Introduce Yourself!!



  • mndtowka
    Hi Everyone, I am Deb, 52 years old, I live in Nebraska, married 29 years, 2 girls. I work out 4 to 6 times a week doing Body Pump, Zumba, Yoga, R.I.P.P.E.D, treadmill or run in the park weather permitting.
    I would like to get down to 140 and I am at 163. 5'4". Need to clean up my eating.
    Thanks for having this challenge.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    What an awesomely diverse group!! Hello everyone!!!!

    I'm Dee. 38, newlywed, no kids of my own except my furbabies (which you will get sick of hearing about), 10 Godchildren, RN and Health Coach responsible for delivering the education to an organization of nurses, doctors, dieticians, and respiratory therapists.

    I've been focusing on getting healthy for over 10 years. After graduating from nursing school, I had two incredibly stressful jobs working in the burn unit and hospice. For years, I ate my frustration, sleepless nights, and stress away - until I weighed over 550 pounds. It's taken a decade to get down to my current weight, and I'd still like to lose another 40 pounds. I'm hoping this challenge can rejuvenate me! I've fallen back into old (scary) habits and it's time to say enough is enough!

    I'm a firm believer that we CAN win this war, even if we lose the occasional battle. I also have to fully disclose I'm NOT a patient person and I'm pretty intolerant of excuses (especially my own)... I tend to give and respond to tough love. I realize that's not everyone's style, so I'll try to stay silent instead of saying something that might be construed as offensive. However, I will post and encourage all efforts - and if I say something that doesn't sit right with you, PLEASE don't be offended in silence and let me know. :-)

    BEST of luck to all!!!
  • Trosemims
    Trosemims Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I am Tarsha, 39 years old, Houston native. My goal is to loose 30 pounds it would be great if I could do that in the next 50 days, but if not, my Goal is to have those 30 lbs gone before my 40th Birthday in May 2013!

    Good Luck to everyone & Happy New Year!
  • rana0526
    Hello everyone, I am Rana! I am 26, wife, and stepmom and live in Texas. I am 5'6" with a small frame so I am hoping to lose 15 pounds in this 50 day challenge to get to the ideal weight for my height and frame size. Current weight is140...goal weight is 125. I have a desk job as a tax accountant. Therefore, I sit A LOT and over the next few months will be sitting A LOT more. Hoping this will site will hold me accountable to eat right, manage to get some excercise in, and not run to the kitchen at the office for munchies!! Looking forward to getting started!
  • in4profit
    Hi all - John here. I am married and have three kids (girls) under 13 in the house that are all active in sports, music, etc.

    I have the same story as most. I let life get in the way with work and kids and let myself call apart health wise. I usually coach 2 soccer teams each season and travel some for work so I need some form of motivation to get back into a routine and stay in it. I am a previous runner that was used to running quite a bit and eating whatever I wanted. I dropped the running part but kept the eating part so you know how that story ends.

    Sometimes we all need a little encouragement to keep going so if you have some to share I will reciprocate the best I can.
  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    Hi I'm Laura. I'm a part time stay at home mom during the day and part time ER TECH at night. I have 2 small ones (2and 4) that i want to have more energy for! as of this morning
    im 5'6 249lbs. i'm am setting set mini goals for myself to make my ultimate goal reachable!!
    so 1st goal is -10 (the lowest i've been that i recall),
    2nd goal is -24 total ( that will put me at -50 lbs since joining mfp last yr.)
    and my ultimate goal would be onederland!!!
    i just got the zumba 4 disk dvd set that i'm liking alot and end of jan. i'll be startimg a walk to run program to beable to RUN my 5k's that i'll be doing!!
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    My name is Kathy. I live in Indiana. I am the mother of 3 children wtih ages ranging from 21 down to 8. I have a significant other of a little over 1 year and he is amazing. He is so supportive but does not know what it is like to need to lose weight. He fell in love with me at my bigger size.. and I want to show him the real me underneath this fat. I turned 40 this past summer and I am ready to get this weight off and look amazing this summer!!!

    My highest weight was 308. I am now at 236. So ready to be under 200 pounds.

    My first goal is to lose 10.5 pounds and get back to my weight last year at this time. I gained about 30 pounds in my new relationship by eating what he eats and being too 'comfortable'.

    My second goal is to lose another 26 pounds and be under 200 pounds.

    After that I want to keep losing until I am a healthy weight. This could be anywhere from 120-140.. depending on how I feel at that time.
  • rbl1225
    rbl1225 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I'm Rebecca-Lee and I'm 20 years old. I moved in with my wonderful man and ended up gaining over 60 pounds- scary how fast it happened. I lost almost 20 and want to keep going! I am about to graduate (1 semester left) from the medical field. How on earth can I tell somebody they need to be healthy if I'm not?

