Clean Eating Friends???



  • Me Me Me.....i'm all in too - feel free to add me :happy:
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I am trying to eat clean, note I said "trying". Could use some friends also. Will check out Jamie Eason and Tosca Reno. Also subscribed to Clean Eating Mag, hoping that helps.
  • MrsApprehensive
    MrsApprehensive Posts: 10 Member
    Add me, I'd say I eat clean about 90% of the time. I'd love more clean eating buddies =)
  • kirk1115
    kirk1115 Posts: 100 Member
    another clean eating friend:)
  • I need more clean eating friends, especially with open diaries so I can get more ideas. Please feel free to add me :)
  • I am looking for clean eating friends as well! Would love to connect with you and stay motivated towards lots of good choices! Anyone welcome to add me, but I love open diary (always looking for ideas!).
  • I'm a clean eater too!! Since June. And I'm new on here so anyone feel free to add me needing some new friends for motivation!!!
  • danj_64
    danj_64 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi all.

    I just joined this group and would love it if you clean eaters would add me. I have been exercising regularly for a few months now and have learned that what I am eating plays a major role in my health and weight loss.

    I look forward to getting to know you all an supporting each other.
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    Hello all, I just started doing beach body insanity. I also started eating clean and mostly gluten free. I am especially sensitive to white pasta. I seem to tolerate white bread but never have liked it. I'm trying to feel good again and realized what I eat plays a lot into that. I started incorporating juicing into my lifestyle but every time something changes (like an old friend visiting for example) I go back to my old habits. I've been eating clean for about three weeks and started MFP seriously two weeks ago. Now I'm looking for clean eating friends to creep their diary and get ideas to keep variety in my diet.
  • ArolinaCay
    ArolinaCay Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, my name is Carolina. I am a 20 year old college student. I have been wishy-washingly eating clean for quite a while, but officially took the plunge to total Clean & Gluten Free eating on 11/27/12 (midway through the day ... ha ha). Overall I have done pretty well so far, but am still learning. I have struggled with stomach/digestion issues for a while and already feel much better since going clean. I can't wait to see what is to come! I would love to have some more clean eating friends for help and support. Please add me! (:
  • ArolinaCay
    ArolinaCay Posts: 18 Member
    Hello all, I just started doing beach body insanity. I also started eating clean and mostly gluten free. I am especially sensitive to white pasta. I seem to tolerate white bread but never have liked it. I'm trying to feel good again and realized what I eat plays a lot into that. I started incorporating juicing into my lifestyle but every time something changes (like an old friend visiting for example) I go back to my old habits. I've been eating clean for about three weeks and started MFP seriously two weeks ago. Now I'm looking for clean eating friends to creep their diary and get ideas to keep variety in my diet.

    I am very much the same way! I have had stomach/digestion issues that I believe are gluten related. I have noticed that small amounts of gluten do not usually bother me, but high glutenous foods usually do. I have gone pretty much gluten free (as much as possible) for the past week and a half and feel a lot better already! I decided if my body does not process well in normal amounts I probably shouldn't be eating it in any amount. Haha. Eating mostly clean has also helped me a lot (started that at the same time). I would love to add you as a friend since we have similar goals!
  • bootsandfros
    bootsandfros Posts: 81 Member
    i have started eating clean as of today. i am not following any sort of program. just focusing on eating whole foods. not really a meat eater either. please add me if you'd like!

    i know that everyone is different but when i removed meat and limited dairy in my diet i no longer had any stomach issues.
  • Clean eater for a long time here! It's a way of going back. I love how I feel!
  • Love my clean foods, so much i eat 60 raw, love it, feels so great, would love some new friends too, you all can add me
  • Songbirdcw
    Songbirdcw Posts: 320 Member
    I've been a clean eater for a couple of months now. Getting more and more information to stay committed, and it's been great so far. Feel free to add me.
  • I am just joining in on clean eating. I have been reading about it for the last 6 months and decided that I need to start eating this way. I will be trying to add many of you as friends to help me. Any tips are welcome!
  • hello all
    I grew up eating whatever we could afford, I have recently realized I can choose whatever I want to put in my body. IT has been so easy to say, well that's what I grew up eating and I was always full. Now I can afford and choose to eat healthy, the problem is that there are so many books and programs out there, i truly believe that all of them work if you follow them to the T, but which one. I would like to change my habits but who do I listen to or where do I start. I am used to having nonperishable foods in the cupboard and caned goods and boxed foods, it is hard to think of not having all of that stuff. I would love to eat natural and clean but where do I start? Like ketchup and mustard and butter and bread and coffee, do I just give that up? And supplements do I just guess what to take? There are so many questions out there. I hear good and bad things about supplements who do i believe? I know that it is my choice and I will choose but I would love to have some guidance. Feel free to add me and help me out in my new journey. Thank you for all the info already out there too!
  • elbereth2010
    elbereth2010 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I've been trying to eat clean for about 6 months now, and like others I'm probably 80/20 - not fanatical about it but would like to keep getting better. My body just feels better.

    I am trying to get more involved on MFP and would love more friends.
  • meredithfp
    meredithfp Posts: 104 Member
    I'm new to the groups on MFP and I would love to get to know some clean eating people. I mostly eat clean. I subscribe to Emeals, which is a service that creates menus and shopping lists for various eating plans. I do the clean eating plan and it is awesome! I'd love to share tips and tricks!
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    Wow! 73 pounds--that's awesome! I just joined the Clean Eating Group. I'm a clean eater most of the time. Glad to friend you--keep an eye on me too. I am trying to lose about 15 pounds. My biggest challenge is balancing too many jobs, not enough sleep, migraines, managing kiddos and making good eating decisions and regularly exercising. Trying to get a healthy balance of it all...