January Check in and Chat - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
Whew I actually remembered to start a thread.

Welp - I'm up ~5 lbs in weight since 2 months ago when I stopped logging, and more importantly since this past month when my eating has been more or less INSANE (pushing towards 3k calories some days and probably over on a few - and I have a desk job).

I'm going to dial it back a tiny tiny bit. Possibly only down to 2100-2200. Not sure I can eat less than that. I also set some aggressive lifting goals this year and I want to make sure I can hit them.

What's everyone else up to?


  • Jaxster92708
    Jaxster92708 Posts: 130 Member
    Happy New Year!

    Started the new year off with a bang by missing my workout. But, flip side is I did walk for a few hours at Disneyland today. Will get back on track tomorrow. Still doing Wendler's (on week 2 of cycle 1) and haven't really set goals yet for this year.

    Gotta get my eating back in check too. Really want to try to hit macro goals of more protein, less carbs and get my veggies in.

    Good luck to all and here's to a great 2013!

  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Happy New Year!

    I have a cold and had to miss a workout, but I managed to be well enough to get in yesterday and do my B workout. I was supposed to do 75lb deads, but thanks to my astounding math skills (BFA FTL) I did 85. I almost danced to "stanky leg" in the middle of the gym after I finished my last 55# OHP set. I did have a ridiculously huge smile. I hope no one was looking at the deranged girl re-racking her plates.

    It's my habit to try to stretch the protein in the meals I eat. Chili, stir fry with quinoa, etc. I try to eat grassfed organic meat so this helps defray the cost. I realized it's hurting my protein consumption. When I had unlimited venison access I could easily hit 150g/day. Now I"m lucky to get 100g. I'm going to really push to get at least 130g. Already found a way to actually enjoy greek yogurt. Normally it tastes too much like sour cream for me. Few people want to eat a half cup of sour cream.

    I'm excited to work towards my first goals on the "goals of 2013 post." Hopefully I'll do work and hit them early so I can focus on the big ones.

    @Tameko2 Since you've changed your avatar I keep thinking of you as a really buff wise cat when I read your posts.

    Happy January everyone. Let's celebrate the lack of Armageddon by lifting heavy things.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I gave myself 4 days over New Year off from logging and did almost no exercise. I have not yet assessed the damage. I feel as rough as a badger's backside today, so back to the gym on Friday, and back to logging today.

    Goals for 2013
    Hit my protein macro at least some of the time
    Finish the SL 5x5 programme then look for realistic strength goals
    Sprint Tri (late March)
    1 or 2 10k runs (1 in early Feb, then Race for Life)
    Maybe a Spartan race in September
  • bikrchic13

    Managed my first A workout. Boy my shoulders/upper body hurt! Its all good. I REALLY SUCK AT SQUATS! Not limber at all, I had a microscopic surgery on my shoulder few yrs back. Dirt bike wreck. I never finished my physical therapy an now i cant fully draw my right arm as far back behind my head as my left. Putting the bar behind my neck really kills an is so uncomfortable. I only hold the bar by curling my fingers, not using my palms. Not sure if Im going to try something else or suffer through hoping to stretch my reach out with practice an time. Squats r important too me, im bottom heavy with a saggy old butt. saddle bags! yuck!

    Done in lbs. woot woot!
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Happy New Years everyone! Hope we all hit some amazing goals this year.

    I took about 10 days off over the holidays due to crazy work schedule and just being lazy...I had been at it hard for about 4 months and needed a break. I ate whatever I wanted, didn't work out and checked the damage this morning. Only up 1.3lbs...not too bad.

    I hit it hard this morning, but had to be conservative on my weights -
    Squats - 1x5x70, 1x5x75, 3x5x80 (trying to figure out a good weight after taking some time off...and changed my form to ATG)
    Bench Press - 1x4x70, 1x3x70, 1x3x70, Closed grip Bench - 1x2x70, 1x3x65, 1x2x65 (no spotter, so I couldn't push as hard as I wanted)
    Row - 2x5x75 (legs shaking so bad from squats that I had to switch to assisted pullups)
    *kitten*. Pullups - 1x5x-42, 1x5x-42, 1x5x-48, supersetted with
    Hanging from Lat Pulldown Machine Situps - 3x10

    Then 30 minutes on the treadmill at 2.0 mph and 3% incline...alternating right side steps, left side steps, and foward walking...coordination work.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Last month was AWFUL! I was so not in the mood to do anything let alone lift. So, gotta dial the weights back a bit and start over this month. I think I'd gotten thru 4 weeks before I lost motivation. Plus, my hip is really bothering me and it's time to see the chiropractor, but my insurance was changed as of 1/1, so I've got to see what the effect of that is.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I'm very proud to say that I stayed solid to my exercise regime over the holidays....even on those days that I was feeling a little less than stellar due to too many bevvies the night before :S I have introduced tabata workouts into my regime and I am love love loving it!

    Where I really fell short over the past 10 days is in terms of my eating. I now really understand how the crappy eating affects my ability to lift as well, so that was certainly a hard lesson learned. I didn't have to go backwards at all, but there really hasn't been a whole he!! of a lot of progression either.

    Oh well, I'm back at it now....have to hit it hard before I leave for Montreal on January 15 as I will have very little control over my diet while I'm there!

    Goals for 2013:

    -Run a 5k and a 10K with my BFF
    -Reduce BF by minimum 5%
    -Finish SL round 1 and continue to progress on my lifts (hard goals pertaining to weights will have to wait a bit)
    -Be able to wear a sexy pair of denim shorts to the Calgary Stampede in July ;)
    -Become a certified personal trainer!

