Stage 5 Questions



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Dang this place is quiet as all get out!

    I'm doing my 3rd A tomorrow morning. I am shooting for 2 full 120sec planks - without dropping! And 80 on my rows. Does anyone else feel like 120 rest is too long?
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Dang this place is quiet as all get out!

    I'm doing my 3rd A tomorrow morning. I am shooting for 2 full 120sec planks - without dropping! And 80 on my rows. Does anyone else feel like 120 rest is too long?

    Yep it's pretty dead in here. How did you get on with the planks?
    Did my 3rd B workout today, didn't get to lift the last half of the week for various reasons. I'm trying to stay out of my hubby's way as he currently has man flu and is feeling sorry for himself!

    I do feel that 120 can be too long for some of the exercises, I don't strictly time the rests to be honest, I suspect sometimes I'm not taking enough time on some exercices, but too much on others :)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Dang this place is quiet as all get out!

    I'm doing my 3rd A tomorrow morning. I am shooting for 2 full 120sec planks - without dropping! And 80 on my rows. Does anyone else feel like 120 rest is too long?

    Yep it's pretty dead in here. How did you get on with the planks?
    Did my 3rd B workout today, didn't get to lift the last half of the week for various reasons. I'm trying to stay out of my hubby's way as he currently has man flu and is feeling sorry for himself!

    I do feel that 120 can be too long for some of the exercises, I don't strictly time the rests to be honest, I suspect sometimes I'm not taking enough time on some exercices, but too much on others :)

    Hah, I haven't done another S5 since I posted that. I will on Tuesday that will be 3rd S5A. I agree, I only take 90 most of the time and I do true supersets, I don't wait 90 inbetween the exercises.

    Totally not NROL4W related, I've been doing other workouts. I have asked my trainer to help me focus on what I feel are my real weaknesses - shoulders, lats, chest - and it's really been paying off. Stronger for sure and also, it's a nice break from the repetitive NROL stages.

    Today is rest and high carb day for me. Tomorrow I will get to the gym early and do a bit of cardio. Lift on Tuesday!

    Hope hubby is feeling better and more importantly, you've successfully avoided his man flu!! Enjoy Sunday!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    rest periods don't need to be so regimented. Just rest long enough to let your heart rate come back down and you feel strong enough to continue. It may be one minute it ma be 2. The general rule is to rest longer when you lift heavier to give the muscles more time to recover.
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Last A workout done today. Good news is I've corrected the imbalance in my legs, so should be good going forward. I really concentrated on nailing the form rather than focus on upping the weight. I just could not get on with the DB overhead squat though - glad to see the back of it, and the BWM!

    One more workout left, then on to Stage 6 :happy:
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Yea for you! I have 1 of each left, Tuesday and Thursday. Are taking a week off before you start 6 or going right to it?
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Cheers Sue. I'll go straight into Stage 6 as I want to keep the momentum going now that Spring is here. My workouts haven't been as regular as I wanted over the winter months. I totally agree with you when you commented about being so much stronger during this stage than stage 3 and being able to feel/isolate the muscles you're working. It's a good feeling!

    Stage 5 stats....

    One Arm Dumbbell Snatch - 15kg (33lb) --> 17.5kg (38.5lb) struggled to keep consistent form on this exercise.
    Dumbbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift - 20kg (44lb) --> 25kg (55lb) total
    Barbell bent-over row - 30kg (66lb) --> 37.5kg (82.5lb) total
    Dumbbell single arm overhead squat - 10/5kg (22/11lb) - didn't progress and struggled with my DB's being so big
    Dumbbell incline bench press - 20kg (44lb) --> 25kg (55lb) total
    Plank - 3 sets at 120secs
    Reverse Woodchop - 10kg (22lb) --> 12.5kg (27.5llb)

    Barbell Romanian Deadlift/bent over row - 32.5kg (71.5lb) --> 37.5kg (82.5lb)
    Partial Single Leg Squat - BW --> 10kg (22lb) (took it steady on my glutes)
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - 35kg (77lb) --> 40kg (88lb)
    Back Extension - BW only but lots of reps (took it steady on my glutes)
    YTWL - 5kg (11lb) each hand
    Long arm Swiss ball crunch - 3 sets of 15 x 12.5kg DB overhead
    Reverse crunch - 3 sets of 15
    Hanna side flexion 3 - 3 sets of 12
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Awesome! Those are some great numbers!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Looks like I'm talking to myself but I'll be starting stage 5 on Monday!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Finished my first A workout today! Only having 4 reps is kind of a trip! I think I upped my weight every set for every move! haha (I need to look at my Stage 3 logs to see where I left off!!)
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Really? No one else is in stage 5?!

    I forgot how sore I'd be after the body matrix in workout A!

    Little to no irritation in my shoulder during the YTWL! I think lowering the bench helped??
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 467 Member
    I will be your cheerleader! Good job on upping the weights!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    only one more stage 4 workout left! sorry I had an unplanned week off of lifting! I will be here shortly!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Haha....thanks girls!

    I'm officially half way through stage 5! I'm going out of town on Wednesday so I think I may just hold off on lifting until next Tuesday? This will be my longest stretch of no lifting since I started! I think it sounds like a good place to take a rest though:)
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    ok...done with stage 4. I am going on vacation this weekend, but I think stage 5, more than any other, can be done in a hotel gym. Wish me luck!!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    ok...done with stage 4. I am going on vacation this weekend, but I think stage 5, more than any other, can be done in a hotel gym. Wish me luck!!

    I am so silly, I posted on Friday in the stage 4 thread. I did 5A1...and I totally kicked it!!! The four reps was interesting. I may extend this stage bcse its so challenging. Once you contol the weight, its not so bad, but gettting into position, I think I may kill myself!

    looking forward to 5B1!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I will post my results a bit later, but I just wanted to jump on and say I did 5B1 last night. WOW is this stage something! I got 4 reps@70 done on the first set of the chest press, but I could not do a single one in the second set. I really need a spotter for that move!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA! Was in Arizona for the past 5 days....meant to get back at it this a.m. but needed some extra sleep this morning. I feel so sick right now but hopefully I'll be feeling better by the morning. I'm SO ready to go lift something heavy!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Ok, FINALLY back at it! Felt great to be back. Felt strong but I could tell I got tired easier. Not sure if it's b/c I haven't been sleeping well or all the crap food I've been eating is catching up to me. I skipped the planks and the cable pulls so I could make it to spin class but I'll finish those up tomorrow before spin:)

    I have a question...on the single arm dumbbell right arm is stronger than my left. I know I could increase weight for my right arm but I doubt I could for my left. Should I continue using the same weight for both arms until my left arm catches up or go ahead and use a heavier weight for my right??

    Also....are you planning on doing stage 6? For a while I wasn't planning on it but now I think I want to.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    beck - you definitely want to hold back your right arm until your left arm is ready to progress...dont want to be lopsided!!

    glad you are back, I am looking forward to lifting tomorrow.

    I was just looking at stage 6...looks kind of interesting. Because I am doing the warrior dash in july (strength will be important!), I am gonna do it.