Let's get to know eachother -- Self-introduction



  • Jenniferanne6
    Jenniferanne6 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Jen and I'm hoping to lose 8-10 pounds in 10 weeks. I'm hoping to accomplish this with 100% strict diet and exercise. My ultimate goal is to lose 30 lbs by next Christmas,

    I'm from Michigan. Snow and ice, but I will run through the winter.
    Favorite color: green.
    Favorite food: beer and Indian food.
    TV: Big Bang Theory, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
    Books: I read everything!
    Hobby: reading, running, baking.
    Travel: Iceland, Finland, Poland
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    I'm Eva, I'm 26 and have struggled with weight issues since I was put on Depakote and Lithium in middle school, which messed with both my thyroid and my weight.

    My highest weight ever was over 300 lbs in my sophmore year of highschool. Being more active and taking medicine for my health issues helped, and my weight got down to 230 before my current bf, who eats like a pair of teenaged boys moved in. My goal is to lose 15 or more pounds for the challenge, and lose 90 over the next year. I've had success with diets but my weight yoyos due to depression and social anxiety that sometimes makes me afraid to leave my home.

    I love to read and am currently devouring the Song of Ice and Fire series. I have a giant fluffy black cat, and am hoping to attend beauty school soon- I'm an expert on dry and curly haircare! I love doctor who and science fiction television shows in general, but I mostly watch TV on hulu or netflix. I adore anything victorian and love crazy clothing styles. My favorite bands are Hole, Streetlight Manifesto, and I love Tori Amos and Mika as well. I'm underemployed except during the winter season, when I work as a Tax Professional with HR Block. Believe it or not, the tax code is really interesting.

    If you like D&D or tabletop games, feel free to shoot me a message, my gaming group meets on skype because some friends have moved away and we are always willing to welcome another player!
  • emilypink573
    emilypink573 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi Everyone! Im from NYC, Im looking to lose 50lbs by the end of this year. Im 5'5 and weight 195lbs. I joined the gym and have been going regularly for a month. My favorite color right now is orange! Id really just want to find a group of motivated people I can chat with!
  • EweCreekCottage
    EweCreekCottage Posts: 324 Member
    Hi I am RaNae I think I may be the biggest person in this challenge and I may be the oldest I turn 48 before we start.... but that isn't gonna stop me lol because this is about progressing with my new life way ... I currently weigh 330.4 and hope to be 328 by Jan 1st. I would like to be 299 by the end of this challenge- I haven't seen that number in probably 15-20 years. My highest weight was 370 and when I started using MFP on OCT 21 2012 I was 349 ( I signed up in 2011 but never used mfp then)

    I am from Upstate NY but moved away from there in 83 and have lived in Lower Alabama, the Tulsa area of Oklahoma and now call North Texas home for the last 7 years.

    Favorite foods- well let me say this I am Italian, a great cook and a FOODIE so there are too many to say - I am enjoying trying to make my favorites healthier... but pasta in my life now is a rarety :cry:

    My favorite color- well I am really into Shades of aqua paired with brown and red and yellow right now...I have a real artistic creative streak so this is another hard one to answer.

    Tv- Elementary, Grays Anatomy, Arrow, knitting daily, The vampire diaries , Covert Affairs and many more too many lol most are back logged on the tevo .

    Favorite season Fall

    Currently my workouts include any of the following Tready, Elliptical, Riding my bike, Water Aerobics , Lifting, Going for walks and playing catch.

    Favorite Place to Visit Kona Hawaii

    Feel free to add me :bigsmile:
  • Mazirene
    Mazirene Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Maz and I'd like to lose at least 10lbs of the 30 I'm aiming for.

    I am originally from NYC but have lived in Greece for the last 14 years.
    Favorite color: Blue
    Season: Summer
    Food: Pasta

    Somewhere, anywhere I've never been where the weather is warm.
    I like to walk and dance.
  • FahadNaseem
    FahadNaseem Posts: 80 Member
    My name is Fahad, I am from Pakistan. Im 23 years old. Height 6ft. MBA student. Set my goals as losing 2lbs/week.
    I absolutely summers. I love to eat but somehow I manage to have absolute control over my love for food. I love movies and watch 2-3 movies per day as I have too much free time.And i would love to visit Croatia and italy.
    I just do walk and cycling. Plan to start c25k in January.
  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi All,

    My name is Naomi and I live in Southeastern, PA just outside Phialdelphia. I am hoping to lose about 20 lbs in our first ten weeks, but about 65 overall. My favorite color is red and I read cheesy romance novels; the trashier the better. Lol. I am surpisingly into vvampires so True Blood has become my new favorite show. I love the summer time heat and my dream vacation is to go to Fiji. Anyone in the group can feel free to add me as a friend and we'll get this year started off right!
  • Hello everyone my name is shelle

    Before I had my daughter I was 130 and now four years after having my daughter I cant stay under 200. I lose really qucikly, but I gain even faster. I will go a month without a pop and I will have lost a little, then I will reward myself with one and bam ive gained it all back plus more. Right now I am right at 200 and im only 5 ft so its no fun.

