Summer Weight Loss Challenge



  • MzSharp79
    MzSharp79 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ladies....I don't have much time on the forums but I'm glad I came across this one...Looking forward to this challenge

    SW: 220
    CW: 209
    GW: 160

    My goals are to:
    1) To comfortably fit into a size 12 while on my way to a size 10 in June. I just recently got down to a size 14 in just re-starting my lifestyle change on 1/5/13.
    2) Be able to do 50 non-modified push-ups at one time.
    3) Do enough squats to grow a darn thing keeps shrinking as I lose weight.
  • brownmara
    brownmara Posts: 175 Member
    Hi Everyone! Just wanted to post my Active Rest Day NSV for today. I decided to walk in place while catching up on my TV shows tonight. It wasn't a high calorie burn workout, but I just felt let moving! :smile:
  • klb1002
    Hi Everyone! Just wanted to post my Active Rest Day NSV for today. I decided to walk in place while catching up on my TV shows tonight. It wasn't a high calorie burn workout, but I just felt let moving! :smile:

    That's a good idea with the walking in place while watching TV. Every little bit helps.
  • Yummy208
    Yummy208 Posts: 21 Member
    Good morning. ...
    Just checking in for Sunday's weigh in.
    Sw 204
    Cw 188.6
    Gw 170

    Goals this week:
    1. Go hard give it my all
    2. Workout 6day's
    3. Try and get more sleep at least 6hour's
  • Raesin70
    This is my first weigh in. Thanks for the inspiration.

    SW: 184
    CW: 167
    GW: 149 (or any weight falling in the "normal" BMI category. Who invented this scale anyway?)

    1. Complete JM's 30 Day Shred
    2. Better meal planning (I eat the same thing every day. Boring!)
    3. Inspire my beau and children
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    I wanted to mention a great magazine that I truly love, Cooking Light. They really have some great recipes for your main course, desserts, vegetables, pastas, etc. They don't skimp on flavor either! I find myself cooking more with fresh herbs now. I like the recipes you can make under 30 minutes, since I am trying to keep on schedule with my workouts after work. I try to make enough to last a few days, but my husband eats more than his share of the portions! You can also search for recipes through their online site.
    Just thought I would share.

    I also love Cooking Light magazine. I also subscribe to Eating Well and Weight Watchers. Like most of us I love food and want to cook meals that are tasty as well as healthy.
  • GottadanceKp
    GottadanceKp Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! Just joined and i am so in.
    Starting. 258
    Current: 258
    GW : 228

    Good luck everyone!
  • onmyway227
    Hello All,

    This will give me even more motivation to lose weight before my June Vegas trip!

    SW: 253.2 (Jan 14)
    CW: 243
    GW: 210

    I use MFP everyday so add me as a friend for motivation and encouragement.
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    SW - 181
    CW - 178
    GW - 140

    Down 1 lb today!

    NSV's this week: workout at least 5x this week
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    Down .40 this week! Come on ONEderland!!! My body is literally crawling like a turtle to ONEderland!!

    SW:209.8 CW: 204.4 GW: 175
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    Down .40 this week! Come on ONEderland!!! My body is literally crawling like a turtle to ONEderland!!

    SW:209.8 CW: 204.4 GW: 175

    I feel your pain. I'm a slooooowwwww "loser". Just stay focused and you'll get there soon.
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    SW: 184.8
    GW: 160

    01/21 weight: 184
    01/28 weight: 181.6
    02/04 weight: 179.8
    02/11 weight: 179.8
    02/18 weight: 178.8

    The past week was a challenge with V-Day and anniversary. I did indulge some with chocolates and a few extra carbs. But I did not beat myself up about it because this is a lifestyle change. I just continued to workout to counteract those indulgences.

    I continue with my Insanity challenge and I have been contemplating restarting back to month 1 instead of moving on to the month 2 workouts. (Month two is a beast).

    Weight loss for the week = -1
    Total loss = - 6
  • solazul
    solazul Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ladies! I was thinking about it today, and I think that we should have some Official Weigh-in Days. I'm thinking that the Official Weigh-ins will be: February 21, April 21, and the final day of the challenge, June 21.

    Everyone can submit their weight on the their regular weigh in days, and update the challenge as much as they want, but I think that this will help provide better markers. After re-reading Serene's post, I think that this is what she meant by weigh in days, and I missed what she meant. Sorry about that!

    I'll post this in the lead post for anyone new. Also, feel free to update your original post with your goal weights for each official weigh in. I'll update mine here, and again, in the lead post.

