10LB Goal.. Starting NOW? Anyone with me??



  • Carriesund
    Carriesund Posts: 37 Member
    I weighed in again today and I lost a half a pound. I have been very careful with my eating creating at least a 500 a day calorie deficit and after almost two weeks of this I am only down a half a pound so I guess i have to get the measuring tape out again and pump up the cardio. My classes are great and they are fun but my body seems to be used to that form or exercise. I am going to have to watch my diet even more closely. I am glad for the half a pound so I am not ready to give up maybe all the extra exercise and the calorie deficits through my body for a loop and now that it is adjusted maybe the pounds will come off like they should.

    I even got that bodyfit media device that tells me I what I am burning and I really should have lost a pound this week so I think I will weigh a few times a week until I figure out what the deal is. While I am a little frustrated I am hoping for better results this week.
  • demme02
    demme02 Posts: 17 Member
    My goal is just under 10 lbs for the end of April also, so count me in!! Need to get to my goal weight for the first time in way too long!
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    Loads of us looking to lose that elusive 10lbs eh! Well feel free to add me so we can try keep eachother motivated on our walls too! I was looking at this HIIT workout plan, thinking of doing it for the month of April and see how I get on if anyone fancies doing that too?


    How's everyone getting on? Good, bad, indifferent? What's your plan for the month?!!
  • Carriesund
    Carriesund Posts: 37 Member
    Got on the scale again this morning and it said 125 that is two pounds down! I don't know why it was not budging and then it jumped so fast. I suppose it could be that I have been pushing the cardio a little more....okay a lot more now that I have the device that tells me how vigorous my activity is. Hope everyone else is doing great!
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    WOOHOO! WELL DONE TO YOU! Congratulations on your loss, well deserved!!! :happy:

    Thought I was on my own there for a while.. was really quiet :ohwell:

    Good luck for your next weigh-in now, am not really optimistic about mine for Friday... what with the Easter choc fest (Still 9 eggs left in the house belonging to the kids!!)

    Anyway, I'll take it on the chin and keep on going! Am doing well on my water intake anyway so that'll count for something! :)
  • Carriesund
    Carriesund Posts: 37 Member
    I weighed again today for two reasons the first reason is that if I don't make it a habit I will never remember to do it on Friday. The second is that I really wanted to see what happened after a day where I had over four hours of activity. In the morning a jog/walk on the treadmill then a Jillian Michaels video and then a walk with my hubby and the dog. While we were walking I realized I wanted to go to the zumba class my friend teaches since the dance studio was closed this week. According to my body fit media device my calorie deficit was 1493.

    I hit 124 so that is three pounds so far.

    McButtski I hope you get rid of those temptations soon I make my hubby take stuff like that to work! I sell Tastefully Simple and when I make something sweet for a party or an event I send the leftovers to work with the hubby or I actually throw them out because I just can't seem to have one piece of anything sweet. Then again we don't have kids that would be upset if I threw away their candy.

    Good luck with your week and I don't know if it helps but when I am tempted with something I try to stop and picture that food right in my tummy. If that food were literally to go to my stomach or my butt what would that look like or I try to picture my perfect bathing suit and what I want to look like in it. I am actually thinking of buying one so that I can keep that in mind and look at it at least once a day! Lay it on the dining room table and every time I pass by it to get to the kitchen I can look at it before I choose something to eat.
  • jchenks
    jchenks Posts: 164 Member
    COUNT ME IN! This is my day two in my goal time that i have set for myself. (End of May) I'm looking for a 1-2 lb loss every week for the first month. SO if I work hard i could lose 10 by the end of April! I haven't weighed in for my starting weight yet. I"ll do that today and i'll do weigh ins every Friday? Saturday?

    Lets go!
  • Me too! Been trying to lose some holiday weight since 6 months, and then i went on another holiday. So definitely need to lose some before gaining more. Count me in!
  • JamieA8
    JamieA8 Posts: 36 Member
    Well....Easter did me in. I went from 132.6 last Wednesday to 134.4 by Sunday. Today, I weighed in at 132.6 so I am back to where I was a week ago....LOL...well....it's not a gain! I hope Friday has a loss. Really looking to loose 10 lbs this month so I am ready for my Fl trip!
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    Thanks Carriesund for sharing your tips - Really good idea with the swim suit!!

    Not sure what the damage has been with Easter yet... am sticking to Friday weigh in so a few more gym classes will hopefully work off any damage!! Well done on getting back down so quick Jamie! Gives me hope :happy:

    Great to have some more people on board too, best of luck farahomer and jchenks - I'm going to stick with Friday weigh-in but if that doesn't suit you, sure fire away and weigh-in whenever is best!
  • Awesome group! :)

    I am 5'4" and weigh 136.6 pounds. I can't seem to break the 136 mark and i have been stuck there for the longest time. Getting more serious with exercise and diet. Hopefully can lose at most 8 lbs by the first week of May.
  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
    Shoot, any pounds lost is awesome. I'm restarting my JM DVDs tonight.
  • Nyingje
    Nyingje Posts: 13
    I would like to loose 10 more pounds and keep it off. I've lost 12 pounds and feel great. I just think I'd feel even better if I dropped down to 118 again.
  • I'm in someone help me I really wanna start to lose weight and ten pounds is great someone be my buddy with this journey I would really appreciate this (:
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I love to join to lose my 10 lbs. 5 lbs down and 5 lbs up, it is a vicious cycle. Today started fasting again and hoping to hit my weigh-in on Friday. Let's do this!
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    me too!
  • kaperlinger
    kaperlinger Posts: 66 Member
    I weighed in on 3/29 and went from 168 to 163.4 the first week. I have another weigh in tomorrow. My diet has been crap this week and I took two days rather than one day off from the gym. Any loss would be welcome.
  • Why do you need to cut down on the coffee and green tea? i thought both of them help in losing weight! No?
  • Running71
    Running71 Posts: 5 Member
    I am in. Need to lose at least 10 pounds and loads of fat. I am 5'3" and 130 lbs. have started tracking food and exercise. Let's do it.
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    Great to have some more people on the same mission!!

    farahomer.. I need to cut down on the coffee (I drink ridiculous amounts.. with artificial sweetener.. I'm not even telling you how much, it's ridiculous..) and I need to 'UP' the green tea.. can never drink too much of that :happy:

    Great loss Kaperlinger! Well done!! Very best of luck for tomorrow now! I'm a bit nervous after Easter but sure hopefully I've managed to undo the damage!

    *Crosses fingers so hard I cannot manage to uncross them*