God Damn America



  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Why Costa Rica? How is it better there than anywhere in the states?

    People give a d***
    Healthcare - very good
    Friends are there
    Cheaper to live
    Can get a job teaching english
    I love Costa Rica!!
    I thought you hated socialized health care? Or is that only when it benefits someone else?

    I'm confused about this too, due to a thread in the fun and games forum complaining about Obamacare. On the other hand, I complain about Obamacare too, because even before Congress gutted it, it didn't go far enough and shifted the burden from employers to taxpayers in a big way.
    Criticizing Obamacare because it doesn't do enough then wanting to move to a country with completely socialized healthcare and saying they have great health care makes sense. Criticizing Obamacare because it exists at all and hating that it uses tax money to help people who have no health care then wanting to move to a country with completely socialized healthcare and saying they have great healthcare makes you either an idiot or a hypocrite.

    Or a troll, he could be trolling, I suppose. Or I could be nice and call it satirizing. :laugh:
  • Why Costa Rica? How is it better there than anywhere in the states?

    People give a d***
    Healthcare - very good
    Friends are there
    Cheaper to live
    Can get a job teaching english
    I love Costa Rica!!
    I thought you hated socialized health care? Or is that only when it benefits someone else?

    I'm confused about this too, due to a thread in the fun and games forum complaining about Obamacare. On the other hand, I complain about Obamacare too, because even before Congress gutted it, it didn't go far enough and shifted the burden from employers to taxpayers in a big way.
    Criticizing Obamacare because it doesn't do enough then wanting to move to a country with completely socialized healthcare and saying they have great health care makes sense. Criticizing Obamacare because it exists at all and hating that it uses tax money to help people who have no health care then wanting to move to a country with completely socialized healthcare and saying they have great healthcare makes you either an idiot or a hypocrite.

    Or a troll, he could be trolling, I suppose. Or I could be nice and call it satirizing. :laugh:

    If you had read my posts, I SAID there were two types of healthcare in CR. One the helps the "poor", and real healthcare (private), that you pay for. You get GOOD healthcare with CR's private hospitals. I'm not referring to their socialized healhtcare system. Read my posts. I hate socialized HC. I want the option for private. Private is better. Public healthcare is substandard healthcare.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    Why Costa Rica? How is it better there than anywhere in the states?

    People give a d***
    Healthcare - very good
    Friends are there
    Cheaper to live
    Can get a job teaching english
    I love Costa Rica!!

    Why are you still in the US?
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    If you had read my posts, I SAID there were two types of healthcare in CR. One the helps the "poor", and real healthcare (private), that you pay for. You get GOOD healthcare with CR's private hospitals. I'm not referring to their socialized healhtcare system. Read my posts. I hate socialized HC. I want the option for private. Private is better. Public healthcare is substandard healthcare.

    You said nothing of the sort, on this thread anyway. I can't read things you don't say.
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    You know, they speak English in Canada.

    Moving there the moment I can afford to!
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    I love that! i am so tired of hearing about "contraception" and wether a Mom works or not. is that something that should be in our political discussions/actions?

    It's all a tactic to keep blinders on the public. If you're bickering about abortion and gay marriage, then you're probably not paying attention to the things that SHOULD be discussed and solved through politics. Keep the herd busy, and you can do whatever you like without fear of consequence.
    To all the people saying "vote them out if you don't like them" well, it's not quite that simple. As pointed out by the above quotes there are too many people who will vote against this country and their own best interests simply because they are issue (gays/abortion typically) or party line voters. I wish I could vote them out but my vote gets cancelled by someone who is pro fetus/anti gay who votes for someone who will sell us all out to the best lobbyist simply because they claim to be pro life.

    America used to be a great country. We aren't anymore. We sacrifice the poor and children to give the rich more then criticize those poor when they dare ask "Please sir, may I have some more?" No country where a person can be educated, hard working, law abiding, and upstanding their entire lives but lose everything including their life simply because they lost their job and got sick or were in an accident when they lost their insurance is a "great country". A great country takes care of all of it's citizens, not just the elite. A great country runs the government, not people's bedrooms and marriages.

