November 2013 Babies



  • dlovelymomma
    dlovelymomma Posts: 3 Member
    Hi girls got my bfp on 3/14 this will be my second child. I have a 3.5 to daughter with her I gained about 60lbs. Definitely not looking to gains this much this time around I plan on remaining active nd eating well to gain a healthy 15-25 but I'm hopeful it will be just 15. I'm not sure when I'm due I may be induced as early as 36wks so I may be having an October baby if that's the case. Add me please would love to have a support team. Congrats to all of you!
  • AnnaLaura82
    AnnaLaura82 Posts: 10 Member
    Is Anyone else having trouble eating fruit & veg? all i want is Bread/Cereal and other starchy foods AND the last thing i want to do is exercise, i just seem to sleep sleep sleep!
  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    EDD:11/30 :-)
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    I'm sort of afraid this pregnancy might not be "real", and is going to result in an early miscarriage or if not require a D&C.

    Based off my LMP I should be about 7 weeks along, estimated due date, 11/12/13. I have been spotting very lightly (and light brown) on and off since Saturday. I called my doctor yesterday and he wanted me to have an ultrasound today instead of the one I had scheduled on Friday.

    Instead of being 7 weeks 2 days the ultrasound showed and empty sac at a gestational age of 4 weeks 6 days. The doctor said he thinks it may not be a viable pregnancy and I'm either going to miscarry soon or will need a D&C if I don't.

    I had to have blood drawn to check the hCG today and I have to get another hCG blood test on Saturday. Then i have to get another ultrasound 1-2 weeks later.

    The doctor thought that if I really am 4 weeks 6 days then I wouldn't have been able to get a BFP on 3/14/13. It would have been way too soon after conception to have a positive result. I did take another test last night just to see, and the line that was very faint on the one I took on 3/14/13 was very dark last who knows

    Still have my fingers crossed...
  • AnnaLaura82
    AnnaLaura82 Posts: 10 Member
    Pineygirl - how did your ultrasound go....?? Your poor thing, sounds all very heartbreaking. I truely hope it all works out for you.
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    I still have hope. I almost threw up this morning and I haven't had any morning sickness yet. But the light brown spotting is back.

    It could be that I really was only 4 weeks 6 days along yesterday (5 weeks today). When I went to see the doctor last week they had estimated based on my LMP that I was 6 weeks. When the doctor examined me he said my uterus was hardly enlarged at all, and that meant I might be barely 4 weeks along, and he asked if my cycles ran long. The exam was 6 days before the ultrasound....making 4 weeks 6 days actually make sense.

    My cycles have been sort of regular (29-30 days) since coming off the pill (which is odd for me) but since I stepped up my workouts and started losing weight they became irregular. My last period was a week late. It's typical for me to have an average cycle of about 35 days, but it can vary from 32-45+ days.

    I might have ovulated much later, conceived in late Feb or first few days of March, implanted on or around March 10th and had a faint positive by the March 14th.

    If I really am only barely 5 weeks then all they probably would have seen on the ultrasound was a little empty sac.

    I'm hoping my dates are just wrong.

    If this is the case I'm due 11/28/13...right on Thanksgiving.
  • SunshineBB30
    SunshineBB30 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! Just found out I am pregnant with #3:) We have two boys (3 and 4 years old). We were not "trying" yet but had planned to start trying this summer. So even though we were surprised...we could not be more excited. I was actually only a few pounds from my goal weight. I was at a good weight...but when we started talking about when we wanted to have our third, I decided I wanted to try and lose a little more so I would have less to lose after the baby was born. I am 38 and it gets harder to lose each time. So the good news is I am 20 pounds lighter than when I had my second son. Yay!!!!! My goal is to gain about 25 pounds with this one. I was very sick with my first two pregnancies for about 16 weeks. I have not had any issues yet but I am barely almost 5 weeks. My EDD is Nov 30. My first drs appt is April 19th...will be excited for that. We are not telling our "real world" friends except our immediate family until after that appt. So it is really nice to be able to talk about it here:)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hello ladies! I'm due either October 28 (according to my last period) or Nov 5 (according to the babies measurement at my ultrasound last Thursday. So far feeling pretty good, a little bit of nausea and headaches, but not too bad. Also I have been so extremely hungry all the time! Some of my work pants that are a little higher wasted are already a little tight! But, I have been keeping up my workouts and trying to eat as healthy as possible, while giving into the cravings a little bit.
  • jamaicasunshine
    jamaicasunshine Posts: 21 Member
    I'm sort of afraid this pregnancy might not be "real", and is going to result in an early miscarriage or if not require a D&C.

    Based off my LMP I should be about 7 weeks along, estimated due date, 11/12/13. I have been spotting very lightly (and light brown) on and off since Saturday. I called my doctor yesterday and he wanted me to have an ultrasound today instead of the one I had scheduled on Friday.

    Instead of being 7 weeks 2 days the ultrasound showed and empty sac at a gestational age of 4 weeks 6 days. The doctor said he thinks it may not be a viable pregnancy and I'm either going to miscarry soon or will need a D&C if I don't.

    I had to have blood drawn to check the hCG today and I have to get another hCG blood test on Saturday. Then i have to get another ultrasound 1-2 weeks later.

    The doctor thought that if I really am 4 weeks 6 days then I wouldn't have been able to get a BFP on 3/14/13. It would have been way too soon after conception to have a positive result. I did take another test last night just to see, and the line that was very faint on the one I took on 3/14/13 was very dark last who knows

    Still have my fingers crossed...

