April = Achievements!

Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
Hiya Hatters!

Just home from work, and thought since I'm up anyway, I may as well start a new page for a new month - and thought perhaps achievements would be a good place to start off - whether they be past, present or future ones this can be the month we celebrate some, and/or reach for new ones!

I'm celebrating seeing a new set of numbers achieved on the scale, and working towards more weight loss and more physical acitivty this month!


  • SunnyLynnie
    SunnyLynnie Posts: 87 Member
    Sounds good to me, I know you can do it!!! I am "pre-logging" a celebration of reaching my goal this month! I am only 5 pounds away and I think it really is possible!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Good morning! I AM going to drop, 4.6 lbs by April 22....Dr. Visit- gyno.....he's expecting me to have better numbers.....that will bring to 229 lbs ....I haven't been there in over 15 years......so that's my plan... It's a bit high for me, but I have to aim for it... .
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    Goal 1 - 5 workouts this month... zumba baby zumba (1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 April).....
    Goal 2 - drop what I can and less chocolate... but doggone bunny brough too much chocolate...
    Goal 3 - pilates on Tuesday / workout at least Thursday / Friday if schedule allows...
    Goal 4 - more healthy choices

    Let's do this!

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good Morning Lovelies,

    Goal 1- Log more accurately.....been slacking on this one too much guesstimating
    Goal 2- More exercise and movement....get back on track with morning workouts (or something like it)
    Goal 3- More involvement here with my friends...I need the accountability
    Goal 4- Less tequila....:( but I know it will help me)
    Goal 5- NO MORE EXCUSES!

    Have a great day, week and month!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Lynne - only 5 lbs from goal?? Oh WOW how exciting!!! You will SO get there and I can't wait to see that post of yours on "goal reached" day!! ... and an absolutely party in the Hatters den will be held to celebrate with you! You GO, girl!!! woo hoo!

    Gail: when you drop those 4.6 pounds, you'll be at the lowest weight in 15 years.. is that right?? OMG that's fantastic!! and I KNOW you can do it... it's a great goal and oh oh oh what's it gonna be like in your house that day you see 229??? and who's gonna be beaming from ear to ear?? YOUUUUUUUUU!! You've made fabulous strides in your exercising btw and we're so proud of you.... this is going to be an exciting month for the Hatters I think... super congrats on setting a specific goal ... just imagine... lowest in 15 years?? wowsa girl!!!!! You can do it, and know we'll be here cheering ya on all the way!

    Carol: great goals! and toss the chocolate or give it away at work... don't torture yourself keeping it at home and the minute you do, you'll be a step closer to your #2 goal already! Super impressed with the plan for the work outs too.. and can relate to the "if time allows" issue.. the one thing that has helped me was remembering something either Tammy or Janet posted wayyyy back (sorry girls.. I'm old and can't remember which of ya but I know it was one - you have to MAKE the time, and TAKE the time. One of the reasons I avoided any kind of class was using the excuse of my shifts - I'd have to miss half the classes - but instead I booked time off during my shifts (which I've never done!) and used banked hours.. it was tuff because I like to hold onto my hours to take time off in the summer... but that line about making the time really stuck with me and I realized its always going to have to be up to me to make the time. It's not easy to say I NEED this hour to myself when we're used to giving our time to everyone else.. but they WILL survive if we take it! I'm so proud of you and can't wait to hear updates on your achievements this month.. rock it and congrats!!

    Tonya - so glad to see ya sweetie... was getting a little worried about ya!! Love your goals - and have no doubt you're gonna do great!! I can comiserate with the tequila - I love my wine LOL.. but have cut down on it gradually... started with skipping the glass while MAKING dinner lol.. and just having one with dinner instead... one of the weird things i realized tho.. was that the "making dinner" glass was really just habit... not because I particularly wanted it... but baby steps right?? little changes lead to big results.. so kudos to you for setting your goals for the month and you know we'll all be here too for ya!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    snoozie / Tonya,

    For me chocolate / sweet tooth is like your wine / tequila...

    cold dead hands....

    That's why I work out... giggle / snort.... moderation baby moderation....

