Daily Check In



  • lovingmyreflection
    I completed Level 1 Day 3 today! I was far less sore when I woke up this morning than I was yesterday! The exercises are beginning to get a tiny bit easier, and I have lost 1 pound since I started on monday!
  • Metallux
    Metallux Posts: 117 Member
    level 1 day 3 done.

    felt pretty good endorphin rush for a couple hours, but now I'm really bushed. I might need to eat back my calories while doing this.
  • cadjin
    cadjin Posts: 39 Member
    Day 3 done, I found it to be the hardest one yet, probably as I was really burning from day 2 still and my arms felt like dead weights all day. still got though it and only stopped twice so pleased with that. push up's causing problems with carpal tunnel but with a big modification (I am doing them on my elbows!) I can at least keep with the programme.
    My legs are burned out right now and getting up the stairs is a nightmare! looking forward to day 4 though as long as I can walk in the morning.
    Finding the motivation of all of you a huge inspiration to me as well so thanks your stopping me from going insane!
  • myrealname
    myrealname Posts: 90 Member
    Level 1 day 3 today. I think I must be tired because I felt bushed today doing it.
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    Day 3 done. Not as tired. My arms aren't as shakey, granted I had to plank during the second set of pushups and I did more crunches instead of lateral lunges with arm raises because I didn't want to push my strained muscle too much (although it feels better now that I've worked out than it did before). Hitting the gym in the morning to try to get back to burning my 700+ calories daily; since I started 30DS I haven't been burning very much because I haven't been doing anything but it.

    Looking foward to day 4 & 5 (day 5 happens to be my weight day :sad: )
  • vickiheard1
    vickiheard1 Posts: 5 Member
    Day 6 completed. Also did Day 1 of wk 2 of the C25k prog. Hoping after tomorrow(last day of school-I'm a teacher) I will be able to get it in earlier because I don't like this evening excersise crap! lol
  • jlcarcajc4
    jlcarcajc4 Posts: 71 Member
    Well I got day 3 done! Side lunges with arm raises still tough! But I refuse to give up!! :tongue:
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    I started Day 3 in the afternoon but had already been to the gym and couldn't hang due to exhaustion so I did it after I got home from work at midnight. Therefore I technically didn't do Day 3 on Day 3 but I'm going to do Day 4 later today so I'll be caught up. 30DS twice in one day should be fun and top it off with a dentist visit and a possible tooth extraction...I'm in for a fun Thursday.:sad:
  • Kphenderson
    Kphenderson Posts: 60 Member
    Day 3 done, I'm glad this group is around for me to check in. I feel like I have to do it and check in each day! 27 more days!
  • bpalferys
    bpalferys Posts: 45
    4th day, 3rd workout today!
    My muscles were way too sore to do anything yesterday. Had to listen to my body and avoid the shred and my usual taekwondo session :( Jumped back on it this morning though. Still can't do the full time of press ups which is annoying me!

    Loving the crunches, really feel like my tummy is doing some work now. I did 40 crunches yesterday night before bed even though I didn't do the full shred.
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    level 1 day 4 done :smile: :smile: used heavier weights for a couple of things so no doubt ill feel that tommorow but i can go back down to the lower ones again seems to be getting a bit easier ( im scared to say that cause soon its on to level 2 and that will be a killer !! ) glad that we are all sticking to this and encouraging each other its really keeping me motivated thanks guys :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Had to skip yesterday because the baby was super fussy. So today will be level 1, day 3 for me later on tonight after my son's t-ball practice.
  • gibsonrv
    gibsonrv Posts: 28
    I have my final level one workout tonight, then its on to level 2 tomorrow! i had a quick look at level 2 the other night and i think i can handle it, ive found my energy levels and strength levels have increased quite a lot and i can notice quite a big visible change in the mirror! unfortunatly i cant post my pics as i only have an iphone and ipad and cant work out how to do it from those devices....if anyone knows please share?

    also im down 4lbs so far! 9 days in :-)

    well done to everyone who is giving it a go! i find if i just get in, get changed, put the dvd on and do it then its over before ive had time to think about how much id rather just sit in front of the tv!
  • Metallux
    Metallux Posts: 117 Member
    level 1 day 4 done!

    I woke up much less sore today. so I upped my levels on everything and I added cans of beans as my weights for the first time today==lol. was very sweaty.

    I really gave it my all on the bicycle crunches.....my husband commented that he is already seeing a little definition in my stomach!!! so happy.

    also yesterday I think my calories dipped too low due to this routine because I got super tired, depressed, and moody. I made an extra big oatmeal and flax seed to eat after work out today. I think releasing weight may be happening, and it seems to be making me extremely moody.

    keep it up everyone!
  • natski_83
    natski_83 Posts: 14 Member
    I did day 3 last night, loved it, but I have no developed an injury. About 2 hours after completing the level, I went to stand and couldn't put any weight on my left foot. I tried stretching it out, ice and heat and this morning, still can't. There is a little swelling at the toes and the ball of my foot has a noticeable muscle bulge when I walk. Heading to the doctor this morning (ah thank you, Canadian health care) so we'll see.

    Things like this are frustrating when you finally get into doing activity.
  • bpalferys
    bpalferys Posts: 45
    I really gave it my all on the bicycle crunches.....my husband commented that he is already seeing a little definition in my stomach!!! so happy.

    Loving the bicycle crunches! The combination of crunches is excellent, as my tummy is my worst part. I tend to go easier on my legs because they're fine but those crunches... haha I always end up lying there afterwards just breathing the pain out!
  • lovingmyreflection
    I completed Level 1 Day 4 today and kicked up the intensity a bit. I tried to do less of the modified moves and when I start the Day 6 of Level 1 I'm going to try to completely stop doing the modified moves, with the exception of the push ups.

    I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but I am having a hard time reaching my daily protein goal without going over in calorie!
  • megge6537
    megge6537 Posts: 10
    Level 1, Day 3 completed last night. Took a rest day between Day 2 & 3 because I felt like I was too sore to be able to do a proper workout -- went for a hard run instead.

    The third day seemed a bit easier. I could do almost all of the moves straight through without stopping. Still doing knee-pushups & need to drop some of the weights for the arm raises in the last section. I either alternate arms, or I hold one dumbbell in both hands for 1/2 the weight (5lb dumbbells are the smallest I have)

    I'm finding that the intensity of the workout really rev's me up when I do it in the evening & then I can't fall asleep at my normal time.
    Maybe I need to switch to doing it in the morning as a way to get energized for the day!

    I'm travelling next week & intend to keep this going while I'm on the road. I found a phone app which will lead me through the exercises when I don't have DVD or youtube -- what should I use in my hotel room in place of weights (equiv to 5lbs?). Anyone try these moves with a resistance band?
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    I completed Level 1 Day 4 today and kicked up the intensity a bit. I tried to do less of the modified moves and when I start the Day 6 of Level 1 I'm going to try to completely stop doing the modified moves, with the exception of the push ups.

    I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but I am having a hard time reaching my daily protein goal without going over in calorie!

    I can't view your food diary so I don't know what your calorie goals are. I do protein bars/powders in almond milk. Before my pregnancy, I had shed about 15 lbs by upping my protein with these methods, as well as chicken breasts and fish filets. Instead of snacking on veggies, I would snack on chicken breasts or egg whites. The protein powders really helped.
  • everlastingfernweh
    everlastingfernweh Posts: 8 Member
    Did Level 1, Day 3 last night... the jumping jacks nearly killed me (I have knee issues) so I did what I could and jogged in place for some of it. It's getting a little easier and I can actually walk normally today. Looking forward to day 4 tonight!