November 2013 Babies

This month of due dates is just barely getting started, and I though about joining the Oct thread... but here goes! I got my (faint) BFP today, and figure my due date is about 8 or 9 Nov. Exciting!


  • JessieJack86
    JessieJack86 Posts: 1 Member
    I just found out today that I am expecting my second as well. I am assuming we will be due Nov 3 :) Very exciting but very nervous about weight gain. I have lost 70 lbs over the past year so I am discouraged with gaining weight. I plan to eat very healthy and stay within my calories! What will be, will be. GOOD LUCK TO US ALL!! :)
  • stgrasser
    stgrasser Posts: 2 Member
    Just found out today that I'm expecting my third! It has taken forever to get a + test and I'm 5 days late. Due Nov 5. Looking forward to having a healthy, active pregnancy.
  • morgycg
    morgycg Posts: 38 Member
    Congrats! My due date is November 4th!
  • goalNOregrets
    goalNOregrets Posts: 22 Member
    Congradulations everyone!
  • Ofaatu
    Ofaatu Posts: 42 Member
    I'm due November 12. This will be baby number 6. Does anyone else plan on still losing weight?
  • stgrasser
    stgrasser Posts: 2 Member
    I'm no doctor, but I don't know that you'd find anyone to recommend pregnancy as a time to lose weight. That said, I think it's realistic that you don't gain a whole lot, especially if you are considerable overweight, as long as you're eating a healthy diet. I think most of us have set our calorie goal to maintenance at this point
    Congratulations on number 6 :)
  • Fat2FitQueen
    Fat2FitQueen Posts: 79 Member
    congrats 2 all im due october 27th :heart:
  • Ofaatu
    Ofaatu Posts: 42 Member
    I'm no doctor, but I don't know that you'd find anyone to recommend pregnancy as a time to lose weight. That said, I think it's realistic that you don't gain a whole lot, especially if you are considerable overweight, as long as you're eating a healthy diet. I think most of us have set our calorie goal to maintenance at this point
    Congratulations on number 6 :)

    Don't know how to quote? ^^^^^^

    My doctor has given me the all clear to continue losing weight. I don't intend on losing a great amount, but would like to be smaller at delivery then I am now. :)
  • goalNOregrets
    goalNOregrets Posts: 22 Member
    I used to have my calories set to loosing 2 lbs a week, and I changed it to loosing 1 - so that gives me a few more calories but makes me feel like I'm still "dieting". I figure it will even out with extra water weight. I hope to gain no weight, or even loose a pound or two through the first trimester. 2nd and 3rd I will give myself a few more calories again and just try to eat healthy and not end up gaining a ton. Of course, you know how the best laid plans go haha. I say, with good food and excercise as tolerated, it's ok to be loosing "fat" pounds while at the same time gaining "baby" pounds. But, everyone is different and an important factor is what your pre-pregnancy weight was.
  • smewoo
    smewoo Posts: 28 Member
    I'm due November 8th yay!
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    I found out earlier this week that I'm expecting my first child most likely Nov 12th (still to be confirmed).

    4lbs out of the total 7lbs I've lost so far were actually lost during the first few weeks of my pregnancy. I really didn't have that much to lose to start with, maybe like it's probably best for me to not trying to keep losing. I'm upping my calories to maintain my weight for the first trimester.

    This is sort of a shock to me. I can't say we were actively trying, but I wasn't really trying to prevent it either, and sort of entertaining the idea of trying in a couple months. Seeing the two pink lines totally caught me off guard.

    I'm still getting used to the idea that a baby is normally the end result of a pregnancy (I really did think I understood this...really).
  • betbetapple
    betbetapple Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all! I have just found out I am 6 weeks pregnant & had my 1st child 3 months ago lol. I am loving myfitnesspal! And somehow gotta figure out how to use to and not gain the 70 pounds I did with my daugter.... I had 18 more pounds to go to be back at pre pregnancy weight, so this is going to be interesting. Glad I found this group on here! Due date Nov 8th :-)
  • ekrivera84
    ekrivera84 Posts: 9 Member
    I took a 2 tests on Thursday and got a +...according to date calculators online I'm due Nov 21. :smile:
  • aar3
    aar3 Posts: 33 Member
    So happy for all of you!!! I got my BFP March 9th. Due November 17th. Super excited but nervous!!!! We are keeping it quiet for now. I had a mc November 2011 so we are being cautious. We have our first obgyn appt April 2. I am so happy I found this group. Looking forward to getting to know you all and sharing stories!!!
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Good morning my beautiful preggo MFPeeps!! I'm jumping on this board because.... last tuesday...I got my BFP!!! YAY!! This is baby #2...#1 is almost 7! So, it's been a while! I still have to go to the dr to confirm...but I have take 3 hcg tests and one EPT digital....all positive!! EEEKKK!!! I am soooo psyched!! I haven't formally announced it...but I figured I am safe here!! ;) So we're looking @ Nov 15-19. I get mixed results from the calculators. Please chime in if you have any insight...

    Feb 8 - CD1
    Feb 26 - The Big O
    32 day cycle

    All I am sure of is that I will have a little turkey!! ;) Guys I am sooooooo excited!! LOVE YOU ALL!!

    XXXX to all the bellies!!
  • telizad
    telizad Posts: 38 Member
    Due Nov. 13th. Super excited. 1st for hubby and I.
  • gurney85
    gurney85 Posts: 5 Member
    I got a + on March 10th with an EDD of November 20th!! We are shocked, but excited. This is #3 for us :) My first appt isn't until April 30th and I will be almost 11 weeks then. Congrats everyone!! I had wanted to lose more weight before I got pregnant again, but hubby had a lapse of judgement and I took advantage of it...I didn't know when the chance would come again! :wink: I only gained 25-30 pounds with my other pregnancies, but I'm still planning on watching things a lot closer this time around with eating and staying active.
  • roro1925
    roro1925 Posts: 120 Member
    I took a 2 tests on Thursday and got a +...according to date calculators online I'm due Nov 21. :smile:

    Im due Nov 21st too!!! I just found out on Monday at a routine gyn appt lol. Didn't even realize I was late and it took 3 years to get pregnant with my daughter so this was definitely a shock lol!!
    Congrats ladies!!!
  • AnnaLaura82
    AnnaLaura82 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all,
    Found out 1 week ago that we are expecting our first - due Nov 17th!
    Nervous, Excited and just SO happy to be able to talk about it now with someone that isnt my husband, parents or my GP :)
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    I got a + on March 10th with an EDD of November 20th!! We are shocked, but excited. This is #3 for us :) My first appt isn't until April 30th and I will be almost 11 weeks then. Congrats everyone!! I had wanted to lose more weight before I got pregnant again, but hubby had a lapse of judgement and I took advantage of it...I didn't know when the chance would come again! :wink: I only gained 25-30 pounds with my other pregnancies, but I'm still planning on watching things a lot closer this time around with eating and staying active.

    Congratulations! It looks like we have the same EDD!! I got my first positive on March 12th! I am hoping that I can keep away from the 'eating for two' food trap and not overindulge in an unhealthy way through this pregnancy. Super excited!!