    More or less I changed some eating and a little thing here or there. For christmas I asked for a ton of stuff to help. I now have a food processor, juicer, good pots and pans to cook, ceramics to cook in, a deep fryer (which CAN be very healthy) and a griddle (not sure if that one will help). Also I got a huge Zumba set and about 4 more Jillian Michaels videos. I have no time for a gym while I'm in school so now I have all the tools I need in my house so I can't make any excuses. This next year is all on me :) Plus I'm hoping for my ring and I want to look amazing!
  • smcesko
    smcesko Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Everyone!!
    My name is Stephanie, I am 37, I am happily married and I live in Wyoming. I am 5'8 and currently weigh 213. I was at 247 when I started my journey. Between school, pregnancy and a desk job the weight piled on. I am done with school and my kids are 15 and 4. I was doing really good and them I fell off the wagon in August. I have been slowly getting back on track. I want to get back to being more consistent and accountable. I am looking for new friends as well. It seems that I am not the only one struggling but the others haven't found their way yet. I am excited for this challenge and I am looking forward to doing this with all of you. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • tnjackso1
    tnjackso1 Posts: 312 Member
    Hi!! I'm Tatanisha aka Tat.. I'm 36y/o and wanting to lose 30lbs...I'm simple. Please feel free to send a friend request.
  • Leahbcc
    Leahbcc Posts: 38 Member
    This is my 1st challenge group and so far it looks to be great. My name is Leah; I am 44, a mother fo two wonderful children 16 and 9, they live with their father. I want to be a role model for them. I work with a trainer once a week at the gym. Would like to get to the gym more then once a week...feel better about me. Looking to get to a number and well see it go down this time, below 200. I am not selling myself short whatever comes.
  • rubytOU
    rubytOU Posts: 154 Member
    Hi - I'm Tawnya. 37 yo mother of a 3 yo boy. Looking to reduce my body fat and eat clean. Want to workout 6 days a week. I currently workout 5 days at least.
  • laf0195
    laf0195 Posts: 71 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Lauren. I'm 18 years old, losing weight for the first time, and I'm determined to make it the only time! I don't want to go through that cycle of gaining and losing weight like I've watched my mom do for years.

    When I started out, I weighed in at 220lbs, at 5'5". This morning I weighed 191. I've already set a goal of 175lbs by Valentine's, so I'll just stick with that as my weight goal for this challenge. My goal on MFP is 140lbs, but after that I will probably keep going.

    I've just restarted a workout routine using a combination of a stationary bike and Walk Away the Pounds videos, and I'm starting to work in some light conditioning, just to build up enough muscle that I can do pull ups and push ups. I don't belong to a gym, we just happen to have that equipment in the house.

    I'm really excited to participate in this group, and I can't wait to try my hand at whatever challenges are thrown my way! Feel free to add me, just drop a line so I know where you found me :)
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    I'm Susanne. I'm from South Africa. I'm 40 years old, 165cm tall and weigh 64kg. I want to lose at least 6kg, but it seems once you hit 40, it gets darn difficult! I'm a teacher and currently teach Gr. 3 and loving it. I have a fairly active lifestyle - being a teacher, I don't sit down much. I do horseriding and have 3 horses which I care for myself everyday and do all the chores - carrying heavy bales of hay, water buckets, grooming, etc.
  • mbojan2
    mbojan2 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    My name is Mandi and I'm a wife to an amazing husband and a mother to a wonderful 4 year old little boy. I'm a full time student studying Exercise Science and minoring in nutrition. My goal these 50 days is to eat clean and to start a running program again.
  • hevhoyda
    hevhoyda Posts: 146 Member
    Hi my name is Heather... I am 25 yrs old 5'5"....My goals are to start training for a full marathon, weight train more, eat cleaner and lose 15 lbs... Good luck to everyone
  • LJT1991
    I'm Lauren, 21, and I'm currently studying for my Masters degree. I've been overweight my whole life and while I've been losing weight steadily for the last year or so I'd really like to get down to a healthier weight. I'm aiming to get to my BMI of 9st11, but for the 50 day challenge I'd like to be able to fit into a pair of size 12 jeans I bought :)
    Feel free to add me!
  • Shelbsta22
    Hey yall-
    I'm Shelbs(: I'm 21 and currently working my way through Paramedic school. I really want to get into tip-top shape before I jump into a medical field job.
    Feel free to add me.

  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 252 Member
    Let me introduce myself! I'm Crystal, live in Nebraska, am married to the man of my dreams and am the mommy of 3 AMAZING kiddos! Life is good in so many ways! I work in HR and love to help people and make a difference in their lives. I have decided that it's time to make a difference in my own life! After being on MFP for 50 days, I realized that I hadn't pushed myself much at all so that's why I started this group. I was able to get the fire burning and get rid of 10lbs because of all the support I had here! We made it through Thanksgiving together and it was amazing!!

    I can't wait to go through the next 50 days with all of you! I'm sitting around 169 right now and want to get back down to the 140's. Anything less that that would be nice, but I feel realy comfortable in my own skin when I'm in the 40's. :-) My sweet baby girl has added SO MUCH to my life and I try to hold on to every little thing she contributes to it...however, I'd like to get rid of what she's added to my body! Ha!
  • Gemz321
    hi everyone, my name's gemma. I live in england and turkey, I go back and forth. Im 24, although 25 the week after next. On my settings, its says I have been on here for years. I went on here one time I forgot all about it. Then earlier this year, i decided I wanted to lose weight as I had ballooned after I had the implant, never again. I was at my biggest over 15stone (210 pounds) although I only measured at 15 as I had already lost some weight prior to getting on the ugly scale. So far I have lost 31 pounds since weighing myself. Although I have lost that much weight, its not been quick although I have slacked quite a bit, so I am hoping to have more motivation, and we can encourage each other. I am hoping to get down to at least 10 stone 5 (145 pounds) as I have been at this weight and below that before. I hope this coming year can be good for all of us.