

  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Do you track them in MFP?
  • bear_28
    bear_28 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Proton! I'm still at it and I have 8 workout days left! Overall, I have gained 2-4 pounds but my measurements have stayed the same except for losing .5 inch on my belly button waistline and .5 inch on my thigh. So I guess that means that I have replaced fat with muscle and is why I weigh more. All my clothes still fit basically the same.

    Ain't gonna lie though, can't wait to be done :)

    This ^^. I'm 6 workouts away from finishing the program. I gained 2 lbs. Lost .5 inch off my waist. Clothes the same. BUT my body fat % is 29%. Shouldn't I be losing something that's at least a whole number?! (math nerd,LOL). I'm trying not to be disheartened about it but it still sucks. I'm working my *kitten* off and watching what I eat but the results are miniscule. sigh. :grumble:

    I'm still pushing through though. I'm thisclose to the end, I'm not about to give up. Maybe I need more weight training than cardio? I'm thinking of doing Chalean extreme after a week of rest. Any inputs? Thanks y'all!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Good job on almost crossing the finish line! Keep digging deep. Don't get discouraged though because this is a lifestyle not a one-time get slim quick scheme. It's more important to learn and adopt a healthy lifestyle than anything else. But it doesn't mean that you can lose some serious weight and fat. Like many of us have mentioned before, diet and nutrition contribute to at least 80% of the result. Also, did you know your heart rate when you were working out? Keeping your HR in the zone is a must to achieve maximum result.

    Chalean extreme is great! It incorporates more weight training than Turbo Fire. Muscles burn additional calories because the body need more calorie to maintain them.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    yeah i tracked it on MFP. I entered it as dominos pizza, figured that would be close enough.

    my little plan of treating myself everyday to foods i like that are my 'trigger' foods isn't going so well... meaning i'm eating them and then going buck wild and pigging out. some piggouts i'm logging, some not.

    but... i'm sticking to the plan. probably not doing a treat today because i'm literally still stuffed from yesterday. just want to make my protein quota for the day.

    really this is just more evidence that the problem i'm trying to deal with exists. I don't want to be the guy that says 'oh i can't have any because if i eat it i can't control myself'. so some stumbles along the way are to be expected.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    LOL... yeah that's just life :) I've been going to golden corral for lunch at least once a week mainly to hit my protein target. In the beginning I only get the meat and stuff but as of late I've been adding half a slice of cake too LOL. I still track them though. Luckily I ate them for lunch so I can scale back my afternoon snack and dinner just so I don't go over my calorie and macro budgets. It works out pretty good so far.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Happy Wednesday team!! Yesterday was my week 6 day 2 workout. I did Insanity power cardio and resistance and it was quite a workout! I have been doing the shorter "fast and furious" workout since I started this round of hybrid so yesterday was the first time in weeks that I did a full Insanity workout. I was able to keep up with most of the moves without extra breaks like I used to. My heart rate went up to 189 on a few occasions -- especially after the power jumps. I had to take a break there and slow down because that was pretty much my max heart rate! When I weigh in this morning, I dropped about 2 lbs since my last weigh in last week. At 5'10" and 152 lbs, many think that the number appears to be skinny but I know I still have 1-2% of body fat to drop to get completely ripped. I've no doubt that by the end of this round of hybrid, I can get there!

    Keep pushing play y'all!!

  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Yesterday I was really sick. The fever and the sore throat got escalated. I was in bed since early evening. I didn't have any chill or additional body aches so I don't think it's flu but I was pretty uncomfortable.

    I'm feeling a bit better today but the fever is still there. I'm drinking plenty of fluids and hopefully this will pass soon.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I felt better yesterday and didnt have to take any pain killers. It worked out great since i was driving my family to Houston for a gathering. We were staying at a hotel so I checked out the hotel gym last night. They didn't have any weights equipments but had bunch of treadmill machines. So I ended up running for 30 mins at 6mph. I'm not a runner. Never was. I hated running because it had always hurt my knees and I couldn't breath well. The last time I ran for more than 10 minutes was last year - before I started this journey. I had so much problem catching my breath and I had to stop after 10+ minutes because I thought I was having a heart attack. Lol.

    Last night though was a different story. I was like a completely different person. My breathing was smooth, my knees and thighs never once locked up on me. I was looking for the "breaking point" at around the 15 minute point which never happened:) I was actually enjoying it. I think I'm going to start running more and maybe do a half marathon by the end of the year.

