February Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • February was my month to love myself and I also set this goal. I start each day with a mantra and a full glass of water and some yoga. Trying to respect my body and not allow simple temptations to defeat me. I'm on this wagon!

    Me-hoping today will be day 5
  • Karen, I see you have made huge strides with your goals! Congrats! What an inspiration!
  • ashleyolivia
    ashleyolivia Posts: 41 Member
    Me - 4
    The Binge - 1

    Very stressful day at work yesterday and got home to find my bf had brought me a giant bag of my favorite candy. I was very tempted to dive head first into it and eat it all, but settled on a reasonable serving and then let him comfort me rather than comforting myself with sugar. I feel happy today.
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member

    Jul: 4
    Binge: 2 (2/3, 2/5)

    Meh, this stinks but I have to fess up to yesterday. This is a short month. If I want to make progress (which I WILL) I need to be under three B days. I can, I will, I am.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I hope I can join! I am in need of this. Had a small binge yesterday (I did work off the extra calories but I still did binge)
    I will try some more distractions. Also, I watched a cooking show that may have caused it!!

    February 2013:
    Karen 5
    The Binge 1

    Days Left 22
    Welcome Karen and congrats on your awesome weight loss too!!! Very inspiring! Keep up the good work!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I think it's officially
    Me: 3.5
    The Binge: .5 The reason for the .5 is that I did eat more than I should have (by about 1,200) but it wasn't nearly as bad as I usually binge and it didn't feel like a binge. I wasn't stuffing my face at warp speed. It was like I just felt like eating this or that so did. But still, it was sorta a binge.

    You could always make 3 categories; like...
    The Binge:
    Going over your calories and/or overeating is by know means a binge. Binges are uncontrolled eating. So technically you should give yourself the whole point but that is up to you. :wink: Welcome!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    February 2013:

    Mollie - 4
    The Binge - 1 (3rd)

    Days I did not logged it ALL: 1 (3rd)

    January - 4 days I did not log it ALL
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    February 2013

    Diane: 1
    Binge : 4
    Good job Diane!!
  • rincoglionita
    rincoglionita Posts: 177 Member
    Going over your calories and/or overeating is by no means a binge. Binges are uncontrolled eating.

    Mollie, I'm really glad you made this distinction between overeating and bingeing. Not because of some arbitrary "us vs. them" point of view but just so that we can cut ourselves some slack when we occasionally overeat or go over our calorie goals.

    I've always seen bingeing as that out-of-control, runaway train feeling that I can't control, no matter what, usually resulting in consuming massive amounts of food, even though it makes me feel physically horrible afterwards (and emotionally, of course). I'm sure everyone's experience with bingeing is unique to some degree, but I do feel we are too hard on ourselves and don't need to view occasional episodes of eating "too much" as binges, when it's really just an overindulgence or a minor slip.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Are we supposed to be able to edit our posts here? I can't seem to do so :/

    Anyways I haven't been doing so great :/ But I will do better tomorrow!!!

    Summer - 2
    Binge - 4
  • rincoglionita
    rincoglionita Posts: 177 Member
    Dang, my February Challenge post seems to have been eaten by the Ethernet!

    Anyway, I forgot to post last night, but it was pretty much my second thought out of bed this morning: Damn! I forgot to log on to the February Binge Challenge last night! So I’m going to give myself a little bit of wiggle room for accountability.


    Me: 5
    the binge: 0

    Days logged: 5/28
  • MissBum
    MissBum Posts: 71 Member
    MissBum-> 2
    TheBinge-> 4

    Days Unlogged->1
    It is SO hard to get back on track once I mess up. I don't know why I keep doing this, I really want better for myself =(
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I've always seen bingeing as that out-of-control, runaway train feeling that I can't control, no matter what, usually resulting in consuming massive amounts of food, even though it makes me feel physically horrible afterwards (and emotionally, of course).
    Excellent definition of Binge!!