    Sorry for any confusion ladies! Let's get it! :)

    SW: 287.0
    CW: 287.0
    GW: 225.0

    Official weigh-in Weight Goals:

    February 21 - 259
    April 21 - 233
    June 21 - 225

    Non-scale victories I would like to experience before June 21, 2013
    1. Get up daily at 5:00 AM
    2. Workout 5 days a week
    3. Try a new workout once a week

    Joining today.....
    SW: 220.6
    CW: 220.6
    GW: 180.6 (Aiming High) ;-)

    2/21: ? today is the 18th
    4/21: 200.6
    6/21: 180.6

    Non Scale victories
    1. No more water pill. I've been on for less than 30 days....don't want this to be lifelong.
    2. Anniversary is 6/27....looking hotter in a smaller size
    3. Being healthier before starting nursing school in the fall.

  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi ladies! I was thinking about it today, and I think that we should have some Official Weigh-in Days. I'm thinking that the Official Weigh-ins will be: February 21, April 21, and the final day of the challenge, June 21.

    Everyone can submit their weight on the their regular weigh in days, and update the challenge as much as they want, but I think that this will help provide better markers. After re-reading Serene's post, I think that this is what she meant by weigh in days, and I missed what she meant. Sorry about that!

    I'll post this in the lead post for anyone new. Also, feel free to update your original post with your goal weights for each official weigh in. I'll update mine here, and again, in the lead post.

    Sorry for any confusion ladies! Let's get it! :)

    SW: 287.0
    CW: 287.0
    GW: 225.0

    Official weigh-in Weight Goals:

    February 21 - 259
    April 21 - 233
    June 21 - 225

    Non-scale victories I would like to experience before June 21, 2013
    1. Get up daily at 5:00 AM
    2. Workout 5 days a week
    3. Try a new workout once a week

    Apparently when I joined the group, I neglected to go through all of the posts, so I completely missed this one. It wasn't until I saw someone's reply to it today that I realized I had never seen it before. I weighed in this morning, so Feb 21 is only 3 days away, however, here are my goals for each date:

    Feb 21 - 177.5 (hopefully I can shed another half a pound in 3 days :bigsmile: )
    Apr 21 - 160
    Jun 21 - 143 (crosses fingers :wink: ) does everyone feel about posting before and after pics? Maybe not for Feb since it's a few days away, but for April and June.
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    This is my first weigh in. Thanks for the inspiration.

    SW: 184
    CW: 167
    GW: 149 (or any weight falling in the "normal" BMI category. Who invented this scale anyway?)

    1. Complete JM's 30 Day Shred
    2. Better meal planning (I eat the same thing every day. Boring!)
    3. Inspire my beau and children

    LOL! I'm with you....if this BMI scale tells me ONE more time that I'm OBESE, I'm going to lose it! :explode:
  • klb1002
    Well, I finally had a breakthrough and after two weeks finally lost a pound to make it 3 pounds lost. Whew! I guess I am a slow loser also. One day at a time and I will take it. I didn't work out the last three days and finally got back on track this morning, so imagine my surprise when I saw I actually had a loss! Loving my Zumba Cardio Party dvd right now.
    Let's go get it ladies!
  • Ritaspal
    Ritaspal Posts: 9 Member
    I have the same, my anniversary was on 2-16 and I ate a few more carbs. Hopefully when I weigh tomorrow I will be okay!:happy:
    Hope you will also when you weigh next. We can do this!
  • aliciagolden332
    aliciagolden332 Posts: 1 Member
    I hope I can stick to this
    GW: 240 BY JUNE 21

    come down at least one dress size
    get some type of exercise
    lead by example with healthier habits
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I am way overdue for an update.

    Here is a refresher on my goals:
    My stats:
    SW: 250
    CW: 216 (size 14-16)
    GW for 6/21/13: 180
    UG: size 8-10 in clothing > probably about 165 for me

    Deadlift my body weight
    Wear < size 12 (US)
    Fit into pants at H&M
    Walk a 12 minute mile
    Do 10 full pushups

    I fluctuated a bit after my last post. OK a lot. Now I am finally down to 215 after bouncing around 218 for weeks.
    Deadlift: 70# right now
    Pushups: 2
  • rstinne1
    rstinne1 Posts: 37 Member
    Checking in......

    SW: 208 as of Jan 1

    Challenge SW: 203
    CW: 197.4

    GW: 175 by June