    I'm driving back to Dallas this evening. You know I'll be going straight for my dumbbells after missing workout for 3 days! Time to bring it!!!

    Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend and don't let the holiday feasts (or not) ruin your effort :)
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    Hey all, I know I haven't posted here in a while but I was sticking to the program up till yesterday. And now I have to say, I have given Insanity my best shot but the time has come to reconsider doing it at all. Ended up injuring my lower back badly, can barely walk. Need to heal up and maybe back to p90x for a while and focus on back strength before I try it again. It was great till I hit the second month. My mind was writing checks my body couldn't cash. I know I can do it but I just wasn't ready for it I guess.

    I think my form is poor in plank and when I was doing the suicide drills (i think that was what it was called) I must have hyper extended. I think I need to focus harder on my core strength at this point.

    First I need to heal up of course.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @falena - Yes, you need to heal up first. I actually hurt my lower back doing kenpoX a while ago so I understand the frustration. And yeah go figure why a program as mild as KenpoX would injure my lower back LOL. I think I didn't warm up and stretch enough that day. That's why warming up and stretching is extremely important. Even if we don't have the perfect form, with stretching we're less prone to injuries. Lessons learned for sure.

    So did you get any result from insanity at all?
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    3 lbs off, have not measured yet. Will when I heal up lol.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    That's pretty good! What's your starting weight?
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I was planning on running yesterday but it was raining so I ended up doing Insanity fast and furious. Since it was only 20+ minutes and that I've done it a few times before, I tried to really match the reps that the folks did in the video. For the most part I'm on par with them and maybe did a few more in some but power jumps still kicked my butt. I was aiming for not taking breaks during the power jumps but next thing I know I was taking breaks whenever they did the same LOL.

    Today is biceps and back and ARX. Can't wait to get home to hammer it out!

    BRING IT!!

  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Yesterday I did fast and furious. Nothing fancy there, just good old max interval. I like how it got my heart rate up pretty much the whole time! I went to help my sister ,ove earlier. She didnt have a lot of stuff and thats why we had to stop by and picked up quite a few furnitures from the stores. A bunch of loading and unloading.. Took like 6 hours or so. Wish we had more help but i kind of liked it as nothing was too heavy for me ;) Today is legs and back and arx!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Happy Wednesday team!

    Last night I did Fast n Furious and went for a run afterward. It was a bit warm here in Dallas but I managed to run for about 25 minutes at 6mph. I came across an app called Runtastic which I've now installed on my phone. Didn't get a chance to experiment it yesterday but it appears that it tracks the route, distance and speed in real time. Have you guys had any experience with apps like this?
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    I use runtastic, really like it, syncs to MFP as well so automatically updates your run time/calories burned.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @lyndabyh - That sounds cool. So do you have preset the route that you're going to run?
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    No the GPS tracks it for you and then you can look at the map and it shows you where you were fastest, where you slowed down etc. Then it gives you total distance, average speed and calories burnt. That's on the free app. It lets you know when you hit 1 km ( Canada and your time for doing so and then again at 2 km. Probably can do in miles as well. If you upgrade ( I haven't bothered) it will give you voice over at every km ( not just to 2).

    You can also listen to music at the same time and it just mutes your song while its talking.

    And 6mph wow your fast, I jog like a snail. Just hit my first 5 km of running the entire time. Going to work on speed next.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Wow that sounds pretty fancy. I'm for sure going to try it out. You know there are just so many apps for running and it's overwhelming to try them all out :) Thanks for the tips!

    I thought 6 mph was pretty slow LOL.. my friends are normally doing 8 mph and they called me slow!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Good morning!! Yesterday was fast and furious for me again. I've been doing it twice a week as my cardio routine of choice. As my BF% is hovering around 7%, I thought I could cut back on my cardio and focus more on weight to gain or at least condition the muscles. This is a very SLOW way to getting cut and ripped as I've noticed myself. But on the other hand, since my BF% is rather low or close to my goal, I don't want to end up losing much muscles due to the calorie deficit that I'm having. It's slow but I'm still seeing result. My advice for you all is: if your body fat% is not below 10% and if you're still not seeing the abs, stay on a fat shredder diet with calorie deficit. It will work!
