Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • Age: 21 years old

    Height: 5'4"

    Current Weight: 137 lbs

    Goal Weight: 120 lbs

    Feel free to message me! I love tips and new work outs.
  • ZB1110
    ZB1110 Posts: 70 Member
    Height: 5' 1"
    HW: 160 after having babies
    GW: 115
    I am 37 and have 2 lovely children.
  • Hmm, I feel short!

    Height: 5"2
    HW: 136
    CW: 127
    GW: 121

    I just need to tone up and start saying no to all this junk I'm eating! (well, all the excess chocolates I consume)

    You've got me beat by an inch,lol!
    Height: 5"2
    GW: 125

    I just started cutting back on carbs and sugar intake, something I've never done. Already losing!
  • blueboxblues
    blueboxblues Posts: 73 Member
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 130lbs
    LW: 106lbs...I just really hated food shopping.
    CW: in the zone of 113ish

    I've been skinnyfat my whole life, now I'm looking to build muscle and at least see the outline of where ever my abs have been hiding. I don't really care about my weight (I expect to put some on) I just want to be fit for once. I am really digging Jillian Michaels' 6W6P workout DVD!
  • mandys1979
    mandys1979 Posts: 46 Member
    Age 33
    Height 5'7"
    heaviest 150lbs
    lightest 114 lbs
    CW 134
    GW 115lbs

    Hoping to tone up and loose those last few post baby pounds. (:
  • Hi everyone! im new and looking to make some friends so here i go:

    current weight: 163lb
    goal weight: 148lb
    height: 5 ft 7
    heaviest weight: 175 lb
    lihgtest weight: 99lb ( i was only 19 and i didnt drink alcohol at the time haha)
  • oops! i forgot to say im 29 in 2 weeks.

    i was always a skinny kid and a skinny girl (which i hated i always felt like i looked like a boy) untill i got to 23 and started drinking alcohol, i put a little bit of weight on which i like but then i kept putting weight on and never realised that i was a uk size 14 (i always wore stretch clothes) i got down to my goal weight a couple of summers ago but i have put almost all of it back on again due to being busy with uni and working full time. im looking to get it back off again and build up a little msucle before i hit 30 next year
  • Has anyone seen my twin? :(

  • poopmcfartface
    poopmcfartface Posts: 4 Member
    This sounds fun!
    Age: 20

    I'm saying my goal weight is 140 but I'm more concerned about toning and gaining muscle.
  • Age: 18
    Height: 5'10"
    Heaviest: 144
    Goal: 100

    Message/Friend me(:
  • kemit1976
    kemit1976 Posts: 46 Member
    Age 36,
    Height 5'9
    weight heaviest 108kg
    current 96kg
    Goal 80kg
  • JessWolf1002
    JessWolf1002 Posts: 82 Member
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'6"
    Current weight: 167
    Goal weight: 130
  • Looking to my 'Not That Heavy' Twin!

    Age: 32
    Height: 5ft 3in
    Current weight: 140lb
    Goal weight: 126lb
  • Looking to my 'Not That Heavy' Twin!

    Age: 32
    Height: 5ft 3in
    Current weight: 140lb
    Goal weight: 126lb
  • I'm close too!!!
    Height: 5'8 or 5'9
    Highest (nonpregnant): 154
    Lowest (college): 128
    Current: 143
    Goal: 135
    I'm close!

    Age: 29
    Height: 5'6
    Highest weight: 165
    Current weight: 142
    Goal: 130-135

    Ugh..this was in response to Rebecca above!

    I'm pretty close to you!
    Age: 24
    Height: 5'8"
    HW: 163
    CW: 136
    Goal: 125-130

    Add me as a friend! I need a motivation buddy :flowerforyou:
  • Looking for someone to help motivate me too and looks like a great idea!
    age: 44
    Height: 5'6 ish
    Highest Weight - 175 (ages ago!)
    Current - 146
    Goal 135
  • Age: 33
    Height 5'7"
    Highest weight: 133
    Lowest weight as an adult: 104 (back to back stomach flus holla!)
    Current: 127.5
    Goal: 119

    I have a small frame and definitely need more muscle tone. I used to be skinny skinny. I ate over 3000 calories a day yet looked anorexic. As I moved through my twenties I became more and more skinny fat. After 30 I remained skinny fat and found the fat extremely hard to lose. Now I'm focusing on building muscle and staying under my calories (most days) to hit my goal by my wedding in May. If you are my twin, let me know. Maybe we can motivate each other!
  • I'm in. I'm a 53yoa Grandma, 5'2" and range between 130-135 on any given day. Need to weigh 115 lbs. and tone up.
  • Need to lose down to 115lbs and tone up!
  • 53 yoa


    130-135 lbs

    Need to lose 15lbs and tone up! Help!!!