
  • Hi!! Amanda B. here!! New to the group and hope to find some support!
    Starting weight~ 367
    Current weight~ 347.8
    Goal~ 149
  • Hi I'm Renee. I'm new to the group and to mfp. I'm excited to get started again. I see that so many in this group are making great strides in achieving their goal. Thanks for posting because it helps to motivate me seeing others with similar amounts to lose.

    SW 363
    First Goal 299
  • Hi,

    My name is Al and I am new here. Been eating better and exercising since the New Year.

    SW: 491.8
    GW: 225
    CW: 473.6

    Looking to live healthier, loose a bunch of weight and enjoy life more.
  • travelistadiva
    travelistadiva Posts: 52 Member
    Hello! I'm starting MFP again. This time I want to be part of the community. I look forward to making some friends.
    SW 380 (damn)
    CW 380
    GW 180:smile:
  • Maenaine
    Maenaine Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm Megan

    SW: 390lbs
    CW: 374lbs

    I'm looking to lose 250 lbs.
  • bookworm4jc
    bookworm4jc Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm Cyndee
    SW 358
    GW 135
    CW 304.6
  • Hi, I'm Stacy - trying to lose 210 pounds. Current weight is 370. New to using this website and app, but really finding it helpful so far.
  • TooBIGdotNet
    TooBIGdotNet Posts: 29 Member
    Hello everyone soon to be 34 year old father 7 husband here in Michigan. I have tried everything you can imagine to lose weight with the exception of surgery as it's just not for me mentally but I don't knock it at all for anything that has had it done.

    About a year ago I tried out and made it as a semi finalist on EMWLE with trainer Chris Powell about a month or two before filming I was told I wasn't picked for the show.

    This made me realize that even if I was on the show the work and effort was still going to have to come from me more so from within me. I have a 2 year old daughter that keeps me dedicated now to this journey.

    I blog about my weight loss on my site toobig.net and my EMWLE story if anyone is interested can be found on my site at the links just below the banner with the scale.

    My heaviest weight was 523 in Feb 12 when I auditioned for EMWLE I was 505 today I'm almost a year later I'm about 70lbs down and still going.

    Thank you all for crating a group with people who i know get me and can relate to each others struggles. I welcome anyone that would like to become a friend.

    Thanks Jess
  • AmethystEFC
    AmethystEFC Posts: 140 Member
    SW: 443
    GW: No idea what a healthy weight for me would be. 180ish, maybe? So 230lbs still to go.
    CW: 409.5

    At a difficult and very intense time in my family life but am still absolutely determined that I will do this. Sending strength to you all :)
  • pagoubupa
    pagoubupa Posts: 105 Member
    sw 356
    gw 156
    cw 264

    I have lost 91.
    I have 109 left to go.
    I may go farther than 156; I will reevaluate when I get there... Hopefully :)
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    Hi. I hope nobody minds me being here? Although I haven't got 200+ to lose (154lbs) it feels like it. I find other groups a bit intimmidating and would feel more relaxed here :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    SW 322
    CW 307
    GW 154

    I'm Jackie btw, am from the Uk, mom to 4 kids :smile:
  • Hi, I am 58 and 400lbs at 5'2". Hope to lose 250 lbs after all is done, but the first 10 per cent goal will make me feel lots better so that is losing 40 lbs.
    Let me see if I can do it in 3 months time.
    That would be right at the beginning of summer and maybe I can get out and enjoy the season for a change!
  • noregretexperiment
    noregretexperiment Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Moriah, I started my weight loss journey mother’s day 2012. I knew it was a time for a change. With over 200 lbs to lose needless to say I was overwhelmed at the task. I lost the first 70 without MFP and 30 with it. Its been 11 months and just this week I hit the 100 lb mark. 100 down 150ish to go. Heres to staying the course! I have my good days aaaand I have my bad ones. They say its easier to stay the course with a community.. that’s why im here :)

    SW - 450
    GW- 185 or so
    CW - 350
  • you look great! hope to follow in your footsteps soon!
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm stuck at 104 pounds lost. Anyone can add me. We can all use the motivation and support we give each other!
  • Sher414
    Sher414 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Sherri and I live in Michigan. I am at the beginning of my journey to be a healthy person and I can use all the help I can get.
    Heres a little bit about me.
    I have been active on mfp for just 3 days now but I plan on staying here, making new friends and learning how to eat right.
    I am a 47 year old mother of 1 and Grandma to 2 of the most awesome kids ever to be born:happy:
    I have been with my boyfriend for 16 years.
    I am 6 months free of cigarettes and I don't miss them one bit.
    I have isolated myself for so long, I no longer have any friends that I can just hang out with.
    I am seeing a therapist for the first time in my life and I am learning so much.
    I am addicted to food.
    I am on disability due to the weight, severe depression and COPD.
    I was just told by my Dr that I am on the verge of Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
    Oh yeah, to top it all off, I weigh 400 pounds at 5'8 and I feel like I am a giant.
  • JuliesZenpuppy7400
    JuliesZenpuppy7400 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi all!!!!

