Weight Gain Update



  • Yosemite4vr
    Yosemite4vr Posts: 84 Member
    I'm at 9 weeks and I've gained 1.5 lb. Trying not to use Myfitnesspal as much to monitor my food. Trying to listen to my body within reason and keep that healthy stuff flowing in! :)

    Anyone know about gaining muscle while pregnant? I've been lifting more and I wonder if some of the weight gain is muscle?
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I'm at 9 weeks and I've gained 1.5 lb. Trying not to use Myfitnesspal as much to monitor my food. Trying to listen to my body within reason and keep that healthy stuff flowing in! :)

    Anyone know about gaining muscle while pregnant? I've been lifting more and I wonder if some of the weight gain is muscle?

    At 9 weeks i wouldnt increase weights at all. You will eventually need to lower your weights so as not to strain yourself. I was doing curls of 35lbs up until about 12 weeks but then started to lower it the bigger my belly got. Now is not the time to try to increase your performance.
  • Yosemite4vr
    Yosemite4vr Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks! 35lb curls, that's awesome! I'm not there, but I'm getting better. I'm still only at 9 weeks, I'm just trying to maintain my schedule right now until i have to ease off.

    I'll try and keep it up... but the fatigue is getting the best of me a lot of the time!

  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    24 weeks, 2 days: 14 pounds--ugh!
  • meluc
    meluc Posts: 153 Member
    Well 18 weeks for me today and 15.8 lbs up! I was doing good the last 3 weeks, but this week I went up 4 lbs! YIKES.

    Am hoping to gain 25 lbs during the whole pregnancy, but i also know i cant "diet", i just need to make better food choices...Wish me luck!
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    35 weeks and I am at 19 lbs...hoping not to gain too much more in the next 4 weeks (I have a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks).
  • Missmissy0003
    Missmissy0003 Posts: 250 Member
    21 weeks and up 21 pounds. The gain and my appetite seem to have slowed down!
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    -2 at 12 weeks. I need to focus on eating healthy, because once morning sickness goes away (hopefully), I don't want to gain a bajillion lbs!
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    My c-section is schedule for Thursday morning so I thought I would post my final weight gain update. I have gained a total of 20 lbs this pregnancy. Being in the "obese" category I should have only gained between 11-15, but still I am very happy with 20 lbs. Now I just hope it will come off quickly so I can get back to losing the rest of my fat! LOL
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    So excited for you! Good luck thursday and make sure to let us all know how it goes!
  • NicoleStarMiller
    8 weeks and 3lbs
  • nemiredi3
    nemiredi3 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5-6 weeks and no weight gain so far. I started at 152 and am considered overweight so I am trying not to gain more than 25lbs max..it's hard because I crave bad unhealthy food. I need to start tracking and making healthier choices!!
  • Jessamine
    Jessamine Posts: 226 Member
    I'm at 10 weeks and maybe 1 pound gained. I was about 8 pounds overweight before getting pregnant. I've had nearly constant nausea and it's been a struggle to find things I want to eat.
  • meluc
    meluc Posts: 153 Member
    Update for me:
    26 Weeks Pregnant and a gain of 20 lbs. I was hoping to gain about 25 lbs during the whole pregnancy, but looks like I'll be going over that which is fine.

    If I gain 1 lb a wk until the end, I'll have gained 34 lbs. It's still within the 25-35 lbs recommended, but one of the docs at my maternity clinic gave me a hard time at my last apt saying I "have a ways to go still" and "why have I gained so much?"...Anyways...

    Goog luck to all you mamas out there!
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    @meluc, it could be due to growing resistance to carbs that happens in 2d and 3rd trimesters! That happened to me last time--I gained way too much in the third trimester. This time I'm hoping to be a little more moderate :O). I'm 18 weeks but haven't weighed since Christmas, so I'll probably do that on Saturday!
  • emurfield
    emurfield Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 18 weeks and have gained about 9 pounds. I'm not exactly sure what I weighed when I got pregnant, so I'm estimating a bit! I gained over 40 pounds with my first baby, and a lot of it was right away. I'm trying to avoid gaining so much this time. I'm eating better and am going to start walking at the gym. I haven't worked out since I found out I was pregnant! :-/
  • jomiley23
    Week 34 - Weight gain according to doctor is 29 lbs. According to my scales at home, I fluctuate between 25 and 29. It has actually started going down. Has anyone else experienced this? The baby is 5.5 right now.
  • prplrose33
    prplrose33 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm almost 20 weeks and up about 16lbs. I keep fluctuating up and down 2-3 pounds. My weight gain happened really fast so I'm hoping now that I'm cutting out some carbs it will slow down. I also haven't been exercising as much since my stationary bike has been broken and I didn't have enough energy to do anything else. Now that it's fixed I've been trying to get in an hour a day at least 4 times a week and doing some Zumba the other days. I gained 36 with my first so I would like to keep my total gain to under 30 this time around.
  • CAndrawis
    CAndrawis Posts: 9 Member
    I am 30 weeks (31 on Monday ) and I have gained a grand total of 7 lbs.
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Week 13 and down 4 pounds. I think my body is preparing for the fact I gain enormous amounts in the third trimester. :)