Day 6 - Week of Workouts Challenge!!



  • Monday - AM Slim in 6, PM Zumba and Peak 10
    Tuesday - AM Bob Harper's Ultimate Cardio & PM Zumba and Peak 10
    Wednesday - AM Turbo Jam & PM Zumba and Peak 10
    Thursday - AM Jillian's 30 Day Shred & PM Zumba and Peak 10
    Friday - AM Zumba & PM Peak 10
    Saturday - AM Interval Workout on the elliptical strider & PM Peak 10
    Sunday- AM Zumba, PM rest
  • jessica_120214
    jessica_120214 Posts: 68 Member
    Monday- lower body strength training + elliptical cross trainer for cardio
    Tuesday-upper body strength training + elliptical cross trainer for cardio
    Wednesday-lower body strength training + elliptical cross trainer for cardio
    Thursday-upper body strength training + elliptical cross trainer for cardio
    Friday -lower body strength training + elliptical cross trainer for cardio
    Saturday-upper body strength training + elliptical cross trainer for cardio
    Sunday-lower body strength training + elliptical cross trainer for cardio

    Lets do this!!
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    Wow... you guys are amazing! It doesn't look like there are many rest days.

    Tuesday-Treadmill run or Xbox Zumba
    Wednesday-Treadmill Run
    Saturday-6 mile run outside
    Sunday-4 mile run outside

    This week might be hit of miss-it is my son's birthday on Wed. so I have some cake prepping to do and then Sunday is his birthday party.
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Wow... you guys are amazing! It doesn't look like there are many rest days.

    Tuesday-Treadmill run or Xbox Zumba
    Wednesday-Treadmill Run
    Saturday-6 mile run outside
    Sunday-4 mile run outside

    This week might be hit of miss-it is my son's birthday on Wed. so I have some cake prepping to do and then Sunday is his birthday party.

    Great point you are making!! I do an easy workout on Sunday which is primarily stretching, yoga and my plan is minimal cardio as well. Be sure to add at least 15 minute stretching to all your workouts as this will create lean muscle and believe it or not you are still burning calories!!!
  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    Ok! I hurt my back and am really frustrated since I can't really do anything wild and crazy :0 I am also on call for work which makes it extremely hard to get to the gym. Next week hopefully I can get back there!

    Mon-Sun ~ Walk the pup 15 mins during the week (it gets dark quickly after I get home), 30 on the weekend.
    Tu~Th~Sat ~ stationary bike 30 minutes
    Mo~We~Fri ~ low impact back exercises and light weights for 30 minutes
  • HeatherStorey
    HeatherStorey Posts: 52 Member
    Here is my Plan:

    Monday AM - elliptical 1 hour Monday PM - Jazzercise
    Tuesday AM - elliptical 1 hour Tuesday PM - Jazzercise
    Wednesday AM - elliptical 1 hour Wednesday PM - 30 minute Jillian Michaels Video
    Thursday AM - elliptical 1 hour Thursday PM - Jazzercise
    Friday AM - elliptical 1 hour
    Saturday AM - Jazzercise
    Sunday - Rest Day!
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    Tues-Planet Fitness Circuit
    Wed-Rest Day
    Fri-Planet Fitness leg workout
    Sun-Planet fitness arm workout
  • Monday AM Weight training and 3 mile Run, PM Kickboxing class
    Tues Toning class and 2 mi run
    Wed Weight Training and 3 mile run
    Thurs Toning class and 2 mile run
    Friday weight training and 3 mile run
    Saturday Weight training (w/ personal trainer!!) 5 mile run
    Sunday 5 mile run or 1 hour on elliptical
  • I'm easing myself back into exercise classes after a few month hiatus - here's what I managed to find for my schedule this week:

    Monday: BodyPump Class
    Tuesday: Elliptical 30 min
    Wednesday: Ballet Burn
    Thursday: Rest day
    Friday: 30 Min walk/jog
    Saturday: Zumba
    Sunday: Yoga
  • jgollnick
    jgollnick Posts: 73 Member
    You guys are great. I kinda dropped the ball this weekend. My typical regime during the week is as follows. I normally do this during my lunch break at work:

    5 min stretching.
    5 min circuit of various calisthetics.
    2 min intense ab workout.
    Run a mile @ 6 mph (10 min)
    10 min power walking 4 mph with random inclines (2.5 to 6.5%). Out of that 10 min I usually try to spike my heartrate by increaseing my speed for a minute. I usually do this 3-5 times. Great for that afterburn affect. Each session burns about 450 calories. In the evening I will try and do some weight training or tae bo or some sort of aerobics.