    New year means new things!!! Im joining the gym and im for sure watching what I eat. I would like to end at at least 130, if not less....

    SW 200
    GW 130
    First goal 160

    Good Luck ladies...im glad im not alone!
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Alexis I am from Las Vegas, Nevada currently living in Hawaii. My favorite color is green, I want to visit Europe and travel around. I enjoy reading, watching tv occasionally and watching movies. I just moved to Hawaii and they plan to hike the many trails around and enjoy the beaches around. I enjoy the outdoors and trying new classes at the gym.

    My HW was around 220 and I am down to 155. Now I want to lose the last 30ish lbs. During this challenge I want to lose 12-15 lbs
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Barrettmomof3
    Barrettmomof3 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi, I'm Sarah.
    29 years old and holding
    A mom of 3 (two girls, 1 boy - ages 6, 2 and 4mths)
    Favorite color : Blue
    Favorite t.v. Shows- NCIS, Castle, NCIS: LA , Dance Mom's (so wrong but can't help it), So you think you can dance...

    Started the Journey to "Get Healthy" after my 2nd daughter was born, Lost 40+ lbs and got pregnant again with our son. He is our last and is now 4 mths old. Time to get back on track!!

    Weight info:
    GW for challange: Hoping to be 200 or less ( steep goal but I figure Why not try)
    Ultimate goal weight: 130 (that's the high end of healthy for my height, but its in the healthy range)

    Please add me if you would like. Let's make 2013 a productive year!
  • TexMexBel
    TexMexBel Posts: 54 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Maribel, I'm currently in Las Vegas, NV, hoping to get back to Kentucky where my daughter and I are much happier. I'm 44, I have two boys 21 & 19 but they've already left the coup leaving me with my baby girl age 13

    My favorite color is pink/purple. I LOVE Mexican food, especially cheese enchiladas, chips & salsa
    I'm not really into t.v, I USED to love The Biggest Loser back in the day when it was good. I love the Twilight Series :)

    I am insulin dependent diabetic and hopeful that losing this weight will help get rid of the insulin. My Endocrinologist recommended me to go get rid of "white foods" (sugar, flour, salt & rice) which I have began doing last week.

    I am currently 175 and with lots of hard work, I am hoping to reach my goal weight of 125 (or close to it)
    I have been through hell and back this year and am looking very forward to this new year with the NEW ME.

    I wish everyone lots and LOTS of luck in their journey. Feel free to add me if you would like additional support....
  • heart_explodes
    heart_explodes Posts: 48 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Amanda, I live in Newcastle Australia although I'm originally from Sydney. It's summer here at the moment, which just makes being overweight all that much more uncomfortable - not even considering how much I would like to go the beach but I couldn't make myself do it!

    Colour - Red (like my hair! haha)
    Season - Winter, the clothes are so much better in winter!
    Food - Unfortunately anything that's bad for me, my two ultimate favourites, chocolate and hot chips (or fries for my American friends!)
    Television series - At the moment I'm watching Sons of Anarchy, Vampire Diaries, New Girl & The Office.
    Books - I don't get to read as much as I would like to but I love fantasy stuff!
    Hobbies - I have so many that I stop and start all the time! I love music so I have been learning to play the piano for what seems like forever now and I knit!

    My ultimate goal at the moment is to be at 140lbs by October 2014. I know that may seem like a long time to lose 60lbs but I'm not planning on losing quickly because I want to be sure I can maintain it. I'm getting married in Vegas on the 31/10/14 and I want to look hot! However, I had wanted to lose the weight before that was decided!
    At this point, I have no other health issues holding me back (recently had a check up by the doctor and for my size I'm pretty healthy!) and I plan on turning this all around next year! I'm tired of excuses and I'm beyond ready.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!!!
  • Hello Everyone,

    I'm new to this so anyone who wants to add me feel free.

    My name is Sarah! 20 years old and 5'4. I plan to lose 15 pounds in 10 weeks I realize how crazy that may sound crazy but I currently weigh 210 pounds and I will be the maid of honor in my sisters wedding in May.. So i Need to lose weight as much as possible as soon as possible (while being healthy) I want to be more comfortable with my body that's why I need to do this. My sister getting engaged was a great kick in the butt I needed.

    Oh and I have no clue how to post photos so if someone would instruct me I'd appreciate it.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    How much would you like to lose by the end of the New Year New You 2013 challenge??

    Lets get to know each other -- Where are you from? What is your favorite color, season, food, television series, books, and hobby? Where would you visit if you could visit any place in the world!!?? -- and why? What are your favorite workout routines? RAMBLE ON MY FRIENDS!! lol :) Feel free to add your own questions to the mix!

