Things your parents didn't tell you about turning 40



  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I quit plucking chin hairs. I use an electric trimmer now. Easier.

    I find that I am a lot less willing to keep my mouth shut than I used to be. I'm more supportive of ME, instead of being Nancy Nice all the time.

    Yep! I tell it like it is as well!
  • shanniepk
    shanniepk Posts: 98 Member
    They never told me...
    about the leaking pee thing (have to really watch water intake before running, jumping jacks, etc.)
    that I would grow hair on my big toes (thank God it's blonde)
    yes, the eyesight thing (but I'm still in denial at 43)
    that I would be in the best shape of my life
    that I would have more energy than ever before
    that I would start buying shorter heels (comfort matters much more now)
    about wrinkling knees and elbows and arms when they are bent
    that I would get more sentimental about everything
    that I just thank God I am not 50 yet....
    Ha, ha, ha
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    That I could rebuild my life, even at 48.
  • RichMzD
    RichMzD Posts: 9 Member
    My parents never told me anything about turning 40 but now that I think back on when they were 40ish I remember these lovely things that they went through and I see that it is happening to me now:

    The groaning or moaning when trying to sit or getting up
    Plucking gray hairs with my tweezer (I stopped because of the feawr of getting bald spots from plucking it all ! LMBO)
    Using lotion on my hands so that they don't look so old and cracky
    Inability to sit on my knees for a long period of time and then trying to get up
    Anxiety Attacks
    Blurred Vision
    Memory Loss

    All in all, such is life. I don't complain about getting old, it doesn't bother me as much other than the weight that I keep gaining as I get older - that's ridiculous !
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
  • Walking2Lose
    Walking2Lose Posts: 69 Member
    I turned 41 a couple months ago. I work at an eye doctors office so I've noticed since I've been there that my eyes have gotten worse. My doctor always told me before I turned 40 that I should lose the last bit of weight that I want to lose before I turn 40 because it will take much longer to lose once you are in your 40s and she was speaking from experience as she is a good 5-10 yrs older than I am. Unfortunately for me I wasn't ready to lose weight when I was in my late 30s, in fact I only gained this extra 10 pounds within the last 6-9 months.

    One thing that I notice that is different. I don't have as much energy as I used to and when I workout with Leslie Dvds or any workout really I don't feel like I have worked out, feel all stiff and not loose and I workout every day for the most part. It could be my eating habits and other things too..but I know I didn't feel like this 10 yrs ago LOL

    Gotta love being 40 LOL
  • clairecas138
    I am 40 in August and determined to get in shape. Most of my friends are younger than me and so don't have the grey hair etc. I am not willing to give in to the grey and will continue to colour it for as long as I can. I have worn glasses since I was 14 so not much I can do about that. I am hoping to loose my muffin top and look better in my 40's than I did in my 30's. So bring it on!
  • Ccampbell21
    Ccampbell21 Posts: 62 Member
    I will be 49 in August and hope that this last year in my 40's will be the best of the decade. I have gone back to school and changed careers (just graduated this month!) and will be looking for a job soon so I have started over this decade but my weight and health are of concern now. I just want to be the best I can for the future. I giggled when I read these posts because I thought I was alone in some of these things (bifocals, grey hair, hot flashes, etc.)!! The weight loss thing is scary but I am determined to lose fifty by fifty. I figure if I can go to school and succeed at this age then I should have enough motivation to make it through fifty pounds!
  • jacryan352
    jacryan352 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello There Everyone,

    My favorite thing my Mom always said is age is just a number. I'm 45 and have been overweight for years now. I'm slowly getting back on track. The thing Mom never told me was how difficult it is to take care of yourself when you are in between taking care of your kids and your parents along with yourself. :)

    Gotta love it. But I figure if I can do this, I can do anything!

    Looking forward to a lighter self!
  • khoff170
    khoff170 Posts: 19
    That my mind would think I'm still 20... but my body would vehemently argue!!! :laugh:
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I got my first progressive lenses recently and actually welcomed them with open arms.

    I just hate my joints freezing up after sitting in one position for a while.
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    I was raised to think 40 is still very young. My mom felt that even her 50's and 60's have been the happiest of times. So far, we are both blessed with excellent health.
    however.....weird periods, sore knees, dry skin. All reality!
  • runningonmargaritas
    runningonmargaritas Posts: 69 Member
    SLOW weight used to come off so easily and now I have to work twice as hard for the scale and inches to move.

    Weird aches and pains.

    I am now one of those people who has to hold the paper away while reading.....sigh.
  • pjp1125
    pjp1125 Posts: 313
    I'm stronger and in better shape at 42 than I was at 22. That being said- I cannot see in low light. I had to actually buy a backlit remote for my tv. Recovery time takes longer, and little nagging pains are a way of life. I am still 18 in my head.
  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    That it's the best decade of your life! So many things become clear, despite the changes in body, moods etc. I still have kids in the house, a sexy hubby, a full time job, I run in the mornings, bike to work, ski in the winter and rock out at concerts whenever I can with my girlfriends. Life is good! I refuse to change any of that no matter how old I get. Bring it on, 40's!