10LB Goal.. Starting NOW? Anyone with me??



  • sadyel
    sadyel Posts: 250
    Im in for the 10lb by the end of april are we doing weekly weigh ins?
  • kums
    kums Posts: 3 Member
    me too.. 27 yrs old..
    63.8kgs.. 5"3' height

    i am doing Jillian's 30days shred.. its a good workout.. my thighs are aching..but its worth it..
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    I want to set my 10lb lost to June 1st. 5 lbs for May 1st and another 5 for June 1st.
  • I am in too! I just joined the group. I am 5'2" and about 134 pounds. I have been pushing hard since early March and not really seeing results. Have toned up a bit, but want to be back into the 120's by the end of April for sure. It will be good to have some extra motivation from ladies in a similar boat. After 3 weeks of pushing it is hard to stay motivated alone!

    Count me in. I am training for a 10km on May 12th, so dropping 10 pounds will make crossing that finish line much easier!
  • Rachlovesfitness
    Rachlovesfitness Posts: 219 Member
    I am IN!! I have about 10 pounds to go for my goal weight, please add me!!
  • sgcadola
    sgcadola Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in! I'm 5'2'' and weight 127. I would like to get below 120 by the end of April! Let's get this done ladies!!! :heart:
  • Carriesund
    Carriesund Posts: 37 Member
    Hello ladies how are you doing with you new commitment? I weighed in at 127 two days ago but keep forgetting to weigh in the am before I have my coffee and breakfast. I am 5'1" and I have about 10 more pounds of fat maybe a little more to loose. I have some great muscles in my upper body for a woman and I don't want to loose them to see a number I like on the scale.

    I do however have a bunch of fat in my tummy and need to get rid of it! 120 or less is my goal weight but what I really want is to look great in a two piece bathing suit. From my experience with clothing I have realized that I will never again weight the 97 pounds I weighed in high school because I didn't do any weight training and was just skinny not toned.

    So over the last two years I have lost 45 pounds and managed to fit into some of my clothes from the days I saw a trainer about eight years ago. At my thinnest with a pretty flat tummy I weight about 115 but kept struggling to keep it there but I still looked great at 120 so I am not going to fuss about that. It will be my go to number and if I get under it great but once I get there I am determined to never go over it again unless I decide to start body building which I don't see happening.

    Anyhow enough about me I would love to hear more about the other ladies here!

    I have been doing well most days with my food intake so much so my hubby thinks I am crazy separating all the food even when I cook the same thing for both of us. It is just easier to cook my own portion separate right now so I can control how much sauce or oil or whatever instead of guessing.

    I work out at least 3 days a week at my pole dance fitness class and I am trying to up the activity in my life. So as it gets warmer I am going to take the dog for short walks and since I do love catching up on my favorite programs I will include them in an evening routine. I am not sure exactly what I will do but the goal is not to sit down while watching my evening television. That gives me an extra 40 minutes of activity at least 5 days a week.

    So here is to hoping that by the end of April even if I don't loose the 10 pounds in over all body weight that I loose it in body fat. I also got one of those BodyMedia devices so I could figure out how many calories I burn and I love it so far but I have had it less than 24 hours. I have never been sure how many calories I burn everything is always an estimate. I am dying to get a weeks worth of results. It also already has me feeling more accountable to myself to get up and get moving.
  • I am in! I already lost 17 since January and i am down to 129, but I really want to lose the last 10 by the end of April :) Great way to celebrate spring and the beginning of summer! Bikini weather is coming up where I live so i need to look good!
  • me too! im trying for ever and have been a lil quiet lately 10 lb would be great, my birthday is april 15th and want to look great :) maybe i will celebrate it a litle later so I have enough time.
    girls feel free to add me!
  • ticky
    ticky Posts: 38 Member
  • krystal193
    krystal193 Posts: 38 Member
    Count me in!!!! Send me friend request! I log in daily and motivate all my firends to do the same. Its the best way to make sure you are on the right track to reaching your goal. If you need/give daily motivation, advice, ideas, or just a chat... add me. We all need a little push sometimes.