    Hi all,

    I'm Jane, 36 years old and living about 10 miles north of Brighton - yep, another UK girl to the group! Married for just over five years to the man of my dreams. My fitness goals - well, I've got about 10lbs to lose but I'm keen to do it whilst gaining some muscle tone and shape at the same time. We move house at the end of January and there is a gym just down the road so (finances permitting!) I will be joining them to get a more rounded workout.

    Ok favourites:

    Colour - varies, I've also gone for blue but expanding my interests - deep red is a good option for me
    Season - spring, not too hot and full of hope for the year
    Food - chicken with brocolli, red peppers, pasta and lashings of garlic, butter and olive oil (yep, needs a workout before or after it!), hummous, strawberries
    TV series - Big Bang Theory
    Books - too many to mention - ran out of shelf space and had to buy a Kindle! My go to read that I can re-read at any time - Harry Potter
    Films - Lord of The Rings
    Hobby - cricket - good at watching it, not so good at playing it!
    Favourite place to go in all lthe world - Christchurch, New Zealand - spent part of our honeymoon there and would go back tomorrow if we could
    Work out routines - home cross trainer, workout sessions on the Wii console
    Aims for 2013 - buy and move into new house! get properly fit! start to think seriously about having kids - eeek - the last one scares me a little!

    Anyway, looking forward to the challenge - good luck everyone:smile:
  • CrazyAngel908
    CrazyAngel908 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone - My best friend invited me to join this group - I'm currently also doing a challenge with the girls that I work with to. We figured it would help us stay motivated and accountable for calories and less cheating if we're doing it with people we see everyday.

    I work at a doctor office and spend roughly 90% of my 40 hours sitting on my butt. While I love my job, some days I really wish it was a little more physically demanding. In my off time, 75% of my time is spent reading and doing homework for the next 11 weeks until graduation, then I can focus a little more on the physical aspect of my life. :smile:

    I'm hoping to drop approx. 20 pounds in the next 10 weeks towards my overall goal. I recently joined a gym with a couple girls from work and starting next week we're going to get back on track with going several times a week.

    Hope everyone has great success and a Happy New Year! :drinker:

    ~Amanda S.
  • BobzStuff
    BobzStuff Posts: 121 Member
    Hey there, my name is Bobbie. I would like to lose at least 25lbs in the 10 weeks. It's a big goal but totally doable. I love being active. I'd already lost 67lbs but put 25 back on. I want it gone again so I can continue this journey and hit Onederland finally.

    I am from Florida
    My favorite color is PINK
    I love love love Autumn
    I love pineapple spaghetti, together and separate
    I like The Walking Dead and Two Broke Girls
    I am a sucker for Nicholas Sparks books
    I love his movies too and Harry Potter everything.
    A hobby is playing music, sports and video games
    I'm not sure where my favorite place is because I haven't visited them all.
    I like playing sports and am not too big on the gym. I like feeling free and having fun while working out.
    In 2013 I'm graduating college and either starting law school or getting a big girl job. I want to be happier than 2012 and take better care of myself.
  • ellouise1108
    ellouise1108 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi my name is Beth and I would love to lose at least 25lbs during this challenge. I am from KS, my fav color is purple, fav season is autumn, and I never miss an episode of the Walking Dead or Pretty Little Liars. I could use some serious motivation so feel free to add me if you want! :)
  • Manleymomof2
    Manleymomof2 Posts: 50 Member
    I would like to lose 20 lbs during the 10 week challenge. On December 26th, I reset my beginning weight, updated my profile and renewed my commitment to get healthy.

    A little over 8 years ago I moved from San Diego to Meridian, Idaho
    Fave Color - Orange
    Fave Season - Fall
    Fave Food - Anything Mexican
    Fave TV Show - THE BIG BANG THEORY!! I love Sheldon, but Amy is my fave
    Fave Hobby - Scrapbooking

    I'm a 41 year old mother and wife of 2 very active boys. It's time for me to stop watching my kids play sports and start playing with them.

    Good Luck Everyone. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • tigerlinly
    tigerlinly Posts: 219 Member
    i'm Linda I currently weigh around 278 (will know better in mornign wheni go to doctor) the 10 week will be close to my 30 year reunion so the more weight i can lose the better (i ultimately want to get down to 120)so keep pushing me anyone know how to take the food thing off of private and put it to public?
  • tigerlinly
    tigerlinly Posts: 219 Member
    i'm a 47 year old single mother my daughter and her husband have a 3 year old girl my fave colors are blue black and green. fave season is late fall and early spring where it isnt to hot or to cold, food is Barqs root beer and cheese, hobby is gardening i'm starting to take an intrest in that again and swimming, show is haunted collector and home improvement shows.
    I live in Mississippi