    I'm sure everyone's experience with bingeing is unique to some degree, but I do feel we are too hard on ourselves and don't need to view occasional episodes of eating "too much" as binges, when it's really just an overindulgence or a minor slip.
    Very true and that is why I no longer sweat it when I go over my calories for the day by a small amount or if I overeat or mindfully indulge. The only down side is sometimes mindfully indulging for me leads to a binge.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Hump Day!!:flowerforyou:

    I see a lot of new faces and usernames!! Welcome and I hope the thread is useful to you all!! Keep up the good work everyone and keep checking and sharing! You all rock!!
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Feb 6th ~

    Me: 3

    The Binge: 1 (2/5)

    Overeating: 2 (2/4, 2/6)

    I decided I'm doing to only give myself points for the days I stay on with my calorie goal. The non binge days (but still over calories) will go into the overeating points.

    Today was overeating. I didn't eat the wisest food choices - telling myself I don't give a rip today... then later I regret it. Just because I know I could have done better - and the food choices weren't nutritious plus they put me over calories so easy. I feel kind of disappointed because I know this isn't the behavior of someone who wants to lose weight(and I'm 30 lbs overweight)

    Why are the days before or after my binges so wonky? Overeating days trigger the next day to be a binge(I think because I get a taste of large portions and rebelling food plans... then I want more the next day) OR binge days bring about a second day of binge eating OR overeating.. for the same reasons. It's hard to get back to normal portions. I crave a good run right now - with music. Sounds relaxing.
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    Well, hi everyone...I am sitting at my computer doing a budget for my family, but there is not enough money to cover everything since I (if I was saying this, you would hear hate in that word "I") am unemployed. After an hour of trying to make it all work, I was up , in the kitchen, browsing, if you know what I mean.....:cry::frown:

    THANK GOD FOR YOU PEOPLE!!!! Yes, I meant to holler that.

    Fortunately, I started crying, which gave me time to get on here and search 'binge'

    THANK GOD FOR YOU PEOPLE!!!! Yes, I meant to repeat that.

    I love the challenges so much. They get my mind to go somewhere else besides thinking about eating.
    Here's why I am crying...if I binge, I never know when I will stop. I know that before I do it, but sometimes it doesn't make any difference.Sometimes I cry and eat at the same time feeling like I have been taken over by some demon. I know I could be out there in the food fog for literally years before I find my way back to an environment like this. Since joining MFP I have only had one and it only lasted one day!! It scared the crap out of me, though.

    So, enough.

    Feb. 1 thru 6
    Me: 6
    The binge: 0

    I only care about overeating because it may lead to a binge as Icey Rain already discussed.

    To those of you who have been in O.A., I want to mention that I like the anonymity on this site a lot better. I can feel more free to say what is on my mind when I am not looking at peoples faces... do you feel that?
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    February, 2013

    Jen - 5
    Binge - 0

    Log it all: 5/28
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I think it's officially
    Me: 3.5
    The Binge: .5 The reason for the .5 is that I did eat more than I should have (by about 1,200) but it wasn't nearly as bad as I usually binge and it didn't feel like a binge. I wasn't stuffing my face at warp speed. It was like I just felt like eating this or that so did. But still, it was sorta a binge.

    You could always make 3 categories; like...
    The Binge:
    Going over your calories and/or overeating is by know means a binge. Binges are uncontrolled eating. So technically you should give yourself the whole point but that is up to you. :wink: Welcome!!

    I totally agree with you. Most humans have varying calorie intakes from day to day, that is normal, and to put pressure on oneself for going over some set calorie goal only leads to more pressure to be perfect and therefore more likelihood of a binge in rebellion at such strict rules.

    That said.

    Me - 4.
    Binge - 2.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    To those of you who have been in O.A., I want to mention that I like the anonymity on this site a lot better. I can feel more free to say what is on my mind when I am not looking at peoples faces... do you feel that?
    1st I would like to welcome you to the group! Regarding OA, I feel both have advantages and disadvantages. I feel 1st of all both online support and face to face support only works with full honesty and that is very hard for us sometimes. It took be a long time to be 100% honest with others bur foremost to myself. I hope to never go back to that dark place anytime soon. So with that said I think both are good supports for those willing to open themselves up to it. Yes it is always easier to open up online vs face to face for sure and I think doing it on line help us be more open hearted in face to face support groups also. That has been my experience. That is my 2 cents......:wink:
  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    me: 5
    the binge: 0

    Still doing great in Feb.