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  • whitneyberra1987
    whitneyberra1987 Posts: 172 Member
    hello every one i am in the northland and am looking for some pals that r local to lose weight with!
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Hello everyone, I want to re introduce myself. I've been away for awhile. My name is Tarran and I'm 27. I live in Lee's Summit. I have a little girl who is 2 and a half who is the love of my life. For exercise I am a fan of jogging, walking, and kettlebell. I have been away too long and just kept telling myself that I would be back, things would get better, life will get less stressful, all in time... Well... I am back, things didn't really get better or less stresful, I just changed my perspective and decided not to punish my body any longer. I am so unhealthy now, I have literally gained 50 pounds since June. Gained back nearly everything I lost. Good news though, I hung up my Starbucks habit on Christmas Eve and I stopped eating fast food for breakfast and lunch and I already feel better, I definitely feel less bloated. Well anyway...if anyone wants to be support buddies, shoot me a message, lets keep each other accountable.
  • shryjedi
    shryjedi Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All
    I am a 43 yr old in Olathe. Saw 2 doctors last week and was told I had very high potassium and I am a diabetic with high blood pressure.
    I have spent the last 4 years trying to get my husband well- he was diagnosed with Bi-polar and ADHD and he has a seizure disorder. Then last summer our son was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. I love my job as a Procurement Officer for the School for the Deaf and I teach Sign Language as well. I spend a lot of time either at work or with my son and husband.
    We don't have a lot of cash since my hubby can't work full time. I have been trying to exercise at home but I get interrupted a lot and don't get a full workout.
    I got some cash at Christmas and bought a Fitbit One yesterday. So here I go!
  • Royalsbatwench
    Royalsbatwench Posts: 117 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Sarah, a 33 year old...jeez I really hate describing myself. I'm ready to get back to my old self. I've had some struggles in the last few years and just gave up essentially. I was a high school and college athlete and even out of shape I was happy being me and I had one of those moments when I realized that I was going to start taking care of me and stop being complacent. I live in norther Cass County about 20 minutes south of KCMO.
  • jaltstadt
    jaltstadt Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, everyone: I'm Jennie, and I live in Fairway, KS. My husband and I have 2 dogs; we're empty-nesters and have been in the KC area for 5 1/2 years. I've been on MFP for a while but haven't joined in the community boards and groups until now. Would like to find some accountability partners to travel this road with, so please send a friend request if you're interested.
  • Hi my name is Chris, and I grew up in Independence. I've been in St. Joe for the , but hoping to move back in the next 12-18 months. I'm divorced with three kids, ages 19, 17, and 8. I've been fat for as long as I can remember, and even when I successfully lost weight, just went from morbidly obese to just plain overweight. Have found MFP to be incredibly helpful, and am looking for more friends to help support me on my journey to becoming a better, fitter me!
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Drea and I'm currently located in Olathe. I'm 27 years old and have been pretty much overweight for the majority of my life. My highest weight was 320lbs back in 2008 and I'm currently in the 220s. I would love to find some people that can motivate me when I have rough days and that are committed to a healthier lifestyle. Please feel free to add me for support!

  • JessicaN1979
    JessicaN1979 Posts: 142 Member
    Hello everyone :flowerforyou: My name is Jessica and I live a little over an hour from KC, but finding groups near me is impossible, so I chose this group and I love all that KC has to offer. I am 33 and engaged to be married in June and I have used this site previously and lost 40 pounds, then I stopped using it when I unfortunately plateaued and got frustrated. I was 273 pounds at my heaviest and am at 236 now with hopes getting closer to the 200 mark before I get married and getting under the 200 mark this year. That would be a huge accomplishment for me as I have not seen the 100's since high school. I am currently tracking calories (obviously), as well as going to the gym for an hour a day to burn some calories. I know this process works, just takes time and dedication. Motivation is helpful too, so if you need a friend to help hold you accountable, please add me an I will do my best :) I can always use encouragement to get up and go to the gym! Nice to meet you all.
  • HotGraham4985
    HotGraham4985 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello. I'm Anastasia. We live just outside of Shawnee, KS. I have a 4 yr old boy and a husband.. Would LOVE to have more kids! I think that's one of the major motivators for weight loss for me right now.
    I love this site/app so far. It helps me think twice about eating something "bad" because I don't want to enter it in. :-p
    I was 245 when I gave birth to my son in 2008, dropped to 197 a month after that.. and then gained it ALL back. I was back at 245lbs at the end of January. I'm at 224 now.. I've made a lot of changes recently. Something just clicked and I couldn't stand it anymore! My family joined the YMCA which has been amazing.
    Anyway. I'd love to make some friends on here.
    Thanks. :)
  • Hi everyone! I'm Tony and live in Overland Park. I've been on diets, succeeded at losing weight, put weight back on again etc over the years. The root cause is poor self-control and seasons of not caring about myself. My family and myself haven't ever been excited by watching or participating in sports, so I wasn't either. I did enjoy long and high jump as a kid, and 100 meter sprint. But that was a long time ago. When I worked in the UK, in Manufacturing/QA I walked 3-7 miles a day so separate exercise was unnecessary, but in the USA, and working a mostly sedentary job, separate exercise is a must. Took me a long time to accept this fact though. So tracking my progress is a must for me too. Change is slow but sure when I remain focused. Transformation is what I seek from old ways to new and what fits for my lifestyle. I lost 93 pounds in 2011/12, but have put 30 back on. MFP, FitBit and a HRM help me track my progress. We are mostly on similar journeys so can encourage each other and lift up one another when we fall down. Please feel free to invite me as a friend. :smile:
  • dawnemackey
    dawnemackey Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, my name is Dawn. I got fat. I need friends. Well, I mean I don't "need" friends, but I guess it would be nice to see other people on here who also struggle. So far I haven't lost any weight or done anything, but you know, that's the plan. I just joined this site about 15 minutes ago. I ate a cookie this morning, but then I had a healthy lunch. Baby steps. Anyways, hi.
  • dawnemackey
    dawnemackey Posts: 9 Member
    How do you all get that fancy little weight tracking chart at the bottom of your posts? I want a fancy chart too!
  • dawnemackey
    dawnemackey Posts: 9 Member
    As you can see, I figured out how to get the chart at the bottom. IT WAS VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE. Thank you.
  • taylorckt1
    taylorckt1 Posts: 263 Member
    Hello All,