    I'm going through the exact same thing :( I had started spotting brown and cramps and went to my doc. I had 4 rounds of Beta Hcg blood tests, first two times the numbers did not double as they should have but finally (almost) doubled on the last test. Before the last test we were told to hope for the best but expect the worst. Same day as the last blood test they also gave me an ultrasound which showed only a gestational sac and yolk sac but no baby. They said I was measuring 5w1d although it was 7w1d since mp LMP. The dates did not add up for us either, I was having symptoms before their date and had a + pregnancy test just 4 days after their dates too. The spotting/cramps had stopped but started back up again a few days ago.

    I have to go back next Monday for another ultrasound. Praying for a heartbeat this time! Ill be thinking of you too! What a stressful thing to go through :(
  • SunshineBB30
    SunshineBB30 Posts: 18 Member
    Hope all will be ok at your appt. Will be praying for you and Pineygirl!
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    I'm going through the exact same thing :( I had started spotting brown and cramps and went to my doc. I had 4 rounds of Beta Hcg blood tests, first two times the numbers did not double as they should have but finally (almost) doubled on the last test. Before the last test we were told to hope for the best but expect the worst. Same day as the last blood test they also gave me an ultrasound which showed only a gestational sac and yolk sac but no baby. They said I was measuring 5w1d although it was 7w1d since mp LMP. The dates did not add up for us either, I was having symptoms before their date and had a + pregnancy test just 4 days after their dates too. The spotting/cramps had stopped but started back up again a few days ago.

    I have to go back next Monday for another ultrasound. Praying for a heartbeat this time! Ill be thinking of you too! What a stressful thing to go through :(

    Saying a prayer for you...I hope everything will be okay at your appointment. At 5w1d there probably wasn't much to see. My situation just ended up being due to late ovulation and a very long cycle, so my dates were just off. Hoping that's what's going on with you too. I's really stressful.

    *sprinkles sticky baby dust*
  • Hope things turn out well for you ladies! I had some similar things happen to me in 2011, ....and it didn't end so well. Prayers for you both!

    I just got a BFP about two weeks ago!! I am due 11/25! This will be my second pregnancy (first was a miscarriage). The hubs and I have been trying for a year now! :o) I am just over 6 weeks! <3

    Congrats to you all!!
  • SunshineBB30
    SunshineBB30 Posts: 18 Member
    Hope things turn out well for you ladies! I had some similar things happen to me in 2011, ....and it didn't end so well. Prayers for you both!

    I just got a BFP about two weeks ago!! I am due 11/25! This will be my second pregnancy (first was a miscarriage). The hubs and I have been trying for a year now! :o) I am just over 6 weeks! <3

    Congrats to you all!!

    So happy for you! My EDD is 11/30 so we are not far off:)
  • jamaicasunshine
    jamaicasunshine Posts: 21 Member
    Just wanted to post a little update. we had our ultrasound today and and it had stopped growing at 5 weeks (4 weeks ago). My body doesn't realize it yet and is still doing its thing. I see my OB tomorrow, she'll be able to tell me better what to expect. We're very sad but trying to stay positive. Everything happens for a reason ❤
  • My deepest sympathies. :o( This is what happened to me last pregnancy! I know it is so hard to stay positive, and it is okay to be upset and mourn!!
  • jamaicasunshine
    jamaicasunshine Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you. I feel like I'm in a daze almost. So confusing and almost cruel that I still have the symptoms. I did a lot of research over the last two weeks and looks like I will probably need a d&c seeing as it stopped developing 4 weeks ago but hasn't happened naturally. And I am happy that I found out early (6 weeks ago when I was only 3 weeks) because I KNOW it's nothing I did because I did everything I was supposed to <3

    I will be ready to jump back on the weight loss wagon as well as baby making one after I've had my time to process and grieve. Thanks for listening :)
  • Thank you. I feel like I'm in a daze almost. So confusing and almost cruel that I still have the symptoms. I did a lot of research over the last two weeks and looks like I will probably need a d&c seeing as it stopped developing 4 weeks ago but hasn't happened naturally. And I am happy that I found out early (6 weeks ago when I was only 3 weeks) because I KNOW it's nothing I did because I did everything I was supposed to <3

    I will be ready to jump back on the weight loss wagon as well as baby making one after I've had my time to process and grieve. Thanks for listening :)

    I had to have the d&c too... if you have any questions please feel free to PM me.
  • catlab
    catlab Posts: 4
    I am 9 weeks and I have my first ultrasound on Tuesday. I recently was cheated on by my fiancé and now am doing things alone. Any advice how to keep this situation positive until my lovely sweetheart arrives in November?
  • Chapnau
    Chapnau Posts: 17 Member
    Hello - just had my dating ultrasound today and it puts me at 7 weeks, 4 days... so due Nov 23. This will be my second child - DD is 2 1/2.

    I am not as fit as I was at the start of my first pregnancy, and for the first time in my life, I feel like 37 is old! Hopefully I'll perk up once I get past the first trimester, because I pretty much crash out whenever my toddler does - this includes weekend naps. :)

    I'm doing another ultrasound and blood tests at 12 weeks for genetic screening. Anyone else doing this? I really debated... and don't know if I would do an amnio if I screen positive. Hope I don't have to make that decision.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone.
  • Hey ladies!! Just want to keep this board active :o)

    Anyone have their first OB appt yet?? I have mine late next week at 8 weeks 3 days (according to LMP). Never had one before. What should I expect??

    Do they do an early US, or wait.. or is that mostly dependent on the DR? Will they listen for a heartbeat? Any info would be great!

    My nausea has been HELLACIOUS... seriously, the only thing I can stomach the past two days is PB&J... I have reverted back to bland and child like eating. Mac and Cheese, fruitloops, rice cakes,pretzels, .. lol. What works for you ladies?