    We lived in Germany for 1 1/2 years. I had my blinders torn off while we were over there. I'd go back to Europe in a heart beat. I like a lot of America's perks (cheap housing, convenient shopping, being able to converse with my neighbors, etc) but there is an awful lot wrong. With the righties trying to repeal the entire 20th century (love that line!) I don't see how anyone can actually think it's going to get better to jump back into Puritanism instead of moving forward with the rest of the 1st world.

    as you pointed out it isn't easy to make a change, like voting people out. but it has to begin somewhere. if your vote gets cancelled out by someone who is voting the opposite, then the majority wins the election, which is the way the process works. sorry if you don't like it. just don't give up on voting, which is what many people do because of that attitude, my vote doesn't count.

    moving back to Germany won't fix America, but feel free.....

    Umm I voted, I voted 3rd party for Gary Johnson, I tried to get as many people as I could to get people familiar with 3rd party voting. I voted despite knowing my vote didn't count, in fact the president was announced before they even finished counting voted in CA, my vote wasn't counted until after the president was elected; how about also thousands of military women and men overseas who's vote was never counted either?

    My bf's father was supported of Obama majorly, I did my best to inform him that you don't have to vote for lesser of two evils, I explained it all and how simply by voting 3rd party if we would have gotten over 5% 3rd party would be included in next election's debate. He was so proud he messaged me and told me he voted 3rd party.

    I am voting in hopes one day we will include 3rd party candidates in debates to bring light to people and make them have better choices. I was a lil appalled how many of my friends weren't even registered to vote, by 2016 months before the elections I will get extra forms just to get my friends registered so they can vote. I am going to keep trying but I don't think in my life time much will change, that is why I most likely will move to Canada.

    I try to always stay educated on what's going on around me, I am always on the web reading news from other sourced than fox and I try to share with friends and family, but the problem most of them do not care. I am proud because I know I got at least 4-5 people to vote 3rd party, it's a step towards right direction, but it isn't much :(

    I want this country to flourish but I don't if it will ever get there even with my efforts.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152

    If you had read my posts, I SAID there were two types of healthcare in CR. One the helps the "poor", and real healthcare (private), that you pay for. You get GOOD healthcare with CR's private hospitals. I'm not referring to their socialized healhtcare system. Read my posts. I hate socialized HC. I want the option for private. Private is better. Public healthcare is substandard healthcare.

    CR's private health insurance comes from the government too.

  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    From Brunner's link:
    Costa Rica’s Government-Run Health Care System

    With a government-sponsored network of more than 30 hospitals and more than 250 clinics throughout the country, the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) has primary responsibility for providing low-cost health care services to the Costa Rican populace. . . . In 2010, the government made it mandatory for residency applicants to become members of La Caja. The average price is generally less than $50 a month.

    Looks like you will have to pay for socialized medicine if you retire to Costa Rica, even if you plan to only use private medicine.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Or . . . out of the Obamacare mandate frying pan and into the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social mandate fire.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    If America is in such a sad state, why are there 12 million + illegal aliens and why are they continuing to pour into this country. I'm aware of the shortcomings, but, if a person is unhappy with the accomodations...leave....and carry an illegal alien under each arm when you go.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    If America is in such a sad state, why are there 12 million + illegal aliens and why are they continuing to pour into this country. I'm aware of the shortcomings, but, if a person is unhappy with the accomodations...leave....and carry an illegal alien under each arm when you go.

    they aren't:

  • From Brunner's link:
    Costa Rica’s Government-Run Health Care System

    With a government-sponsored network of more than 30 hospitals and more than 250 clinics throughout the country, the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) has primary responsibility for providing low-cost health care services to the Costa Rican populace. . . . In 2010, the government made it mandatory for residency applicants to become members of La Caja. The average price is generally less than $50 a month.

    Looks like you will have to pay for socialized medicine if you retire to Costa Rica, even if you plan to only use private medicine.

    Tree, from my experience with El Hospital Hotel La Católica in CR, I can tell you that this a private hospital. I paid out of pocket for my medical care, still much less that what I'd pay in the us. Gringo hospital. It's actually one that people go to for plastic surgery as it has a hotel attached to it for recovery. It's a real hospital though. I broke my arm when I was there and paid less than $300 out of pocket for everything. If that is subsidized, fine. I'm ok with that. As long as we have the option. The poor can use the public, and the rest of us can go with private.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    You were a tourist, not a resident alien. Presumably, if you retire there and renounce your US citizenship, you will have to be a resident alien and buy into the socialized medical system . . . whether you intend to use it or not.