January Check in and Chat - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!



  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Thank you Vegas and Tameko for the advice and link! What Amber describes in that article is *exactly* my issue. I'm going to send you friend requests. It seems like this will take a while and I don't really know what I'm doing. What are the weighted bridges you recommend Vegas? Thanks!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Guess who just realized that she dead lifted 95 instead of 105 (same as last time). I figure I'll get much better at lifting when I learn to add correctly...

    If I don't have exactly how to load each side of the bar written down before hand, I will completely mess up my workout. I can't add to save my life. Its rather embarrassing.

    ETA: I miss food already. Amazing how quickly you get used to extra calories and how much it sucks to drop back down to maintenance...and not only my old maintenance (where I had six workouts added in) but my new sedentary maintenance :grumble: .

    I totally have to bust out the calculator on my phone when I'm loading bahaha. One time I loaded unevenly for DL and couldn't figure out WTF the problem was until the last rep OMG :laugh:

    Me too!!!! Calculator ladies unite! The angry trainer recommends using uneven weights on occasion as a balance training tool. Like doing a chest press with a 15 and a 25lb dumbell. You were just taking his advice :laugh: :wink:

    So exciting for a rollover thread.

    I love to cook as well. I'm currently unemployed with all kinds of time to workout and experiment in the kitchen. My bf is a little sad I won't be able to cook as much when I get a job. Sometimes I get in a rut so I'd love to read everyone else's recipes.

    Darwin lurrrrrrrrrrrves her yoga! I'm teasing a bit, but it's totally making me want to stop procrastinating and try it. Do you just do hatha? Bikram frightens me a bit. Also you are pretty! And I'm jealous of your liner application. Liquid liner is a mystery not even scooby doo could help me with.

    I found a spreadsheet that made it super easy to calculate calories based on 878723467 different formulae. I thought that was right, and now it's red squiggling me. Anyway. I have my diary calories set to the minimum I should eat based on activity, but usually eat a bit higher. Ofc last week I didn't lift any day but Friday and went way over my calories every day. Today is my check in day. I'm up .6lbs which whatevs could be water, but I lost crazy inches from last week. I'm wondering if my cat is punking me, and switched out my normal tape measure. Down .75" on my waist, .5 hips, etc. and it's everywhere! Even .5 off my calves. I am certainly not complaining though. We'll see next week if it holds :wink:

    If anyone else wants it. Courtesy of Haybales.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I adore Haybales's spreadsheet. I wish it got more love on the forums.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    And now to talk about everything in the new thread:laugh:

    Welcome Mcctin. Just walk in like you own the place :wink: You'll be fine.

    HIIT- I'm the same weight and I feel you. I've been messing with my calories for a few months so I'm weighing/measuring myself weekly, but after that I'll do once a month. Well...officially once a month. :happy:

    Fisher- Personally I don't really rest between dead lift reps. I do take a second to get a proper starting position, but that's about it.

    I love rosemary. It should go on everything.

    Vette. I know you're bummed right now, but perhaps this will cheer you. I was reading this thread the other day, and my bf walked past. He asked what I was doing, and I said "oh reading what my lifting pals on mfp are saying." He came over and saw your avvie and was like, "whoa she is ripped!" He sounded v. impressed.

    Spin is good for bad knees. In theory. You have to keep them in line. It's amazing cardio though.

    Okay done with my novel for real.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    What does one do with Haybales' spreadsheet? I think this is the first time I've seen it...and I troll MFP all the damn time.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    That spreadsheet is really awesome, I'mma do it when I go home. Although, those bodyfat calculators and I are typically not very good friends. They tend to estimate me a LOT higher than I actually am. Le sigh.

    Also I have a terribly hard time filling out those 'how many hours a day do you X" things - I tend to miss hours... like I come out of it with only 18 hours in the day. >_>

    Here's a calc that takes those into account if anyone wants to play with it
    And here's one that includes BF

    It looks like all HeyBales has done is combine all of them into one handy place.

    Fisher - I take a few seconds to reset everything, which includes standing up in between reps and what not. I don't do touch-and-go reps except for my warmups which are so light that I don't risk form degredation. Otherwise, its good to stop and redo your setup for every lift.

    Vette - That really does suck. Boo. Hopefully its better soon - you should be able to at least WALK though? Or no? I'd walk, if nothing else. Also many of my long time friends on MFP have found that no one is really 'sedentary' by MFP's calculation. It gives people an INCREDIBLY low number. Most people are 'lightly active' at a minimum.

