*NEW TEAM DAFFODIL (JuneJulyAug 2013 Brides :)



  • Methinksabout
    Thanks for having me back ladies :-) Really appreciated it!

    Had my first WI today after slacking off and lost 2.2lbs! So that's brill reward for coming back! :-) Let's hope I can keep losing consistently!

    We are also thinking about getting first dance lessons, so just a private lesson with our song (which we haven't really decided on yet ;-) But yes, I think it is definitely worth it, not for the "showing off" but more for the confidence - my OH doesn't like being in the limelight and he doesn't like dancing either, so he is dreading the first dance. Some lessons will definitely help him relax before hand - and we can always practice a bit more at home :-)

    Well done on winning ladies! That's great news!
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 151 Member
    My fiance's parents bought him dance lessons for the wedding for his birthday!! I definitely have mixed feelings about it because I don't want to go to this class and him get overwhelmed with it. I don't want the teachers wanting to teach us ballroom or anything either!! I just want a simple slow dance (think high school) so if we do take the classes, we will have to make sure the teachers understand that we aren't doing anything fancy, which is going to be quite boring for them and somewhat of a waste of money...

    Weight loss is going good... i'm about one pound away from my biggest loser challenge goal. I've never been under 170 so i'm really hoping I can get to that 169 by next sunday! Have to keep on track as much as possible. My goal for the wedding is to be at 160 so if I can just get under 170.. i'd be pushing for the last 10 pounds!! My body hates me though and usually when I hit 170, it stays there, goes up a pound and then I just battle the 170-171 for months... so we'll see how it goes
  • kelly_gelinas
    kelly_gelinas Posts: 137 Member
    Hey ladies, hope you are having a good week so far. I am off today to register at Sears for the wedding. Then, hit up the gym for a run. I hate running in this cold outside.

    Any other big runners on team daffodil? I run 5-10 km 3-5 times a week depending on my schedule.
  • kluginbill1
    kluginbill1 Posts: 8 Member
    I've been a runner since I was a kid! I'm training for 2 half marathons right now so I'm running quite a bit :smile: we ran 10 miles on Saturday..it's always nice to break into the double digits! I don't think my body sees running as exercise really anymore which could be why my weight is stalled..
    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • Drkchyld
    Drkchyld Posts: 63 Member
    OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I saw my self in pictures next to people today! And because of TOM i'm surely not going to have a good weigh-in this week. l've been eating all kinds of crap and not been doing any working out. Also today was my FI birthday.
    Seeing myself today made me happy and sad. The transformation i've made from the 350+lbs. i used to be is wonderful. I love my new face, my milkshake is bringing all the boys to the yard, and the sex gets better wit every lb i lose. But when i saw those pictures i still wasent satisfied with wat I saw. I might be being hard on my self. I do know that i need to get back to it asap. And i have to accept some things about my body arent going to change. like my big butt(when i sit in the car or next to others looks like im sitting on 2 phone books :( ), hips, and thighs. Don't get me wrong I love them and they look grand on me. But i can make them look better. So I seriously need to get it together. I guess tone more cause i'm content wit my weight now and i want to be toned more than skinny. On my wedding day i don't want to be disappointed at wat I see when im sitting next to my sweetie. lol or anyone else.
  • kelly_gelinas
    kelly_gelinas Posts: 137 Member
    Drkchyld, you should feel so pround of your accomplishment so far. As a friend to all you brides, I am just as happy for your pounds lost as I am for my own. I think a lot of us suffer from body dysmorphia. I know that when I have lost a lot of weight in the past, I could never see it in the mirror no matter what.

    As for today, I woke up really early, not feeling top notch. On a plus side, my diet has been pretty good this weeks. Maybe not a loss because I was away last week and couldn't weigh myself. Looks like I was up 2 lbs. not down. Oh well. I have to get my butt in gear these last few weeks. 6-8lbs away from my goal. I have to do this. My dress fitting is less then 2 months away.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 151 Member
    Hey girls!! Yes it is true that we don't see the weight loss so much when looking the mirror. I have lost 42 pounds so far and I get discouraged because of my love handles and my thighs! But I don't see that my arms and my face have shrunk so much!! I mean 42 pounds is quite alot when you think of adding those weights onto your shoulders!

    This week is been going fairly good food and workout wise!! Today we have a funeral so i'm leaving work earlier than I need to so I can hit the gym before the funeral since after we might be with family and stuff like that!! And then comes the weekend where I really want to also stay on track!! We have a night at a friends house on friday where there's usually chips and all that (hoping I can control myself) and then saturday night we have a supper with my FI's family (which there is always so much food). I'm really hoping to stay on track so I can see 169 on the scale on sunday!! Just need to keep focus when all those temptations are around me.

