Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Graduates!



  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
  • mdruif
    mdruif Posts: 13 Member
    I started Body Revolution in November 2012. I weighed 226 lbs when I started. I now weigh 184 and I am doing round two of Body Revolution. I do not follow the meal plan exactly. I will make my own variations of meals within the meal plan. I am eating between 1200 to 1550 calories daily and making smart choices. I also do elliptical trainer for a half hour everyday. My goal is to get down to 150lbs for now.
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Wow, that's a great result :) Keep it up!
    I started Body Revolution in November 2012. I weighed 226 lbs when I started. I now weigh 184 and I am doing round two of Body Revolution. I do not follow the meal plan exactly. I will make my own variations of meals within the meal plan. I am eating between 1200 to 1550 calories daily and making smart choices. I also do elliptical trainer for a half hour everyday. My goal is to get down to 150lbs for now.
  • Ok trying pics again. Look 3 posts up for the stats. In the pics I'm wearing the exact same clothes in the beginning pics form march to the end pictures in June.




    I followed the diet to a "t" and did the kickstart week, but not the 2 workouts a day in the kickstart week.

    WOW, WOW, WOW.....did I say WOW!! Holy cow
  • Zeppyb
    Zeppyb Posts: 71 Member
    I just completed Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and am really happy with the results. I started at 148 lbs and lost 14.8 lbs and a total of 21.25 inches. I did the Kickstart week but did not follow her meal plan at all. I started at around 1200 calories, but after the first month, I increased to 1400. I did extra running 4-5 days a week during the first 2 months of the program and would try to get in walks as well. I ate back some of my exercise calories on most days, but not all of my exercise calories. I cut out soda. Maybe had 2 during the whole program as a treat. I cut out alcohol during kickstart, but had a few (maybe 1-2 a week) after kickstart was over. I tried to lower my carbs to 40% which is even really hard for me and increase protein to 30%, fat to 30% and just make healthier choices, but I definitely had a meals that were not all that healthy and splurged a few times. This was the first exercise program I have ever done and so proud that I completed the 90 days, never missing a workout and stayed within my calorie goal 90% of the time.

  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I just completed Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and am really happy with the results. I started at 148 lbs and lost 14.8 lbs and a total of 21.25 inches. I

    Wow, great results! You can totally tell in your midsection :)
  • Ok trying pics again. Look 3 posts up for the stats. In the pics I'm wearing the exact same clothes in the beginning pics form march to the end pictures in June.




    I followed the diet to a "t" and did the kickstart week, but not the 2 workouts a day in the kickstart week.

    Amazing results! I won't be following her diet or Kickstart but hope to have results close to yours.

    Congrats.... Just the push I need to start!!!
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    What an inspiration to see these results and photos. Everyone should be VERY proud of their hard work. So many inches and pounds It will help keep me focused when I get the workout soon. I don't think I will follow the diet but I am trying to keep it at 1200 now, might get some food ideas, etc. though.
  • sgaindx
    sgaindx Posts: 19 Member
    my pic is too big :( gotta right click and 'view image'

    Wow you look amazing, good job!!!
  • mayday1969
    mayday1969 Posts: 123 Member
    Glad to inspire! Its a great program!
  • cmh7770
    cmh7770 Posts: 31 Member
    Try actually following the eating plan. I lost 15 lbs in my first month and a half doing that. This plan has the exact correct amounts of fats, carbs and protein, etc. Give it a try...what have u got tolose?
  • cmh7770
    cmh7770 Posts: 31 Member
    Does anyone know how many average calories Jillian's 30 minute body revolution workouts burn? Not sure how to add them in
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Does anyone know how many average calories Jillian's 30 minute body revolution workouts burn? Not sure how to add them in

    I use MPF estimate:

    Workouts 1 - 12 = Circuit training, general
    Cardio 1,2,3 = Aerobics (low impact, general, high impact)

    Then you can adjust the cal burned depending on how hard you worked out...
  • daynaranae
    daynaranae Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! Some great inspiration here!
  • kodji67
    kodji67 Posts: 41 Member
    All of your results have been very inspirational to me! Anyone else want to share? :)
  • For later!
  • snowflakeln99
    snowflakeln99 Posts: 54 Member
    Love all the inspiration to keep going! I'm in week 1 (almost done!) and have been following her diet about 70% of the time. Having success! :)
  • nikaki77
    nikaki77 Posts: 7 Member
    AMAZING RESULTS! what an inspiration....I'm getting ready to shed that baby weight starting monday...i've been studying and planning how I will get up at 5.30 to be able to make it to work by 7.30 the first week....bummer....
  • nikaki77
    nikaki77 Posts: 7 Member
    Great job!!! Yes you do look amazing, much more toned and stronger! I am on week 9 and after reading the reviews of workouts 9 & 10 a few weeks ago, I have decided to do them for 3 weeks. I do feel stronger and my clothes fit better, I have gone down a size, but I am just not seeing great results on the scale or measurements. I do love the feeling after finishing a workout though, they are awesome!

    I'm totally with you. I just did my workout 8 today, and I lost only 2 lbs and couple of cm since the beginning. My clothes fit better as well and friends and family commented that I look thiner and more toned. However, I don't see much of a result.

    This makes me sad that you both didn't see much as in the form of results. Did you have a lot to lose or you just looking to drop a few? I'm wondering if that is the difference.

    I am just finished with my first month and don't see much in inches or weight loss. I wonder if it really doesn't do much for fat burning

    SOrry bout that....I think maybe if you count your calories to stay around 1200 as she suggests this will help....she says dieting is 70% of the result anyway...
  • kentrosaurous
    kentrosaurous Posts: 11 Member
    neurochamp wrote: »
    OK, so I'm finally getting around to posting my stats. As I said earlier, I haven't seen much weight loss over this program, and at the end I'm slightly disappointed at how little change I'm seeing in measurements and all that, considering how much hard work this program took. Anyway....

    Stats [start / finish (change)]:

    Weight (lbs): 155.4 / 155.8 (+0.4)

    Bust (in): 40.0 / 39.0 (-1.0)
    Waist (in): 32.5 / 31.0 (-1.5)
    Hips (in): 42.0 / 40.5 (-1.5)
    Upper arm (in): 12.0 / 12.0 (same)
    Upper leg (in): 24.5 / 23.5 (-1.0)

    Pics (top are @ start, bottom are @ end):

    Edit to add: halfway through the program I was up to 161lb, so I am happy that I'm at least back down to the weight that I started at.

    I think u can still see the difference in ur mid section !!