Day 1 of our next 50!!!!



  • Mrs_Fit
    Mrs_Fit Posts: 86 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    I am new to the group and I wish everyone success. These are my goals:

    In 50 days I will:

    1) Lose 20 lbs.
    2) Plan and prepare my meals
    3) Workout every morning excluding some weekends (evenings are horrible for me)
    4) Add more fruit and vegetables to my diet.

    Good luck everyone!! Praying that you all reach your goals!!
  • Deeann5
    Deeann5 Posts: 4 Member
    My goals:
    1. Lose 7 pounds
    2. Complete 30 day Shred
    3. Run 4 times a week
    4. Log my food everyday
  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    My goals are:

    Getting back to the gym

    Lose 8 ponds.

    Stay on track consistantly.
  • rsivalin
    My goals for this 50 day challenge is to:
    1. to lose 15 lbs
    2. Eat only healthy Food...
    3. Hit gym 3-4 times / week and focus on strength and balance training.
  • vhaynes83
    vhaynes83 Posts: 61 Member
    I used to go to the gym but it is hard to find someone that is reliable to take care of my daughter so I just want to be able to workout out at home on a regular basis, plan my meals better, and lose 15 pounds
  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    goal for this challenge
    to workout 4-5 days a week
    get ready and start my walk to run class i'm doing in late january
    and drop about 20lbs.
  • naturalle9
    naturalle9 Posts: 11 Member
    My goals for the 50 day challenge
    - lose 10 lbs
    - exercise 5 times per week minimum
    - start doing yoga and meditation in the AM
    - log my food daily
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    My main goal is making my workouts consistent and fierce.
    When I'm working out i always do better paying attention to my food and portions, and the losses will follow.
    In the short term. I have to get under 200 so my work pants will fit.
    This time around I'm also trying to make logging my food super easy by using this site
    and making some of my food ahead, like veggie burgers ready to go in the freezer.
  • Stanski21
    I'm sure I already replied to this but can't find my post.
    I've enjoyed reading through all your goals and look forward to sharing the 50 days with you all... anyway, about me:
    I'm Chris, but most call me Stan. I joined MFP in August and was doing really well.. lost about 18 lbs altogether... then I quit smoking, started craving food and put nearly it all back on again. Then Xmas came and I haven't dared weigh myself since (I didn't log for three days and shudder to think how many calories I ate).
    We have the last party of the Holidays today and from then on it's back on the wagon for me.
    My goals are:
    To lose 16lbs
    Run 100Km (mixed between treadmill and outdoor running)
    Stretch EVERY day to loosen up my hamstrings (they're ridiculously tight)
    Fit in an at home calisthenics workout in the week, amongst my twice-weekly gym visits.

    I have a consultation at the gym on Day 1 of this challenge that will include a proper bmi calculation... I'll let you know how it goes.
    Good luck everyone.

    PS: Feel free to add me if you want to share motivation through the newsfeed also.
  • Kswiss83
    Kswiss83 Posts: 41 Member
    I need to be better about planning meals ahead of time as well as being consistent about going to the gym. I am currently going through chemo so it limits me a bit but I'm trying to push through and get back on target. I gained back some of the weight I had lost once I was diagnosed with cancer.
  • Ninjarider85
    Hey everyone. My goals are to be wble to get down about 190 I'm currently at 204.6. I joined mfp September 30 and so far I've lost 42.4 lbs. so this last 14lbs in 50 days shouldn't be an issue but I always heard the last 10-15lbs is the hardest to lose. Looking for motivation. After I lose my weight I'm going to start toning up and building more muscle mass and definition
  • elbereth2010
    elbereth2010 Posts: 14 Member
    I haven't done a challenge before but 50 days sounds good! My goals are:

    1) Run at least 3 days per week
    2) Yoga at least once a week
    3) Lose 10 pounds

    If I meet my goals, I will reward myself with new running gear!
  • irishjune
    irishjune Posts: 42 Member
    I've lost about 40 lbs over the last couple years, but have been creeping in the wrong direction in the last few months. I'm new to MFP and committing to this challenge to get back on track!

    Goals for the next 50 days:

    1. (Stealing this one from above) - No alcohol for January; re-evaluate for February. (When I drink, I eat! Time to get real on this one.)

    2. Keep trying to log - I hate it, but it helps.

    3. Prioritize my exercise routine - do something every day.

    4. In 50 days - fit comfortably in the jeans I was wearing in September.

    I'm excited to get back on track!
  • smykael
    I would like to start working out everyday.
    Make a eating plan and stick to it.
    I'd love to lose a total of at least 20 pounds.
    I'm just starting so water weight will probably go pretty quick.
  • Haima
    Haima Posts: 93 Member
    My Goals:

    To Lose at least 10lbs
    Go to the gym at least 5 days a week
    Control my portions
  • This is my first challenge and i'm super excited.
    All in all i want to lose weight but that doesn't work without a plan. So my plan for the next 50 days is to eat clean. Absolutely no cheating. My weakness is all the midnight snacking, so i'm saying bye to that as well. I want to continue at the gym as i have been doing but i want to do more group fitness classes. Ohhhh Man this is going to be tough. But I am so READY for this CHALLENGE!!!!
  • mell6355
    mell6355 Posts: 171 Member
    I am using this challenge and the Easter challenge to get my butt in gear! I will be 31 in march and want to be the same size as I wasat 21! I am going to lose 15 in the 7 weeks. I have lost consistently since September, 2.3 lbs average a week. Looking forward to the motivation and bring motivattional !!!
  • norannali
    My goals are to:
    - make weekly meals plans that incorporate cleaner eating
    - drink more water and less coffee
    - keep daily eating log to help me stay on track with calorie intake
    And as a result of this I hope to lose at least 10 lbs and gain more energy.

    Good luck to you all with each of your goals!
  • Maryt1961
    Maryt1961 Posts: 280 Member
    Overall goals for this challenge is to maintain consistency....pushing play daily on something....starting back today on Jillian Michael body revolution 50 days...plan to be 50+ days into it! Another is to really get the diet back on track...someone else said they are afraid to get on the scale...I can totally relate...I notice my pants are getting shorter...not a good sign! Last goal...water! We were doing so well to not have any pop in the house, and it's gradually snuck its way back in....

    Body revolution daily
    Eating clean with daily logging
    Water-at least 100 ounces daily...and yes I do count my daily cup of coffee in this part of my fluids.....and will continue to do so...1-2 cups in a day...not going to worry about it
  • RobGeils
    WOOHOO! In 50 days I will turn 50 and I will do a 50K run jog walk crawl puke if it kills me run wherever I am (may be snowing up here in NYC, I may head up past West Point to Cornwall, not sure yet). Need to lose 15 lbs so my feet don't hurt. Who's with me? I move a lot, workout a bit , finished a few NYC Marathons in 5hrs or so, but I cant wait to lose some weight, so I'm off the Haggydaz, no more evening sweets, so far so good.