A Challenge



  • I'm excited for this challenge. This is my first challenge and I am hoping it gives me a spark to get out of my current plateau/slump.
  • Latona38
    Latona38 Posts: 111 Member
    Ok, I'm going to try it. I haven't done a challenge in a while but after having my 3rd and final child I NEED a challenge to get things back where they belong. I am not sure how I'm going to fit 250 squats into my day though! Any suggestions?

    If your a busy mom try breaking them up over the day. Try doing 50 while the kids are eating breakfast and getting ready for school, 50 midday/lunch, before dinner, bed... however you can. Even if you can't do all, do what you can.
  • briggsf
    briggsf Posts: 28
    I'm in!!! I've been doing squats at gym with trainer and knees have been painful but I just pushed through. Will try some of the different squats listed on here.
  • ruthyluv
    ruthyluv Posts: 42 Member
    I started this same routine last week on my own, today I'm at 100 squats. I'm so excited to see this challenge and to know we are doing this as a group. I've been trying to engage my stomach muscles as well by sucking my stomach in while I'm doing the squats. I love it!! And, I am sure feeling those glutes getting firmer. haha .. Everyone...you can do it!!!!!
  • KariBethCook
    KariBethCook Posts: 16 Member
    I'm pretty sure this isn't only for ladies, and if you wanna add weights you can!
  • bee0786
    bee0786 Posts: 2
    i saw this on twitter and im on day 8. so far i feel good, my friend says she sees a difference already which makes me feel like its worth it! i cant wait to see an end result!
  • Lor2011
    Lor2011 Posts: 4 Member
    Day one completed - 50 squats - my husband informed me I wasn't going low enough - no wonder it was so easy :smile: - see how it goes today with 55 -
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    Hello everyone. I am almost finished my first 30 day squat challenge. (I'm at 200). I do these first thing in the morning with 5 lbs. weights and incorporate them in my 12 minute HIIT routine. And usually do another type of workout in the evenings. I will continue with another 30 day squat challenge once this one is over. Have fun with them and visualize a firmer booty.
  • cieradb
    cieradb Posts: 5
    Since you are almost done, how well would you say this has worked for you?