January Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,350 Member
    R, Jan 17

    beatrix: 4
    The Binge: 13

    I think I'm starting to turn this month around, now.

    You all are doing such a good job of checking in/logging and of fighting the binge. :happy:

    I am happy for you :flowerforyou: and inspired by you, too. Thanks... :)
    Good job checking in Bea! It will turn around. The important thing is to keep trying and eventually you will succeed.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,350 Member
    Me- 0
    Binge 1

    Although in my binge today I managed to stop at a handfull of chocolate chips, a nutrigrain bar, a bowl of cereal, a bowl of mixed fruit, and a cheese stick. I feel like I am leaving something out??? This could have been much worse. I have a book of brain games. I tried using the puzzles as a distraction.
    That is a very good attitude and a success too!! :flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,350 Member
    January 2013:

    Mollie - 13

    The Binge - 4 (5th, 6th, 13th, 17th)

    Log it all: 16 / 31 (skipped - 1/17) :grumble: :blushing:
  • suzzann666
    suzzann666 Posts: 334 Member
    I'll try this...I've had a bad week of late night bingeing...maybe this will help me get back on track.

    Late start-January 18

    The Binge-0
  • Elliehmltn
    Elliehmltn Posts: 254 Member
    I sure wish that last night I'd gotten on MFP and searched for a "Binge" topic/group instead of getting drowned in a 1000+ calorie food fest. But I didn't, and I ate the junk, and this morning I updated my food log to include it, and now I'm moving on. I'm starting my score yesterday, though, so that I remember I have this foe to battle.

    Me (0)
    Binge (1)
  • Elliehmltn
    Elliehmltn Posts: 254 Member
    I'll try this...I've had a bad week of late night bingeing...maybe this will help me get back on track.

    Late start-January 18

    The Binge-0

    Yup, late night for me, too. Last night it was insomnia.... got out of bed to read, decided to have a little snack, and...... But with all these friends supporting each other, it's gotta get better. We can help each other make it go away.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I've only been back at losing weight for a week now.

    I've bad one binge DAY, which made me realize how much my body hates when I eat like crap, even after having only feed it right for less than a week.

    I followed it up with a fast day after, which I wouldn't recommend for everyone. I've always been a big supporter of Intermittent Fasting, but it's definitely not the path for all.

    Back on track today and feeling strong. Just got home from the gym after class, and I'm feeling pretty good about myself. :)

    Wanted to share one tip I used to do all the time to prevent a binge; when you feel it coming, go to the gym instead! Or if you don't have a gym membership, do a workout at home! If my gym is closed, I'll do my 20-minute express zumba dvd. Make sure you spend enough time doing it that you forget about your urge to binge. The other plus side? Now you've earned some extra calories for a snack! As long as the urge to binge is gone and you feel capable of having one portion. :)

    Good luck, friends!
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    January 18th, 2013.

    Me: 10

    The Binge: 8 (1/2,1/3,1/4, 1/10,1/11, 1/12, 1/16, 1/17)
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member

    Haven't posted in a couple days....Wednesday was horrible. Ate practically all afternoon at work. Yesterday was good, I was over on calories but it was not a binge. Bingeing, to me, is out of control behavior, regardless of the amount of calories. Right now my big focus needs to be on not bingeing rather than coming in under calorie goal.

    Fighting the munchies today big time. I get to leave work in 25 minutes so that will be good, as 90% of my binges occur when I'm at work.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Me - 5.
    Binge - 13. :(
  • eschorre
    eschorre Posts: 185 Member
    Elizabeth 17
    Binge 1

    Well I guess I went about 20 days and was feeling so good and just blew it. I am really trying to not beat myself up about it. It is like I can be good for so long and then bam I just don't care, which of course I do, but don't in the moment. I can't even log it b/c I can't remember everything I ate but right now I have a splitting headache. I knew one would come because I am really trying to lose weight b/c of this beach trip in a couple weeks. I have been not eating enough but an adequate amount but very low carb and tried to get off the sugar. One binge won't do all that damage but I have a feeling I will always be fighting this fight. I can't just have one or two bites of something "bad"--and I NEED to teach myself that no food is "BAD" food, got to change that mind set. But, moving on, I can turn this around and have a good rest of the week.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,350 Member
    Elizabeth 17
    Binge 1

