10LB Goal.. Starting NOW? Anyone with me??



  • JamieA8
    JamieA8 Posts: 36 Member
    This is exactly what I need! I do much better when others are holding me accountable! :happy:

    I am 5'4" and as of this morning weighed in at 131.8. I would love to lose 10lbs by the end of April! I am going on vacation mid May and really want the weight gone early so that I can buy some new clothes!

    I am good for Friday weigh ins! Thanks so much for starting this. It looks like you have inspired a lot of people!
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    Great that there's so many of us.. we could nearly have a buddy system in operation so that nobody gets lost along the way :smile: (only joking).. (well, sorta..)

    I had cleared out my friends list as it has been a while since I was actively on here anyway.. none of them would remember me I'm sure.. so now my friends consist of only those who added me from this thread! (All 6 or 7.. Miss popular they'll call me :laugh: )

    If anyone else from here wants to add me, please feel free, we can motivate eachother on our walls too!!

    Weigh in tomorrow.. dum dum duuuum.
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    Ok.. so I'm 1lb down.. not so bad a start :happy:

    (Will probably need to re-think my end of April goal but sure may aswell reach for the stars for now!)

    Anyone else weigh in? Or get their start weight even?
  • sgcadola
    sgcadola Posts: 35 Member
    I weighed in @ 122.8. Not sure if that was correct or not because my scale keeps messing up. I'm getting new one this weekend. It'll tell me 127 then it'll zero out and I'll step on it again and it'll say 123. LOL I wanna believe the lower number, but who knows. If the number was correct that would mean I lost about .08 this week!!
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    i am on day 67 of 130 day program. down 10.8 pounds since january 21st, goal day is may 31st, i have a 1000 calorie a day deficit and workout 3 times a day, plus insanity in the am.

    i went from 163 to (!!!) 128. My goal is to get my body fat between 15-18% which is looking to be about 115-120 pounds.

    I would love to have some of you ladies on my friends list. i am a little over a week into insanity, and i update ALL the time.

    I warn you though, i talk about everything on my feed, i like when others talk too. i have substituted MFP for my facebook for the most part, and that has allowed me to integrate mfp into my daily life, and the people on my friends list are FRIENDS =D i want you to interact, complain, brag, and let us talk you out of that cake your craving! we all have weak moments, which is why we have mfp friends!!
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    I weighed in @ 122.8. Not sure if that was correct or not because my scale keeps messing up. I'm getting new one this weekend. It'll tell me 127 then it'll zero out and I'll step on it again and it'll say 123. LOL I wanna believe the lower number, but who knows. If the number was correct that would mean I lost about .08 this week!!

    i had the same problem with my old scale... it would read 3 completely different weights within like 3 minutes. ridiculous. give in and buy a new scale!!! i bought the weight watchers, its a glass scale that gives bf% and bmi and everything, about 40$, and totally worth it, i LOVE IT. its so nice to have consistency. especially because i weigh myself eachday, but only log each week.
  • sgcadola
    sgcadola Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you! I will look at that one this weekend! I weigh myself daily too. Bad habit, but I like to see my progress :)
  • I know this is late but I just joined. Count me in!
  • Yessss! Talk to me girls!!! The last 10 are the toughest, but it's totally worth it...that's where the difference really shows! The diet this month is next month's body!! Want that SUMMER BODY! Gonna make it now! Here's to looking good in shorts, and swimsuits, and not putting off that pool party invitation! Maybe you'll throw one :) And to hearing those words "have you lost weight?" Let's just do this already!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I want to lose twenty by 1 July, so I'm definitely in for 10 by the end of April!
  • MrsToochP
    MrsToochP Posts: 3 Member
    I'll get in on that. I just set a 10 lb. goal for myself!:smile:
  • Count me in! Technically, I have 8 pounds to go to reach my goal weight, but losing 10 definitely wouldn't hurt:laugh: I'm just hoping to be there by the beginning of May!!
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    Welcome aboard to all those who have just joined!!! Very enthusiastic altogether Freakishlyama!
    We're DOING DIS!!! :drinker:

    Anyone else weigh in today??
  • jbwalker77
    jbwalker77 Posts: 7 Member
    Count me in! I need to lose 20, but 10 is on my way to 20! I am new and need some motivating friends.
  • EstherStark
    EstherStark Posts: 11 Member
    I have problems with my water intake to, have to push myself on that.

    EXACTLY! I have to remind myself. I'm doing better because instead of my fat free milk that I love, I'm trying to replace it with water when I eat dinner and lunch, most days.
  • weighed in yesterday at 141.8, having lost about 1 lb in the last week.....and, just got back from "running" a 5k (quotes because I don't run I sort of jog, wheeze, walk , hobble, jog, wheeze, repeat...... *snicker*)....so, on the right track :drinker:
  • jrobrown
    jrobrown Posts: 7
    Hey ladies,

    Just came across this group and it is exactly what I'm looking for! I'm going on a bike trip in early May and my mom told the trip that I am ten pounds lighter than I currently am -- definitely some crazy motivation! I'm around 128.5 lbs now -- losing about a pound a week, but trying to get down to 120. Could definitely use some support -- glad I found y'all.
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    Yay! Welcome aboard - the more the merrier (Name change here folks!)

    Well done on the loss & run (thingymajiggy) EsculentGoddess!

    Water, yous have reminded me.. have taken NONE so far today - going to rectify that now! Happy Easter to you all by the way!
  • EstherStark
    EstherStark Posts: 11 Member
    weighed in yesterday at 141.8, having lost about 1 lb in the last week.....and, just got back from "running" a 5k (quotes because I don't run I sort of jog, wheeze, walk , hobble, jog, wheeze, repeat...... *snicker*)....so, on the right track :drinker:

    So awesome! Congratulations! Thing is... whether you wheez, jog, run or whatever... YOU DID IT!!! Admirable. I know how much work it was for me when I did my 5k the end of October 2011.
  • halimaiqbal00
    halimaiqbal00 Posts: 288 Member
    ive just joined the group today and would love to take part if its ok...I know you guys started around a week ago.
    Im 5' 7, 148 pounds and from England