    Weekends I kind of freestyle which might be my pitfall
  • Shellycan
    Shellycan Posts: 23 Member
    Here's the plan:

    M: stationary bike, 60 min.
    T: strength training/cardio video, 45 min; walk 30 min.
    W: stationary bike, 60 min; Pilates
    Th: strength training/cardio video, 45 min; walk 30 min.
    F: stationary bike, 60 minutes, Pilates
    Sa: ST/cardio vid, 45 min; walk/bike
    Su: stat. bike/walk 60 min

    The weather forecast calls for nice weather this week, so some of the cardio may be switched to outside activities.
  • Didn't get on much over the weekend so didn't see the pre-logging food challenge... and I've only just seen this one. But better late than never:

    Monday: 45 mins calisthenics/circuit training at home.
    Tuesday: 30 mins interval running and 60 mins weight-training
    Wednesday: 5K outdoor run and 15 mins calisthenics
    Thursday: Hectic day, won't be home until 9PM so this will be a rest day
    Friday: 60 mins calisthenics/circuit training at home
    Saturday: 5K run at gym and circuit training
    Sunday: 5K outdoor run and 15 mins calithenics

    This is pretty much what I did last week so looking forward to doing it again!
  • elescott
    elescott Posts: 22 Member
    Monday - 9AM Bootcamp
    Tuesday - Can't workout as I'm having metabolic testing at the gym on Wed
    Wed - noon spin, ab workout
    Thurs - 8:15 No Limits Circuit
    Friday - 9AM Bootcamp
    Sat - Kickboxing DVD (I like to dig out the Billy Blanks!)
    Sun - Run on treadmill or pick a Crossfit workout to do at home
  • SueCBrannon
    SueCBrannon Posts: 34 Member
    Day 4 Challenge -- Done
    Day 5 Challenge -- Done
    Day 6 Challenge -- LS Video & Elliptical = 45 minutes -- Done

    Hope everyone has had a marvelous Monday.

    Roll Tide!! Go Bama!!
  • Takarameri
    Takarameri Posts: 152 Member
    Mon- Rest
    Tues- C25K W2D3, Weight Lifting, Swing Dancing
    Wed- Walking, Weight lifting
    Thurs- C25K W3D1, Weight lifting, Swing Dancing
    Fri- Walking, Weight Lifting
    Saturday- C25K W3D2, Weight lifting, Swing Dancing
    Sunday- Walking, Swing Dancing
  • snicholson81
    snicholson81 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't have access to a gym but my kids are in school again (back from winter break). No reason I can't find some time to fit in some good workouts.

    Monday - I counted in an hour of shopping/unloading/putting away groceries and about 20 mins of food prep. I think I will try and take a 45 minute power walk after we eat dinner.
    Tuesday - Wii Fit Yoga (is 60 mins a good workout for this?)
    Wednesday - Rest
    Thursday - 60 mins of uphill/downhill mixed walking (we have a bridge nearby perfect for this)
    Friday - Wii Fit Yoga again.
    Saturday - Rest
    Sunday - Try to run a mile. (And be sure to take my inhaler. lol)

    Thanks again for this AWESOME support group and the guidelines. I LOVE being able to come here and find a way to work out without feeling overwhelmed. I am sooooo excited!
  • josachi
    josachi Posts: 79
    Oh my...reading what everyone else is doing makes me feel like I need to do more! But I'm going to keep to my modest plans and just try and add an evening workout if I can, rather than set myself up for failure. So here's my schedule:

    Monday: AM Leslie Sansone 2-mile walk/PM Debbie Rocker Walk Video (45 min)
    Tuesday: AM LS Walk & Kick
    Wednesday: AM LS 2 mile walk/PM DR Walk Video
    Thursday: AM LS Walk & Kick
    Friday: AM LS 2 mile-walk
    Saturday: LS 5-mile walk

    Oh, and I take a 20-minute walk with my dog EVERY day weather permitting. This should be a great week for that, so I am hopeful we will walk daily. I don't log this, but my dog would not let me fail on this one! :)
  • amyjane_003
    amyjane_003 Posts: 5 Member
    Monday: Spin Class for 1 hour
    Tuesday: Walk the dog for 1 hour and Spin Class for an hour
    Wed: Walk the Dog for 30 min
    Thursday Walk the Dog for 1 hour and Spin Class for an hour
    Friday: Spin Class for an hour
    Saturday: Spin Class for an hour
    Sunday: Yoga for 90 min and walk the dog for an hour
  • melissagrow
    melissagrow Posts: 13 Member
    I forgot to add Zumba on tues and thurs.
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 250 Member
    For the sake of accountability - I want to let you all know that today was a fail day for me. :-( Work was CRAZY busy so I didn't make it to the spin class I wanted to catch during lunch. I planned to go to an evening class and then head home and do Insanity, but I got out of work late, went grocery shopping and by the time I got home and made dinner I was ready to collapse.

    Better luck tomorrow! How did everyone else do?