    Not a lot of people post here but I feel compelled to share a little bit on my story in order to maybe help motivate someone else. You see as of today I am 18 pounds from my goal weight. When I get there I will have lost 230 pounds!!!!

    First off you should know that I am 5'9" and am currently 41 years old. So not small nor a spring chicken by any means. ;) My weight in my 20's was around 275 pounds, in my 30's around 380 pounds. In Feb 2007 I broke my foot and was in a cast for 3+ months and gained another 30-40 pounds. So topping out at 420 pounds!! I was miserable!!! I couldn't hardly do my job and was getting to the point that I wasn't sure how much longer I was going to be able to take care of my dogs, my husband or myself. I was watching Oprah one afternoon and there was a woman on the show that had been 550 pounds, in her apartment near ground zero on Sept. 11th and couldn't get out of her building because she couldn't walk the stairs due to her size. At the point and time the light came on....that was going to be me in another 130 pounds if I didn't get it together!!!!! I started out by doing water aerobics. The best thing I could have ever done!! There is so much a 300-400 pound person can do in the water that we can't do on land. I was able to get a great workout, burn a ton of calories, get stronger and felt so much better about myself. Along with changes in my diet :)

    Then came June 2010. I was around 300 pounds, getting divorced after 16 1/2 horriable years of marriage, had lost my job, my heart dog had passed away, started a new job and totally unplanned started a new relationship. Plus within a year or so later my last 2 dogs passed away suddenly 6 weeks apart. Talk about stress but finally a year ago last May my mom went with me to a TOPS Club where I have a wonderful support system. I weigh in every week and I even got an award with them for losing the second most amount of weight of anyone in the state of Oregon in my division. AND I started logging my food on MFP!!! And making tons of new, wonderful friends. Sooooo, as of today I weigh 208 pounds. I am the smallest I have ever been in my adult life. I'm 18 pounds from my goal weight and 9 pounds from ONEderland!!!!!

    I hope by reading this, if you are in the middle of your battle or just beginning that you can see that IT CAN BE DONE!!!! I don't have a lot of money. I work 2 jobs at times. I struggle with depression. BUT with that all said and done it is all so worth it !!!

    YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Hello, my name is Brandie. I am 27 as of March 3th 2013 and I started this year in January at 420 pounds.

    I decided I had my whole future ahead of me. I was tired of this and tired of just dreaming but all the things I wanted to do and never doing them. I am engaged to be married on 10/31/2014 and I want to look and feel my best. I want to be healthy and not take shortcuts because I want to stay healthy.

    I want to have kids and be able to run around and play with them.
    I want to go backpacking across Europe and I want to run a marathon for a good cause.

    I am currently in school for radiology and when I graduate I want to be able to get a job because I am so full of energy. I do not currently live off the state other than them paying for my school, but I don't ever want to live off the state. I want to work for a living, I want to get my own place and I want to be able to go out with my friends and I want to go camping and I want to go swimming and not be so shy or the recluse I have slowly become.

    I want to live and experience and raise a healthy family, and then when my love and I retire, I want us to still be healthy and be able to go and travel more. To travel across the united states and to go on cruises and to just be free. I have so many thoughts and dreams and plans for our future..... but it just can;t happen at the weight either of us are at.

    I am tired of being afraid of dying of a heart attack, or dying young so that I don't get to do my dreams. I am tired of the stares and looks and the whispers and always wondering who is making fun of me behind my back. I am tired of just sitting here and waiting for life to come to me. I am ready to get up and charge at life head on.

    I am not currently Diabetic, I have normal blood pressure, I am actually very healthy other than my weight which has always been a bit of an amazement to doctors, but my grandparents (who are also very overweight) are diabetic, my dad who is a little over weight is diabetic and my mom had the gastric bypass when I was a teen is pre-diabetic.

    Before I joined MFP I had lost some weight, now I am at 394, according to MFP I have lost 16 pounds but I have actually lost 26 pounds.

    I had been working on this on and off since the beginning of the year. A little over a week ago someone I loved very much and who I was trying to encourage and help because she was very sick, very diabetic, and about 490 pounds, and who most importantly like my second mother, passed away from a heart attack. It has pushed me even more into doing this. She was so proud of the 20+ pounds I had lost, and I want to continue to make her proud and to smile down at me from where ever she is.

    My new motto is one step, one day at a time.

    I am happy to have joined this group and I need all the encouragement I can get. I just want to be healthy. My goal for my height is 150. I have a long way to go, and I don't want to give up. Ever.
  • mizgiet
    mizgiet Posts: 103 Member
    sw: 405
    gw: 150
    cw: 396

    255 TOTAL to lose
    9 down
    246 left to go

    I'm so determined to do this!!! This is my year!!!!! :-)
  • becktacular90
    becktacular90 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi everyone :)

    Not comfortable posting my start weight of yet but over 200lbs to lose. Made a decent start so far, hoping to keep going.

    Would love to hear from some of you for some support?

    B x