How's your day?



  • poliro22

    New to this group as of this morning, figured I would post a little something here too. :)

    Im on my 8th day into Dukan, 6th day of the cruise phase... and I've been stuck at the same weight for 3 days now. Is it just me, or do you all feel really disappointed when you don't lose anything after a PP day? Hate that!

    My stomach is kind of bothering me for the first time since I started the diet, Im assuming it has something to do with me not sticking with the oat bran. Actually I think i've only had the oat bran 2 days since I started it. I just have no idea what to do with it! I dont like it in my yogurt (its the texture i think) so I am open to suggestions if anyone has some!

    Well I look forward to getting to know you all, and seeing your daily progress. Have a great day!

  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Hi all! Welcome new members since my last post.

    Hey poliro22 - I would go a couple of weeks with no lost and then bam, 2-3 pounds just fell off.
    On the oat bran, try making the oat bran muffins or brioche , they are pretty good... I liked the pancakes so I made them quite often.

    I am maintaining away now on month 14.5 of dukan. I do log my calories still!
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 648 Member
    Good Morning!

    Spent all day yesterday with a raging headache and still have a dull ache this morning. Quite annoying! I did an experiment this week and logged my food. calories are low! Every day the food log warns me that I'm not eating enough. I even started eating some off plan things to try to boost my calories. I really need to eat more veggies...I've been terrible at that.

    Going out to dinner tonight and I'm going to eat whatever strikes my fancy. Chicken Marsala and yes, maybe a bit of pasta. I'll be back to plan on Sunday, but for one meal today......freedom! :-)

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Good Morning!

    Spent all day yesterday with a raging headache and still have a dull ache this morning. Quite annoying! I did an experiment this week and logged my food. calories are low! Every day the food log warns me that I'm not eating enough. I even started eating some off plan things to try to boost my calories. I really need to eat more veggies...I've been terrible at that.

    Going out to dinner tonight and I'm going to eat whatever strikes my fancy. Chicken Marsala and yes, maybe a bit of pasta. I'll be back to plan on Sunday, but for one meal today......freedom! :-)

    Hope you all have a great weekend!


    I had the same issue, but i doubled down on protein like the dukan diet book says...worked great
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 648 Member
    Happy Monday!

    A sunny but cold day here in PA. I'm SO ready for Spring. I play golf, so the winter is torture for me! I'm ready to be out on the course!

    I thought I ate too much this weekend, but the scale was down another 1/2 lb this morning! I'll take it! We had our official boot camp challenge weigh in on Saturday and I'm down 17 lbs in 6 weeks. 6 more weeks in the challenge. My goal was 25 lbs....I think I just may do it! YAY!

    I had my Chicken Marsala on Saturday night and it was heaven! I even ate a small serving of Angel Hair pasta with it and enjoyed every mouthful!

    Off for a long weekend with my sister starting Friday. We usually do pretty well with our eating so I'm not too worried. The biggest "sin" will be a few low carb beers. The last time I spent a weekend with her I lost 1.5 lbs! I guess I can't expect that again, but even a maintain will be a win!

    Have a great week everyone!

  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Good morning! Going for my wellness humana vitality check this morning! Fasting till they draw blood... Dying for some coffee
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 648 Member
    Had 3 good boot camp workouts this week. Each one harder than the next! Whew!!

    Off to my sister's after work today. Can't wait!

    Status quo on the weight loss front. Digestive system is a bit sluggish this week. IYKWIM

    Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Happy Monday! I am back from vacation and ready to be at work!
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 648 Member
    WOW! Haven't been here in awhile! Where do the days go? I'm doing well...still boot camping and losing weight slowly. I hit the magic 20 lbs lost on Saturday! Now just have to lose that much 2 more times and I'll be golden! ;-)

    How are you all doing?

  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Hey Lori!

    I am doing great. Congrats on your magic 20 lbs lost! Keep going - you are already golden!
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I started this diet on Monday and in the process of the attack phase I lose 6 pounds. But yesterday I broke it. I have chocolate and a burger (no bun) but still it was Mcdonalds. Because I live in ecuador and some ingredients are not easy to find I haven’t been able to give myself much variety to the diet. I’m so upset with myself.

    Did you find that if you did a full day a protein it helped you jumpstart back to the diet?
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Happy Saturday Morning!

    Starting my day with my favorite Cruise Phase breakfast - two oat bran gallettes smeared withtwo tablespoons of fat free cream cheese, and an egg over easy on top! YUM!

    For those of you that go longer than 4 days on Attack - yikes, I respect you as I wouldn't have made it longer than the 3 days I was on it. Even though I have been through all four phases and am on the fourth phase, I fall back on cruise phase guidelines because they are so easy to follow.

    Have a great Dukan Lifestyle Day!
  • twinmoon
    twinmoon Posts: 108 Member
    Hi - I just joined this group - 1st group I've joined on MFP. I tried Dukan last year & it worked well, but I gave up after a few tough days, and fast forward a year or so . . .

    I'm on Day 1 of Attack phase. I'm not a big protein or meat eater, so it's been a lot of yoghurt & egg whites. Can't wait to have the gallette for dinner. Any tips to help me hang on for 4 or 5 days in this phase? Or should I just do 3?
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Hi - I just joined this group - 1st group I've joined on MFP. I tried Dukan last year & it worked well, but I gave up after a few tough days, and fast forward a year or so . . .

    I'm on Day 1 of Attack phase. I'm not a big protein or meat eater, so it's been a lot of yoghurt & egg whites. Can't wait to have the gallette for dinner. Any tips to help me hang on for 4 or 5 days in this phase? Or should I just do 3?

    I did three days of attack. Cruise was the easiest plan ever for me. I ate a lot of turkey , and steamed shrimp on attack
  • twinmoon
    twinmoon Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks for the tips. I'm on Day 3 of Attack, and I'll start Cruise tomorrow. I have a nagging headache, but I read it's normal. Do you think it's ok to have more oat bran than allocated? I'm having more - about 3-4 T. a day in my food, but still lost weight. 5 lbs in two days - and I don't care if it's water weight. Best part is sticking wth something for two days. I know that sounds wimpy, but it's a big feat for me. Thanks for the advice - I enjoy reading your posts in different Dukan discussion groups.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Thanks for the tips. I'm on Day 3 of Attack, and I'll start Cruise tomorrow. I have a nagging headache, but I read it's normal. Do you think it's ok to have more oat bran than allocated? I'm having more - about 3-4 T. a day in my food, but still lost weight. 5 lbs in two days - and I don't care if it's water weight. Best part is sticking wth something for two days. I know that sounds wimpy, but it's a big feat for me. Thanks for the advice - I enjoy reading your posts in different Dukan discussion groups.

    I actually did the on line coaching with Dukan and it was a question I posted (eating more oat bran) ... and honestly, anytime I asked to add food on cruise they told me to add protein. I got more flexibility with the diet when I got to consolidation.

    That being said, I logged my calories with Dukan even though they preach you don't have to. I found most days I needed to eat more as it is pretty surprising how few calories I was eating. I found greek 0% fat yogurt to be my friend, as well as keeping lots of turkey, hard boiled eggs, chicken, crab sticks, etc around.

    Congrats on your success so far!