paleo protein powder



  • SarahRea32
    SarahRea32 Posts: 167 Member
    I use Boomers. Its made from milk from grass fed cows in New Zealand, no sweeteners etc. Just WPI and it has a pleasant non-flavaoured taste - a little bit like skim milk. It's about $40 (AUD) for a kilo and 95.5% protein. Ok for Primal I think :)
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I found an egg based one , Gold Standard brand, gonna try it, heard it doesnt taste the greatest but thats the price you have to pay I guess lol :tongue:
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I just get my protein from meat.


    True Paleo doesn't use any protein powders... If you're eating enough eggs/meat/fish/fowl/etc, you should be getting enough protein.

    And yes, that Primal Powder was a joke. :P

    This. I lift heavy all the damn time and eating my protein! Just say no to the powder! You will be fine without it really!! I like to comment after posts have been up or so I'm late.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    What works for one person, doesn't work for another. We are all our own N=1 experiment. If you can eat a bunch of meat and veggies post workout, that's fantastic. If you drink a protein shake of your choosing, that's fantastic too.

    I can't stand dietary dogma, period. But especially when it is being used in an attempt to make others feel they're somehow less holy, clean, adherent, successful, healthy, whatever. For the record, I don't give a flying eff about what is "true paleo" and certainly not what some total stranger on the MFP forums thinks about what I eat.

    What I care about is what works best for me both in terms of managing my own health and supporting my activity levels and fitness goals. I also have to care about what I can afford financially, and what sort of time I can devote to cooking/shopping/etc. each day. Nobody here knows or understands all this stuff that besides ME. I have to work that out for myself.

    I support everyone's choice to eat healthy and in a sustainable way FOR THEM. Period. I don't feel their compliance or adherence to paleo and/or primal principles is any of my concern--that's for them to work out. Same goes with organic food, "clean" food, whatever. Not my business or concern.

    For those who LOVE dietary dogma--here is what Mark Sisson thinks about whey protein:

    "Is it Primal?

    Whey protein falls into the 80/20 category. It isn’t strictly Primal (and certainly not paleo) in that it wasn’t available to Grok, but it can be an effective, occasional high-protein meal replacement with most – if not all – of the potential allergens mitigated or negated. It’s an analog, a bit like dairy itself. If you can’t handle any dairy, skip it (or try whey isolate) and take the time to prepare a meal. If you can handle dairy without a problem, a whey protein powder is a pretty good way to shuttle nutrients into your body, especially if you’ve chosen to go the post-workout nutrition route – which I usually don’t.

    Going Primal means acknowledging both the limitations and the advantages of modern life. I wish I could laze around on the savannah for days following a successful kill. I wish I had ten hours of leisure time every day. The reality is that we’re a busy bunch of people, and if we’re truly serious about maximizing our quality of life, slamming down a quick protein shake so we can get to the office a little earlier might mean we can leave earlier, too, and get home in time for a date with the significant other, a hike at dusk, or an extra couple chapters on that great book we’ve been meaning to read. If that isn’t a feature of modern life that can help us follow the Primal ways more easily, I’m not sure what qualifies."

    Read more:

    And here is what Mark says about grass-fed whey:

    "Is grass-fed whey protein worth the extra cost?

    I don’t think so. If ethical concerns are your primary reasons for eating grass-fed beef and dairy, it might make sense to shell out the extra dough for grass-fed whey powder, but if you’re drawn to it for the health benefits, don’t bother. There really aren’t any. Think about why we prefer pastured animal products in the first place – favorable fatty acid profiles, more fat-soluble vitamins, cleaner, better-tasting meat (once you get used to beef tasting like beef). Why do we take protein powder? For the protein. We aren’t expecting incredible flavor, vast amounts of vitamins, or healthy fats; we just want some fast-acting protein. Feel free to use grass-fed whey protein, but don’t think it’s doing anything special. You’re better off buying grass-fed meat (and dairy) instead."

    Read more:

    And finally, at the end of that second article:

    "Do You Need Protein Powder?

    Whey protein powder is proven to be effective, and it’s ubiquitous and inexpensive. Protein powder in general can help athletes recover from training, and it doesn’t have to be dairy-based, if you’re sensitive. There’s nothing wrong with dabbling (or even throwing yourself into) in alternative protein powders, and in the case of casein and egg whites, you might even see added benefits by incorporating them into your whey regimen.

    But that doesn’t mean you need protein powder.

    Take your time and evaluate your diet. You may find that you don’t need powder supplements. I certainly don’t need any myself, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a big whey shake after an intense workout session from time to time, just for the anabolic effects if not for the convenience and taste. If you’re not getting enough protein, or you can’t find the time to cook every single meal, try some protein powder. Otherwise, eat a steak."

    Read more:
  • I just read through the entire thread to see if anyone mentioned "Vital Whey". I just bought some on Amazon... says it is from 100% grass-fed cows. I got the unflavored because I did not want sweeteners of any kind, but there is also chocolate and vanilla with minimal ingredients. 56 servings was $69.99 = $1.25 per serving. I will check back and let you know what I think, once I get to try it.

    I'd also just like to add that our family has been as close to 100% Paleo as we can get, for the past 6 months. Even though I am cooking every single meal and I feel like I am in the kitchen all. day. long. many days... I still have not been able to eat the amount of protein that I was getting before I stopped my shakes. My goal is 1 - 1.5x my body weight in ounces of protein, and it just hasn't been happening. So I finally decided to add some whey protein back in. As long as it doesn't cause me any noticeable symptoms, I will probably keep it back in -- but I do appreciate all the other suggestions here, such as egg white protein and even plain old raw eggs in a shake -- I didn't realize people did that anymore! :D
  • KW0123
    KW0123 Posts: 1
    I've recently started taking a new vegan protein shake to add more plant based proteins to my diet since I ingest enough meat throughout the day. I love the taste and texture of this product. The best part is that it's completely Paleo.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I just bought rice protein powder and it's not bad. It's a little gritty but when it's blended with other things you can't really tell. For 1 heaping tablespoon you get 60 cals, 2 grams carbs, 1 g sugar, and 12 g protein. I usually do 2 tbs with a cup of unsweetened almond milk, some spinach and sometimes frozen blueberries.
  • SarahRea32
    SarahRea32 Posts: 167 Member
    I've recently started taking a new vegan protein shake to add more plant based proteins to my diet since I ingest enough meat throughout the day. I love the taste and texture of this product. The best part is that it's completely Paleo.

    The info at the site says

    -"Organic Certified Sprouted Brown Rice Protein, Non-GMO Yellow Pea Protein Energy Blend Organic certified oat bran, organic certified millet flour, organic certified amaranth flour, organic certified flaxseed."

    not paleo
  • KellyUVA
    KellyUVA Posts: 255 Member
    Try "About Time" protein powder. It is the cleanest one that I have found and tasts amazing.
  • The Gal at whole foods told me to try the organic Hemp protein powder. which also has omega-3's I'd post a pict but not sure how. newbie here.
  • I just get my protein from meat.

    Finally!! I was scrolling down this thread wondering when someone would mention this! :laugh: I thought the idea was to remove all the crap and go back to basics?...... Maybe Paleolithic man used to reach for a protein powder after a hard days hunting and gathering?
  • Meadows18
    Meadows18 Posts: 206 Member
    I just get my protein from meat.

    I used to buy protein powder, but now I use this ^^^^
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    (Hi! New here, jumping right in)

    I try not to do the protein powders unless it's right after a workout, and I tend to lean more Primal than Paleo, but the brand I use is Stronger, Faster, Healthier. It is a small company and the whey is made from grass-fed cows. The ingredients on my chocolate protein powder is very pure! Just whey, chocolate, sunflower lecithin, and stevia. Can't get better than that. :)
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    got the gold standard egg protein...great tasting, and just what I was looking for, if you don't need protein powder great and good for you but if you are paleo and would like more protein in your life i recommend it. I eat lots of eggs and meat but want more and something convenient . I could eat tuna and steak and chicken all day long but it gets pretty boring....24g of protein in one scoop:bigsmile:

    and yes Paleo is getting rid of all the crap..... i know that....I am about 95% paleo with my diet....this is part of the 5%
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    got the gold standard egg protein...great tasting, and just what I was looking for, if you don't need protein powder great and good for you but if you are paleo and would like more protein in your life i recommend it. I eat lots of eggs and meat but want more and something convenient . I could eat tuna and steak and chicken all day long but it gets pretty boring....24g of protein in one scoop:bigsmile:

    and yes Paleo is getting rid of all the crap..... i know that....I am about 95% paleo with my diet....this is part of the 5%

    Great, thanks for the update. Please don't feel like you need to justify your use of protein powder or whatever sort you choose to anyone in this MFP group. There are a number of us who are of the same mind/in the same position as you. :flowerforyou:
  • fitnessbugg
    fitnessbugg Posts: 141 Member
    Just found out that Lifetime Fitness sells protein powder that is grass-fed. They have a whey formula and a veggie one with pea and rice protein.