Started ChaLEAN Extreme this week!!



  • chooselove
    chooselove Posts: 106 Member
    I love CLX! I am beginning my second week. Chalene is loads of fun :)
  • khmdm
    khmdm Posts: 4 Member
    I am starting tomorrow! I finished a round of Insanity about a week ago. I plan to do CLX but probably do running for the cardio since I have been missing running while doing Insanity.
  • khmdm
    khmdm Posts: 4 Member
    Oops - double post
  • Mom2M_and_O
    Mom2M_and_O Posts: 214 Member
    Just did burn 1 for the first time today. Really enjoyed it. Excited to see where this takes me.
    Does anyone here follow em2wl or ipoarm? just wondered how you are all aiming your calories in for the day.

    I'm on the EM2WL bandwagon and I'm starting my 3rd week of Lean tonight. My goal is to eat between 1800-1900 calories most days. I tend to go over on the weekend. My average TDEE usually comes out to 2100-2200. It's not a large deficit and I'm not seeing scale numbers drop (about 2 lbs lower since starting), but I have seen some measurment change, and I am able to comfortably wear my smaller size slacks than at the beginning of January when I first started CLX. I was consistently in my "fat pants" in January.

    I have been slack about doing the 2nd cardio session each week for the last month. I need to get back to that. I just hate cardio -- would much rather do the weights. So, it's easy to let other things prevent me from fitting that in.
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    Just did burn 1 for the first time today. Really enjoyed it. Excited to see where this takes me.
    Does anyone here follow em2wl or ipoarm? just wondered how you are all aiming your calories in for the day.

    ME!!! It took me a few months to find the 'sweet spot', but I think I have it. My average daily TDEE is around 2050 (includes workout - according to my Fitbit) so I aim to eat around 1700 calories gross a day. Average around a 17% deficit each week. I've been losing .5-1 1b a week doing this formula. Love em2lw!!!!!! ipoarm put me on the right path after starving eating 1200 or less for over a year.
  • twostepsforward
    twostepsforward Posts: 113 Member
    Thats great! My tdee is turning out at about 2000 and I use a fitbit. Keep starting the week aiming at 1500 per day but by the end of the week I am well over on this. Maybe I should reduce the deficit a bit.

    Did burn 1 yesterday and my glutes are wrecked! Its a good sign...! Got burn intervals tom which I am nervous about. I am a bit of a cardio hater but I guess I need to burn through those calories
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    Thats great! My tdee is turning out at about 2000 and I use a fitbit. Keep starting the week aiming at 1500 per day but by the end of the week I am well over on this. Maybe I should reduce the deficit a bit.

    Did burn 1 yesterday and my glutes are wrecked! Its a good sign...! Got burn intervals tom which I am nervous about. I am a bit of a cardio hater but I guess I need to burn through those calories

    If you're burning 2000 and aiming to eat 1500, that's a 25% deficit and way too high. If you lose weight, you will lose muscle (not fat)... Aim for 15-17% deficit, so 1660-1700 a day. I find that formula works awesome for me. Anything more and my body holds on to everything. Anything less and I still don't lose. Strange but true. :-) I'm doing Burn 1 today. Love Burn Intervals now but it killed me first time.
  • twostepsforward
    twostepsforward Posts: 113 Member
    Yep. The 1500 seems to be stopping me losing weight since I am going over on my weekly total by enough to bri g me almost up to tdee! I think the constant restriction is causing me to binge a bit at the weekend. If I stick to a more moderate deficit perhaps it will be more attainable psychologically?
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    Yep. The 1500 seems to be stopping me losing weight since I am going over on my weekly total by enough to bri g me almost up to tdee! I think the constant restriction is causing me to binge a bit at the weekend. If I stick to a more moderate deficit perhaps it will be more attainable psychologically?

    Probably. Give it a try and re-set your goals in MFP.

    Today is day off for me as we have dinner plans. I miss CLX when I don't do it. I'm thinking of doing a 5th week of Burn so I can make the program 15 weeks instead of 12.... thoughts??
  • Mom2M_and_O
    Mom2M_and_O Posts: 214 Member
    Yep. The 1500 seems to be stopping me losing weight since I am going over on my weekly total by enough to bri g me almost up to tdee! I think the constant restriction is causing me to binge a bit at the weekend. If I stick to a more moderate deficit perhaps it will be more attainable psychologically?

    Probably. Give it a try and re-set your goals in MFP.

    Today is day off for me as we have dinner plans. I miss CLX when I don't do it. I'm thinking of doing a 5th week of Burn so I can make the program 15 weeks instead of 12.... thoughts??

    You can make the program last as long as you want to! 90 days is just marketing. :wink: I'm in my third week of Lean and am planning to give Lean for Life a go for a month and see how I like doing that (I suspect I'll love it). I also found a CLX/P90X hybrid online that sounds intriguing.
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    Yes someone else suggested I do CLX as it's laid out and do Lean for Life at the end. I have to look into it.

    Lost another 1.1 1b this week!!! So over 4 1bs this month and I started CLX on Mar.4th. Woo hoo me!! I'm eating at a 17% deficit from TDEE and have been doing that since January. So far I've lost 7.5 1bs doing that, so averaging 1/2 1b a week, which is just fine by me. I've lost a lot of inches too. My jeans are all baggy and I'm feeling great. This loss is HUGE for me, considering I hadn't lost a pound in over 1.5 years!!!! Feeling so good. :happy:
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    Last day of the BURN phase - finishing with Burn it Off and Recharge. Loved Burn. Will move to PUSH on Tuesday. Looking forward to it. I took photos yesterday and my back has totally changed. My waist is visibly smaller from behind and my side view is much smaller. This is since December. Feeling great and can actually see CLX working for me. love it.
  • NotReadyForMomJeans
    NotReadyForMomJeans Posts: 35 Member
    Starting Week 4 of Push today! This second phase flew by and I really loved it...hope everyone is still on track and feeling good!
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    It appears that everyone loves Push but not so much Lean. I'm excited to advance. I have to say Burn has visibly changed my body in 4 short weeks. I'm excited about it.
  • eileenmetz
    eileenmetz Posts: 19 Member
    I just started burn circut 1 today. It was awesome. I'm going to try the included cardio, if I don't like it ill do my turbo jam DVDs
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    awesome job. Glad you like it. What's not to like right? I just started Push and enjoyed circuit 1 very much. 2 tomorrow!! Today was supposed to be rest but I did Recharge and Extreme Abs. :bigsmile:
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    Did Push 2 today and loved it as well. !! Then did TurboFire Ab Igniter for the first time (thrown in with my CLX box) and enjoyed that, then did TurboFire stretch which was okay. Really liking how Push is making me feel so strong. I'm lifting 20, 15, and 10 usually although I will need to adjust slightly.
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    Did Burn Intervals and Ab Burner today. My right glute is on fire!!! ouch!!!! I have to stretch it out. Loving CLX.
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    Did Push Circuit 3 and Recharge today. My right glute is still sore. It makes me laugh out loud some times. The stretching helps but ouch. When I saw the bowler squats today in 3 I almost died, and had to scale it back on that side!! I have to take a rest day tomorrow although I don't really want to...
  • twostepsforward
    twostepsforward Posts: 113 Member
    oh blimey, getting nervous here...really enjoying CLX and finished week 2 of Burn. However, I am now 2 lbs heavier than when I started! Oh dear! Even though my sensible head is telling me its a water gain as my muscles are definitely getting stronger, I am feeling quite anxious!

    When did everyone else start seeing the scale come down?