk trip in Africa, wasn't trying to lose)
    Goal weight : 120 lbs
  • BarbieQLoo
    BarbieQLoo Posts: 16 Member
    Worried a little about weight loss. Worried a lot about toning. My baby is 18mo old.
    Height: 5'4"
    Heaviest weight: 156 (after baby)
    Current weight: 135-140
    Goal weight: 130
    Lowest weight: 98 (at 18,lol)
    Anyone out there feeling bad eventhough they are at a good weight? I just want to feel comfortable in my 6's. I float now between 6-10 on any given day.
  • Looking for my twin :):)
    Age 23 (24 in a few weeks)
    HW: 160 (I can thank college boozing for that)
    CW: 135
    GW: 125-128

    More focused on how I looked than the number on the scale, I am an apple shape, so legs and arms are already pretty toned. Mostly looking to work on defining a waistline, toning up my upper and lower back, and getting rid of my muffin top!

    We're pretty close and I attribute my heaviest weight to booze as well, haha.
  • Looking for my twin!!!

    Age: 25
    HT: 5'10"
    HW / CW: 223.5 (had a baby 3weeks ago)
    LW: 160 (@18)
    GW: 190ish

    Mother of three ages 8, 5, and 3wks (born 11/20/12)

    I'm really down and out about the excess weight I gained during this last pregnancy. I keep hearing it'll be fine you'll be back in shape in no time but for me "no time" has came and gone. Husband says i look beautiful (but that's what he's suppose to say) while my pre-pregnancy jeans sy otherwise. :-(
  • Age: 16 (says 18 on my profile, but us younger teens need to be fit too, especially with all the dang video games we play!!)
    I am 5'7
    Heaviest: 160
    Current: still 160
    GOAL!!!! : I'd like to get to 150, then build some muscle, but I know muscle will add to my weight, so I suppose I will be 160 again after that.

    I'm unsure what body fat percentage I am.
  • ashprather
    ashprather Posts: 227 Member
    hw: 165
    cw: 163
    gw: 135-140
  • skyttles
    skyttles Posts: 33 Member
    Height: 5"1
    HW: 125 (though not recently, then just 118-115)
    CW: 114
    GW: 105
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I'm a little surprised that some of the girls at my height are wanting to be 100 pounds. We must have VERY different frames! :D

    Sexy spanish girl.
    Heaviest: 157
    Current Weight: 144
    Goal Weight: 130

    Are you out there twin?
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I'm in...

    5'5" 30 yrs old
    HW: 156.8
    CW: 142.4 - 145.5 depending on the scale
    GW: 135
    Current Body fat %: 24-28% depending on the site/scale
    Goal Body Fat %: 20-22%

    I would have to say that you are as close as I will probably get to finding my twin.:bigsmile:

    5'5" 29 knocking on the door of 30 (next month)
    HW: 160-165
    CW: 145 +/- 2 lbs
    GW: 130-135

    Current BF%: 28% (as of 4/2012, haven't gotten around to having skin caliper test done recently)
    Goal BF%: 20-22%

    OK we're triplets:

    HW 12
    CW 143
    GW 135

    Working on reducing body fat and toning up ith 30 day shred. Abs looking good but thighs need some effort!

    Can I be maybe a weight loss cousin?

    HW: 157
    CW: 144
    GW: 130

    My midsection is the main culprit.

  • SarahJane139
    SarahJane139 Posts: 16 Member
    Height: 5'3''
    Age: 24
    HW 134
    CW 120
    GW 114
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm a little surprised that some of the girls at my height are wanting to be 100 pounds. We must have VERY different frames! :D

    Sexy spanish girl.
    Heaviest: 157
    Current Weight: 144
    Goal Weight: 130

    Are you out there twin?

    Yes, people do have very different frame sizes. That is important to understand for 2 reasons. The first being so that people do not try and reach a weight that is too low for them. And the second being so that people do not insult people that have a small frame (that is why the bmi range is so large). I have always weighed between 100 and 109, and I am small in bone structure (small feet, small wrists, small waist). To give an idea of how different frame size can be. When I was pregnant I ate and ate and ate. At 9 months, full term pregnant, with a 7.5 pound baby in my uterus I weighed 135, and a few days after giving birth when my blood volume and fluids had returned to normal I weighed 115. And I still had plenty reserve to breastfeed for well past a year (almost 2 years). I'm only saying this because I just so often see people insulting small people on mfp. But, on mfp we tell our weight. In the real world everyone encounters people that are 100 pounds and they just don't even realize it because the person is so healthy and does not look too thin.