    "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." ~Henry Ford
  • Pils_
    Pils_ Posts: 8
    i want to join too :) im 21 years old .. im from mexico and would love to lose weight!
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    Im in for the 10lb by the end of april are we doing weekly weigh ins?

    Well I definitely will be for sure.. maybe Fridays if anyone wants to do the same? (Before the weekend hits..:happy: )

    As we all have different goals / time frames.. others might be interested in measuring progress by inches or fitness levels?.. or that pair of skinny jeans in the back of the wardrobe..?

    I'm good enough with the exercise I do - my main problem is that I've been eating enough to maintain and even gain while doing all the work so my diet is what I need to focus on... I tend to eat when I'm stressed and at the moment I'm stressing over a lot of different things (kids/sicknesses/finance/work etc..) - so I need to nip it in the bud before they have to roll me out the door :embarassed:

    How's everyone else getting on so far? Has everyone set their goal / time frame / measurements? Any rewards in place?? I've put myself on a shopping ban until the 10lbs is off.. then I'm going to buy myself something fabulous :)

    I'm not replying from my laptop so haven't been able to confirm any of the friend requests yet by the way (incase anyone thinks I'm ignoring them!!)
  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    I have abut 11 lbs left, but I doubt I can lose ten in a month! I'm hoping to lose 5 lbs by May 15th. But 11 lbs by the end of the summer. I'm definitely in, though!
  • Im in for the 10lb by the end of april are we doing weekly weigh ins?

    Well I definitely will be for sure.. maybe Fridays if anyone wants to do the same? (Before the weekend hits..:happy: )

    As we all have different goals / time frames.. others might be interested in measuring progress by inches or fitness levels?.. or that pair of skinny jeans in the back of the wardrobe..?

    I'm good enough with the exercise I do - my main problem is that I've been eating enough to maintain and even gain while doing all the work so my diet is what I need to focus on... I tend to eat when I'm stressed and at the moment I'm stressing over a lot of different things (kids/sicknesses/finance/work etc..) - so I need to nip it in the bud before they have to roll me out the door :embarassed:

    How's everyone else getting on so far? Has everyone set their goal / time frame / measurements? Any rewards in place?? I've put myself on a shopping ban until the 10lbs is off.. then I'm going to buy myself something fabulous :)

    I'm not replying from my laptop so haven't been able to confirm any of the friend requests yet by the way (incase anyone thinks I'm ignoring them!!)

    I am in for Friday Weigh ins! Ill start this week. My scale is a piece of crap, but it doesnt matter how accurate it is, I just care if the number goes down! I think I will do inches too. I have toned up a lot and am doing a bootcamp 2x a week. I know I have lost body fat, but my size / weight hasnt changed much. I am building muscle for the first time.
  • blodk66
    blodk66 Posts: 60 Member
    You are more than welcome to join in! :wink:
  • blodk66
    blodk66 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi! I just only joined MFP and am all set to lose 10LB! I'd love to join all of you if that's allright!! :)
  • pudelhaus
    pudelhaus Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, I'd love to join too! I signed up for MFP in January and didn't log in until now... Well I've since gained 5 more lbs so could really use some pals to keep me going. I'm 34 yrs old, 5'2, 129 lbs. Aiming to get down to 115 lbs -- my weight for years until I started driving and stopped exercising. I'd be up for weekly weigh-ins!
  • I'm in for the Friday weigh ins. Definitely have one benchmark reward coming up. Couple more pounds (will be BACK in the 130s) and I finally get to take myself shopping for my vacation in May :drinker:
  • unbeknownst
    unbeknownst Posts: 27 Member
    Count me in!! I hover between 134 and 136 and I'd like to get down to 124 to 126 by the end of April. Let's go!!