    Well I guess I went about 20 days and was feeling so good and just blew it. I am really trying to not beat myself up about it. It is like I can be good for so long and then bam I just don't care, which of course I do, but don't in the moment. I can't even log it b/c I can't remember everything I ate but right now I have a splitting headache. I knew one would come because I am really trying to lose weight b/c of this beach trip in a couple weeks. I have been not eating enough but an adequate amount but very low carb and tried to get off the sugar. One binge won't do all that damage but I have a feeling I will always be fighting this fight. I can't just have one or two bites of something "bad"--and I NEED to teach myself that no food is "BAD" food, got to change that mind set. But, moving on, I can turn this around and have a good rest of the week.
    It is one day and tomorrow is another day. I guess for me I am not trying to be perfect because there is no such thing as perfect in our world. I see ones come and go who are perfect for a while but notice we don't see them for months at a time. Why? Because in those months most of them are not perfect. No one is perfect. That is not the purpose of this exercise. Keep track of days you binge or not binge is to keep you mindful not perfect. Again, I will say imbrace imperfection. :love: I knew you would go there when you binged. I was really hoping you could make it a month without binges. That is one of the reasons I rarely comment on zero binges. It depends on the mindset of the person and I know you are still struggling with black and white thinking or what I call stinking thinking. Perfectionist thinking stinks and is not useful for anyone.

    That is why you will never hear me say I am shooting for no binge days. It would be nice but I am too much of a realist to go there and I know I am not there yet. It is better to be realistic.

    Again tomorrow is another day. Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou: Put today behind you!:heart:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,350 Member
    Me - 5.
    Binge - 13. :(
    Hang in there Graelwyn75! Success is never giving up! Hopefully you know why you are binging. It may help to share your thoughs on the thread. If not then seek help elsewhere. If you aware of why you are binging great. Now the key is figuring out a way to work on it. You can do it.

    Good job on sticking with this!! Find the positives and keep on seeking and you will find a way to beat this.
  • eschorre
    eschorre Posts: 185 Member
    Elizabeth 17
    Binge 1

    Well I guess I went about 20 days and was feeling so good and just blew it. I am really trying to not beat myself up about it. It is like I can be good for so long and then bam I just don't care, which of course I do, but don't in the moment. I can't even log it b/c I can't remember everything I ate but right now I have a splitting headache. I knew one would come because I am really trying to lose weight b/c of this beach trip in a couple weeks. I have been not eating enough but an adequate amount but very low carb and tried to get off the sugar. One binge won't do all that damage but I have a feeling I will always be fighting this fight. I can't just have one or two bites of something "bad"--and I NEED to teach myself that no food is "BAD" food, got to change that mind set. But, moving on, I can turn this around and have a good rest of the week.
    It is one day and tomorrow is another day. I guess for me I am not trying to be perfect because there is no such thing as perfect in our world. I see ones come and go who are perfect for a while but notice we don't see them for months at a time. Why? Because in those months most of them are not perfect. No one is perfect. That is not the purpose of this exercise. Keep track of days you binge or not binge is to keep you mindful not perfect. Again, I will say imbrace imperfection. :love: I knew you would go there when you binged. I was really hoping you could make it a month without binges. That is one of the reasons I rarely comment on zero binges. It depends on the mindset of the person and I know you are still struggling with black and white thinking or what I call stinking thinking. Perfectionist thinking stinks and is not useful for anyone.

    That is why you will never hear me say I am shooting for no binge days. It would be nice but I am too much of a realist to go there and I know I am not there yet. It is better to be realistic.

    Again tomorrow is another day. Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou: Put today behind you!:heart:

    Thank you Mollie! I really love this group, everyone is so supportive. I tend to be quite the perfectionist mentally but this is the one place I feel comfortable sharing how "imperfect" I am :-) I am actually okay with this afternoon's binge, but I wish I could just eat something in MODERATION instead of all or nothing. This is actually more of my goal for this year. Also I am trying to be happy in my skin and for who I am right now instead of when I was X size or when I was a runner, or...... you get the point. And yes, it is much better to be realistic. I am just amazed at how weight comes off pretty easy when I am eating right.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Me - 5.
    Binge - 13. :(
    Hang in there Graelwyn75! Success is never giving up! Hopefully you know why you are binging. It may help to share your thoughs on the thread. If not then seek help elsewhere. If you aware of why you are binging great. Now the key is figuring out a way to work on it. You can do it.