    Happy New Year all!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I got a really nasty flu over the holidays so my plan to run and lift like crazy didn't pan out. The eating like crazy, however, was not effected by the flu so I too gained 5lbs. I am not totally cured so I can't jump into lifting the way I would like but the good news is that we just brought home a power rack and bench!!!! They are still in the boxes but by the time I am up to working out we will have all the right equipment!!! I'm so excited!!! Happy New Year Everyone!!!
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    This week I managed 5x5 on everything
    Squats -95
    OHP - 60... Been stuck at 55 forever
    Bench - 75
    DL - 125..trying to go slow and maintain my old lady back
    BB rows - 80

    Really need fractional plates now! Stayed consistent over the holidays :)
    Oh yeah and no longer just lurking in this group. (Waves)
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I am starting my 3rd week of Strong Lifts. This is my progress so far.

    (115lbs) Deadlift (Started at 115)
    (80lbs) Barbell Front Squat (Started at 55)
    (70lbs) Barbell Row (Started at 65)
    (65lbs) Barbell Overhead (Started at 55)
    (55lbs) Bench Press (Started at 45)
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    I only missed one workout this week so far on SL - and that was due to my gym closing early on NY's day. Was back at it yesterday - I deloaded a bit on my squat to work on my form, make sure I was getting low enough, I didn't feel like I was the last time.

    deadlift: 1x5 115 lbs
    squat: 5x5 95 lbs
    OHP: 5x5 50 lbs (finally broke my plateau with that)

    Trying to find other things I can do to kick up my weight loss more - I am getting married in less than 2 months. Though I bought a size 12 dress yesterday for my wedding and I was totally stoked about that. I would love to lose 10-15 lbs by my wedding though.
  • kwikstop
    kwikstop Posts: 28 Member
    Long time lurker.

    I did a couple of months of NROLFW and quit because the moves were getting too complicated. Very excited to do SL 5x5. I love the simplicity of it. Just finished my fist week today!
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I am starting my 3rd week of Strong Lifts. This is my progress so far.

    (115lbs) Deadlift (Started at 115)
    (80lbs) Barbell Front Squat (Started at 55)
    (70lbs) Barbell Row (Started at 65)
    (65lbs) Barbell Overhead (Started at 55)
    (55lbs) Bench Press (Started at 45)

    Fantastic progression!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I got a really nasty flu over the holidays so my plan to run and lift like crazy didn't pan out. The eating like crazy, however, was not effected by the flu so I too gained 5lbs. I am not totally cured so I can't jump into lifting the way I would like but the good news is that we just brought home a power rack and bench!!!! They are still in the boxes but by the time I am up to working out we will have all the right equipment!!! I'm so excited!!! Happy New Year Everyone!!!

    I got my power rack too!!!!! Just waiting for delivery....ugh I hate the waiting! Have you tried it yet??!!! I'm so excited!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I got a really nasty flu over the holidays so my plan to run and lift like crazy didn't pan out. The eating like crazy, however, was not effected by the flu so I too gained 5lbs. I am not totally cured so I can't jump into lifting the way I would like but the good news is that we just brought home a power rack and bench!!!! They are still in the boxes but by the time I am up to working out we will have all the right equipment!!! I'm so excited!!! Happy New Year Everyone!!!

    I got my power rack too!!!!! Just waiting for delivery....ugh I hate the waiting! Have you tried it yet??!!! I'm so excited!

    Ultra jealous of both of you! Although, I kind of LIKE going to the gym actually.... Plsu I'm not sure our ceiling is tall enough for my husband to overhead press (he's 6'2" with long arms)
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Hey, all! Happy new year!

    I kept up with my workouts quite well over the holidays, and I am pleased to say I didn't gain any weight! Woo-hoo! (I gained, like 8 or 10 pounds last year over the holidays.) Also excited about my lift progress, next bench press day I get to try 70 pounds!

    Squats are going a little better for me, as well, after tweaking my form a little. So they're not quite as awful as they were there, for awhile.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I won't lie, there are many days I wish I could go to the gym for the social aspect of it.....but unfortunately it's just not in the cards for me at this point! My daughter should be good to hangout by herself for a couple of hours in a year (fingers crossed) lol Maybe I can meet a nice boy there too......*sigh* lol
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I met my nice boy online. If that helps. But I like to check out the nice boys at the gym. Its very motivational. No wait, I mean its very distracting, but in a good way. Although frankly, its mostly not much in the way of eye candy, but there are a FEW.

    How old is your daughter?
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Ugh. I haven't lifted in 2 weeks...so much for my personal records. *smh*
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I met my nice boy online. If that helps. But I like to check out the nice boys at the gym. Its very motivational. No wait, I mean its very distracting, but in a good way. Although frankly, its mostly not much in the way of eye candy, but there are a FEW.

    How old is your daughter?

    I generally do the online dating thing and I really shouldn't complain as I have recently met a couple very nice boys but I think I'm just jaded and bitter lol Plus the other problem I have is that way too many "men" don't "workout" properly and it drives me crazy lol Last Friday I had a date with a guy that was completely clueless.....omg that is one guy that had no idea....the stuff he was saying was absolutely ludicrous!!!! I couldn't deal with it so I actually lied to get out of the date early lol

    She will be 9 right away so I'm getting close to being able to leave her for a tiny bit :)