Starting Another Round on Sunday, April 28



  • BellaSpeer
    BellaSpeer Posts: 28 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow, but we did the big grocery shop tonight for all of the kickstart groceries. Will start in the am.

    eta: I'm 38 and 5'4".

    I'm doing the kickstart too, which meals are you choosing? Are you trying them all or do you have specifics? I've done the yogurt for breakfast, soup for lunch and turkey burgers for dinner. May try the poached eggs tomorrow morning.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    We planned to do them all, pretty much exactly as they're written in the book. However, halfway through day 2, we're both kind of grossed out. It was all I could do to choke down plain yogurt yesterday, and I can't even finish the chef salad today. 2 tbsp of dressing only goes so far with that much green stuff, and I usually love salad. It's like eating a bowl of grass!

    My husband had a cortisone shot at the orthopedic's today and passed out in the office. He's been dizzy and lightheaded all day. I don't think a 200 pound 6'2" guy can sustain a 1200 calorie diet that nets down to 650 cals after exercise. I think going foward this week we will add some calories in, but will stay away from flour, sugar and grains. I don't think the kickstart is helpful if we're so weak and lightheaded that we can't do the work!

    On the positive - we had the steak with tomato salad for dinner last night and it was fantastic. I also really enjoyed the poached eggs, tomato, avocado and canadian bacon this morning. The two salad lunches were not tasty, and plain greek yogurt should just be outlawed. Having the Rosemary Tilapia for dinner tonight... we'll see how that goes!
  • mwbartek
    mwbartek Posts: 21
    Day 3 = cardio but I couldn' t bring myself to get up and do cardio 1 (bleh on cardio 1 & suicides!), so I ran today at lunch instead. How's everyone's week going so far? So far, so good?
  • amhullihen
    amhullihen Posts: 12 Member
    I just started to! I need the support to keep me motivated. I will gladly joina group. :-)
  • amhullihen
    amhullihen Posts: 12 Member
    I have low RHR/Blood pressure too. According to my polar HRM I burn around 200-225 calories. What kind of HRM are you using?
  • amhullihen
    amhullihen Posts: 12 Member
    My stats are 5'4" 148 and size 10. My goal is 135-140 or a size 8!
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    It's a Mio - wrist, not chest strap. I think I'm going to go for the Polar soon, after my husband buys his mountain bike shoes. Incidentally, burned 250 on Cardio 1 this morning, so that's higher, at least! The low burn makes me mad because I feel like it's telling me I'm phoning it in, and I'm really not. Hmmm.

    Other than that, things are good here. Added in some calories yesterday and I feel waaaaaay better today. Was super sore when I crawled out of bed to do Cardio, but throughout the day the soreness has really decreased. Only felt the need for my first cup of coffee of the day and have been relatively energetic. Yesterday I was very sluggish. My husband has lost over 4 pounds, I've lost over 2 (since starting the kickstart on Monday). We aren't doing cardio tonight - it's our run night. W2D2 of couch to 5 k. Which will definitely be a higher calorie burn!

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • amhullihen
    amhullihen Posts: 12 Member
    It's a Mio - wrist, not chest strap. I think I'm going to go for the Polar soon, after my husband buys his mountain bike shoes. Incidentally, burned 250 on Cardio 1 this morning, so that's higher, at least! The low burn makes me mad because I feel like it's telling me I'm phoning it in, and I'm really not. Hmmm.

    Other than that, things are good here. Added in some calories yesterday and I feel waaaaaay better today. Was super sore when I crawled out of bed to do Cardio, but throughout the day the soreness has really decreased. Only felt the need for my first cup of coffee of the day and have been relatively energetic. Yesterday I was very sluggish. My husband has lost over 4 pounds, I've lost over 2 (since starting the kickstart on Monday). We aren't doing cardio tonight - it's our run night. W2D2 of couch to 5 k. Which will definitely be a higher calorie burn!

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    Good job on the kick start! Its exciting to see results right off the bat. :-)

    I have tried both the wrist HRM and the chest strap HRM. I think my chest strap works better. My HR changes so much during a workout that I need something that is continuously reading it. Thats my opinion anyway :-). I'm running to! I'm using the runkeeper app on my phone to train for my first half marathon. Since I will be running 4 days a week I think Im going to skip jillians cardio altogether.
  • barb_32
    barb_32 Posts: 73 Member
    I'll join in I just began on Monday, today was my day 3 of phase one.
  • amhullihen
    amhullihen Posts: 12 Member
    Just finished WO2 of week 2. I thought I would try the advanced moves this time. I think I pulled a butt muscle doing it lol. Note to self- don't try to push so hard at the beginning. :tongue: :wink:
  • mwbartek
    mwbartek Posts: 21
    I started work out 5 today and was dying! Was it that much harder than phase 1, or was it due to the break over the long holiday weekend? So far I have been doing my own cardio but am going to check out JM cardio 2 this week. I have actually GAINED weight, but have lost over 6 inches since starting, so I'm trying to focus on that fact and not the devilish scale. How is everyone else doing? Did you make it through phase 1 and start phase 2 yet?
  • SJackson50
    SJackson50 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm on Phase II and so far, so good. Although this is my third round and should be easy, I've upped the weights from the last time. It REALLY makes a difference in the effort required.

    Hope everyone is doing well!