    Have a good thursday everyone! Friday is almost here.
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I saw my self in pictures next to people today! And because of TOM i'm surely not going to have a good weigh-in this week. l've been eating all kinds of crap and not been doing any working out. Also today was my FI birthday.
    Seeing myself today made me happy and sad. The transformation i've made from the 350+lbs. i used to be is wonderful. I love my new face, my milkshake is bringing all the boys to the yard, and the sex gets better wit every lb i lose. But when i saw those pictures i still wasent satisfied with wat I saw. I might be being hard on my self. I do know that i need to get back to it asap. And i have to accept some things about my body arent going to change. like my big butt(when i sit in the car or next to others looks like im sitting on 2 phone books :( ), hips, and thighs. Don't get me wrong I love them and they look grand on me. But i can make them look better. So I seriously need to get it together. I guess tone more cause i'm content wit my weight now and i want to be toned more than skinny. On my wedding day i don't want to be disappointed at wat I see when im sitting next to my sweetie. lol or anyone else.

    I've got the "J-Lo" booty! Don't get rid of it to much, chances are your H2B likes some junk in the trunk. ;) 48 pounds is an awesome accomplishment. You are your worst critic. You're beautiful no matter what!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm looking forward to getting to ONE-derland again. I was 198 when I fell and fractured my tailbone in August and I haven't seen it since. The weather is horrible here (cold and rainy) so I'm not getting out to go for a walk. Trying to watch diet more though to compensate.

    Does anyone else use IPOARM's basic ideas? I was jut about to change my calories to follow it (200 more than MFP sets me at), but then I lost 1lb and now I'm scared to up them.
  • bbtano
    bbtano Posts: 42
    I love reading everyone's posts! Thanks so much for sharing with the group. Congrats on the weight losses!
  • kluginbill1
    kluginbill1 Posts: 8 Member
    We got this ladies! Let's have a great weekend! :smile:
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 151 Member
    Oh it's that dreaded Friday!! Where the switch usually goes off on weight loss!! Yesterday I didn't finish logging in. It was my FI uncle's funeral so there was these munching food, so hard to track! I know I ate more than I should have and didn't have time to go to the gym so I have no excuse, I must stay on track this weekend! I plan on going to the gym for strenght and cardio from tonight onto Sunday! I know yesterday's day will have ruined any chances of me losing any but i'm hoping I don't go up to muhc either!

    It's a constant struggle but when I think of it, I'd much rather be doing what i'm doing, living the life im living in, and gradually losing weight then to stop my life completely and go on this extreme diet that might work in the short term but not in the long term!! And as i've always said, i'm not doing it to fit into my dress on the wedding day, i'm doing it tostill fit in my dress in a year after the wedding too!!
  • Drkchyld
    Drkchyld Posts: 63 Member
    I worked out 3 times this week and hard yesterday and today. So y when i was at work today did one of my semi english speaking co-workers ask me was i pregnant?!!!!!! Really? So 2 of my other co-workers tried to explain wat she ment. And in summary wat they really said was "yeah u are losing weight and yeah ur stomach isnt big as it used to be . But u do like like u could be pregnant." Somebody is going to get punched!
  • bbtano
    bbtano Posts: 42
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I drove 5 hrs to visit my brother---only healthy snacks in the car and a sandwich for lunch when we got here. So far, so good!

    Let's all get our reports in on time tomorrow! :)
  • crystalina888
    crystalina888 Posts: 7 Member
    Cake tasting was fun but felt a bit guilty consuming all those calories...Doubling up on workouts to get back on track :) Got some honeymoon planning done yesterday :) Sooo excited
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 151 Member
    Hope everyone is reporting in today! Had a rough few days with some funerals and alot of family food time!!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Hey everyone- sorry for not being around the past 2 days. I had a stomach virus yesterday so I ate nothing- not a single thing. Today, I've managed toast for breakfast and dinner. I'm going to take care of all the PM's and stuff tomorrow when I get home from work and get it sent to Elizabeth. So you've got a few extra hours. I'm headed back to the couch to deal with this monster headache.
  • bbtano
    bbtano Posts: 42
    Oh dear......so sorry you are sick. I hope you feel better soon!
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 151 Member
    Got hit with a cold... first one this winter!! So feeling very tired! Didn't make it to the gym today.. gonna rest up and get lots of fluids in me and hopefully tomorrow i'll be back up and running!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Thanks ladies. I'm so glad I happened to weigh myself Saturday morning before I got sick. If I had waited, I know I'd be seeing a big increase this week and be really bummed even though I lost it in a not healthy way. I need to re-hydrate but water slogging in my belly feels icky. Hoping I stay below what I weighted in at on Saturday though (I'm 1.5lbs below that right now).

    Was feeling pretty good yesterday, ate potato salad and spent the rest of the night on the couch feeling sick. Passed out on the couch at 9 and my hubby to be woke me up to go to bed at 10.

    Going to start off a bit easier today, no potato salad. LOL.