  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Your achievements are inspiring and your goals are so totally going to happen. My goal for April is to fit into the ebay vintage dress that I bought for my daughter's graduation-without the need to either hold my breath or buy Spanx!!!
    The way that I will get there is by focusing once again on real food and getting at least 6 fruits/veggies per day. (of course checking in here and logging and exercising are all going to be automatic!)
    While it is frustrating to once again see 191 staring back at me, it was one of those weeks where it was OK.. Which was a different feeling compared to last Monday when the week began the same. Last week I felt that old “what difference does it make” and started the week not taking the time to have “real meals” and relying on processed food. Tuesday was a snow day for my teacher DH. But it quickly melted and I didn’t get to burn any of those shoveling calories that so many of you have utilized this winter. Instead we enjoyed a rare week day lunch at the Chinese restaurant after missing am body pump. We didn’t even walk as we usually do on snow days and I ended up feeling sluggish. And continued with less nutritious choices through the day. Wednesday I woke up and I could just tell that those choices were having an impact on my body. I resolved to head into the weekend with at least several days of healthy decisions. I did the make up body pump class on Wednesday night and learned that the evening class was more of a strain than the 6am class. Good motivation to wake up on time in the future!
    I replenished my fruit supply and made the effort to get salad. I knew I needed to build a deficit for the weekend.
    Saturday was my daughter’s belated family wedding party. She was married on the beach back in September with the parents and siblings only. She thought that her out of town friends would be in town for the holiday, instead it turned out that most of the people we invited were unable to attend. We were both very disappointed in the rsvp’s, we even considered whether we should reschedule. Instead we decided to go forward and enjoy the day with whoever could attend. 4 of 5 of my siblings were able to attend, and we understood why the 5th couldn’t be here from S. Carolina.
    And then we had a lovely informal party. There were the normal pre-party worries. But I was feeling good. I had my roots done and had my hair “crinkled”. It reminded me of the days in high school when I went to bed with numerous braids and then took them out in the morning. I wore my size 14 purple silk pants with a tunic. And the most fun? There were people who I hadn’t seen since my MFP journey began. One friend arrived and I could tell that she was scanning the room looking for me. She looked directly at me and then continued looking. She was stunned when I went up to her and she realized who I was. She was so excited for me. My brother’s wife who seems like she has been the perfect size for the entire 25 years she has been with my brother was very encouraging, even though I have seen her periodically. I had 2 mimosas, but was too busy to overeat and a taste of the red velvet cake was enough. That evening DH and our 4 kids (because even before the wedding, I began to think of Matt as our 4th) went to the hotel lounge and had a little corner to ourselves next to the windows overlooking the harbor and enjoyed a final celebration. It still feels strange to drink chocolate martinis with my youngest who is 22, but I guess is destined to always be my baby. On Easter after mass we went to brunch at Roy’s and since I needed to drive Beth back to college (7 hours in the car round trip) I joined the happy Easter toast with iced tea instead of a mango mimosa. We all had memories of last Easter’s brunch, the last holiday with both of DH’s parents.
    So I know that the vigilance of Wed through Fri is what allowed me to enter this week with the scale the same as last week. But in the years to come my memories will be of the happy party and the bittersweet Easter celebration. But, unlike other holidays and celebrations those memories will not be tinged with guilt over the memory that I used them as an excuse to eat to excess.
    Final note, since I only recently discarded candy that the kids left behind from Christmas, instead of Easter baskets I did little bags with Orioles magnets, Super Bowl Ravens stickers, sunscreen and Mickey Mouse gummies which are multi-vitamins. And I think they all appreciated that more than chocolate.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Janet - i loved your sharing of the "slippery slope" start at the week... and the subsequent turn around in mind and body and attitude! It's SO true what you said.. about how we start to feel blech (sluggish) after a few days of NOT taking care of ourselves... and once you're already feeling blechy its too easy sometimes to fall back into that old mentality for the rest of the week as you said.. SO SO proud of you for stepping back and saying nuh uh... no way! And that you were able to do so, and still have a fabulous time with your family celebrations! THAT is a huge achievement and I wish I could have a been a fly on the wall when your friend couldn't find you LOL!!! Bet you looked awesome and felt awesome!! Congrats my friend and I know you'll be in that vintage dress and feeling like a million bucks on grad day!!
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    My goals for this month are to train regularly for my first ever 1/2 marathon on April 28. That means walking 3-12 miles several times per week and walk/running one long day (8-12 miles) and then to run at least 1/2 of the 1/2 marathon. That would be 6 1/2 miles running. Not sure I will be able to, but going to try. Finishing is my main goal though! Next would be to start logging my food and water again. I have been logging my exercise. I have also been drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day most days, just not logging. Food...not so good. I guess I've been using 'fueling for training for the 1/2 marathon' excuse to not be as diligent on portions or logging. I have maintained my weight, but not losing. Slacking! I hope that changes right soon. It's a new day and a new month. Focus!.