    I am Catina and I am a native of KC...I am an empty nester with a 2 yr old grandson that I adore and my yorkie keeps me company at home. I am excited about this journey and welcome the opportunity to join with others in my local area that are also working towards a similar goal.

    I became and remained overweight after high school and at my heaviest was between 255-260...I am 5'2" and 40 yrs old. I beleive in a mind/body connect and believe that many things contributed to my weight gain. I have lost 45 lbs since january 7th of this year and look forward to meeting my midway goal in May and my final goal by January.

    MFP has become my new feacebook because I love the support, encouragement, and support of like minded people!
  • Amym26
    Amym26 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi, My name is Amy and I'm currently living in Olathe. I'm in a transition phase right now as I'm newly single after ending a 5 year relationship. I started my weight loss journey in Jan 2012 with Weight Watchers but kind of gave up on it from June to the end of November. I picked back up again in December and am now about 10 pounds from my goal. I don't really want to put a number on it though as I would really like to lose more body fat while trying to preserve my lean body mass. I decided to get back on board with Myfitnesspal as I don't feel Weight Watchers really promotes the direction I want to take at this point of my weight loss journey. And by that I mean I want to follow a more of a clean eating plan than just low calorie. I would love to make some supportive weight loss friendships in the area as I don't currently know anyone with the same goals as me in my "real" life.
    MOGRL Posts: 10
    I am 32 we live in Grandview just south of KC MO. I am working on building my friends list on MFP. I can use all the friends I can have in this hard spot in my life.
    I moved to Springfield from Fontana Cali when I was 14 when I was 19 we found out that a baby was on the way. So we moved to Grandview so my childs father could return to devry. We moved up here in July of 2001 I had moved back to sprigfield for alittle over a year when my oldest child was a year old. But when she was almost 3 we moved back up here.
    When I found out that I had my wounderful daughter I was wearin jean sizes 10-12. I was not very big I weighed in around 120 but when I was pregnet with my oldest I put on over 100 pounds. I am not sure really how I did this since I was sick all of the time with her. After having her I went on the depo shot and no matter when I did I didnt lose any of that baby weight. Then 3 years later I had another child and still have not been able to take off the baby weight. My girls are now 11 and 7 and I am working as hard as I can to take off this extra weight I am down about 30 pounds now!
  • puff22_2001
    puff22_2001 Posts: 4 Member
    I’m Dominique and I’m 27. I moved to KCMO for work in 2010 and I intend to be around for some time longer. I live downtown, so I’m surrounded by tempting bar food! However, I also walk a lot (no car) and enjoy going to local attractions such the museums. I hope to hit up the Arabia Steamboat and the Nelson-Atkins again this summer. I’ve always been large since I hit puberty, but I’m working on that now. I’m never going to be petite, but I want to be healthy!
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    My name is Mary, and I'm 50. I have two "kids" aged 19 and 17. My husband, son, and I are planning to move to downtown KCMO in just a few months-- we're waiting for an apartment to become available in our building of choice. I've lived in Kansas all my life; this will be my first residence in a different state.

    I'm vegetarian and I love cooking, especially Indian and Thai food.

    I have some medical issues, so I'm rather inconsistent with exercise, but I'm hoping to do a lot of walking downtown when the weather is nice.
  • dirtmagnets
    dirtmagnets Posts: 116 Member
    Anyone still around?

    I'm Michelle, turning 34 later this month, mom to four boys ranging from 3-14 in Overland Park. My husband and I will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary next month. I work very part-time (24-36 hours a month most of the time) as a nurse and am home with the boys the rest of the time, homeschooling our older two and playing chauffeur for them all.

    My interests are all over the place. I love both sabre fencing and playing soccer, but haven't been doing much of either the past few years - time and money are both too short, with the teenager fencing competitively and one of his brothers playing club soccer. The soccer playing kid and I are huge Sporting KC fans (see my profile pic!) and members of their South Stands Supporters Club. The whole family enjoys watching the Royals, play, too. On the less sporty end, I'm a big fan of Scandinavian film and enjoy knitting, reading, and spending far too much time online, between twitter and message boards.

    As for why I'm here, I hit my all time high of 197 early this year, came back to MFP about 3 months ago at 193 after a couple of months of half-hearted work at losing the excess. I'm down to 181 as of this morning, happily taking it slow and steady, and hope to eventually see the 140s (pre-kids weight) again. I'd love to have some local friends, to meet up sometime or not...I'm just a friendly sort in general. :D
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I'm still here and still on MPF pretty much daily. Feel free to friend me. I work Downtown and live North but if there's a run or something going on I don't mind traveling to do it with a group.