    I haven't lost weight in so long that I genuinely do not give a damn. As long as I look less fat as time goes on, I could care less. I am a little bewildered by how heavy I am (168) but, I'm fine with weighing anything if I don't look fat. Actually, I've gained about ...4 lbs since I started with barbell compounds. And dropped a pant size. It was slow though. SLOOOOW. Slow. Very slow. ULTRA. SLOW.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Glute bridges are probably my most favorite exercise of all and actually, I think that am going to start to progress with them similar to how SL works as I do add them on....although usually on my cardio days but I might change that to workout A days if I'm going to start working to progress.

    Here are a couple of links to what they are.....this first girl is a beast (this is actually what just made me decide to start to progress on them :laugh: and you can tell she has a killer booty!)


    This one is more of a how to. One thing that she doesn't mention so much is not to release the contraction when your bum gets close to the floor....basically don't touch the floor in between reps


    ETA: she mentions at the end of the video that the glute bridge is not a reshaping exercise, however I do disagree with that if you are doing a weighted exercise. Tell the beast in the first video that you can't shape as she' is using 2xBW to do the bridges :laugh: Plus I believe these are also a nice exercise for the hammies as well.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    be careful with those vegas - you're hitting a lot of the same muscles as squats, and you're already squatting 3 days a week so that is a LOT of work. They're a good assistance exercise for when you move on to an intermediate program though.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    be careful with those vegas - you're hitting a lot of the same muscles as squats, and you're already squatting 3 days a week so that is a LOT of work. They're a good assistance exercise for when you move on to an intermediate program though.

    Yeah I've been doing them regularly pretty much all along, just at modest weights....3x12 @ 35# but that video makes me want to do THAT lol So far I've been totally fine, so I think to start a slow progression will be okay. Not like 5x5 type progression though.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Tameko - I am bewildered by how much you weigh too. :laugh: You look fantastic and you are strong and hell. You are like the poster child for throwing away the scale. Your muscle REALLY "weighs more" than fat. :laugh:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Tameko - I am bewildered by how much you weigh too. :laugh: You look fantastic and you are strong and hell. You are like the poster child for throwing away the scale. Your muscle REALLY "weighs more" than fat. :laugh:

    I've seriously questioned my scale, like, maybe its broken? But my renter is using it and it shows his weight changing.

    And I got weighed at work recently, with clothes on and what not, and it was pretty close like, within a few pounds a least. And I don't THINK I am buying brands that run 'big' - Am I? The jeans in my picture are Lucky Brand, and they are a freakish size 6 (they're meant to be a looser fit, I'm sure I otherwise wear an 8), my work pants are from the Limited - also an 8, my skirts are from Banana Republic, all size 8 (I don't know why my clothes work out in this kind of split, its just what I happened to like at those places). my shorts are from old navy and those are an 8, and my dresses and tops are mostly from Anthropologie which is all different brands and I consistently wear an M or an 8 there too, except my new Hi There by Karen Walker dress from there is a 6 but it feels like it might squeeze me to death so I feel safe saying that should be an 8 too (except it was a super late return, so it was way marked down and it was the only one they had and I could zip it without help so its MIIIINE).

    I have not had my bone density tested. I think the doctor might look at me funny if I want to be tested just to find out if that's why I weigh so much. But its certainly a possible factor?
  • McAlyna
    McAlyna Posts: 123 Member
    Hello, I've been in this group since the beginning of November last year. Currently doing Stronglifts 5x5, week 12, day 1 today. I've been gaining 4-5 lbs, fluctuates, since I started lifting. No lost on scale but I've lost 1.7% bf after week 6 of SL5x5. I am sux in measurements. I see changes in pictures. I will try bf measurement sometimes next week after a full 12 weeks of SL.

    Here's my status as if today. I did workout A today.
    Squat - 120
    Bench - 75
    Row - 88
    OP - 55 (stalled and deloaded many times)
    Dead - 128

    I started at 45#, the bar, on everything. I have been focusing on forms than the progressed. Happy lifter!:drinker:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Hello, I've been in this group since the beginning of November last year. Currently doing Stronglifts 5x5, week 12, day 1 today. I've been gaining 4-5 lbs, fluctuates, since I started lifting. No lost on scale but I've lost 1.7% bf after week 6 of SL5x5. I am sux in measurements. I see changes in pictures. I will try bf measurement sometimes next week after a full 12 weeks of SL.