    Good job on sticking with this!! Find the positives and keep on seeking and you will find a way to beat this.

    Hi Mollie,
    Thanks. I am sort of aware of why I am binging, but at the same time, I am not, as there seems to be so many factors.
    I think depression/bipolar is one of them, I tend to binge both when happy and when unhappy.
    I am also a perfectionist, and an extremist. I have never been able to find any balance in anything I do. It is always either all or nothing. People have told me I judge myself far too harshly in all senses.

    I was doing sort of okay, then I decided to buy a bag of fruit and nut on discount from xmas, and some lindt chocolates, sure in my head I could just have 1 or 2, afterall, other people can, so why can't I? I was not hungry and felt sure I could remain in control. But when night hits, I seem to get stuck reading these forums for hours, in a totally OCD way, right into the early hours, and once I am tired, or my sleeping pill kicks in, I seem to go into 'don't care' mode and keep eating.

    I am also a sugar addict. I have a lot of sweetners in my drinks, even hot chocolate, and if I have anything in more than a portion that is sweet, it seems to trigger a sugar hunger in me that continues until I break it by working out intensely. Of course, when you have binged badly on sugar, and especially if you purge also, the last thing you want to do the next day is don workout clothes and exercise, or even be seen for that matter. Heck, the number of times I have called my bf to say I cannot see him after a binge as it leaves me feeling very defensive, hostile and not wanting anyone to see me or touch me.

    I think it is a comfort thing as my life currently is rather aimless and empty, and even with the best intentions and knowing what needs changing, I seem unable to pull myself out of my rut. I think a lot of that boils down to living in a place I am very unhappy. When you are in a home that is not like a home, and where you are not happy, it stops you from wanting to do things, and you end up just repeating routine just to escape. Thus my evenings involve watching dvds and usually simply reading endless topics on this site, unable to drag myself to do something else.Obviously this isn't very healthy.

    Every evening I tell myself 'tonight I will play a new game(on the ps3 I have barely touched since getting it) or read a book, or write since I used to love writing, or do some cross stitch. And every evening, I end up back on mfp. Definitely an ocd issue and also issues with changing routines. But then I am on the autistic spectrum.

    The cravings I get for the sweet foods just get so intense, almost impossible to ignore. Anytime I decide I will cut it all out and eat only 'good' things, the binging gets worse. If I try and have just 1 day a week where I allow a nice meal and dessert, I find I end up binging afterwards. I do not understand why I cannot have foods around, and just have a portion. Well, I do to a degree. I seem to be of a 'must have everything at once while it is still there' sort of mindset. Same with learning. One day I decided to just not bother trying to learn anymore because I realised I wanted to know everything and there simply wasn't enough time in a lifetime to do that. I don't start writing a book lest I cannot finish it, or fail at it.

    So yes. Those are some thoughts on my predicament. By nature I am quite lazy and happiest just sitting reading or writing or playing or taking long walks. Making myself workout everyday sort of goes against my nature and possibly frustrates me at some level. Maybe the binging is some subconscious thing also, to give me an excuse to not go to the gym, to not go out, to not do things.
  • weston23
    weston23 Posts: 59 Member
    I cant believe I am having to post this, :((

    Two consecutive nights of binging, like I can't stop. :( One positive, I feel better about the type of food I was binging tonight opposed to last night.

    Sherri 0
    Binge 3
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    Jul: 16
    Binge: 2 (1/11, 1/18)

    Okay, I but disheartened. It was probably only 500 calories and I'm not crazy over, but my stomach is hurting immediately after! I hope this is a sign my body is just rejecting it now. The rest of the month, clean. My mindset is in a much better place.
  • volleygirl1980
    volleygirl1980 Posts: 121 Member
    Me - 18
    Binge - 0

    The longest I can remember going without binging is 49 days..lol..and then Christmas hit...I'm really hoping I can stick to healthy eating this time..
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,350 Member
    January 2013:

    Mollie - 14

    The Binge - 4 (5th, 6th, 13th, 17th)

    Log it all: 17 / 31 (skipped - 1/17) :grumble: :blushing: