1st Trimester



  • Jessamine
    Jessamine Posts: 226 Member
    I'm 5 weeks along and having some mild pregnancy symptoms. Constant mild nausea except when eating, sore breasts, slightly short of breath at times, very thirsty, and very sleepy at times.

    Is anyone else letting themselves have a little caffeine? I certainly don't have it every day, but I've been allowing at a most cup of coffee when the sleepiness gets bad.

    My emotions are so weird... I've wanted this for SO long now, but ever since our BFP I've had anxiety about pregnancy and a baby changing our lives. Those thoughts (i.e. I wish we could undo this, why did we do this, oh no we're stuck) have been somewhat easy to dismiss, and baby planning -- shopping -- is what gets me really excited about all of this.
  • kramsgirl
    kramsgirl Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 5 weeks along and having some mild pregnancy symptoms. Constant mild nausea except when eating, sore breasts, slightly short of breath at times, very thirsty, and very sleepy at times.

    Is anyone else letting themselves have a little caffeine? I certainly don't have it every day, but I've been allowing at a most cup of coffee when the sleepiness gets bad.

    My emotions are so weird... I've wanted this for SO long now, but ever since our BFP I've had anxiety about pregnancy and a baby changing our lives. Those thoughts (i.e. I wish we could undo this, why did we do this, oh no we're stuck) have been somewhat easy to dismiss, and baby planning -- shopping -- is what gets me really excited about all of this.

    I'm about 5 1/2 weeks and feeling the same symptoms that you are. We're going on a trip with dh's co-workers this weekend - a 4 hour bus ride and lots of walking around a musium and factory. Really not sure how that's going to go with the nausea and tiredness. I'm taking lots of snacks. :)
    I don't worry too much about caffeine. With my first pregnancy I had asked my doctor about it and she said one cup of coffee a day or a couple cans of soda won't hurt you at all. But I'm not a caffeine addict to begin with -I usually don't have more than one coke a day.

    This is my 3rd pregnancy and with everyone I've had that "oh no - what did we do?!" feeling. It's such an adjustment everytime you add a child to your family. It's really a good thing we have 9 months to get used to the idea. Just don't let yourself think about how complicated or hard it will make certain aspects of your life. Aside from planning ahead a little there's not much you can do to prepare for the change anyway - so don't worry about it. And really, each time I've found that when the baby comes I don't really care anymore. They're so cute that it's worth it. :)
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Jessamine--I've been having a little caffeine here and there. Like you, I don't have it every day, but I do have some (usually tea) when I'm really tired. Everything I've read says that a cup of coffee a day is fine, but less is better, so I try to only have caffeine if I really need it.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hi There!!!

    I am 7.5 weeks! This is my 3rd pregnancy. I have a beautiful 7 year old and unfortunately my last pregnancy ended at 19 weeks with a fetal demise. We tried for several years but finally gave up about 2 years ago, and low and behold I am preggers! Of course after what happened last time I will be anxious until at least 24 weeks. I saw the Dr at 6 weeks and heard the heart beat! I am also concerned because of my age! I am certainly of advanced maternal age, turning 41 in a few weeks!!!!

    I look forward to hearing all your stories!

  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Just got my positive this morning after about a year and a half of trying! This will be my 4th pregnancy, 3rd baby. I had an ectopic pregnancy as #1. Lost it around 5-6 weeks along. So excited to finally complete our family, hoping it's just one in there ;)
  • aprilkida
    aprilkida Posts: 117 Member
    Just had my first ultrasound this morning, found out I have a blighted ovum, so it's just a matter of time before I miscarry :cry: And it took a year and a half and 2 IUI cycles to get pregnant with this one. Just feeling more and more hopeless :frown: Sorry to bring anyone else down. Hope no one else has to go through this!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am about 8 1/2 weeks pregnant and may be having a miscarriage. I am experiencing slight bleeding (no cramping) and I am having my first Ultrasound tomorrow.

    Please wish me luck!

    I'm praying for the best but bracing for the worst.

    To make you feel a little better, I bled for basically the whole first tri with my 2nd daughter. No cramping and no heavy bleeding. I hope all goes well for you! The docs said it was probably because my daughters are so close together. My older was only 6 months old when I got pregnant with my 2nd.
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    Hi everybody

    I just learnt I am pregnant a couple of days ago, I'm not sure how far along I am yet but I'd guess around 7 weeks based on my last period. I am going to get a dating scan after Christmas so I can find out the exact amount of weeks.

    I have a 3 year old and last time I gained a lot of weight - almost 40kg or 88lbs. I only recently got down to my prebaby weight. I am determined not to go down that path and eat a healthy and nutritionally dense diet and aim to gain only the recommended amount of weight for my current size.
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    Just had my first ultrasound this morning, found out I have a blighted ovum, so it's just a matter of time before I miscarry :cry: And it took a year and a half and 2 IUI cycles to get pregnant with this one. Just feeling more and more hopeless :frown: Sorry to bring anyone else down. Hope no one else has to go through this!

    Really sorry to hear :(
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hi everybody

    I just learnt I am pregnant a couple of days ago, I'm not sure how far along I am yet but I'd guess around 7 weeks based on my last period. I am going to get a dating scan after Christmas so I can find out the exact amount of weeks.

    I have a 3 year old and last time I gained a lot of weight - almost 40kg or 88lbs. I only recently got down to my prebaby weight. I am determined not to go down that path and eat a healthy and nutritionally dense diet and aim to gain only the recommended amount of weight for my current size.

    Congrats!! I gained about 60 with my first and would really like to not do that, but already at 11.5 weeks the scale is climbing faster than i would like....
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    I'm 8 wks + 2 days. This will be baby #3.

    I have had pretty bad nausea and vomiting since 5 wks. Struggle to drink much water. Not much I can eat.

    I gained 25kgs with my 1st and 27kgs with my 2nd.

    I think so far I have only gained 1kg. But that is due to not being able to eat much and the vomiting.
  • Hi, I am about 6 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I was having what I thought were pms symptoms for a week or two like being extra hungry, some cramping, peeing a lot, etc, but I didn't think anything of it. I took a test when my husband suggested it, but I was so surprised! This was the second month we've tried, so I didn't think it would happen so soon.

    I'm excited but a bit nervous. I've told my family and close friends. I'll wait a bit to tell everyone else I think.