    Here's my status as if today. I did workout A today.
    Squat - 120
    Bench - 75
    Row - 88
    OP - 55 (stalled and deloaded many times)
    Dead - 128

    I started at 45#, the bar, on everything. I have been focusing on forms than the progressed. Happy lifter!:drinker:

    Welcome to the thread! Great lifts there!
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    MCctin65 welcome!!! I just went through this. The first few times were super awkward but it's getting easier now. I also read new rules of lifting and also thought it was too complicated. Loving stronglifts.
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Tonight I did workout A: Squats 5x5 55 lbs; OHP 2x4 55 lbs, 3x5 50 lbs; Deadlift 5x5 55 lbs. Wednesday and Friday on to 60 pounds for everything except the ohp.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Wooo. Workout B tonight. I kept my squats at 75# for form/knee crap. Did them Tameko style and my knees feel great (Wider than normal stance, but not sumo.) OHP 67.5 did 55533. My first official failing.:sad: :cry: I finished with a spectacular 135 dead lift set. BIG PLATES BIG PLATES MY FIRST BIG PLATES. I get way too giddy about this stuff. I'm going to a power lifting gym trainer for a session this week so hopefully I will be perfect after that :wink: :laugh:

    Welcome to the thread McAlyna. More like McSneakyPants. :flowerforyou:

    ETA it's so interesting to me to see everyone's lifts and how everyone has different strengths. I'm such a nerd:glasses:
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Thank you for the great links to the glute bridge videos! I actually do those a lot, I just never called them glute bridges! Maybe I'll just have to buy the brazilian butt lift dvds lol :D
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    Hi all,

    I've been lurking in the wings of this group since the new year, when I started lifting properly. I've been wanting to for ages, but got distracted by other things in the latter half of last year. I was previously doing an outdoor bootcamp with body weight exercises and HIIT 3 mornings a week, but a new job has made my life very unpredictable. So 5x5 is perfect as I can always manage 30-40 mins in the gym 3x a week, but not always on the same three days. I am so happy to be in the weights section rather than cardio cardio cardio, which just depresses me.

    So I am two weeks in to 5x5 and really enjoying it. No change in my weight (74kg/164lbs and 5'8") but I have lost an inch off my wasit and down 1% body fat (roughly). Tonight it is workout B with the dreaded OHP. I find that my lower body is quite strong but my upper body is yet to catch up.

    My numbers are currently:
    Squat: 42.5 kg (93.5 lbs) - so far steady increases each time.
    Bench: 30 kg (66 lbs) - steady inscreases each time but it is startting to get hard
    OHP: 22.5 kg (49.5 lbs) - didn't make 5x5 last time but will tonight.
    Barbell row: 32.5 kg (71.5 lbs) - didn't make 5x5 last time but will next workout.
    Deadlift: 55 kg (121 lbs) - so far finding this really alright doing only 1x5 - doed anyone do more in the early stages?

    I am in the UK so working in Kgs, but noticed everyone here uses lbs.

    One thing I am nervous about is when my bench weight starts to increase - I don't have a gym partner so no one to spot. Does anyone else have this problem? Do you just ask one of the guys standing around?

    Have a great day!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    There are some seriously great numbers being thrown up on these boards! Great job to all the ladies! I'm so jealous of some of the OH press numbers....one day....one day! lol

    I had a STELLAR workout this morning. I think that eating just that bit more is really making a difference! I also starting taking BCAA this morning because I train fasted and follow a loose Lean Gains approach.

    Squat 5x5 @ 125#
    OHP 5x5 @ 52#
    DL 1x5 @ 140#

    @AirCircle: I do warmup sets for DL...usually at least 3 sets of 5. For me I start at 65#, 95#, 115# and then work weight (that was this morning anyway). Maybe try something like that? I also do the same for squats and rows :) I will for OHP and bench but my weight is still so low lol
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I realized, duh, that I shouldn't drag the bench into the power rack, I should drag it into the smith machine. That's my plan for if/when I want to go higher on the bench than I feel safe doing, if my husband's not there. I see other people do it and it seems like a better trajectory of motion than the smith machine would be for squats.

    Tameko, I love the idea of getting a bone density test for fitness purposes. :laugh: No, doctor, I'm sure my bones are fine, I'm just curious HOW fine they are.

    Welcome to the chat, Air!

    Fittree, I can't wait to be perfect too. :drinker: