


  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Day 5 - I did the chest and back and arx last night. Was supposed to so legs and back according to the schedule but I figured my legs will be taken care off in the insanity workout.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I'm really liking the schedule and result of my P90X INSANITY hybrid. I'm focusing more on P90X muscle building using heavier weights and max reps, and at the same time doing moderate INSANITY cardio. I also condensed the schedule from 6 days a week to a 5 days a week (kinda like in p90x2) so that my muscles can heal better before the next workout. So far, I feel that my arms, back and abs are getting stronger and slightly bigger. I'm having a lot more strength when it comes to pullups. My goal is to get from 7 pullups to 10 within 2 weeks :)

  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    It was chest and back and ARX last night. I was trying to challenge myself to get to 10 pullups but unfortunately I still max'ed out at 7. I think I can do better than that. The BCAA has been helping me in terms of preventing (too much) soreness and give me a quick recovery for the next set but it doesn't really boost my energy during the workout. I'll try to eat a bit more a couple of hours prior to the workout for more energy. So far, I've been eating a slice a bread with almond butter an hour prior. Maybe I'll try to do 2 slices :)
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Last night was Shoulders and Arms and ARX! What I've been doing lately is I upped my weights so that I can achieve muscle failure faster after sets of 8-10 reps aiming at building mass. I remember when I first started p90x, I was using 20 lbs for curls and presses and 15lbs for triceps. And I was doing 12-15 reps back then.

    Since a few weeks ago, I started off with 35-lbs for the shoulder presses, 20-lbs for the in and out bicep curls, and 20 lbs for the tricep kick backs. 35 lbs is about right for me for the shoulder press. I could feel the burn after 7-8 reps. The bowflex dumbbells are wider than the regular dumbbells so it took a little more effort to balance them. It's the most expensive equipment that I've invested but was worth it though :) I've seen tremendous result since I acquired it halfway through my first round of p90x.

    Normally I would do 30-35 lbs for the bicep curls but the in-and-out curls required 16 reps (Tony: EVERYBODY DOES 16!!). Oh well, 20 lbs was heavy enough to make me struggle in that move LOL. I was able to 10 reps in the tricep kickbacks using 20 lbs so I increased the weight to 25 lbs (the same weight Tony used). He's right... it was rather tough to maintain the form and balance using that weight.

    I'm still eating at a slight calorie deficit to cut more fat around my mid section (btw, there's no spot fat reduction) and I won't expect to put on too much muscles quickly. I'll stick with this for a month or so before I adjust it.

    BRING IT!!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I went to the local sports store and picked up a pair of lifting gloves. I didn't think I would need it or even know that it existed until lately. As I increased my press weight to 35lbs, the sweaty palms sometimes make the dumbbells hard to grip. Also, the bowflex dumbbells are wider than the regular weights which makes it hard to balance. The gloves I bought have wrist wraps. It's supposed to help support the wrists. As soon as I got home, I started doing chest shoulders and triceps. I primarily wanted to see if I could handle the shoulder presses so I took 40lbs, instead of the regular 35. Maybe it was mental because I I was able to do 8-10 reps using 40lbs on each site. I could really feel the burn!

    is any of you guys using workout/lifting gloves?
  • LSotham
    LSotham Posts: 25 Member
    Today is day 83 of P90X Lean.

    I am so excited that I am so close to finishing. Tomorrow is my rest day, and then I begin my recovery week and I'm done!

    Insanity arrived in the mail this week. I'm going to take one week off after completing P90X and then begin Insanity. I tried the Fast and Furious workout just for fun, and wow, it was a hard workout. It's going to be awesome!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Today is day 83 of P90X Lean.

    I am so excited that I am so close to finishing. Tomorrow is my rest day, and then I begin my recovery week and I'm done!

    Insanity arrived in the mail this week. I'm going to take one week off after completing P90X and then begin Insanity. I tried the Fast and Furious workout just for fun, and wow, it was a hard workout. It's going to be awesome!

    Great job! Dont forget to share your before-after pictures!

    oh you're going love Insanity, especially starting it right after p90x. You'll find the faster pace pretty exciting :)
  • CoachChrisD
    CoachChrisD Posts: 207 Member
    hey everyone,
    glad to see us p90xers have a thread in here....
    did p90x last year and lost 30lbs in october, then did Les miles combat warrior and lost another 16lbs now on May 8th going at it again for another round of p90x. loving me some Tony...
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @cdorelien - great job and way to bring it!! Are you close to your goal weight/body fat%?
  • Started my 2nd round of P90x finally after a 2 months break due to my traveling. Bring it! Just completed my Chest and Back!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I went to the local sports store and picked up a pair of lifting gloves. I didn't think I would need it or even know that it existed until lately. As I increased my press weight to 35lbs, the sweaty palms sometimes make the dumbbells hard to grip. Also, the bowflex dumbbells are wider than the regular weights which makes it hard to balance. The gloves I bought have wrist wraps. It's supposed to help support the wrists. As soon as I got home, I started doing chest shoulders and triceps. I primarily wanted to see if I could handle the shoulder presses so I took 40lbs, instead of the regular 35. Maybe it was mental because I I was able to do 8-10 reps using 40lbs on each site. I could really feel the burn!

    is any of you guys using workout/lifting gloves?

    you're using some pretty heavy weights bro.

    I think i was doing 25s for most of the bicep work. I can do considerably more then that for most of the exercises but not the way that Tony does them.

    that Y should press that he does, i can't even get 8 with 35 lbs, but i can go do normal seated dumbell press at the gym (towards the end of my work out) and get 65 for 5. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me lol.

    the other wierd thing, my bench press is way in the Sh itter. I was getting 225 for reps before i ever started insanity, i can do 185 maybe three times now. but pretty much every other lift is improving.

    I've just seperated the two goals (cutting and gaining strength). one more round of p90x and another of asylum 2 and then its time for me to learn some new tricks, like how to eat to grow and minimize the amount of fat i put on. probably going to do body beast at that point. Tempted to just do it 'unsupervised', but i've had such (IMO) unbeleiveable success with the beach body programs, i feel like i might learn a lot from the program.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    oh, and i don't use gloves. I had a few pairs in highschool, one was stollen and for some reason just never bothered with them again. they have some with padding in the palm, which would actually help a lot for some of the airborne pushups in P90x and asylum, so i've thought about getting them for that.

    thats pretty cool that they have the built in straps, tho i've honestly never had any use for them yet. i assume they have some way of wrapping them out of the way when your not using them?

    I've been using a weighted vest while doing pull ups for the past few weeks. i really like it. You could just put weights in a back pack, or hang plates from a belt with a rope or chain, but this is probably the most comfortable way to do it. I bought it to wear while doing insanity... which was a bit too ambitious. ended up hurting myself and shelved the weight vest for over a year.
    its a cool training tool though. I spent entirely to much on mine, but its made out of more durable material then my motorcycle jacket, and thats going to matter if you expect the garment to last awhile when your bouncing around with 45 lbs attached to it.
  • CoachChrisD
    CoachChrisD Posts: 207 Member
    @proton, yes i am close to it, with my 2nd round it shoudl give it to me then on to body beast!!!!
    thinking after this round be p90x certified as well
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    whats that really do for you? p90x certified?
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @upcomingkca - good job bro! and you finally joined!

    @no_finish_line - Yeah, I can wrap the straps below my wrist so they're no in the way. Guess what I was able to do 10 pullups (in the first set) last night with the gloves on :) I find that the gloves helped me focus more on the mechanics of doing the pullups. The padding on my chinup bar are not as thick as when I first got them so I've been kinda bothered by me not being able to have a firm and confortable grip. That seems to have improved. Now I just need to suck it up and get to 10 in the following sets.

    I was actually thinking about the same -- putting some weight in the backpack. I'll try it out tomorrow which is my weight day.

    @cdorelien - good for you! Bring it!!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Yesterday was my Week 3 Day 3 - Shoulders and Arms. I decided not to follow the video but to use the workout sheet as a guide, instead. Well the real reason is I was working out in my company's gym and I didn't have the DVD with me LOL. I find that video is longer than necessary due to the talking, extra breaks and stuff. I saved at least 15 minutes just by doing it at my own pace.

    My upper body wasn't as sore but my quads were due to the Insanity workout from Tuesday. That didn't bother me much though. Again, I started off with 40 lbs of shoulder presses on each arm and did 8 reps for 2 sets. For the 16-rep curls, I did 20 lbs in the first 2 sets. In the subsequent sets, I had to lower the weight by 5 lbs in general. The only moves that I upped the weight on was the tricep kickbacks. I went from 20 lbs to 25 lbs and was able to maintani good form. I felt more fatigue about half way through the workout because I didn't have my BCAA intra-workout drink with me. I might have to keep some at the office in case I need to use the company gym next time :)

    BRING IT!!

  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    thats awfully impressive. I felt like lifting was at a near break neck pace in p90x so thats quite a feet shaving off that much time.

    people somehow get the videos onto thier phones, but i'm not sure how to do that. sounds like you don't need it anyway lol

    oh, and i keep a buffay (spelling?) of suppliments in my desk at work
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Thanks! I'm just trying bro...trying my best.

    Having done it so many times I bet you'll know what to do as long as you add a description of the moves to your workout sheet.

    I think is buffet :)
  • LSotham
    LSotham Posts: 25 Member
    I completed P90X today! Woohoo!

    I am doing my pictures and measurements tomorrow and will post the info for everyone! I start Insanity in 1 week.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @lsotham - congrats!!