    Have a great day Hatters!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Lovely to see you Patrice... and what an amazing achievement goal you've set to finish a marathon at the end of the month.. so proud of you!! Way to push yourself beyond your comfort level and strive for such a great goal.. I KNOW you will do it and we'll all be there with our pom poms cheering you on!!!! Please keep us updated withe your training??? Congrats too on not having gained anything too!

    and thanks for sharing your goal - reading it made me realize too that I MAY (ha.. yeah.. ok i DO) have some preconceived ... limitations I guess is the right word.. about what I can or can't do... if anyone said to me hey wanna do a marathon, I would probably simply out of habit just snort and say yeah right.. look at me... do i LOOK like I can do a marathon?? But.... after reading your post... it kinda made me realize I need and adjust my attutitude iand assumptions about myself n that area as well... how will I know what I can do if I never try anything outside my comfort level.. I did it when I signed up for my first ever exercise class... but I think maybe my head then said ok you tried something new yay you.... and then said ok I'm did something new.. "the end" lol. I think I need to change that mindset now and instead say "ok you tried something new.... and it went GREAT! ..woo hoo.. score!! Now.... what can I try NEXT?? Thanks for the bit of a wake up call Patrice!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    SInce last May, I have considered myself to be on a wellness journey. Wellness to me incorporates a balance with my mind, body and spirit. I've been focusing on the body part, but mostly from fear when I was diagnosed with Diabetes 2. I have felt really stressed trying so hard to make all these lifestyle changes. I've wanted to move out of a fear based motivation into a more relaxed perspective, without losing my motivation or success. Consequently, I've been trying something new for the last three weeks. I am a fan of Oprah's, and got an email about an online Perfect Health 21 Day Meditation Challenge with Oprah and Deepak Chopra. It was wonderful!!! I did it every morning, and found it a fantastic way to start my day. When I finished the series yesterday, I purchased the download, and now my goal for this month is to repeat it and absorb even more. After that I will explore other similar guided meditations. In line with this April goal, I am going to keep a gratitude journal. And let me just tell you all right now that you ladies are on the top of my gratitude list :-) Finally, I have been slacking in the exercise department, so it's back to Curves and more dog walking and activity for me this April!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    See- Sounds like you have a great plan.
    Patrice- A 1/2 marathon....wow that is awesome
    Janet-Wonderful NSV with the friend. I planted veggies yesterday! Cucumber, eggplant, radishes, lettuce and okra. I will let you know how it turns out. Still a bit to early for tomatoes. I am still working on upping the fiber.

    First day of April goals met- logged accurately, less tequila, spent more time with you all and got in some exercise, turning soil, digging and planting. I only counted what my fitbit said cause I wasn't sure how to accurately add in the other.

    Have a great day my friends, I plan too!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Spring has finally sprung at my house:smile: After the hard freeze we had last winter froze and killed all my bougainvillaeas, my gardener came today and made my little patio yard cheerful again :happy:

  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Sorry ladies I have been mia. We have been busy doing all that school planning I let go during the holiday, but as you ladies know I just needed some meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee time.

    We go tomorrow *Wednesday* for my daughter's surgery and I am confident that we will have good reports sooooooon.

    As some read I have joined a new 3 month challenge and am stepping up my game to reach my year goal of 100 lbs. Glad to see so many setting their goals also, we always seem to be so in step with each other. It sure helps me to know others understand the journey.
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Seehee, what a lovely patio! I can feel the warmth of Tucson! I am so ready to feel the warmth of a real spring!
    TA, I know you will make your goal!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    All is looking good on the surgery. She was released at about noon yesterday. Both the doctor and the radiologist stated looking at the mass it looks good for it to be not cancerous !!!!!!!!!!!! We should have the report from the pathologist Friday, but we are staying positive and claiming the healing of God. It was much deeper than thought so she is a bit more sore than expected.

    I didn't eat emotionally and even planned ahead and took my yogurt and strawberries with me to the hospital b/c I knew I would would be hungry before leaving time.

    The weather has reverted back to winter temps so still not able to plant those tomatoes and things yet !!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    TA -
    So so happy! Doin' the Happy Dance for ya!
    Good Choices...
    And yes, God is Good, All the Time
    All the Time, God is Good...

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Seehe... very very pretty...

    When are you exporting the sun back to Jersey? Keepin an eye out for it......
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    So far So Good with my goals... less chocolate, more movement....

    Have only eaten the bunnies ears.... haven't touched anything else yet....

  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    So happy to share my daughter got the call from the doctor this afternoon and all is good NO CANCER !!!!


    Carol keep your mouth of that bunnies cotton tail lady !!!! LOLOLOL